WWE RAW LD 2/28/2011 - Game Start

What if Cole brings Sin Cara as his wrestler?
How would this make any sense? Sin Cara is going to debut as a face in all liklihood, due to his immense popularity in Mexico, and the fact that he's a more acrobatic wrestler. You can't have two Mexican heels.
I'm starting a campaign, anybody who wants to join.

We're red repping all the people who think Sheamus is being buried tonight. Triple H killing Sheamus was 10 MONTHS IN THE MAKING. Evan Bourne got a rub off THAT not, Sheamus.

You have no rep power, and we are not your personal army.

Fuck off.
I'd like to see people make tombstones for Michael Cole at the WM show, and say "Your mother WISHES she was in her grave for having YOU as her son!" I know that's harsh...but that was pretty cold blooded saying those things towards king, I know its script and all..but...man...the dude's mom had been dead less than a week... :disappointed:
I'm starting a campaign, anybody who wants to join.

We're red repping all the people who think Sheamus is being buried tonight. Triple H killing Sheamus was 10 MONTHS IN THE MAKING. Evan Bourne got a rub off THAT not, Sheamus.

So can we say they are wasting the 10 months rub they gave Sheamus tonight? Bourne did not get a rub at all. He beat a beaten down man. Geehz.

Sounds like they do not have any decent people...its USA that is picking the contestants, NOT WWE. Miss America is a contestant? What the hell, did they ask her how she'd cure the hole in the ozone in order for her to get a spot?? I'd like to see the other people that will make it on there, probably the American Idol cast offs...
You would consider Evan Bourne and Mark Henry the upper-midcard? What wrestling are YOU watching?
Evan Bourne just beat someone who got completely stomped on by HHH. Mark Henry always gets his occasional win over someone bigger than him so he keeps his credibility. Losing to Mark Henry was the final thing straw in his full demotion to upper-midcard.
Something tells me Sin Cara is going to have an identical run in WWE to Ultimo Dragon.
Did WWE taut Ultimo as highly as they are with Mistico? They're making a pretty big deal out of him on the website, he had a press conference and everything.
We've been moving from one big moment to the next with terrific pace tonight, and HBK and The Rock are still left.

WOW WOW WOW! How did the announce table get fixed?
So can we say they are wasting the 10 months rub they gave Sheamus tonight? Bourne did not get a rub at all. He beat a beaten down man. Geehz.

Sheamus got his 2nd WWE championship reign and King of the Ring victory. In a few weeks nobody will remember/care about Evan Bourne catching Sheamus with his pants down.

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