WWE Raw LD Is Fighting the Power on 5/10

i see show costing Miz & Jericho the titles and they in turn cost him his title match...or Miz & Jericho could just win the titles :)
2 things.

1. I love how WWE seemingly is ending the guest hosts as soon as TNA moves back to thursday.

2. Over the limit is setting up to be pretty good so far. But Edge/Orton while something I have wanted for years seems a tad rushed for me. But it has been fun for me none the less.

I may just get this PPV.
Wait so why is Flava Flav still around?

They never said they were being rid of hosts, just that hosts wouldn't have any authority hence forth.

Meatloaf was random. I tried so hard to explain it away as rational, but he took quite possibly the worst looking RKO I've ever seen. I get why it was done, it was just done wrong.
The guest host thing will be better now. It was stupid listening to race car drivers make title matches for ppv when they didn't even know guy's names. Now they can plug whatever their doing, do a comedy segment, hopefully get some ratings, and leave. Much better without "authority."
hope the divas get a match tonight not a dance around flava as their only segment

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