CM Punk And His Fans Hypocrisy

well you have a right to your opinion on Punk and i have a right to my opinion to disagree with you. CM Punk isnt the best man and he will admit that, BUT he does NOT botch as much as you seem to think, watch a Sin Cara WWE match to see some botches, but i think in time Cara will improve. As for Punk, he doesnt botch often. he can and has in the past put on 5 star matches. his mic work has and can be great as witnessed with his promo a week ago and with other promos. i liked the promo where he was throwing pills, cigarettes and wisky in the garbage and his ROH promos are gold. Can he go overboard, yes, but he is a top heel in my book and can get heel heat. as for being cheered, he was cheered as a face when he won the title the first time because he was a face and sure he gets cheered when he faces Cena and Rey, but it's because Punk has a big fanbase like Y2J does. fans love them and respect them because of how great they are on the mic as heels and wrestlers.
You are being warned. I'm about to tick off a lot of you CM Punk marks. If you are highly sensitive I suggest that you please do not continue reading. This is coming from my heart and is purely subjective. I could be wrong.

I seriously though after the "warning" you gave us, it was gonna be a well though out rant on CM Punk. Actually, it was a well-thoughout waste of your life.

The only people that cheered for Punk were marks and they are constantly drowned out by the casual audience.

Marks? You mean's internet smarks right? Marks are the casual audience, smarks are the one's who cheer all the heel to be "against the grain," A.K.A. "feel cool becuase their not doing what the kid's are."

You mention a botch, and somehow his in ring work is sloppy? Everybody botches, nobody is perfect, that's why they have the "Don't Try This" video on DVD's and PPV's, it's easy to make a mistake. Mysterio botches, Cena botches, Michael's botches, Triple H botches,Christian, Jericho, Undertaker, Steve Austin, The Rock, Hogan, they all botched at least one time in their career. People make mistake's, expecially in a wrestling match. And he gave Mysterio a broken nose, so what. A broken nose is a very modern injury, even in sport's. CM Punk is a fantastic wrestler, who put's on great matches night in and night out, I doubt one botch is the reason why he's not face of the company.

In my opinion, CM Punk is one of the most overrated superstars in WWE history. He comes out to echoes and only gets heat if he uses cheap tactics. I know that WWE likes to mess with people's reactions, but in some cases most notably with Punk, there's nothing. The most important thing about pro-wrestling is getting a reaction. If you get a reaction from the crowd, you are probably going to make the promoter money.

Your saying CM Punk get's no reaction, what do you have the telvision muted when he comes out? More than 90 percent of the time it's either immense cheer's, or recently boo's. The Uso's coming out on Old School RAW, that's an example of no reaction. Punk 9 times out of ten has alot of heat. Watch Money in the Bank, you'll see a reaction.

I wouldn't have gone on this mini rant but it came to my attention that CM Punk made a "homophobic" remark.

Now check this out.

It was in the heat of the moment, he probably didn't think before he said it, it just came out. Was it right to say it, not really, but he apologized and I would think that would be it. First off all we don't even know what the person did to provoke Punk. Nobody's perfect, he called someone a "homo," and admitted an error of her way's.

“Marriage is a totally out dated concept. Gay, straight, whatever. The fact that there’s a bunch of ***** out there that have an OPINION on somebody elses lifestyle and don’t want them to have the same basic human rights everybody else has makes me want to clobber some rebublicans. **** the religious moral majority, let whoever wants to marry whoever, get the **** married. I love the moral high horse hypocrisy bull****. I know super religious pricks do tons of steroids, but a homosexual life style to them is reprehensible. **** that.”

He saying that people that think their in higher regards becuase of other people's lifestyles are stupid. I agree, he's standing up for gay's, straights, everybody that is said what their doing is wrong. He states that religion should'nt play in someone's love life, or they way they live, which is true. People should be able to be with whoever they want to be regardless of a religion barriar.
First of all that looked like a pretty legit GTS given to little rey rey there. He did a hell of a job making it look as real as possible. I saw no botch. They must botch a lot in japan because they really connect from time to time. The GTS if not done stiff, looks ridiculous. No botch, good, stiff spot.

