Do you miss CM Punk in the WWE?

Of course I miss the most talented performer who used to be on the roster. Very few wrestlers entertained me more in the last five years than Punk but he made a life decision to move on after he suffering a burn out he could no longer ignore. So with that I accept he's done with wrestling and may never opt to return and moved on. Which is what many fans have done. Would I welcome him back with open arms? Absolutely one of the most gifted sports entertainers of the last two decades should always be missed after years of good work.

The crowds do need to give it up though. This isn't the first quarter of 2014 anymore when he first called it quits, he's done, there is no big return angle and your cheering isn't going to bring him back. Enough with it already, it was funny at first with how all of the terrible plans for Mania were crumbling due to crowd backlash now it's become so forced I pity those who are actually doing the cheering due to how lame they're coming off when they think they're being "smarky".
From a performance standpoint, I do miss him. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge Punk fan. As a performer, he was a combination of mic skills, an ability to connect with the audience, and excellent in ring ability. He wasn't a jacked up wrestler but aside from that, he had the total package. What wrestling company wouldn't want a guy like that on their main roster? What fan wouldn't want a guy like that performing for their favorite wrestling promotion? So yeah, I miss him. But do I think he's needed today? No, not really. I think him leaving has been a good thing for other people in the roster most notably the former Shield members. A part of me thinks that had Punk not left, the three of them would still be a team today and the Authority's lackeys. Would have this great feud between Rollins and Ambrose? I personally don't think so. So yeah, there's been some good and bad with Punk leaving but I think it's ultimately been for the best. Punk also seems genuinely happy now and you can't fault the man for that. Besides, I have no doubt he'll come back eventually anyway.
You know I did miss CM Punk when he first left. I thought "What is the WWE going to do without a superstar as popular as him?" And then as time went on I found out that the WWE moves on and superstars can take his place. Punk leaving has had little impact on the overall production of Raw, SmackDown, Main Event, etc. in my opinion. The machine is going to keep pushing forward. I feel like this product is where WWE would be without Punk. In his famous words Punk was "just another spoke on the wheel." Now we have proof of his words. If he does come back I will be excited but I'm not going to be betting any money on it.
I do miss him, but it's one of those things where absence makes the heart grow fonder, and if/when he returns, he'll be refreshed and will have a bunch of new guys to work with who have moved up the card while he was gone. Specifically, each ex-Shield member, and Wyatt. So this "sabbatical" could really be a blessing in disguise for Punk fans.
I miss him to an extent. I'm not gonna say that the product is utter crap without him, because WWE TV is pretty decent at the moment. But when I watch Jericho vs. Wyatt at Battleground, and it doesn't seem as good as it should be, that does make me miss him somewhat.

As much as he struggled in the last few months before his departure, Punk always delivered on PPV. So yeah, when a match I'm looking forward to ends up being disappointing, I do kind of miss Punk.
I really am a big fan of the Rock but one thing about his return that always bothered me is that it in a way robbed Punk of his peak years. From 2011 with the pipe bomb to him dropping the title to Rock in early 2013 he was arguably the hottest wrestler on the roster and dominated the title scene yet he never got to main event mania. It was a smart business decision to bring Rock back but who knows. As a Punk mark I would have preferred a Cena/Punk based angle for Wrestlemania 29.

I bring this up because I think it makes me miss him more than I would have if he'd left after accomplishing all his goals. We all know he wanted one wrestlemania main event on his resume and I think he's one of the few modern day WWE stars that was over enough to deserve it. If he'd done everything he'd set out to do then called it a career I'd definitely applaud it. I'm glad he's happy now but as a fan it makes me sad that he left before doing everything he wanted to do. As it stands I don't really expect to see him back until Ultimate Warrior levels of time have passed. Yes, I miss him. WWE has some pretty good rising stars right now but any roster is a better roster with CM Punk on it.
Punk: more or less the total package.

Roster: v. good at this point in time. Unique characters and fresh additions to midcard & upper card.

I didn't watch during last year at all. Stacked roster is what got me back in after a year of not watching, not Punk. I liked him but he's just one guy. Do not particularly miss.
I Wouldn't say i particularly miss him. i miss his older stuff, but 2013 wasn't a great year for him. The Heyman/Punk storyline, for me, went on far too long. and i hated the fact that being a 'Heyman Guy' took a turn for the worst when they introduced Ryback and Axel. but i would love him to come back one day as a one off for Wrestlemania against John Cena. IMO, Punk is one of the only credible opponents left for Cena.
I actually do miss punk
When you think about it he's a good example:
He's straight edge which teaches people to say no to drugs and alcohol
He also teaches to stand up for yourself be yourself and speak if something is bothering you
I did, initially... but not for long. Soon, I discovered that his departure had opened a room for the progression of quite a few talented superstars, the most prominent of them being the members of The Shield. If Punk hadn't left, and the implosion storyline was carried out as originally planned, The Shield members wouldn't nearly be as huge as they are today. Also, the product quality hasn't deteriorated a bit with him being gone. In fact, it has improved compared to last year. Given the amount of talent they have right now, I doubt the WWE would even want him back if he ever decides to return, looking for a million dollar deal.
I don't and that's not an insult to him or at least not meant to be.

Wrestlers come and go and there's always going to be someone else to focus on.

Plus I was always 50/50 on Punk anyway. Sometimes I liked him a lot and other times I couldn't stand him. He's the only wrestler I can think of that I've felt that way about on a consistent basis.
Long time lurker, first time poster.

