Thank you, THQ, for including the Brood entrance and making it nearly fucking useless.
It is literally impossible to have a tag match as E&C, with gangrel the manager, and have the entrance come out properly. either E or C will have the goblet.
Whomever you select first, that is highest ranking in the team, will have it. Select Christian (member number 2) then "add manager" then select Edge (member number 3) and put gangrel (member number 1) as the manager, and christian will come up through the fire with the goblet.
Trust me. I spent two hours this morning doing literally every configuration possible of member tiers and selection. regardless of gangrel being member 1, 2, or 3, unless he is IN the tag match, and either E or C are the manager, the entrance will not be right.
This will not be getting fixed, either. zero hope. Thanks for putting something in a game just to say its there, THQ