Slyfox696 Finally Gives His True Opinion of CM Punk

Fact: You're an egotistical douchebag. Why do we need a whole thread on your opinion of Punk. Just to pander to your ego? You're allowed not to like CM Punk, but flaunting it just makes you an intention grabbing ******ed troll. I would comment on your views, but since you're a Cena supporter you'll obviously ignore all my main points and tell me how "dedicated" Cena is all day long.
What... The... Actual... Fuck?

Really? Are you being serious? CM Punk draws. CM Punk is a true star. CM Punk is now face. CM Punk is now a challenge to the reign of Cena.

Everyones open to opinion, but...
I can see where Sly is coming from and he does have some very good points. I enjoy CM Punk, I've become a very solid fan of him over the course of the past few years. I think he's one of the best overall guys out there today in any company. But, I do think some are starting to get a little carried away. Yes, the angle Punk's involved in now is great and yes it's great to finally see Punk break on through to that next level and yes I hope he becomes a mega star by the time it's all said and done.

However, Sly brought up points about CM Punk's ability to draw and it's something I touched upon myself. It's true that Punk isn't known as a huge draw and that's going to have to change if he wants to be thought of as a long term main event talent. I know some people don't like the business aspect of wrestling but that's what wrestling is first and foremost and it's foolish to let idealistic fantasies about how things "should" be get in the way of reality. The guys that are big draws; people like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Sting, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, etc. these are examples of wrestlers that went on to become legends and one reason why they're legends is that they've made the companies that they worked for a shitload of money. If you don't make money, then you're not gonna be a main eventer. That's just how it is and whenever a major wrestling company has tried to go against that time honored truth, they've gone belly up.

It's true that the past few episodes of Raw hasn't been stellar in terms of ratings. They haven't been disasters by any stretch, but they're not what Vince was hoping for either. Punk's storyline right now is the big money angle on Raw and if the numbers don't reflect the energy WWE is putting into the angle soon, then it's entirely possible Vince will lose faith in Punk.
Punk being a 5 time World Champion. Winning 7 WWE titles total, and back to back MITB winner. I think that should really kill the argument that Vince has been holding Punk back all those years. I've been reading that a lot. I guess those are just ROH fans that just hate the WWE.
CM Punk would rise at the rock and austin level if WWE stop pushing Cena down people throats. Cena was good a few years ago but now his whole gimmick sucks I think they need to take him out for a while then bring him back as a major heel. He was alot better when he was a heel and that what they need to do for him and do not give him the world or wwe title for a couple of years. At this rate he will have flairs record by next year and that bullshit. Let punk feud with the miz or someone worth fueding with. Save cena for the rock and the rock only
Well, I guess I am the only one who never got in line to get on the bandwagon. Not saying that there are people who legitimately enjoy the guy.. But there is a lot of people who don't take the time to develop their own opinions on certain subjects. A lot of people proclaim that this guy "is the best wrestler" in the WWE. Why is that?

- We had a thread a while back asking if Punk had any memorable matches, and there wasn't much variation in answers. I don't think the whole WWE holding him back from rasstlin' like he did in the indies hold any merit because if he was good he would be able to adjust to the environment, not force the environment to change for him.

- I don't think he is the best guy on the mic. I don't think his voice is strong enough to catch most people's attention. I don't think he has an emotional range outside of "bitter to butthurt." A lot of people prattle on about that promo last month, would it had gotten so much praise if it was.. Say, the Miz? He gave the same "wah wah, no one cares about me" promo almost weekly on Raw last year.. Where was people saying he is the bestest best talker ever?

Long story short: I do think that Punk gets way too much praise just because he is Punk. Because it is Punk doing it, it MUST be good! I know devout Christians aren't that hardcore.
wow thank god Slyfox696 gave us his true opinion, we can live again. Talk about someone full of himself. Can hardly be more pretentious.
CM Punk is imo the best thing about the WWE right now and for a while too, he is the reason I watch raw every week and will order the next PPV and he is the guy who creates the kind of buzz the WWE has not been getting for a while now. What`s my problem about draws or merchandise? I want a quality product, CM Punk is superior to most if not all other wrestlers as far as providing this quality product is concerned, now that`s a fact. And I`m not that CM Punk fan boy you`ll try to make out of me, I never watched ROH, never watches WWE`s version of ECW but when I see a fresh character who literally is a breath of fresh air in comparison to those "big draws" who bore the living hell out of me, I acknowledge it. It is hardly even debatable that CM Punk is the best thing about WWE today.
Great, another CM Punk thread. Where the author gives his opinion on CM Punk. Maybe we can get an admin to move it to one of the other "let me tell you my opinion on CM Punk"
LOL. I know. He refers to himself in 3rd person as if we're supposed to know who he is. WTF. The title alone should warrant a significant drop in his rep.

