WWE RAW LD 3/28/2011 - On Destiny's Doorstep

That segment was mediocre in entertainment value, but I think it's something they can really build off of in their match.
The crowd ate that shit up, and so did I. HBK was a great addition. But I wish Taker didn't come out to this song...
I'm not just saying this to be an ass, Taker's exit was AWESOME! He tipped his hat, the lights and music hit, and he left. Fucking amazing.

More or less 30 mins until Cena/Rock/Miz. I'm so excited I might puke.
Went a bit too long.

HBK left because he was humbled by Taker, and couldn't bring himself to say whatever Triple H wanted him to say.
I love that fact that making it seem like nobody has confidence in HHH makes him seem 100 times more threatening to the streak than having him appear dominant would have.
you must not think it's that boring if you still watching it assjack.

Because it's RAW and I regardless of how shit it gets I still watch it. That segment went 20 fucking minutes and all that happened was HHH rambled on then pedigr... oh no wait, he just rambled for 20 minutes. Nice.

I cannot wait for Rocky to come and show these cock jockeys how to deliver Mania hype.

I bring it.
They tried to cram too much in there. Why did they spend the last four weeks doing the same promos and then try to cram all the new material into tonight? Bizarre.
Based on this alone, Trips should not win at Mania (ain't happening anyway). He drained out the promo while Taker brought it back.

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