Okay, so what it sounds like to me is that someone is upset with Punk saying something homophobic, but when in actuality, many guys say things like that, not because of being homophobic, but that many "men" feel like saying someone is gay disrespects their manhood. I'm not saying it's right, or anything, but that's how life has been for the entire 24 years I've been alive. Just because many gay people are out here and are fighting for rights and everything, that doesn't mean that everyone can drop it on a dime. Wrestling and other sports, like football, are manly sports, and that's how guys talk trash. Many guys, who probably wont be man enough to admit it, have been saying it to their friends forever, not intentionally meaning that their friends are attracted to them, but because it throws off people's game. It's a way to get under someone's skin, to piss them off, like other trash talk is. It's like saying you banged his mom or something else mean like that. Of course it's cheap and dirty, and wrong, but at the same time, that doesn't make him a hypocrite, it makes him an asshole for doing it. It's happening in every sport, even guys like Kobe Bryant use it. It's like using the N-word. For some people its offensive, but to others, it's something that they've been saying their entire life. That doesn't make it right, but it is what it is. And that's a part of life. No one controls a word, or a term, no matter what its used for. You can do stuff about it, and knock someone's ass out if you don't like it, but other than that, there's nothing you can do about it other than cry and complain. Stuff like that is gonna happen. Get over it. And anyone can hate me for this but it's reality. And just because you don't face it like a man, or woman, doesn't mean it'll just go away.
As far as him botching moves, I don't see it. To me, CM Punk is one of the best in the ring, on the mic, and to get people's feelings flowing, both positive and negative. He is a top notch wrestler, and he is entertaining to watch. I'm not a CM Punk mark or anything, but I've been watching this company grow and evolve my entire life, even from before my time, and I can acknowledge that this man, if you like him or not, is one of the top in the business currently, in any company.
Honestly, it just sounds like someone is pissed off about a man's comments about religion and sexuality and wants to downgrade his abilities in order to make his argument sound relevant. Just man up and grow thicker skin, and stop whining when your feelings hurt. Why don't you challenge Punk to a fight? With Twitter and stuff you can do that, if you feel so bold about this. Either that, or stick to watching John Cena and other "safe" guys like that. because the world is a cruel place, and if everyone made a thread about something someone said that hurt they feelings, this whole place would be ran by guys like you, crying "Cm Punk hurt my feelings."