Funny since the guy who wrote it IS one of the 2 Admin's.. The ignorance of some people.

I have to say, I agreed for the most part. I've always thought Punk was a good wrestler, but not the best. When he did that promo a few weeks ago, I liked it. Was well done, and the WWE really did let him run with the ball, but as Sly said, He can't draw like a Cena or Orton. Punk has been champion what.. 2 other times? 3 maybe? I don't remember much about those title runs besides beating Jeff Hardy, and loosing to the Undertaker. That's about it.
I agree with most of that. Honestly I do agree that ROH Punk isn't as good as WWE Punk. Mic wise ROH Punk still is better but I think that is because he had more freedom back then. In ring work WWE Punk could work circles around ROH Punk.

I don't know if I would say that Punk has been booked well, I would say he hasn't been booked unfairly. He always seems to be put in these feuds that don't seem to get much attention. His Orton feud was amazing and most feel that was the best match on Mania this year. Hardy feud was really good but you could say that was just a repeat of the Raven ROH feud.

I am a Cena (character) H-A-T-E-R, The man himself works HARD outside of the ring and he is by far more passionate then a hollywood actor. I think Punk fans get so upset about hearing anything bad about him because we are just tired of seeing Cena SOOOOOOO much. There was a time where all this hate was for HHH, remember the Triple H effect? Point is that people get tired of seeing the same people all the time. Punk is fresh air into the wrestling buisness. I don't think he will be the next Austin but with time he could be the the next best thing.
I understand people can blow up CM Punk way out of proportion, but we haven't seen a storyline or a wrestler this interesting in a while. Now granted Punk was allowed to "break the fourth wall" and speak his mind compared to others. I was never a CM Punk fan and knew little about him until he turned heel and formed the Straight Edge Society. You could say though that IWC goes overboard on a lot of wrestlers such as Zack Ryder, etc.

I agree with Sly's statements that Punk has received a lot of rewards and accomplishments, and that Punk has yet to be a big draw. I don't agree with the statement that WWE has booked CM Punk very well throughout his career. When Punk first started out he was referred to as a "Paul Heyman Guy" and Vince McMahon along with Kevin Dunn had no idea what to do with him. Heyman wanted to push him in ECW and so did Dave Lagana when he took over for Heyman for ECW. That never came into fruition and competitors like Bobby Lashley and Bob Holly were put ahead of Punk.

It wasn't until a meeting in Houston in 2007 that Shawn Michaels spoke up and said that wrestlers like himself and the Undertaker wouldn't be around forever, and wrestlers like Bob Holly were good but wrestlers like Punk were the future. It wasn't until then that Punk actually received his push winning Money in the Bank and his future World titles. Anyone that wants can read the article by Dave Lagana here:

I think Punk is in the same boat as Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels at the moment as far as drawing ability. Great athletes and Punk could have a HOF career, but he may never be another Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena. etc. when it comes to drawing. I'm excited by this angle even though I think they let the wind out of the sails when it comes to CM Punk returning so soon. I think hindsight is 20/20 when it comes to CM Punk fans being sensitive. We all know there are idiots that make cheap shots at Cena but God forbid anyone respectfully criticizes anything about Cena or says someone out pops him.

Fans just want something new and refreshing. I don't think Punk is a God or the best wrestler ever or anything. I could care less what people say about him. I just don't think it is right for anyone to troll anyone because they like a certain wrestler. Whether that is Cena, Punk, or even Eric Young. I understand if people make stupid statements like Cena sucks cause he knows 5 moves and is PG. Some people will defend a product or a wrestler no matter what, which gets old after time.
This is hardly a new development. CM Punk fans have been riding his jock going all the way back to his ROH days. I remember reading all the time how great the guy was, how wonderful his mic skills were, how the Pepsi Plunge was the greatest move ever, how he was the best ring worker ever, etc. I've heard everything, and the minute you say something which could even be perceived as negative, all the ROH/Punk fans would jump on you like a pack of starving alley cats on a tuna sandwich. Do you call a bunch of starving alley cats a pack? Interesting thought

Well I don't know shit about ROH except that Punk, Bryan and Aries were there. However, I think you can say change the words "CM Punk fans" to "your favorite wrestler" fans and you are going to probably have the same reaction, you know because it is your favorite wrestler. Most people can't be objective.

