WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

You guys want Kennedy to be your MiTB winner? Why? Kennedy's boring as hell.
Sure, he can be entertaining on the mic, but his matches are 2 star at best. Anybody remember the match he had with Marty Jennetty at the 15th anniversary show? I swear you could hear crickets chirping in the audience.
Kennedy needs another year or two at least until I think he'll be credible as a
World Champ contender.
Therefore, I would have Jericho win the MiTB this year.
You guys want Kennedy to be your MiTB winner? Why? Kennedy's boring as hell.
Sure, he can be entertaining on the mic, but his matches are 2 star at best. Anybody remember the match he had with Marty Jennetty at the 15th anniversary show? I swear you could hear crickets chirping in the audience.
Kennedy needs another year or two at least until I think he'll be credible as a
World Champ contender.
Therefore, I would have Jericho win the MiTB this year.

Is it really Kennedy's fault that his match with MJ was bad? I mean, we're talking Marty Janetty here lol. The guy's way past his prime and even in his prime he wasn't the one with the goods to break out even 1/100th of how Michaels did.

But I do agree that Kennedy still needs a bit of tweaking, however, as pointed out above, Jericho winning would be a waste as he doesn't need the MITB - he's already a main event guy.
i actually could see CM Punk winning this thing. They could have somewhat the same finish and have CM Punk and Kennedy going for the Briefcase but have CM Punk get some sort of revenge on Kennedy by kicking him off the ladder and taking the briefcase.
I'm still holding strong that the person who would benefit most from the MITB is MVP. And I personally think he is ready. Though, a Kennedy win and same night cash in would be awesome. Just think, Cena wins the WWE Championship ( I hate to say it, but thats where this seems to be headed ) all bloody and battered, fans booing, and all of a sudden, bam! Kennedy comes out, cashes in, and takes the gold.
my feelings on the chances of the participants in MITB

Chris Jericho i hope he wins he deserves it i could see him losing the I-C title
before wrestlemania and jumping to smackdown after winning the case

Shelton Benjamin he's good but he dont need the case he can win the ECW title
without it

John Morrison NO CHANCE simple as that

Carlito it would be cool no pun intended but i dont see it happening

MVP i could see him win it and then lose the US title at backlash to matt hardy
in order to build up momentum to cash it in he would be a good person to take
the belt from undertaker

MR. Ken Kennedy Kennedy if he wins he WILL cash it in at THIS wrestlemania
and i think he has a good shot at winning

CM Punk i think he's in MITB just because if he was in the battle royal he would
have to win it
i personally don't like any of the choices that might win the MITB briefcase. Witth Jeff Hardy , its really gonna be a dull match. There wouldn't be any favorites to win the briefcase. But i would want jericho to win it even though he really has no chance.
Just read the Smackdown preview for tonight, and it says that Morrison and Miz will compete for the Final spot in the MITB match at Mania. I'm hoping its a misprint but if it holds true, looks like they aren't going to replace Jeff Hardy after all, and just have a 7 man match, rather then 8. Considering Matt Hardy is going to be competing at house shows this weekend, I find it rather odd that they wouldn't put him in the match.
I actually think this is pretty cool...I'm getting the vibe that Matt Hardy since he's not in the match can come in and interfere, costing MVP the brief case.

Instantly rekindling their feud.
I like the inclusion of Punk and Morrison. Punk managed to stand out last year. In what I thought was a pretty average match. 8 wrestlers is far too many. So for him to make an impact in a ladder match involving Booker, Edge, Hardyz & Orton was impressive.

I also like Morrison in this match. I'd consider him to be an inventive wrestler. I'm certainly intrested in seeing what he can come up with.
Hold up kids. I've just seen this picture:


What is MVP doing there? Where is the MVP/Hardy match? This is freakin' bullshit. Damn you Hardy and your funky appendix.

I expect MVP to win this now. But come on. If Hardy can't wrestle then get somebody else to face him. The US title actually has a little prestige, so please defend it.

