Reality Check: CM Punk


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, First I am a CM Punk fan, I am from Chicago so I am a huge fan of the Home Town Hero who captured the WWE championship and left WWE.

Now lets look at CM Punk. He has left WWE twice now. Ignoring the fans who want him to stay. I see all these posts on the forams wanting Punk back and saying Punk will come back. Even on TNA TV People have chanted CM Punk. Watch 9/4 Impact Wrestling During EC3's Promo.

The Reality of the matter is CM Punk is done with WWE, Just like The Ultmate Warrior was and Bret Hart. CM Punk is fighting WWE, Lawyers have been brought into this. All this Points to CM Punk is done with WWE atleast for now.

AJ Lee is going to end up paying for what CM Punk has done for the most part and Might have started too already with her dealings with Paige and now the Athority has gotten involved basicly trying to push AJ to the side. Since she has married CM Punk people chant for him and I think all of this is going to add up either putting AJ Lee on the shelf or her quitting cause just like Nicky Bella, AJ is connected to the source of the current problem from the Athority's point of view.

Punk is not going to return unless it's like The Ultmate Warrior as putting CM Punk into the hall of fame. Paul Heyman said it out right that WWE didn't even want him and now he's trying to stick it to WWE.

In the End CM Punk walked out on WWE which equals him walking out on the WWE Universe. This is the second time he has done this. If Punk comes back I'm sure Strike 3 will be close behind.
I'm pretty sure YOUR'RE beating a dead horse at this point, I'm pretty sure this type of thread has been made on every wrestling forum, everyone has discussed and debated it and we all know he isn't coming back.

This whole conclusion was made months ago.

You bringing this whole thing back-up again is pointless just move on. Please.

EDIT: Holy crap I just saw you made another threat about Cm Punk and EC3 your basically throwing fire on the debate that he will return to wrestling yet you make this post??? Dude, seriously?
I'm pretty sure YOUR'RE beating a dead horse at this point, I'm pretty sure this type of thread has been made on every wrestling forum, everyone has discussed and debated it and we all know he isn't coming back.

This whole conclusion was made months ago.

You bringing this whole thing back-up again is pointless just move on. Please.

EDIT: Holy crap I just saw you made another threat about Cm Punk and EC3 your basically throwing fire on the debate that he will return to wrestling yet you make this post??? Dude, seriously?

I could not have said this better.

Unfortunately, you are beating a dead horse here Strife3.

The man made his choice. I am a massive fan of Punk, have been for many many years and I'm from London in the UK. The situation is dead. We don't know the details so I guess we can't pass judgement.

Would I like to see Punk back? Sure. Will we? Who knows? That's the be all and end all of this thread really.
CM Punk had been in the ring for 15 years this year. He was tired, and in some considerable discomfort and he really needed to heal up and rest. That is point 1. Point 2 is that it is rumoured he felt underpaid and undervalued. It is rumoured (again ONLY rumour) Punk felt that he was beginning to feel the very real wear and tear on his body and only had a finite amount of time left to deliver his best in the world standards and make money (although this is likely secondary). The way WWE has been booked for the past 10 years has largely been around one dimensional character John Cena, and HOF'ers and past stars coming in for a quick pay day at WrestleMania. whilst the current roster works all year round to keep the business pofitable. They were not being recognised with significant pushes.

Will CM Punk return? Maybe. Maybe not. But as long as he is happy.
EDIT: Holy crap I just saw you made another threat about Cm Punk and EC3 your basically throwing fire on the debate that he will return to wrestling yet you make this post??? Dude, seriously?

Haha yea what's up with that?

The Horse has been RODE into the ground. To the ground!

Leave it be already :lmao:
AJ Lee is going to end up paying for what CM Punk has done for the most part....

I certainly hope not. It seems that the better thing to do is treat her she deserves to be treated as the diva who has gotten the most positive reactions since Trish Stratus. On her own merit, I would think WWE would want to please her.......whether they're looking to make Phil Brooks happy or not.

Punishing people for the behavior of others might seem like a satisfying tactic in the short run, but given the number of people whom we thought would never return to WWE....look how many have. After all, Brock Lesnar and Bret Hart were "never" going to come back, right? On the chance talent will come back, it's better to send positive overtures while they're away, not trash them.

And yes, it's beating a dead horse, but during the couple months after Punk's departure, I thought the whole thing might be a ruse; a planned, extended vacation. By now, though, too much time has gone by and the silence from Punk has been deafening. At first, I presumed he was saying nothing because he fully intended to, I don't think so.