Anyways, fast forward from the ROH days to present day WWE, nearly a full six years since he left ROH. Six years is a long time, and Punk's had a lot of development in the WWE, learning how to work and improve himself with some of the best minds in the wrestling business. Now, I know this will be hard for Punk fans to understand, but the Punk you see today is an improved version of the ROH one. One thing wrestling fans don't seem to understand about the business is things aren't static. People are constantly improving or regressing, but too many fans will look at CM Punk's success and use that to prove ROH is great. Those fans are idiots. The CM Punk you see today is a WWE CM Punk, not an ROH one. And we can know he's an improved Punk because we can see the work he was putting in early in his WWE career and comparing it to today. Punk has improved under the WWE flag.

I agree to some extent, after all we have seen the grow of a wrestler not only from ROH to WWE, but in this last six years within the WWE. The CM Punk from ECW isn't the same as the Punk "Mr. money in the bank" nor as the straigh edge messiah nor his current persona. Granted, WWE helped him to develop his character but this attribuition is for both Punk and WWE. Plus you say we are seeing today a "WWE CM Punk", I would rather say that today we are seeing a more developped CM Punk.

With that in mind, I'm now going to lecture you Punk fans. Take it from a staunch Cena supporter, you guys HAVE to learn to let things go. There are many times I have seen just completely false postings about Cena and ignore them. I've seen (and continue to see) all sorts of silly nonsense, and I ignore it. Some of you need to do the same thing. Here are the facts, whether people like it or not.

Fact: Punk has never shown himself to be a consistent big draw.
Fact: Punk has been given all sorts of awards and accomplishments.
Fact: Punk has been booked very well by the WWE throughout his career.

Those are facts. If you don't believe me, just go look up Punk's history in the WWE. He debuted in a venue which the WWE knew would give him a massive pop. He started his WWE career with a long winning streak. He won a World title within the first year of being on television. He is now a 5 time World Champion. He has won 7 WWE titles total. He was a back to back Money in the Bank winner and is a Triple Crown winner. According to Wikipedia (for what it's worth) he spent 35 minutes in the 2011 Royal Rumble. He has recently been allowed to speak about things which are “behind the curtain”, which has been a big reason for his recent success, and something no one else has ever been allowed to do (aside from Vince McMahon's son-in-law Triple H, on occasion). His last four feuds have been with Cena, Mysterio, Orton and Big Show, all of which are former World Champions with a lot of credibility, and three of which are the three biggest draws currently in the company. The man has had his support from the WWE.

I agree/don't care with this paragraph except for your last "fact". Look at the feuds with Rey, Show and Orton. In three feuds and probably around 10 matches, Punk had one win. Now I know "winning and losing doesn't mean anything in wrestling" except when you are booked weakly and even as a jobber (it was the case with his feud with Show). I don't say he was buried or something but it wasn't exactly given the chance to be a top heel after Jeff Hardy until his feud with Orton.

Will Punk ever be a big draw? It's hard to say, no one can predict the future. However, the problem Punk has is his size (and his look, but let's just focus on size). American fans want big guys, guys who are larger than life and not someone who looks like a person they might find in their local tavern in a bar fight. If a person were to see John Cena walking down the street, they'd notice how big and strong he looks, and would proceed with caution. Punk doesn't instill that same measure of awe. When you go back and look at the draws in WWE history, the closest you can find to a CM Punk is Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, two guys who were never strong American draws. In fact, HBK headed the WWF at it's worst ever financially. The biggest draws in modern day WWE have been the Cenas, the Batistas, Triple H, the Rock, Austin, Hogan, Andre, etc. The guys who are larger than life, real life superheros. Punk just doesn't have that going for him. Some of you might point out Rey Mysterio, but Rey is a draw for little children and Hispanics, two demographics Punk will likely never attract.

In Punk's favor, the wrestling world seems to be changing. The Internet is causing all sorts of havoc with the business, wrestling seems to have more mainstream acceptance for the business it truly is than ever before, wrestlers are not animals in a ring but rather professionals doing a job, etc. Additionally, the flavor of wrestling has changed from one of a realistic style to one which attempts to capture the ADHD attention of today's TV viewers. In that, Punk has his chance to leave his mark on the business. However, history would tell us it's not a wise bet to make in Vegas.

