[Official] Smackdown vs. RAW Thread

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I hate Khali on this game when i first started i created a character on it and it was only on 26 or 30 the number you start on and he squashed me because i didnt realise that he is a Ultra weight but Big Show is even bigger then him and is a Superweight (atleast in all the other games)
So Im getting this game for the 360 in a few months, I really didnt play too many of the SD games aiside from SVR 1 and 06 and HCTP, The main thing with me is CAWs, So I was wondering how many could you make in all ?
Interesting note is that I haven't played SmackDown vs Raw since Christmas, and even though I have said that before, it is a bit of a surprise because the last few years, I couldn't put the game down. This just shows that nothing much is appealing because I think that most of the elements in the game have just been modified a bit, and that never really makes me want to play it. I am sure that it is probably a bit of the fact that I have grown out of the stage where I was playing video games a lot, but it could also be because SDvsRaw 2007 sucked. The graphics aren't that much better than the last few and there is no more matches. GM Mode was just a more elaborate version and was a letdown when I first played it. In saying all this, I haven't played a full season of it yet (I am being Trevor Murdoch, and I have stopped after I lost to Big Show in a steel cage match) so I am sure I will pick it up again. But like I said, the game just isn't as appealing as it was. I hope they pull something decent out for the 08 game, because I am not really dying to play it.
I have a few quick suggestions to probably enhance the gameplay value of this title...

DK999 - If you are playing GM mode and are trying to use CAW's in the main event, you will not get ratings, you have to build a CAW superstar from the ground up. You might have to throw them onto your sub-cards (Heat/Velocity) to build their popularity. If you throw a CAW onto the main show with a 4 star storyline, it won't matter. Because the story could be good but your wrestler to the cyber audience is lame. GM Mode is one of the best features because it shows you how stubborn other wrestling fans are, you have to put popular wrestlers in the Main Event. It is very possible to get your CAW over with the crowd. But you have to get him TV time, and good matches with low ranked people. If he puts on a good match, he will catch on. Another note, you cannot start rivalries and use them on Heat/Velocity. The stories only are for the main show.

Make a note that you can completely tweak EVERYONE's move sets. You can actually give John Cena more cool looking moves, as a quick example. I have re-vamped The Great Khali, and actually think its fun to throw people around with some of the moves I have given him. To Snyper, I think the reason why Khali is 'bigger' then the Big Show on this game was to get the "Giant" factor along to the buyer. Khali is taller then Show, but does not weight as much. I don't know why it was set like that either.

The controller setting blew ass, but there is a setting that you can apply that makes it almost identical to SVR2006.

These are just some suggestions and pointers... I don't know if they will help anyone out, if you have more questions feel free to ask me. I have 100% of the game complete, LMAO. I did the Special Challenge, were you have to beat the Great Khali in 3 min. using Mickie James! YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT A HARD MATCH. YOU CAN'T EVEN LEAVE THE RING!
Yeah I've seen those before. People take ages doing them and credit to them. I spend ages trying to find glitches or what not in the game. I've only found the one to fight on top of the platform. Oh, and for the record, Monkfish owns.
Creating a wrestler and making him authentic is ridiculously hard work. The actual creation is hard enough but then you've got to train him up in season mode!? Know this, facing Big Show as Bryan Danielson with 37 total attributes on Legend is no picnic!
Playing this this morning, its hard. All the female characters Ive created has SUCKED. I am finally playing the season mode on easy and its really not all that easy.
has anybody else had a problem with the game freezing up when going into the create a entrance mode, I created a superstar and went to do his enterence and it froze on me, then I reset and tried again and the same thing happened, not a big deal, just wondering if it was just my copy or if all copies are like this

I like the GM mode, the only thing that sucks is that RAW (I'm playing as SD! GM obviously) keeps hording all the talent, for example I had RVD and he was my top guy, then after WM they did some little draft thing, and Raw stole him away from me, then I got Kurt Angle, which would've filled the void that RVD left, but Raw decided to Draft Angle back to there show, fucking bastards!!!, kinda like in real life, and I can't seem to get the popularity up on any of my talent, without "upsetting" the rest of my roster
has anybody else had a problem with the game freezing up when going into the create a entrance mode, I created a superstar and went to do his enterence and it froze on me, then I reset and tried again and the same thing happened, not a big deal, just wondering if it was just my copy or if all copies are like this

I like the GM mode, the only thing that sucks is that RAW (I'm playing as SD! GM obviously) keeps hording all the talent, for example I had RVD and he was my top guy, then after WM they did some little draft thing, and Raw stole him away from me, then I got Kurt Angle, which would've filled the void that RVD left, but Raw decided to Draft Angle back to there show, fucking bastards!!!, kinda like in real life, and I can't seem to get the popularity up on any of my talent, without "upsetting" the rest of my roster

I never had any problems with my Create An Entrance mode, maybe it is just your copy.