I'm not seeing how he's going to stand out in this match. Kennedy only managed to last year because of that midget. MVP doesn't really appear to be the sort who'll be good in this type of match.

Now if the final wrestler is Matt Hardy I'll be really pissed.
Yea JAke, check a few pages back, MVP was added a few days ago. He beat Jaimie Noble at a house show to qualify. It was dont two days before the Hardy suspension, so I am fairly sure he was subbed in to take Hardys spot as the winner. I was pissed about him being in it for the same reasons as you, til I realized that Hardys idiocy may have given MVP a MITB breifcase. He is my odds on pick to win, for a number of reasons(cited in the other posts). I think they are gonna use him here becuase Hardy wil be coming back too late to get a decent re build for a mania pay off. I dont agree, but I see the WWE logic. And everyone is freaking out about Matt Hardy not being in it just becuase MVP is. I dont think WWE wants a guy who just a had a freaking appendectomy in a big bump, high spot ladder match so soon. I think MVP will shock many, and thrive, and succeed here. Who else is a btter option? No one IMO.
So apparently there are only going to be 7 wrestlers involved in this now Jeff is gone. I don't see why. 7 is such an odd number. I'm sure they could have added somebody like Burke or Noble to round the number up.

I'm actually thinking that Matt will appear as the 8th wrestler at Mania. Just as it's about to start his music will go off and he'll be part of it.

I then expect him and MVP to brawl to the back leaving the rest to battle it out.
This match is such a complete waste of talent though, I don't know why they didnt just keep it at 6 like the first money in the bank. In fact they should make it just 4, and have some decent mid card matches. That been said it'll still be the second best match by far. Does MVP really need to win it? He's practically a upper mid-carder now anyway. He only needs a small push and he's there, I still personally feel Carlito will win it, because he must of been promised a push in order to stay. Jericho also I'm sure he has something in his contract about a World title, the rest are massive outsiders in my opinion who are only going to win it if WWE decides to start the ECW title some credibility. I don't think Matt will be in this match, I think he'll be the one to challange Chavo and win the title off him.

Its official, there won't be an 8th man. On Smackdown, they built the John Morrison v. The Miz match as the FINAL MITB Qualifying match. Therefore, when looking at the line-up, it more or less would go about like this.

M.V.P.: The odds on favorite to possibly win it, assuming Matt Hardy doesn't interfere or somehow get added into the match, costing M.V.P. the match. Porter is the only guy who is a big enough name, to deserve a legit World Heavyweight Championship match.. who hasn't blown any opportunity when given the chance in the past. (ie. Kennedy)

Mr. Kennedy: Dispite making mistakes in the past, and blowing opportunities handed to him before, they could go ahead and give him a second chance. I think Kennedy is likely the best guy in this match to win the whole thing, as long as they aren't still holding the past against him. Kennedy has the best chance at being a note-worthy World Champion, but no where near quality enough to be a Raw Champion.

Chris Jericho: Doesn't make a lot of sense for him to have just won the Intercontinental Championship, only to turn around and gain access to a World Heavyweight title shot. However Jericho is a "big name" and has the ability to win based off that alone. I'm not saying it'd be a good choice, I'm just saying it'd be a logical one.

C.M. Punk: They've been feeding him to Chavo Guerrero left and right on E.C.W., so I can't see how that would magically make him a legit contender for either Raw or Smackdown's Championship titles. However perhaps this is Punk's best laid chance to escape that brand, and jump to either Smackdown or Raw. Again, its not likely, but it could be possible. Another theory is that the briefcase could be cashed in against the E.C.W. Champion as well.

John Morrison: I think Morrison is the dark horse of the match. The reason being, is because he was never scheduled to win the E.C.W. Heavyweight Championship, yet when he did he carried it greatly. Great enough to be a possible top contender for a run on either Raw or Smackdown. I know many would disagree, but I think Morrison is a younger version of Edge. I think he has all of what it takes to be a great future World Champion.

