WWE RAW LD 2/28/2011 - Game Start

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play

Time to Play the Game

The secret behind "2.21.11" was finally revealed to be a reemerging Undertaker, who had an intense confrontation with a returning Triple H. The silent staredown between these two iconic Superstars strongly indicated a WrestleMania confrontation.

The Doctor is In

WrestleMania foes John Cena and WWE Champion The Miz captured the WWE Tag Team Titles from Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel on Raw, only to lose them in a rematch moments later when The Awesome One betrayed Cena. All this after Cena dished out an old school battle rap.

Randall, Randall, Randall

After defeating John Morrison, CM Punk warned Randy Orton to keep his distance from himself and The New Nexus. Hardly one to take orders, The Viper instead charged the ring and dropped Punk, who fled to the safety of his arm-banded disciples.

All Hail the King

Following his startling reemergence last Monday to challenge The Undertaker to a momentous clash at WrestleMania, Triple H returns to Raw. What does The Cerebral Assassin have in store for The Phenom and the WWE Universe?

Tonight's RAW's Many Questions

Will The Rock issue a response to Cena?
Will The Miz explain his actions last week?
Will Triple H actually talk tonight?
Will we see the Undertaker on RAW once again?
Will Randy Orton vs. CM Punk finally be made?
Will Michael Cole appear tonight?
Will Sheamus rip Daniel Bryan's head off?
Will the RAW side of the Mania card become any clearer?
And oh so much more
Rock's going to respond to Cena again tonight! Maybe he'll actually be in the arena.
I'm gonna be out until after 10, which is really lame, since most of what I'm really excited for (seeing Morrison and Bryan's plans for Mania unfold) will probably be in the 1st hour. I should be back for the last half hour or so, so I should still see The Rock in whatever capacity he shows up in.

I'm sure I can count on you guys to clue me in as soon as I get here.
Hopefully Triple H gets some mic time this week.

Wow. Can't believe I just said that.
HHH looks like he's either been hitting the gym in between knocking up Steph, or hitting the steroids in between knocking up Vince's little princess... boy looks HUGE last week...his shirt looked like it was struggling to stay on him. His neck was nowhere to be seen, and his head and shoulders were about to put flyers on the milk cartons...
The WWE could've gained some great momentum if they hyped the Rock's return all week and not sunday night. Guess some last minute script writing or something.

HHH looks like he's either been hitting the gym in between knocking up Steph, or hitting the steroids in between knocking up Vince's little princess... boy looks HUGE last week...his shirt looked like it was struggling to stay on him. His neck was nowhere to be seen, and his head and shoulders were about to put flyers on the milk cartons...

Seemed like ever since HHH took like a 4 month vacation in 2005 (when he came back in raw's homecoming episode) he hasn't been as ripped as he was since. The man looked absolutely awesome in 02-05
I'd love for Raw to break its trend of two entertaining segments each week and the rest being shit. Bah humbug
FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK.....To steal Wrestlemania buildup from Miz.

Seriously I can't wait for that title reign to end.
Which you realize means that WWE has a good thing going, right?

Under any other circumstance I'd say yes.

However this ISNT the kind of heat i'd imagine them wanting. I can only speak for myself and the people around me when I say, we're thankful for Triple H/Undertaker, Randy Orton/CM Punk and The Rock when it comes to Wrestlemania 27 this year.

When theres more buzz about Rock/Cena and people are tuning in every week to see that advance then a main event match at the biggest stage of them all, then theres some buildup problems there. Bringing up Miz's title defenses at this point is also a dead-beaten horse at this point as well.

If Rock helps Miz go over Cena at Mania, lol in popular terms, "I'll hurt somebody!".

Just my thoughts.
But it's clear that you don't want to see Miz as champ. So, unless you just stop watching...they have a good thing going with him as champ.
Hey Lita!!! :)

I'm glad to be here on the LDs I took 2 hours off of Homework to join you guys!
But it's clear that you don't want to see Miz as champ. So, unless you just stop watching...they have a good thing going with him as champ.

You know whos not watching? Miz Girl. Joking aside;

I'm not sure if I'll be ordering Mania this year. The card is good, not great. I'm not saying Miz/Cena is going to completely affect my decision, but its a pretty big factor. Miz has made me do a complete 180 on his whole character. I use to enjoy his promos when he was the pup trying to bark over the big dogs. I loved when he'd run down somebody on RAW or give an unnecessary beat down to a jobber. It was a true mark out moment when he won the title.

Now, hes suffering from Jack Swagger syndrome, bad booking here, bad booking there and instantly his credibility in the main event is gone as a main eventer. If he went over Cena no Alex Riley/Rock/Cole he'd be over as the next big thing and has something back up his rambles as being a great champion. Unfortunately WWE has put the writing on the wall for months that theres very little chance of that happening.

So yes I'm saying *I don't want to see him as champion* but its more of a "I can't believe him ever as a credible main eventer" then "Their doing such a good job of making him the cheating heel you want to see get destroyed".
Jack Swagger was a bad Main Eventer because he was bad on the stick. The Miz is good. This reminds me more of Jericho's reign as Undisputed Champ than anything else.

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