Live and be happy, Phil Brooks. The sun will be coming up tomorrow regardless of what you do with your life.

As for AJ, I hope she's not just fulfilling her contract with the idea of leaving when it ends. She wanted to be a professional wrestler and she succeeded; I can't imagine why she'd want to do it somewhere else.
Punk fans can't give up on him because they see him as a mirror image of themselves. A skinny-fat, average-looking, video game-playing, comic book-reading slob with little natural talent (as stated on his DVD by one of his trainers). Not to say Punk didn't become great.

There's an unhealthy obsession with Punk in sections of the IWC. They're so consumed by living vicariously through him, that they can't accept the dude left them high and dry and couldn't give a crap about them. Punk claimed to be about wrestling and its fans, but as Triple H and John Cena said in worked comments in 2011, Punk's all about himself and what he can get out of the business. A truly miserable excuse for a human being.
I miss CM Punk I wish he never quit the company, But it was his choice to walk away from wresting and if he is happy with his choice we as wrestling fans should accept that and move on,His health is more important them trying to entertain us fans and for everyone who keeps posting about CM Punk and his return to WWE I don't think it will ever happen we seen the last of Punk in WWE , he has been gone for 8 months now he's not coming back .
I probably love Punk more than anyone, but the reality is that he is done. This thread was done a million times. Punk articles are posted every minute. He said he was done and everyone in WWE said he was done.... UNLESS IT WAS A SETUP!
I was a CM Punk fan from day 1. His first promo on WWE/ECW showed me that he had "it". Then I watched some ROH stuff and I was sold.

But I have to say that the way he left sucked, and this CONSTANT conversation about when/if he will come back is making me not like the guy. My disdain for Punk-obsessed fans is starting to get re-directed onto Punk himself.

Can I propose a moratorium on Punk-related threads until something news worthy occurs? This shit is getting old.
It's time to move on.

Whatever the case is, whether Punk walked out, because he felt a match with Triple H at Wrestlemania was beneath him, or if he's simply burnt out mentally and physically, CM Punk is not stepping foot in a WWE ring in 2014 or in the foreseeable future.

There's always a chance he might come back, but all signs point to Punk being done with wrestling for good, and it's time to let it go.
punk was just another SCSA wannabe even his entrance pointing to the non existent wristwatch fighting the authority trying to bring them down trash talking but not even nearly as good he should show up for short stints or he'll be exposed and people will boo the hell out of him he's an average heel but as face he sucks...........
the only high point during his title run was fued with jerico which y2j carried
even orton is better than him.......
and the reason he was banged up because he is simply unfit for wrestling....
i dond remember guys like hbk kane or taker bitching about being banged up they have wrestled more than him..
P.S: I didn't follow major part of his career but can someone tell me if he was nick named cm skunk
So what is the point of this thread. That horse dead as fuck btw. All your post says is that punk is not coming back in the foreseeable future if ever. Rest is just ramblings for the sake of sounding smart. The man is married to pure nerd hotness, literally has money in the bank, looks healthier and happier than ever and is enjoying his life. Rather have him gone knowing he is better than stay in the WWE and be all broken the fuck up. Now can you stop living in the past and let it go? Because threads like this don't bring any meaningful discussion at this point.
CM Punk threads in general are pretty tiresome at this point. People seem to bump them with the most trivial of things. Unless Punk comes back to wrestling, or comments on wrestling, I just don't see the point in boring speculation...
As for CM Punk after this, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being blacklisted from WWE and after suing WWE he will be lucky if he ever gets into the WWE Hall of Fame which at this rate will probably be never and Punk only has himself to blame for all of it
As for AJ, I hope she's not just fulfilling her contract with the idea of leaving when it ends. She wanted to be a professional wrestler and she succeeded; I can't imagine why she'd want to do it somewhere else.

I agree...I think AJ has been the best addition to the divas roster in a long time.

Personally, I wish fans would stop chanting "CM punk" every time she's out. Yes, we get it, all of us fans know those 2 are together, but come on, let her be her own person and cheer HER. Give her more than just being the girl who is associated with CM punk.
It's an absolute shame that it had to end this way. But if the WWE was able to mend fences with Waryah, anything can happen. I mean, it may take a couple of decades, but still. I don't think anything's ruled out.
I don't really see what you wanna accomplish with this thread, at least that has not been accomplished in the past 6 months, but I always like to give my opinion about Punk, so here it goes.