Like you said, the business is changing and honestly I don't think that if Punk was bigger it would change anything, maybe for VKM since he like big guys. But I believe if someone has charisma a great character, people will like him (cheer him is he is face boo him if he is heel). Look at Austin and Flair, they aren't these steroids monsters, they just are amazing and what they do.
The pure mental illness of some people. Do these people even think when they start posting, or do they just post something just to post something?

When CM Punk came into the WWECW (way better than the original), there was a TON of wrestling fans from other promotions (IWA-MS, ROH, CHIKARA *a little*, OVW and even some in Japan) that were waiting to see that moment. They KNEW who CM Punk was, and the CM Punk that they got was the same one they fell in love with in ROH. Sure, his moves have changed, but as you can see, CM Punk is one of the very few who can adapt to any mold.

CM Punk started as the "Skinny little indy kid" and with the WWE title, he's still that same guy. He's the guy who delivers the same intensity that he did when he was in ROH. He's the same guy who makes his Straight Edge gimmick stand high above that of the normal cookie cutter gimmicks.

Just because a person gets grabbed up by WWE from the indies, that doesn't mean they change to "WWE made" and anyone who thinks that is ******ed. That's like saying Ric Flair in WCW wasn't the same Ric Flair in WWF... Yes, that analogy works. CM Punk of ROH's yester-years is still the CM Punk in the WWE today.

Sure, he's cut his hair, but the guy is the same.
You know what’s funny about Punk is he has something in common with John Cena. There are many loyal supporters of Punk that hate Cena because he’s “shoved down our throats.” They’re tired of seeing Cena on top for so much and want a change. The ironic part is these Punk supporters are doing the same thing on this forum that they criticize WWE for doing on tv. I’ve read so many times about how Punk is the greatest thing since sliced bread that I feel members here are shoving him down my throat.

That’s pretty much the point of this thread. Punk is a fine performer. He can be fun and entertaining. I’m just tired of reading how he’s the greatest thing to ever happen to wrestling. Even if I thought Punk was head and shoulders above anyone else on the WWE roster I would still say he’s overrated on this forum because of the way so many people praise him. It’s easy to see why he’s so beloved here and it’s not because of his ring work. People here feel that Punk represents them. He hit on a couple hot button IWC issues in a promo a few weeks ago and now everyone wants to hang on his every word like its gospel. Some of these fans remind me of the audience during Lois’ speech here.


We have a fun angle going on here. We don’t have a voice for the IWC taking on the evil corporation. You know that creative team that you despise so much? I’m sure they had a big hand in writing Punk’s promo. I have no problem getting caught up in a fun angle and if you want to play kayfabe more power to you. Just keep in mind the reality of it is this angle is a team effort involving Punk, Creative, Vince, and even Cena.

Fact: CM Punk is by far and away the most interesting thing about all of wrestling, today.

...that's enough, right? Do I have to say more? That feels like enough.

I don't think you know what fact means.

your facts are true. still doesn't change the fact that punk IS the greatest thing since the Rock.

You and Foshinzo have something in common.

One more thing; don't you guys find it interesting that after five years it took John Cena to give CM Punk a memorable match? On the other hand Cena's had many memorable matches. Who carried whom? Now please stop shoving Punk down my throat.
I don't get it, why would you make your own thread for your CM Punk opinion? You got the CM Punk thread for it dont you? You're acting like you're better than everyone refusing to post your opinion where everyone else did.

Anyway, I could care less if Punk draws, that's for WWE to care about, I think Punk is, like he says he is, the "hottest property in the wrestling business today", as long as his character is great, he can wrestle, and his mic skills are very good, why should I care if he draws? I don't work for the WWE, I'm just a big fan, I shouldn't care about stuff like that, I enjoy watching CM Punk because he is really making a name for himself, and for the other reasons listed above, he can't draw? That's for WWE and CM Punk himself to care about, not me.
One more thing; don't you guys find it interesting that after five years it took John Cena to give CM Punk a memorable match? On the other hand Cena's had many memorable matches. Who carried whom? Now please stop shoving Punk down my throat.

One wrestler can't carry another to a great match, sure one wrestler can carry another to a good match, but it takes two wrestlers to put on a great match.

Both Cena and Punk were the reason that match at MITB was a memorable match not because either one one carried the other. When two fantastic storytellers come together in the ring it is because of both of them that said match was great.

Cena can absolutely carry certain wrestlers to good matches, we just have to look at his Title match with Kahli to see that, but these matches weren't great, good sure, but definitely not great. The same can be said for Punk who I feel carried John Morrison (he's just no good) to some good matches when they were feuding for the ECW Title a few years ago, certainly not memorable though.