Now for the gay thing. Let me explain it. There was no homophobic remark made whatsoever. NONE AT ALL!! And you all know this!! When someone calls someone a homo, or a ***, its always in the "hey, you're an idiot" context. Literally NOBODY that calls someone a homo, or a *** means "hey, I hate you because you're gay" ever. And its ridiculous and just plain stupid if that's what you think. You op are dumb.
O.k. So everyone gets on to a guy for speaking his opinion. Thats all he said it was so cut him a break. I personally respect him for standing up for what he believes in. Now i think Punk is an alright wrestler, but i dont like the fact of him judging and stereotyping religious people thats just offensive and not what the WWE stands for currently so he probably should take more caution in what he says. It seems like Punk has a bad habit of opening his mouth without thinking and it does kinda make him look like a jerk.
Wait let me get this straight your making an opinion about CM Punk who you called overrated 2 questions 1st.did you not see his promo??? And 2nd.Do you own a dictionarycuz if you do look up the word overrated cuz obviously you don't and how dare you act like you've never used a gay slur I betyou have I had everyone has at one point in a fit of rage its natural its what makes us human its what you do afterwards that rage and he apologised most wait a lot would never apologise and think they did no wrong so kudos for him to knowing whatwhat he said was wrong. You said sloppy right umm I'm guessing you haven't seenany of his matches they're always top notch matches ALWAYS even onhis worst night surehe botches all of them do but hemakes up for it by executing more moves to perfection and that was your best example WEAK. And to say he gets cheap heat um raw is live does itsound like cheap heat the E can't edit raw like theydo smackdown to say he gets cheap heat howabout you go to the E and show CM how its done since you are truly the best wrestler in this world who can captivate a crowd,pull out 5 star matches every time you enter the ring,have the best promo of the night and not botch asingle movefor your entire career and prove the world of your unbiased thinking on politics andhuman rights and whatever happens in the world(note sarcasm) you sir are an idiot and make the IWC look like complete assholes with your post containing no real facts or evidence to back up your claims
O.k. So everyone gets on to a guy for speaking his opinion. Thats all he said it was so cut him a break. I personally respect him for standing up for what he believes in. Now i think Punk is an alright wrestler, but i dont like the fact of him judging and stereotyping religious people thats just offensive and not what the WWE stands for currently so he probably should take more caution in what he says. It seems like Punk has a bad habit of opening his mouth without thinking and it does kinda make him look like a jerk.

Religious people stereotype gay people all the time. And those comments were made before he was a wwe "superstar". I believe it was made in his shoot interview which was in about 2004. So those comments had no effect on the way people view wwe. Speaking of hypocrites, vince mcmahon once tod bret hart to go on live tv and call shawn michaels a homo in a gay bashing way. Not in the you're a fool way cm punk did to the fan. Hmm. Dumb.
This thread has made me laugh harder than I have laughed at a thread in a while. If I could sum up the main bullet points of this thread, here's how I'd do it:

1.) C.M. Punk's fans rank among the lowest of ALL pro wrasslin' fans in spelling & grammar. That's pretty f'n bad.

2.) C.M. Punk is NOT Mr. Perfect; let's not make that comparison. Punk may not be OVERRATED, but we can all agree Curt Hennig was grossly UNDERRATED!

3.) Any talk of "echoes" in this thread can & should be ignored. Completely ridiculous.

4.) C.M.Punk is ignorant. He struts around with his "Straight Edge" horse tacky, but how can HE pass judgement without getting fucked up? He can't, because then he'd know what true happiness is!

...number 4 may be a "shoot post" or whatever.

Really, though, good show everyone!
Since this is not Cigar lounge, I prefer to not have a comment on religious claims.

I don't care about more than half of the first post, and I think all we can say is, that for the 1000th time, when the hell will people stop mixing someone's performance on a TV show and their real life persona and activities?

