CM Punk is Allegedly "Homophobic"

And yes some people are too sensitive dman1373. I agree but we still are treated like second class citizens. If they could they would try and take our voting privileges away. Only 5 states can let me get the same benefits of a straight couple. Until the day I can do everything a straight person can we need to fight, even something minor like this. Also kind of a bad example, being born “stupid” is easily fixed. School. Whatever your anger is relax up a little, we have one life to live. Why get super pissed over it? This whole post I was not mad, I just want you guys to see a little explanation. In fact I respect you guys for even talking this much about it.
Peace bros

it just pisses me off when i see a person say something, maybe racist, against gay people, or against a religion and then are forced to say hey i may have said something, but they said i apologize. Thats why I don't like rev. al sharpton. Its bullshit. It doesn't matter if they meant it didn't me it, were forced to say. What ever the reason they said something and have a right to it. And this bullshit is taking away peoples 1st amendment.

But thats not even the half of it. Cm punk called a guy a homo. Thats him just saying that the guy shows metro sexual tendencies. Which in my opinion is not bad. Its like in clerks two when randel talks about porch monkeys, but he didn't mean it racist but as in people that sit on the porch.

heres the video

It just really works me up
I understand but being famous comes with a price, sometimes you have to eat it and make a forced apology. i don't really care for that sort of thing, no one takes it at face value anyway. First amendment rights being taken away, i disagree. i get what you mean but everyone who is a notable figure has to do this. every politician has to do this. i mean would things not be easier if our politician could straight out say something they want, no bs? Its the way our country is and always will be honestly. Plus it could technically be called slander which isn't protected by the First amendment. admittedly not very many people get in trouble for this because it happens all the time, but the point is still there.

Also even if it was meant as metro it was not the same word. Glaad could care less if someone said metro. it doesn't mean the same thing. Again i get it, alot of people say it that way. Metro is more like your so girly for a guy type deal, where homo is someone attracted to the same sex. it is similar in some respects, but just not the same. On a side note personally I've been there looking at people like al sharpton and sometimes thinking to myself really? really? come on now, way out of proportion. So i know sometimes you just gotta roll your eyes. If you think its too much than that is all good, we are entitled feel anyway we want.
Also even if it was meant as metro it was not the same word. Glaad could care less if someone said metro. it doesn't mean the same thing. Again i get it, alot of people say it that way. Metro is more like your so girly for a guy type deal, where homo is someone attracted to the same sex. it is similar in some respects, but just not the same. On a side note personally I've been there looking at people like al sharpton and sometimes thinking to myself really? really? come on now, way out of proportion. So i know sometimes you just gotta roll your eyes. If you think its too much than that is all good, we are entitled feel anyway we want.

what i mean is when homo is usually used or gay for that matter, it is meant to say that you are acting like a stereo typical gay person, meaning metro sexual. Its not like he said anything about his sexual preference. He was commenting on his fo hawk. So i don't personally feel that its bad.
CM Punk apologized, and is seemingly (as I have heard in the forum's) pro gay right's. I understand GLAAD trying to rid the world of homophobic slur's and such, but it's not entirely possible. I seriously think TMZ first and now GLAAD are blowing this way out of proportion.

I'll admit I'm a bit homphobic myself, I have never enjoyed seeing men kissing, or any other things 2 males may do. But, I'm not gonna put them down and call it wrong becuase that's their life and that's how they choose to live it, I'm just not a fan of it. I think GLAAD has to realize is that homophobia is something that doesn't have to mean a person is against gay's and think's it wrong, more than maybe it's not in a straight males interest to see to males, "doing stuff" to eachother.

Just becuase on man call's someone a "homo" doesn't mean his in anti-gay, because in any case maybe the person he was mocking was homosexual,or was dressing in a homosexual matter? I just don't see the reason to be so up in arm's about 1 person saying a "anti-gay slur" as GLAAD put's it. What do they think kid's are gonna go around now calling people "homo's," like they might've been already. GLAAD won't be able to rid the world of homophobia, of homphobic males. What they can do it try to find a way for peace betweeen gay's and straight's without trying to bust people for saying one word he probably didn't mean to say.
I know he meant nothing about his sexual preference, And i do feel its a little worse than you are making it sound. again whatever the case we are allowed to think whatever we want. i just respect how you and i can be civil about it, unlike alot of what I've seen here. agree to disagree and move on.