As for GM Mode, you can take the cheap way out(if you just want to beat it to unlock the Trophy and unlimited EXP points). The cheap way goes like this:

-Fire all of your talent besides your six most popular superstars.

-Turn off injuries and superstar morale in the options menu and turn on the same card of matches every week as well.

-Make all of your matches specialty matches.

-Make four of your matches title matches(one of each title, you could exclude Cruiserweight if you don't have two high popular CWs).

OK, after you did all of that your card every week should look something like this:

Let's say your six highest popular Superstars are:

Shawn Michaels(face)
John Cena(face)

Match 1:Edge vs Taker(Bar Brawl)

Match 2:Batista vs John Cena(Parking lot Brawl)

Match 3:HHH vs HBK(Bar Brawl)

Match 4:HBK&Cena vs HHH&Edge(Steel Cage, Tag Team title match)

Match 5:Cena vs Edge vs Batista(Triple Threat Cage, U.S. title match)

Main Event:HHH vs HBK vs Taker(Triple Threat Cage, World title match)


If you do this format with six high popular wrestlers you should win in the ratings each week, but it is a cheap way of winning lol. Hope that helps:)
SvR sucks. I posted this on the IGN Boards. My thoughts on Smackdown vs Raw-

I sent an email recently to THQ concerning various things about the SvR games I along with many of my friends find frustrating. THQ forwarded me here so the following is my original email to them.

Hello. I'm unaware if THQ can decide who does and who does
not make the cut for the Smackdown vs. Raw games. If you do not, my
apologies. Please consider making these changes for the 2009 game.

The roster:
A few minutes ago I just saw the official roster for 08.
Every year it's the same thing. A new Smackdown vs. Raw. Every year the
graphics improve. Every year the game play itself improves. Every year
the variety of wrestlers stays the same. Upon hearing about the GM
mode for SvR 06, I was very excited. However, I was very disappointed for
not only the 2006 SvR, but also the 2007 SvR. You simply cannot make a
BELIEVABLE GM mode with the lack of superstars you offer for each show.
It's not even just the GM mode, it's the season mode as well. With how
well the game play continues to improve, many fans such as myself wish
to have matches with superstars that are never available to us. There
are so many different wrestlers that could make SvR better but they're
always excluded. Examples of said wrestlers are Shelton Benjamin, Paul
London, Brian Kendrick, Victoria, Chris Jericho, Big Show, and Rob Van

Authentic and accurate portrayal of reality:
First things first. Commentary. Playing SvR 07, I noticed there was
hardly any change when it came to JR & King or JBL and Cole. They would
talk about wrestlers who weren't there, call incorrect finishing moves,
and repeat themselves over and over and over. Using any wrestler in
season mode when there's a cut scene, they always are referred to as
"that/this SUPERSTAR" and not by their names. Another thing about season mode
and cut scenes, the commentators mess up during PPVs. The cut scene
will start, and even if the match your chosen wrestler is wrestling in is
the main event, they'll act as if the show just started by saying
"welcome to such and such PPV, we're glad to have you with us tonight". One
of the things that annoyed me the most about the season mode in 07 was
a text message Mick Foley sent to my wrestler Undertaker. It said
something along the lines of, "hey that was a pretty good match tonight,
but I think us old timers still have a thing or two teach you guys".
Excuse me? The Undertaker is a veteran. He's NOT a rookie. Playing the last
game, I noticed anybody could use the sledgehammer weapon. Nobody uses
that except for Triple H. NOBODY. I have never once, excluding the
time Shawn Michaels wrestled against Triple H to use his own weapon
against him, seen another wrestler use the sledgehammer.

If you could improve on these errors, it could make for a much better
game and the fans would appreciate it.

I'd like to expand on CAWs. They can be nice, yes, but no different from what I said about the cut scenes and commentary. You can only give them corny names like "Prototype", or "Superstar" and more often than not, they're called by the commentators as "player 1" and there's no real connection between my said CAW(s) and the official roster. Say if I make RVD. If I put him through season mode, it doesn't matter if he goes on ECW, or wrestles Tommy Dreamer, there will be no indication whatsoever that he's an ECW original, let alone a veteran of the sport.
Well i think they should increase the "24/7" mode, what they probably did already. But I´m not sure if this would work.
And also, they could put some of the older Entrance Themes in teh Game like "my Time" etc.

And most Entrances or animations are the same (except HHH´s entrance or the Sweet Chin Music, which was reanimated).

But the worst thing....THE COMMENTATING!

Since 2006 it´s always the same with JR and King, they should record it new and let it look (or better sound) it realistic.
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