As Brad Pitt would say, Why should anyone give a damn about what CM Punk has to say about marriage and stuff like that. As long as he is out there wrestling and cutting top notch promos like he does, It's good for me. The rest is a waste of time.
Sorry YesIamaduck, I didn't want it to come across like that. I'm much like you watch WWE to be entertained. Nothing else. But when he came across my faith and people that are currently suffering I had to let my feelings out. I have a bit of a biased against gays because of what a few of them did to me, but I hate how some of their defenders do just as worse as they claim "homophobes" do. As for people liking Punk, thats okay. I don't like his attitude though.

So pretty much you are in fact homophobic and want to sit here and bash on Punk because he said something then apaologized for it. I personally believe his in ring work is too good for the WWE they are no longer known as where the best go. The company has become just one big Beauty pageant where it doesnt matter how well you can wrestle as long as fans like you. Punk needs to go somewhere where he can be himself, calling a fan a homo would have been right at home in the attitude era or even ECW or WCW where the envelope was always pushed. Vince tries so hard to please the little jimmys he no longer cares that his company is a joke, and people like you who just fuel the fire dont help other than to further make a phenomenal wrestler look bad.
Sorry dude, Top 3 wrestlers in WWE are with out a doubt Punk Orton and Cena. Get used to it. So what if he called someone a homo, i do it all the time doesn't mean i hate gay people. Although I am a little dissapointed by the quote you posted where Punk comments on both religion and politics in one fell swoop. Hardly straight edge behavior IMO.
You are being warned. I'm about to tick off a lot of you CM Punk marks. If you are highly sensitive I suggest that you please do not continue reading. This is coming from my heart and is purely subjective. I could be wrong.

Being that you've read up to this point, I'm assuming you know that I'm about to pull no punches. So hear we go. In my opinion, CM Punk is one of the most overrated superstars in WWE history. He comes out to echoes and only gets heat if he uses cheap tactics. I know that WWE likes to mess with people's reactions, but in some cases most notably with Punk, there's nothing. The most important thing about pro-wrestling is getting a reaction. If you get a reaction from the crowd, you are probably going to make the promoter money. There's a reason why Punk isn't on magazines and covers. The only people that cheered for Punk were marks and they are constantly drowned out by the casual audience.

Let me make this plain and simple. I'm a member of the IWC. I'm a smart mark, mark, whatever you wanna call it. I won't deny that. But we are not in the majority and Vince knows that. Punk would make a great face of the company especially with his charisma, but his in-ring work is sloppy. I won't count the last year because he's been burnt out. But look at this botch right here.

I know the GTS takes two people, I'm in training, but the man constantly botches. I wouldn't have gone on this mini rant but it came to my attention that CM Punk made a "homophobic" remark. I'm not even gonna bother with Glaad and other watchdog companies but I will say this. If you teach kids to rely on corporate fat slops to defend you in battles, you will create a monster. If you only concentrate on what other people say and not help kids who are hanging themselves, you're no better than the people you hate. Just my opinion. But we've all seen Punk's talk to a fan. What I wanna bring up is this:

“Marriage is a totally out dated concept. Gay, straight, whatever. The fact that there’s a bunch of ***** out there that have an OPINION on somebody elses lifestyle and don’t want them to have the same basic human rights everybody else has makes me want to clobber some rebublicans. **** the religious moral majority, let whoever wants to marry whoever, get the **** married. I love the moral high horse hypocrisy bull****. I know super religious pricks do tons of steroids, but a homosexual life style to them is reprehensible. **** that.” -A direct quote from CM Punk

Now check this out.

Lol Punk sit down you hypocrite. Don't generalize religious people. The only reason why you get to botch moves and moan when you don't get a belt is because are armed forces are out there. A lot of them are christians, muslims, ext. You can say that I'm a typical hypocrite Christian, but don't say all of us. Don't tell me the man who just lost his leg saving an arab citizen is a hypocrite because he believes in a higher power. Don't tell me the Catholic that runs an orphanage and gave up his life for the sake of children is a piece of trash.

So go ahead IWC. Defend this scumbag because he's "the greatest wrestler in the world" despite the fact he's comes out to echoes.