Then of course there's the like of Bryan Danielson, Rey, Christian and even going back a little further HBK, Bret Hart or even Jericho. These wrestlers individually could pull a good match out of almost anyone but put them with another wrestler of the same skill or psychology or storytelling and the level of the match will almost certainly increase. Punk/Orton, Punk/Rey some great matches there. Punk/Big Show not so much.

So to say that Cena carried Punk to a memorable match is not only laughable but it seems it's just a touch foolish.
One more thing; don't you guys find it interesting that after five years it took John Cena to give CM Punk a memorable match? On the other hand Cena's had many memorable matches. Who carried whom? Now please stop shoving Punk down my throat.

I would think that the main event of the second biggest show that the WWE puts on in it's calendar year would be a memorable match. That is what happened when CM Punk wrestled Jeff Hardy for the WWE title in a TLC match at SummerSlam 2009.

Also you come across memorable matches if they are a part of a great feud. Cena has been booked well at the main event level and has therefore participated in more main event level feuds and has therefore had more memorable matches. Punk could be just as good but he hasn't been given half as many opportunities. It is harder for a midcard match to be a memorable match as compared to a main event level match and that is the level at which Punk has wrestled for the majority of his career and is the reason for his lack of memorable matches. And not some lack of talent or whatever else you seem to be implying.
Great thread and completely agree with everything you stated.
Seriously, I enjoy CM Punk, just like you. But it doesn't matter if someone is a big draw as long as they entertain us. Right?

Sure if you like short term entertainment or characters that only last a few months. If you want something or someone to last in the E they have to be marketable. If they cant draw(meaning sell merchandise, putting asses in the seats, or PPV buys because of what they do) then they will not stay in the spotlight. The best they can do is job to the stars and live with it.

Fact: You're an egotistical douchebag. Why do we need a whole thread on your opinion of Punk. Just to pander to your ego? You're allowed not to like CM Punk, but flaunting it just makes you an intention grabbing ******ed troll. I would comment on your views, but since you're a Cena supporter you'll obviously ignore all my main points and tell me how "dedicated" Cena is all day long.

Answer your first question...Because Sly can. But in all actuality if you read the post from begining to end you would see Sly never truelly dogs Punk or sell him down the river. Simple fast is he stated some facts from his past from ROH to present day and reflected upon thise in his own eyes. And your second question...makes me laugh. With no intention obviously on your behalf, you have pandered to Sly's ego, and if he wanted it he got it from you just by asking, but im pretty sure he could give a fuck less. And yes Cena is the most dedicated performer in the E right now, what your point?

What... The... Actual... Fuck?

Really? Are you being serious? CM Punk draws. CM Punk is a true star. CM Punk is now face. CM Punk is now a challenge to the reign of Cena.

Everyones open to opinion, but...

How blatently cryptic can you be? Just because he sold out of his new shirt in one night (in his hometown for chist sake) does not mean he can draw over an extended period of time. Yes Punk is a star..... we all know this already. He's not a face, and if you believe that you know nothing about wrestling. The only challenge Cena has to his "reign" is the Rock.

CM Punk would rise at the rock and austin level if WWE stop pushing Cena down people throats. Cena was good a few years ago but now his whole gimmick sucks I think they need to take him out for a while then bring him back as a major heel. He was alot better when he was a heel and that what they need to do for him and do not give him the world or wwe title for a couple of years. At this rate he will have flairs record by next year and that bullshit. Let punk feud with the miz or someone worth fueding with. Save cena for the rock and the rock only

Yes lets take the biggest draw off of TV for 7 to 8 months(even 5 to 6 just for the Road to WM) and then bring him back. Vince wants better ratings not worse. And its Cena's fault that Punk has been held back.....really? How long has Punk been in the E and how long has he been on Raw.......A few months......Im not sure how Cena held Punk back from anything when they were on seperate shows most of Punks time in the E. And quit saying Cena needs to turn heel........We all want to see it for a change, and if it happens it will happen if not who fucking cares at this point.

One wrestler can't carry another to a great match, sure one wrestler can carry another to a good match, but it takes two wrestlers to put on a great match.

Both Cena and Punk were the reason that match at MITB was a memorable match not because either one one carried the other. When two fantastic storytellers come together in the ring it is because of both of them that said match was great.

