WWE Raw LD Is Fighting the Power on 5/10

I sorta like the Guest Host concept... I liken it to SNL. The cast is always the same and they always have the top billing while the host is there to perhaps draw in different viewers and add to the show here and there.
So DiBiasi pays off the Colons. Even better, I thought Cole said "it wasn't a Green Card." He probably said "greeting card," but I heard Green Card.
So, just started watching Raw on the DVR. Meatloaf is preparing to serenade Randy Orton in the middle of the ring. I would ask "What the fuck?", but I can already see what they're going to be doing here, and that's giving Meatloaf an RKO. I assume Orton will now start RKOing all the guest hosts, doing the Stone Cold rebel-figure role that's been talked about.

Let's see if I'm right!

EDIT: Yep, I'm right. Wow Meatloaf did a terrible job at selling that RKO/Quasi-Stunner.

Wait...no more guest hosts? COULD WE BE SO FUCKING LUCKY?!@
Ok I got Red repped for my last couple comments and I want to apologize to you guys.That's just they way we talk about Flav at my house.I AM black,I'm not a klan member I just REALLY don't like Flav.Sorry about the comments

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