Okay, now allow me to be brutally honest with you. I am a CM Punk mark, hell I am a CM Punk follower. I am to CM Punk, and I have always been this way, as a little six year old kid with the shirts, hats, wristbands and all that is to John Cena. I have followed CM Punk since he was fighting it out in a dimly lit, two-hundred people capacity arena in Hershey, Pensylvenia, where I watched as he told people the same things he tells them today.

CM Punk botches moves? You want to find me a wrestler that doesn't in any wrestling organization out there? You and I are seemingly the same age, but the difference is you seem to see things through a mind of clouded smoke and theories you conjured up due to the fact that you are, as you say you are, a steriotypical, hypcrite Christian. You know what the weird thing is? I am a Christian too.

I can go into detail about your whole post, narrow it down, disect it and make you look like a bigger asinine, imbecile than you already look but the fact of the matter is, there is no need, as I can paraphrase it in such a simple summary.

You have a very narrow minded perspective on professional wrestling, you have a very narrow minded perspective on opinionated people and you just seem to have a very narrow mind on life. Singling out the fact he used a slur and then apologized for it, through a personal social medium is proof enough.

CM Punk is a human being, he's not some magician who can make himself transparent to the world and is unable to make a mistake. The sad fact is, I can go on YouTube and search the Internet and find many more things he has done incorrect so that you can use against him, but it's quite obvious you have came to a wrestling forum to almost hide behind Punk to spew your own personal beliefs, and the sad fact is, you and I are of the same religion and I stand behind what CM Punk said.

CM Punk is a genuine guy, he is an honest guy, he is a human and he made a mistake to which he could do no-more but apologize for, you can take that as you will and I'm sure you'll probably read over this with a smug smile on your face because you know I wasted my time to respond, but really responding is worth it because I not only get to remind you of the fact that CM Punk is indeed the best wrestler in the world and the hottest commodity in the industry, but I also get to tell you this.

You are an idiot, go fuck yourself.
Okay, so what it sounds like to me is that someone is upset with Punk saying something homophobic, but when in actuality, many guys say things like that, not because of being homophobic, but that many "men" feel like saying someone is gay disrespects their manhood. I'm not saying it's right, or anything, but that's how life has been for the entire 24 years I've been alive. Just because many gay people are out here and are fighting for rights and everything, that doesn't mean that everyone can drop it on a dime. Wrestling and other sports, like football, are manly sports, and that's how guys talk trash. Many guys, who probably wont be man enough to admit it, have been saying it to their friends forever, not intentionally meaning that their friends are attracted to them, but because it throws off people's game. It's a way to get under someone's skin, to piss them off, like other trash talk is. It's like saying you banged his mom or something else mean like that. Of course it's cheap and dirty, and wrong, but at the same time, that doesn't make him a hypocrite, it makes him an asshole for doing it. It's happening in every sport, even guys like Kobe Bryant use it. It's like using the N-word. For some people its offensive, but to others, it's something that they've been saying their entire life. That doesn't make it right, but it is what it is. And that's a part of life. No one controls a word, or a term, no matter what its used for. You can do stuff about it, and knock someone's ass out if you don't like it, but other than that, there's nothing you can do about it other than cry and complain. Stuff like that is gonna happen. Get over it. And anyone can hate me for this but it's reality. And just because you don't face it like a man, or woman, doesn't mean it'll just go away.

As far as him botching moves, I don't see it. To me, CM Punk is one of the best in the ring, on the mic, and to get people's feelings flowing, both positive and negative. He is a top notch wrestler, and he is entertaining to watch. I'm not a CM Punk mark or anything, but I've been watching this company grow and evolve my entire life, even from before my time, and I can acknowledge that this man, if you like him or not, is one of the top in the business currently, in any company.

Honestly, it just sounds like someone is pissed off about a man's comments about religion and sexuality and wants to downgrade his abilities in order to make his argument sound relevant. Just man up and grow thicker skin, and stop whining when your feelings hurt. Why don't you challenge Punk to a fight? With Twitter and stuff you can do that, if you feel so bold about this. Either that, or stick to watching John Cena and other "safe" guys like that. because the world is a cruel place, and if everyone made a thread about something someone said that hurt they feelings, this whole place would be ran by guys like you, crying "Cm Punk hurt my feelings."
In general, overly religious people are judgmental fuckheads. So are republicans. There's a reason for the stereotype.

