WWE RAW LD 3/28/2011 - On Destiny's Doorstep

Awesome camera angle for Edge when he was on the top rope closest to the camera with the flashes and stuff.

And Christian's pop was nowhere near as big as Edge's unfortunately.
I wonder if Del Rio is part of the Mexican violence currently going on
Christian seems to be in Edge's corner at WM. At least that's what the graphic implies. Also, Brodus Clay from NXT post season 2 to being involved in the Wrestlemania Main Event. Good work Brodus!
Motherfucking EDGE AND CHRISTIAN REUNION ON RAW?! WWE, damnit, please do what I think you are going to do. Please build to what I think you are building to.
you mean like how Triple H started last week? Or 2 weeks ago when Triple H opened RAW? Or when Miz or Cena did it before?
Why in the name of Holy Fuck are you arguing this?

"Mania is more than just those 2 matches. Yeah they're the 2 biggest but having them open the show every week is stupid.

RAW is in Chicago and they opened with a man from Chicago while at them same time furtering what you yourself called "The 3rd biggest match heading into 'Mania". I really don't see a problem with it and don't know why you do.

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