Shelton Benjamin: I don't honestly think Benjamin has a shot in the dark at winning this match, however he still has a better chance than Carlito. They've pushed Benjamin as of late on E.C.W., but he doesn't have anywhere near the ability to be a World Champion on Raw or Smackdown. I can definately see him winning the E.C.W. Championship at some point in his future, especially for them to give that Championship to Chavo, however I don't see Benjamin winning this match. I simply see him being apart of it because he works well with ladders.

Carlito: More or less see above. The only difference being, I don't even see Carlito as being a top contender for the E.C.W. Championship. Up until recently, Carlito has been jobbing out to Cody Rhodes. More or less, Carlito's lost more than a page. Hes lost a whole book. Hes only in this match, similar to Shelton, because he can hit one or two big spots and hes a young talent that at least deserves some type of spotlight.

Overall: I'd honestly say M.V.P. to feud with the Undertaker, or Mr. Kennedy to feud with Triple H. Either way, it looks like Hardy's fall from grace has opened the door for someone to take the next step in their career. The only question I have is this.

Last year people badly judged Edge for "stealing" Mr. Kennedy's shot. Well, with whoever wins this match, will they be seen in the same light for "stealing" Jeff Hardy's shot? Because the fact is, with Hardy suddenly absent, this match is up for grabs by any one of the individuals involved. And to be honest. I WANT John Morrison to walk away with the victory. Believe you me, I will be jumping for joy if somehow Morrison walks away with the victory. And Wrestlemania will be worth every penny if this happens.
I WANT John Morrison to walk away with the victory. Believe you me, I will be jumping for joy if somehow Morrison walks away with the victory. And Wrestlemania will be worth every penny if this happens.

I'm rooting for Morrison as well, actually. Carlito and Benjamin don't need the Money in the Bank to get a shot at the ECW title, as the ECW title isn't prestigious enough to limit the challengers. Jericho can challenge anyone at any time and it'd be legitimate and acceptable. MVP is big enough now that he could make the jump to the main event without needing the briefcase. CM Punk can just wait until the draft and then start at the upper midcard of Raw or Smackdown. So that leaves Kennedy and Morrison, and I think Kennedy has it in him to make the jump without the case as well, but both men have taken a step backwards as of the past few months. However, where Kennedy excels on the mic and could create a "jump-ship feud to the main event" based purely on that, Morrison struggles a little on the mic, so he'd benefit the most by having this win. I'd love to see all of the men involved in this MITB match to become the future stars of the WWE, as they all are talented, and some are pretty much guaranteed a top spot soon enough (like MVP), but it would kick ass if Morrison won it. Logically, though, I still think the safest bet is Kennedy, as I think MVP will be "screwed" out of the match by a returning Matt Hardy to reignite their long-overdue and now boring feud.
I just wanted to piggy back on something Will. Just becuase they advertised the match as the LAST QUALIFYING MATCH doesnt necessarily mean there wont be an 8th entrant. Its perfectly set up for Matt Hardy to sub into his brothers spot. Something with Vince announcing "you people payed to see a Hardy in a aladder match, and you WILL get it"...Hardy then come sout to a fat pop, and ruins everything for MVP, thus throwing feuld back onto the fire. Do I WANT this? NO. As you all know, my opion is less is more when it comes to this match. But I certainley see this as a plausable situation. If this happens, I certainly see Kennedy taking this. Although, Miz and Morrison will be facing Jesse and festus for the tag team gold on SD!. That makes me think maybe Morrison could have a chance, becuase im fairly sure Miz and Morrison will drop the belts, as they have been bickering and fighting the last few weeks. If that happens, and the team breaks up, I really think Morrison could have a real chance in this thing. And as you mentioned, they enjoy using Morrison as a shocker winner. It very well could happen.
Just a thought , but as the 60 days suspension permits him to do shows and PPVs whould it be imposible to see Jeff come up as the wrestlemania surprise ? And of course if that's not gonna happen i don't see a MITB match without a Hardy, and Matt will certainly not be left out of the PPV.

