WWE RAW LD 2/28/2011 - Game Start

And Shawn Michaels is up next. I should get excited, but I just can't. This show has been awful.

We want wrestling clap clap clapclapclap We want wrestling clap clap clapclapclap
Why should the cheer someone who doesn't take the time out of his schedule to come address them in person?

The yaba daba bitch line was good.

Did you really expect him to come back every week from 2 weeks ago till Mania? His job these days is being an actor, you can't always pick up and leave.

And seeing him in person every week would dilute the experience that it will be when he's at Mania
Why does The Rock get all the heat for not being 100% dedicated to the WWE? Fuck, look at Chris Jericho.
Why should the crowd cheer him, when he doesn't even show up in person. The Rock already has movie deal lined up the wazoo. Don't get too carried away....
Eh, damn this. Love seeing the Rock as always but I really don't like him at "his home". He sounds like a mad man cutting an intense promo like that in the middle of a room, anyway this crowd doesn't deserve the Rock to come out so forget that I guess.
I'd give that promo a solid C-. The strong points: He was emotional and yaba daba bitch.

The weak points: Totally hypocritical, rambling, was in front of a green screen and it made the whole thing seem kind of fake, he did it via satellite
Awesome promo here, this is basically The Rock addressing all of the smarks and fans who've bitched about him turning his back on them for Hollywood and he's putting every last one of them in their place.
it was good stuff, but not AWESOME.

He failed to put anyone in their place. When did he explain why he left WWE for 7 years (he didn't 2 weeks ago, nor did he tonite)? He just said that now that he called Cena out 2 weeks ago and Cena replied (with just as good a promo as Rocks was 2 weeks ago, and 10 times better then Rock tonite), Rock got pissed. Rock should say exactly what Cena did to him to piss him off (it wasn't the rap, as he had a beef with him before his first promo). Rock tells us rhetoric about loving us, but as Cena said, Cena proves it, while Rock proves otherwise.

Rock is no better then a fucking politician right now. I hate politicians. Therefore, I guess I hate to say it, but I hate The Rock right now.
The reason that wasn't as intense as the others was we knew it was coming. When he was on Raw two weeks ago it was shocking. When Cena replied, not many of us if any at all expected a rap. This was hyped all night and then it just happened.

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