As for Punk and his fans, yea, his fans are hypocritical. He's very over with them and they're very loud. However, if Punk left, the wheels wouldn't fall off the WWE.

Who are you being trained by? Just because you're being trained doesn't mean shit. Unless it's legit like Harley Race or FCW, you could just as easily be being trained by me. Sooooo many assholes who have had a lesson in how to bump buy a ring and think they can train people. Or they were trained by a guy who was trained by a guy who was trained by shawn michaels or some shit.

All fans are hypocrits.
The Rock, 4 moves, hokey ass people's elbow, couldn't get over until he started being vulgar, yet their fans think he's amazing and Cena sucks, when essentially Cena is doing what Rock did (hokey moves, smaller moveset) in the ring and doing what he couldn't (get over with a PG character) on the mic.

TNA fans, rag on WWE for doing the same shit when TNA is an attitude era nostalgia show half the time.

Bret Hart fans, dude did 5 moves of doom, had no charisma.

HBK, was an unprofessional cock most of his career.

Everyone is hypocritical. It's just that Punk fans think their shit don't stink most of the time. Punk, and his fans, remind me of those silly little doofuses you see in the mall who hang out at Hot Topic or Spencers and think they're artistic. They're not special, they just haven't grown up. I consider myself a Punk fan and absolutely love what he's doing. However, just like anyone else, he has his faults and so do his fans.

Okay, so what it sounds like to me is that someone is upset with Punk saying something homophobic, but when in actuality, many guys say things like that, not because of being homophobic, but that many "men" feel like saying someone is gay disrespects their manhood. I'm not saying it's right, or anything, but that's how life has been for the entire 24 years I've been alive. Just because many gay people are out here and are fighting for rights and everything, that doesn't mean that everyone can drop it on a dime. Wrestling and other sports, like football, are manly sports, and that's how guys talk trash. Many guys, who probably wont be man enough to admit it, have been saying it to their friends forever, not intentionally meaning that their friends are attracted to them, but because it throws off people's game. It's a way to get under someone's skin, to piss them off, like other trash talk is. It's like saying you banged his mom or something else mean like that. Of course it's cheap and dirty, and wrong, but at the same time, that doesn't make him a hypocrite, it makes him an asshole for doing it. It's happening in every sport, even guys like Kobe Bryant use it. It's like using the N-word. For some people its offensive, but to others, it's something that they've been saying their entire life. That doesn't make it right, but it is what it is. And that's a part of life. No one controls a word, or a term, no matter what its used for. You can do stuff about it, and knock someone's ass out if you don't like it, but other than that, there's nothing you can do about it other than cry and complain. Stuff like that is gonna happen. Get over it. And anyone can hate me for this but it's reality. And just because you don't face it like a man, or woman, doesn't mean it'll just go away.

As far as him botching moves, I don't see it. To me, CM Punk is one of the best in the ring, on the mic, and to get people's feelings flowing, both positive and negative. He is a top notch wrestler, and he is entertaining to watch. I'm not a CM Punk mark or anything, but I've been watching this company grow and evolve my entire life, even from before my time, and I can acknowledge that this man, if you like him or not, is one of the top in the business currently, in any company.

Honestly, it just sounds like someone is pissed off about a man's comments about religion and sexuality and wants to downgrade his abilities in order to make his argument sound relevant. Just man up and grow thicker skin, and stop whining when your feelings hurt. Why don't you challenge Punk to a fight? With Twitter and stuff you can do that, if you feel so bold about this. Either that, or stick to watching John Cena and other "safe" guys like that. because the world is a cruel place, and if everyone made a thread about something someone said that hurt they feelings, this whole place would be ran by guys like you, crying "Cm Punk hurt my feelings."
What quote did you read? He didn't say something homophobic at all. He was bashing the right wing "moral majority" ********ers who like to think that if you're not a white heterosexual christian then you're less of a human. Which I agree with (not the less of a human thing, that the right "moral majority" are ********ers).

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