Be A Star loses a sponsor due to WWE.


Pre-Show Stalwart
--Lisa Wright of The Council for Unity wrote a letter today to the Be A Star Alliance regarding their affiliation with WWE.

"I recently received an e-mail regarding your alliance with the WWE. The e-mail pointed out the "fat jokes" about Vickie Guerrero. Wrestling as I perceive it consists of name calling and threats culminating in violence to settle conflicts. How does this fit with your mission to `Show Tolerance and Respect?' Are you saying this behavior is alright for entertainment value? As an employee of a member organization listed on your website, your questionable judgment reflects poorly, not only on you, but on all the organizations listed there.

As an organization whose mission is to prevent violence and bullying, we must be careful who we partner with and what messages that partnership sends. As we look for funding, ways to market our mission, and new partnerships, we must remain aware of the cultural forces that impact those that we serve. Furthermore, we must be sensitive not to promote the very negative behaviors that we have spent our professional lives trying to prevent. I fail to see how an alliance with the WWE will do that. We must be aware that in our business, as in life, actions speak louder than words. The WWE may, in principal, be against bullying and the violence that so often accompanies it, however, the very nature of the business is not conducive to a culture of inclusion and peace that we here at the Council for Unity seek to create. To that end, we respectfully request the removal or our organization from your web site."

So apparently this was an affiliation of Be A Star and they rightfully took back their endorsment due to Be A Star and WWE's relationship. I think BAS and WWE should just cut ties because it's blatant hypocrisy. It's like Bristol Palin making 300k last year for speaking on abstinence or it'd be like UFC sponsored by a company that's slogan was "stop the violence." You can't preach to stop bullying when your whole organization is basically about bullying in one way or another.

I'm all for kids learning not to bully, but your sending them mixed messages when they want to emulate the things guys like Orton and Cena due and want to be bad asses because of it.

This type of stuff is handicapping the WWE and they need to stop associating with organizations like Be A Star and Glaad because they have to walk a very fine line because of it. It only makes them look more like hypocrites in the end.

I support what organizations like this are doing, but this type of thing should stay out of the WWE. There's a lot of profitable things WWE can link itself with like Make A Wish, Aid's campaigns etc, but these Politically Correct type campaigns just won't work in my opinion unless all we're going to see is matches with little back and forth between competitors, which is close to what we're seeing now.
Ugh, the pussy rescinded her comments.

Yesterday, a letter that I had written, that was never intended to be made public, was. In the letter about my perceptions regarding the alliance between the Be a Star Alliance and the WWE with regard to bullying prevention, it was never my intention to disparage the Be a STAR Alliance, the WWE, the wrestlers or their many fans.

After careful consideration and research on my part, plus some intelligent feedback from some of the loyal fans of WWE, I realize that perhaps I reacted too harshly and without enough information. I have been reminded that the important issue is the prevention of bullying and the protection and support of those that have been victimized by it. Ultimately, my own actions, intended or no, have had a negative impact.

In the spirit of tolerance and understanding, which I have been reminded I must practice as well as preach, I hereby offer an apology to the Be a STAR foundation and the WWE. I also wish to rescind my request that my organization be removed from the Be a STAR Alliance website. There are often many ways to reach a goal; the important thing is that we support each other on our journey.

Again, I sincerely apologize.-Diva-dirt
Yesterday, a letter that I had written, that was never intended to be made public, was.

lol See what happens when you have transparency? No more backroom meetings where s**ty deals go down that are completely hypocritical without massive backlash. I love it.

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