As much as I miss Punk, the show must go on. He was getting dull as dishwater, and seemed like he lost his passion for the business by the beginning of the year. When he was eliminated at the Rumble, he looked like he checked out. Will he be coming back? No. Even if he wanted to, I doubt Trips would take him back. Can't say that I would blame him. Punk's "pipe bomb" to me is only the second greatest shoot in WWE history behind Heyman's legendary shoot during the Invasion. He was a good, not great, worker, and in the end, he made enough money to just sit back.

If he does come back to the ring, and I believe that is a Mount McKinley-sized "IF", it will probably be with an Indy like JCW or a Chicagoland-based promotion for some pocket change.
When Punk left I didn't really miss him because Daniel Bryan was still there as someone I, and many fans, could rally behind on. Problem is now that Daniel Bryan is injured there really isn't that superstar most fans could get behind with.

I know Reigns earlier than expected push is a result of Bryan's injury and its better than nothing. Problem is that Reigns push seems to be more manufactured compared to how fans organically got behind Bryan and Punk.
I don't miss Punk..I've been a Punk fan since his ROH/Japan days but I've learned to let it go. Punk most likely'll never return to the WWE or any other federation and I'm aight with that. Let him do his thing outside of pro wrestling and just live his life, instead of clamoring for him to return to a company he obviously doesn't want to return to.

I'm happy for the great memories Punk gave fans when he was in the WWE..He went against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29, He went against The Rock, He Piledrove John Cena and he went against Jericho numerous times, plus many other memories..
I don't think I miss CM Punk. He is a great talent and was great to watch, but I don't sit there watching RAW every week longing for his return. He left and, possibly, one day he may be back. But for the time being the WWE has some fantastic talent on the up and CM Punks absence is no longer so obvious.

CM punk sucks, that's it.

He became popular because he was Anti-Cena.

He own his whole career to Cena, and I don't even like Cena.
Of course I miss CM Punk. While I am a huge fan of the guy, I don't respect the way he left the company, it was unprofessional and shows why he didn't deserve the top spot.

With that being said, the WWE could have used him so much from Wrestlemania until now. Daniel Bryan's injury really hurt the company, Cena was taking a break from the title picture but was once again forced into it. Ambrose is also taking a break from wrestling for a few weeks/months. So yeah, in a time where the WWE has very little babyfaces, Punk was one they actually managed to push successfully over the past 3 years or so.

The fans chanting his name during AJ's matches are both stupid and disrespectful. But I would love to see him back in a WWE ring, and I think that as talented as the guy is, and as much of an asset he would be right now, he's kind of a Jeff Hardy. He's a liability, uncontrollable, a volcano waiting to happen.

Except he's straight edge and doesn't rock up to a pay per view stoned.
As far as missing Punk goes, I moved on that from that months ago. Of course, I wonder how different the landscape in WWE would be now, if Punk were around every now and then. Is there a chance for Lesnar VS Punk II? Daniel Bryan is on the shelf, so is Punk in the middle of a lengthy reign as WWE WHC? Feuding with Cena again? Or would Punk have the teased match with Triple H? Random "what if?" scenarios pop in my head every now and then, but I don't dwell on Punk's walkout anymore.

That's not to say I'm not a fan of Punk, because I am, but it's time to move on. The simple fact of the matter is Punk is not going anywhere near a WWE ring in 2014 or in the foreseeable future. Whether he walked out because he was burnt out physically and mentally, or he felt a match with Triple H at Wrestlemania was beneath him. CM Punk is gone, and he obviously has no interest in WWE or pro wrestling for the time being.
cm punk was great in ring and on mic and despite what was said in story lines he had the look!!! his last few feuds were mediocre and i miss him! he was a brilliant addition to the WWE and now WWE is getting crap......... an over exposed roman reigns who knows only 5 moves and un interesting feuds apart from the few which are average....... there is lack of star power and WWE needs more people with punk/cena/reigns build!!!!

i really miss cm punk and he got me interested into WWE again after his infamous pipe bomb.... i hope WWE reach out to him and give him a deal he deserves and a chance to headline wrestlemania........

and to you crybabies saying punks a quitter........ punk should have quiet as everyone was getting pushed more than him and there was no interest in his feuds.......... dont questions punks departure as im sure most of you have left your jobs aswell


People seem to forget how over CM Punk was as a babyface in his last run in 2013. He was only slightly behind Daniel Bryan in terms of top face, and both were miles ahead of John Cena at the time. Of course, I miss CM Punk. He is one of the best in the business, face or heel, and WWE could be using him right now. Of course this gives guys like Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose an opportunity... but without Cena, Bryan, Batista etc... there's really a lack of top babyfaces legitimate enough to fight Lesnar for the title right now.
No I honestly don't miss CM Punk. I miss Daniel Bryan way more right now than him. I can still go back and enjoy his run in the WWE but I don't miss him. WWE is doing just fine without him with guys like Dean Ambrose,Seth Rollins,Roman Reigns,The Wyatts,Cesaro,Dolph Ziggler,to the veterans like John Cena,Randy Orton,Chris Jericho,and Brock Lesnar all carrying the load right now.
What's there to miss about Punk? His oversized ego, his bad tattoos, or his doofus wife? His aping of Japanese moves while claiming to be super original and a unique little flower? Nothing, good riddance to that clown. I just hope he doesn't breed with AJ, I can't imagine they would be great parents since he can't get his head out of his own ass.
I think at this time right now we sure could use him with all of the injuries ( Roman, Daniel, Wade) and guys that are leaving or who have left ( RVD, Jericho, Alberto, Mysterio) and than just the maybe coming backs ( Batista, Sting ). You can't forget about your part time champion WWE really needs some help, I love the WWE but it is getting boring the same old fights we need some help come back CM Punk.
When he was around I could care less but towards the end before he left he really hooked me soon as I became a fan of his he bounced.

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