Just as a thought but why put men with bigger status like Y2J or MVP here , when you can just through London/Kendrick as a filler as they will to better jumps and tricks with the ladders than MVP .?
Ok, it may just be me, but I was kinda hoping that Burchill would have gotten in the match, I think he would've been a great addition, just the thought of him hitting the C4 (his finisher from his Pirate Paul days, can'y remember what it was called in WWE) off a ladder, and even possaibly the Curb Stomp finisher he uses now onto a ladder makes me wanna mark out just thinking about, but looks like it won't be happening since MITB is now finalized

Personally I would've left Morrison out of this match, I just think that the other six were already capable of putting on a great ladder match, Morrison wasn't really needed, they should've just stuck him in the ECW Battle Royal, now the MITB match just seems to have to many people, I just can't imagine it being as good with 7 people, I have always felt that 6 was the magic number for the MITB match, and why on earth are their 3 ECW guys, 3 Raw guys, and only 1 SD! guy?!?, probably just me that that just seems dumb

I'm thinking that either Kennedy or MVP are gonna win, though it seems the odds favor Kennedy a little more, with the promos he has cut about winning and cashing it in on the same night, but MVP would be a good choice too, I think he's well on his way to being a ME level guy over on SD!, and whether he wins or not wouldn't be surprised to see him main eventing in a WHC match on PPV before the end of the year, I don't see any of the ECW guys standing a chance at winning this, why would they waste such a huge match on pushing someone on the "C" show, when they could instead use it to push someone on the "A" or "B" shows, their is a reason they aren't on Raw or SD! at the moment
I just had another peice of the Kennedy FTW theory materialize in my crazy mind...

Since JBL has apparently now revealed that Hornswaggle is actually Finlays son, doent that technically re-open the Mcmahon illegitimate son storyline?? And how could they rebuild Kennedy to the earth shaking momentum he had last year??? he wins MITB, and then Mcmahon shortly thereafter reveals the KENNEDY really IS the son after all. This could also mean that Cena winning the belt only to drop it seconds later to Kennedy would be all the more plausible, as it paints Cena in a sympathetic light, and pits him against Vince and his son, as antagonists. WWE probably isnt smart enough to realize all this though, so I wouldnt be counting on it LOL
Remember the days when it was all right to remain a strong midcarder for your entire career? Think of RR Piper, he never won the big one but still held the IC belt (granted it held alot more prestige in those days), faced Hogan at the first wrestlemania main event and is in the hall of fame!

Having said this I would argue that guys like Carlito and Benjamin will forever be in the midcard without it destroying their reputation and as a big fan of both these guys I can live with that and actually feel it is a good thing for business. Who wants an amazing group of 2/3 main eventers and no under-card talent?

As much as I hate and hesitate to say it, I beleive that Morrisson and Punk may even become career midcarders even though I beleive they have what it takes to carry the business (even on RAW, though not for a couple of years yet).

Y2J doesn't need this, thats all that needs to be said. Anyway his IC title does open up a possible feud with CM Punk if they want to draft him to RAW and having seen his old heel promos (telling people drinking/smoking that he hoped they died), either man could play the heel or the face and make this an awesome undercard fued.

That leaves MVP and Kennedy. Personnaly I feel either man has as much a chance as the other and that they are the only 2 in this with a real chance of winning it (with an outside chance of a Punk victory). If HHH wants to feud with Cena this Summer then either Kennedy will switch back to Smackdown (he did already have a 'Taker rivalry which was entertaining) or they'll give it to MVP. Either man has the potential for superstardom and the ability to currently lead their respective brands, what's more its the only match this year which I can't guess the winner (though my money's on Kennedy if Matt shows up, MVP if he doesn't)

I want; Morrisson/Punk to win
I think; Kenedy/MVP will win
I just had another peice of the Kennedy FTW theory materialize in my crazy mind...