I absolutely do not recall ever saying anything to the effect that a man who says that sort of word is anti gay. Nor do i think that is the case at all. in fact when alot people who are homophobic meet someone who is gay after a while they see we aren't really that different. Maybe not everyone, but it happens more than you would think. I think its very unfortunate the way you say make peace. we are not at war, nor do any of us want to be. in fact we want to be accepted by straight people. That is the whole reason we have these movements. And a way to end the irrational fear of gay people can be helped tremendously if slurs were not used, regardless of intent. Also you have to admit the way you say something makes it bad. i can say a normal word and with the right inflection make it mean an insult. He may have not meant the exact word, but the intent is there.
oh and another side note choose is an inaccurate word. The only people who "choose" are bi sexuals who want to repress the other side of them. Did you wake up one day and say "hey, i'm going to be attracted to women. that is my choice" no? why would it be different for us? also, why would i want a life where its harder? why would you chose a life that people look down on and try and condemn you. i go to church and hear the problem with gay people. don't you think i would chose to change if i could? please whatever you take away from this do not ever say a choice or lifestyle. its not. plain and simple
CM Punk apologized, and is seemingly (as I have heard in the forum's) pro gay right's. I understand GLAAD trying to rid the world of homophobic slur's and such, but it's not entirely possible. I seriously think TMZ first and now GLAAD are blowing this way out of proportion.

I'll admit I'm a bit homphobic myself, I have never enjoyed seeing men kissing, or any other things 2 males may do. But, I'm not gonna put them down and call it wrong becuase that's their life and that's how they choose to live it, I'm just not a fan of it. I think GLAAD has to realize is that homophobia is something that doesn't have to mean a person is against gay's and think's it wrong, more than maybe it's not in a straight males interest to see to males, "doing stuff" to eachother.

Just becuase on man call's someone a "homo" doesn't mean his in anti-gay, because in any case maybe the person he was mocking was homosexual,or was dressing in a homosexual matter? I just don't see the reason to be so up in arm's about 1 person saying a "anti-gay slur" as GLAAD put's it. What do they think kid's are gonna go around now calling people "homo's," like they might've been already. GLAAD won't be able to rid the world of homophobia, of homphobic males. What they can do it try to find a way for peace betweeen gay's and straight's without trying to bust people for saying one word he probably didn't mean to say.

I think a lot of people are not understanding how this works. CM Punk was trashing a fans look. Hair, Clothes, and other things if I remember correctly and saying that he was a homo. So Punk used a "Gay" slur while incorporating it with belittling someone and that is why there is a huge problem. He is a public figure in a company that is PG belittling a fan and tying it in with the word "Gay". So the worry is kids will see that and say everyone with a fohawk is gay. Or everyone who dresses like those fans are gay.

That is not a society anyone wants to grow up in. People are made fun of every time because of this issue and some take their life. While jaded and cynical wrestling fans may think this is stupid there are young teenagers killing themselves over a very serious issue.
People need to get over it we are to PC.. If anyone watched the real world "The Miz" wasn't to fond of minorities and almost got his ass kicked by Coral (I see a ppv match:)...)

If he doesn't like gay people more power to him, do I think he is a biggot? NO... Yes there are a lot of biggots and racists out there but calling someone a homo doesn't make you one of them.

They are trying to be way to PC these days in the WWE, could you imagine if they cared what people though in the 90's when they where having women kiss mr mcmahons ass, giving birth to hands, talking about sex with a corpse etc.

I see this as nothing more than CM Punk playing his character. Naturally, it was a bad decision for him to spew out that kind of language. But sometimes these guys get so wrapped up in their characters that they get carried away. It's not like this is the first time this has happened before... it's not even the first time it happened this year.

Punk is leaving the WWE, anyway. I don't see how this will affect much of anything.
I agree this D-Man. I think Puck just got caught up in his character and it just slipped out. I'm sure as soon as he said it, he was thinking to him self, "Fuck, I can't believe I just said that"

I think the worse part of this, it that know everyone knows 100%, that Punk isn't resigning. I found it intriguing to think that maybe he would resign, and the WWE was just playing this really well, but after this we all know that not going to happen.

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