WWE Partners with GLAAD in Reaction to Recent Cena comments.

I better start getting offended about how the WWE uses women as pieces of meat for the male audience to drool over. How the divas are never ever seen as valuable to the company for anything except their bodies, which are easily replaceable. And those comments the announcers make about the divas? MUST STOP NOW! I'm so offended!!!

Or, I can see that the divas are completely fine with what they're doing on TV, that it isn't a social message in how the WWE feels women should be treated in the wider society, and that people watching the show realise that.

As for children, the show is PG - that's Parental Guidance, not 'sit and let your child watch whatever shit they want to while offering no guidance in their learning and understanding of those issues'.
Yes it isit makes WWE fun to watch again.

Was that sarcasm? I don't know. If it wasn't, I wouldn't say that it doesn't affect the quality of the programming.

They got to learn somehow. If they don't know from the start then they won't see the hidden humor in it. If they do know already, well they learned to never actually say the word "gay"

I don't know what that means. Must be my weak brain.

It might not effect a kid who can't comprehend what is actually being is being reffered to. And are you calling everyone who doesn't mind this stupid. That's "gay." And idolize is spelt with a z.

Any child above the age of 7 who doesn't know what is being referred to must be really fucking stupid.

I'm British, you moron. And if you want to do spelling, it's affect, not effect. Learn the difference.

There is none.

Good, good. Not grammatically accurate, but I forgive you.

This guy is an ambassador for make a wish foundation. Also he does he helps out with many other charities (Red Cross.) Don't say he doesn't respect people.

I was referring to showing respect to the LGBT community. I admire Cena for all the charity work he does. But if he really respected gay people he wouldn't use homosexuality as an insult.
Because if there's one thing that puts off those hillbilly wrestling fans, it's discrimination against gays. As usual, the WWE knows their audience.
As for children, the show is PG - that's Parental Guidance, not 'sit and let your child watch whatever shit they want to while offering no guidance in their learning and understanding of those issues'.

Why should an organization like GLAAD rely on parents being good parents?

The fact is, GLAAD cannot do anything when it comes to parents properly guiding their children, but they can make an impact on television programming, so why not make that kind of impact since role models on television does affect a lot of kids out there watching?

If WWE wants to be PG, then they simply have to accept the responsibility that comes with that. There should be absolutely no derogatory comments made towards anyone's race or sexuality when your show is geared towards children.
This debate really comes down to morales. It may be just me but I don't think it is who hates when organizations bitch about things you don't care about it. A straight person doesn't care whether there are gay jokes, a gay person would, most people don't see why the hell we should be so extreme in saving whales, (I don't either.) But there will always be those people who find fault in any type of insult.

I was referring to showing respect to the LGBT community. I admire Cena for all the charity work he does. But if he really respected gay people he wouldn't use homosexuality as an insult.

It's simply a character message that he makes. Children cartoons make jokes about groups and you don't here people bitching about that. How can you say that Cena is the only one who should be scrutinized for respect?

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