There are still, after all this time, 2 possibilities.
The longshot, which is that this is part of a storyline and they are keeping him as a surprise entry for the Royal Rumble. It is a long shot, because with Bryan injured and Dean having to film a movie, same with Cena, they would have brought Punk back to help keep the product watchable.

The 99% one is that Punk really just quitted because he couldn't take it anymore. We can sit here and argue all day about why he did it and if he was correct about doing so, but I guess everyone has their opinion and won't change it. Mine is: Punk left because of the backstage politics, returning Hollywood stars taking main event spots from him and other deserving wrestlers, being uninformed about payments since the launch of the Network and the good old "make Cena champ" schtick. And I support Punk for that he did.

Punk walked out on the fans? I don't think so. Heyman mentioned that Punk was struggling to continue ever since WM29. He was trying to find a reason to keep appearing again and again and you could see him being burned out, injured and not so appealing / interested. His matches got a bit sloppy (Ryback, Axel), his promos were toned down and you definitely could see him just not wanting to be there. It is kind of a miracle that he even stayed until the Rumble, and I believe most of that was because he had that glimmer of hope that after basically 1 year in the midcard, he would finally get his main event WM match. It didn't happen, so he left after the Rumble because he couldn't find that passion anymore.

Punk, along with so many others have said over the years, that once you don't find that passion to keep dong what you do, it's best to just get the hell out of there. Your performance is toned down and that will eat up both on you and the fans. Look at the Undertaker: he had great matches the past 5 years, apart from the one with Lesnar. We all wanted to see Taker, but we also wanted to see him tear the house down with his annual opponent and seeing Taker the way he was at WM30, I was glad that we will probably not get to see him in the ring again, because I don't want my Taker image ruined by another bad match.

Punk left and the thing is, the only thing that he still wants to do as a pro wrestler is main event WM. That's my guess. Therefore, unless he is offered a contract that specifically mentions him getting the main event match at Mania, I can't see Punk coming back. And I'm good with that, based on what Punk thinks. I don't want to see him in a Taker-like position, where he is just there to be there. I want top tier performances from Punk, so, if he can't offer them, then he can just stay away and enjoy his life the way he does, and I'm really happy for him.

The Warrior was put in the Hall of Fame, so that means that Punk also has a chance to be inducted in there, even though the WWE HOF is a joke, but I digress. The thing is, Punk's walkout is way bigger than Warrior's in my eyes, because we are in the age of social media... Things get way more hype simply because people are talking about it everywhere and all the time, and this might eventually hurt the WWE image, especially if Punk starts talking about WWE in a bad way.

Punk seems to just enjoy life and doing what he couldn't while he was living the pro wrestling life. I'm happy, he's happy, he's married to AJ who seems cool, he has money, he will probably start a family soon and I really wanna see Punk go the Hollywood road. He is happy and he is/will be finding success outside the pro wrestling world. That's good. He owes nothing to nobody. I'm glad about all the moments he offered me, he is the BITW and finally someone stood up to the stupid tyrant named Vince who runs pro wrestling into the ground. We should be thanking him instead of calling him a quitter... Try to be in his shoes and you can sit there and take it like a bitch, because in the end, you are a bitch in real life.
Unfortunately, it's like the crowds want to ruin AJ's career whenever they yell "CM Punk" during her appearances. On Raw, she even looked kind of annoyed when it began.

Plus, those people seem to overlook that CM Punk left. It's not like Ziggler or Bryan, whom they just want more. So the chants get on my nerves.
CM Punk's walkout on WWE has somewhat still gotta get to Vince and Triple H/Stephanie on some level because if it didn't they would not be punishing AJ for her husband's leaving but her husband did leave, he did walk out on the company that basically made him a superstar that basically made him who he is today
CM Punk's walkout on WWE has somewhat still gotta get to Vince and Triple H/Stephanie on some level because if it didn't they would not be punishing AJ for her husband's leaving but her husband did leave, he did walk out on the company that basically made him a superstar that basically made him who he is today

Forgive me if I've misinterpreted your post but in what way are they punishing AJ? By pushing her to the top of her division since her return?

Honestly WWE aren't as petty as some people seem to think. Where there's money to be made, they want to make it, even if that means utilising people who are married to other people who hate the company's guts.

If Punk ever wanted to come back in say, 5 years, evidence suggests the E would snap him up. Let bygones be bygones in order to make that dolla dolla. Look at Warrior, Bret, and Hogan. Whether Punk does or not is up to him, the guy is gonna do whatever he wants anyway and if I was in his position I might well have done the same.

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