Cena can absolutely carry certain wrestlers to good matches, we just have to look at his Title match with Kahli to see that, but these matches weren't great, good sure, but definitely not great. The same can be said for Punk who I feel carried John Morrison (he's just no good) to some good matches when they were feuding for the ECW Title a few years ago, certainly not memorable though.

Then of course there's the like of Bryan Danielson, Rey, Christian and even going back a little further HBK, Bret Hart or even Jericho. These wrestlers individually could pull a good match out of almost anyone but put them with another wrestler of the same skill or psychology or storytelling and the level of the match will almost certainly increase. Punk/Orton, Punk/Rey some great matches there. Punk/Big Show not so much.

So to say that Cena carried Punk to a memorable match is not only laughable but it seems it's just a touch foolish.

Agreed....In the ring if you want a match everyone remembers both performers have to shine and carry each other. That is the key to a great match. Just to piss off some other smarks in here Miz and Lawler had a couple "good" matches because Miz "carried" Lawler through the matches.

In closing i like Punk. He is a hell of a performer and has mad mic skills. If, and this is a BIG IF, Vince and Hunter let this play out and let Punk loose with the reigns for longer than a few weeks then this could work out really well for all of us. The key is staying on this side of the PG line for Punk (Dont comment on the PG shit because I dont see that changing anytime in the near future)and keeping the story going one way or another. As it has already been said, this wil lnot be an overnight rise in ratings. If they keep it interesting the ratings will slowly increase as they did in the attitude era.
Slyfox I don't have much to say, You have an extremly good point. The IWC is quick to go from liking to hating someone and vice versa in a quick second.
I hate you Slyfox... Not because you're wrong, but because you're almost always right! Every time I feel good about one of my opinions being more or less set in stone, you come along and show me why I'm an idiot. I'm going to start sending you my columns before submitting them to the WZ staff, and you can just rewrite them with divine wisdom from the wrestling forum gods... No, I'm not mocking you.

I'm a huge CM Punk fan. Mostly because I've come to really appreciate indie wrestling for what it is, and I was excited to see a guy come from the developmental leagues of Chicago (where I'm from) and make it all the way to the WWE Championship. Again, I'm from Chicago, so you really can't trust my opinion on this. I like CM Punk because he's everything I LIKE about professional wrestling. The key phrase there is "I LIKE". I realize that not everything I thoroughly enjoy about the industry is what everyone likes. I also realize that my opinions are in no way an indication of what is actually best for the WWE, or for wrestling in general.

You are absolutely right. To this point, CM Punk has been given excellent opportunity, and failed to show himself as a legitimate big draw in the WWE. I do think that most of his time on top was overshadowed by something bigger going on, but that is most likely because he doesn't draw well on his own. I think in a different WWE era, Punk could be a huge draw. I think he has the potential to be anyways... Who knows, maybe they are rounding a corner, and Punk's brand of pro wrestling will be the next "in" thing. I doubt it, and I honestly expect to see him back in the upper mid card by WrestleMania, but you just never know.

As I was saying, I do think CM Punk's material could have been highlighted a bit more. His feud with Randy Orton, while short, was really well done. The two of them put a lot into what they had, and they deserved to be higher up on the card. However, Cena and Miz (more appropriately Cena and the Rock) is what sold that PPV, so it makes sense that they should be given the most spotlight. Punk and Orton were given as much time on Raw, if not more. Sometimes you just have to work with what's going on. In my opinion, this is the first time CM Punk is being given main event spotlight on Raw, and free reign to make something of his time. Even when he won his first title after cashing in Money in the Bank, he wasn't cemented, nobody took him seriously, and he fell flat. I'm excited to see if this makes all the difference, but I don't expect him to become the next big thing. I think if they gave him as much opportunity as they granted guys like Austin and Pipper, he could very well be at that level. But he has to earn that spot first...

Also, if somebody put a gun to my head and told me to choose between CM Punk and Chris Jericho... even thought I'm from Chicago, I'd choose Jericho every single time. It frustrates me to no end (even though it's part of the program) that CM Punk is calling himself the best wrestler in the world. That title belongs to Chris Jericho, and I hope he comes back to reclaim it.
Hey sly. i certainly agree with most of what you wrote here, but i do think you devalued(as usual i presume) his indie/roh days. Tough he didnt have the exposure he has today, that is where he first trained and honed his mic skills. For example, if you had seen his heel run in ROH, you would find that it shares similar elements with what he is doing these days, besides the theme music.

i would advise you to watch it, but i dont expect you to give a company without big scary supermanish guys like john cena any sort of break..

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