Since JBL has apparently now revealed that Hornswaggle is actually Finlays son, doent that technically re-open the Mcmahon illegitimate son storyline?? And how could they rebuild Kennedy to the earth shaking momentum he had last year??? he wins MITB, and then Mcmahon shortly thereafter reveals the KENNEDY really IS the son after all. This could also mean that Cena winning the belt only to drop it seconds later to Kennedy would be all the more plausible, as it paints Cena in a sympathetic light, and pits him against Vince and his son, as antagonists. WWE probably isnt smart enough to realize all this though, so I wouldnt be counting on it LOL

I think they said that Vinces family contacted Finley and they came up with the whole bastard son thing to get back at Vince for faking his death, I could be wrong, I did miss a week, but if that's the case then there may be no bastard son at all, and JBL/Finley is the end of it, also if this is the case than your whole theory just went out the window, personally I think they're done with this one, and after this there will be no more speak of a McMahon bastard child

I still think Kennedy is the most likely to win this, and would like to see him win, then Cena win the Triple Threat, have Kennedy come out after the match, cash in his MITB shot and beat Cena for the belt, but I can't possiably be that lucky...hell knowing WWE they'd probably do that, but instead have Cena just scoop up Kennedy and hit him with an F-U and make him tap to the STFU, thus making the whole MITB title shot completly pointless in the process

MVP would be my second guess to win this, but I get the feeling Matt will make his return and cost MVP the match

Jericho could be another person that could win, but he really doesn't need it, the MITB match is useally looked at as a match used to push guys from the high mid-card into the main event, and Jericho is, for the most part, already considered a main eventer

Shelton, Carlito, Punk, & Morrison all don't stand a chance at winning this

Carlito won't cause he's been jobbing for ages now, and isn't in posistion for any type of title shot

Morrison...well I'm still wondering why the fuck they put this guy into the match to begin with, he's been out of the title picture on ECW for months now, IMO it would be a waste to give him the MITB, in fact if anyone where to use the MITB title shot on the ECW title it would just lessen the importance of the title shot, it would be like cashing it in on the US or IC title, just dumb, and Morrison, IMO, would have been better used in the ECW Battle Royal shit match

Shelton is only in this match for his high sots on the ladder, he's gonna get his shot at the ECW title anyway and doesn't need this match for it

Punk is probably the most likely of the three ECW guys in the match to win this, but the only way I could see them giving him the MITB title shot is if they were move him to either SD! or Raw, and I don't see them doing this for two reasons, one, cause he's constantly in the fucking dog house over stupid shit, and 2, cause he's simply not ready to compete for the WHC or WWE title

So I'm guessing Kennedy wins MITB again, and hoping that my scenario where he cashes it in and beats Cena for the belt after the triple threat comes true...but I'm not getting my hopes up
Shelton, Carlito, Punk, & Morrison all don't stand a chance at winning this

Morrison...well I'm still wondering why the fuck they put this guy into the match to begin with, he's been out of the title picture on ECW for months now, IMO it would be a waste to give him the MITB, in fact if anyone where to use the MITB title shot on the ECW title it would just lessen the importance of the title shot, it would be like cashing it in on the US or IC title, just dumb, and Morrison, IMO, would have been better used in the ECW Battle Royal shit match

Would you stop hating on John Morrison. :lmao: The man has done nothing to you.

I'm pushing heavily for John Morrison to win, because as I've stated several times prior, hes like a younger less experienced version of Edge. He has all the makings of a great wrestler. He has the look, he has the talent, he has charisma and in-ring ability. He needs to tune up his mic. skills, but hes by leaps and bounds better on the mic. than guys like Batista, or Orton.

Not to mention, think back to the Benoit ordeal. They randomly put John Morrison in the match, then gave him the Championship. If (assuming he was) Benoit was meant to win, I could understand Morrison winning in his place. However it doesn't explain how they suddenly let Morrison keep the Championship until September, when unfortunately he was caught up in the steroid scandal.

I have strong belief that Morrison will be better than Kennedy. All he needs is to find a gimmick and stick with it. Johnny Nitro and John Morrison are both top quality names to use for a World Heavyweight Champion, therefore I can still definately see him winning this, then making a leap into the World Heavyweight Championship picture.

Do I see him defeating the likes of the Undertaker? Hell no, not right now anyways. But he has more than what it takes to defeat Batista, and that proves to me that hes worthy of a Heavyweight run.
Get ready for another long post from NoFate007, lol.

What are we looking at in the near future? As far as the WWE title goes, a triple threat feud between HHH/Orton/Cena, dropping Orton first. On Raw's side, we have Finlay feuding with JBL, though I doubt that'll last long, so who will JBL feud with? My guess is HBK, since he has nobody left. Umaga is feuding with Batista. Undertaker/Edge. MVP/Matt Hardy. I could see Finlay feuding with Big Show after Wrestlemania, as Batista's tied up with Umaga. Who does Jericho have for his IC title, and who does Kennedy have to feud with? Each other. So, by proxy:

1. Kennedy and Jericho cost each other the MITB, and start a feud over the IC title, which Kennedy eventually wins.
2. Matt comes back and costs MVP the MITB, reigniting their feud.

That leaves us with CM Punk, Morrison, Benjamin, and Carlito.

CM Punk - He's only winning it if they want him to move up to the WWE title or WHC, which is plausible, but we're not sure how likely. He has a good chance at becoming a WHC holder but not the WWE title just yet.

Shelton - ECW title is the only thing within his grasp.

*Note: Did anybody else feel like there was a slight nod towards a CM Punk/Shelton Benjamin feud? If they want to do so, they may end up costing each other the MITB and starting their feud right after Wrestlemania. I can't see Shelton feuding with Kane once he wins the ECW title, as they've had a very small feud very recently, and Punk has nobody left to feud with, so why not?

And in that case, you have Carlito and Morrison.

Carlito - As we've said, the only way this guy has a shot is if he uses it to win the ECW title, which isn't as likely as some other options and it would frankly be a waste of the case.

So that leaves Morrison...who may be losing the tag team title soon in order to move on to bigger and better things. I could see them giving the title to Cena somewhere around Summerslam (ugh) and having Morrison be his next feud after that, as Cena will have already went through rather recent feuds with HHH, HBK, Orton, Umaga, and JBL (to an extent) but not with Morrison, as he hasn't reached that peak yet.

I'm hoping this happens, because Morrison's someone I want to see the best of, but I'm a fan of all the guys in this match (to varying degrees, Carlito being my least) so I hope more than anything that they execute the Money in the Bank cash-in in the right way.
Morrison is not going to win, he doesn't have any momentum, I think it will come down to two people really, either Kennedy or Y2J. The problem is Kennedy is he already said that he would cash it in after the main event. Y2J would make sense cuz I have to believe that he will eventually win one of the main titles, he didn't come back to be a mid-carder. So I could see Y2J winning it. MVP, Morrison, Carlito, and Shelton, really have no chance. If CM Punk won and cashed it in for the ECW Title, that would be a disgrace to the MITB Match, so I definetely hope that doesn't happen. When its all said and done I expect Y2J to win it, basically taking Hardy's push.
Morrison is not going to win, he doesn't have any momentum, I think it will come down to two people really, either Kennedy or Y2J. The problem is Kennedy is he already said that he would cash it in after the main event. Y2J would make sense cuz I have to believe that he will eventually win one of the main titles, he didn't come back to be a mid-carder. So I could see Y2J winning it. MVP, Morrison, Carlito, and Shelton, really have no chance. If CM Punk won and cashed it in for the ECW Title, that would be a disgrace to the MITB Match, so I definetely hope that doesn't happen. When its all said and done I expect Y2J to win it, basically taking Hardy's push.

The problem with Y2J winning it, though, is that its a waste. He doesn't need it in order to challenge for a top title as he's already a legitimate main event star. The other guys in the match aren't, yet, but need a little extra push to get past the "upper midcard" status. As far as momentum goes, you have to start somewhere. Look at Santino. He had no momentum whatsoever, but they started him with an IC title reign right off the bat. Hornswoggle didn't have any momentum going into his Cruiserweight title capture, but that happened. This could be just what Morrison needs to start building up a lot of steam in 08.

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