Money in the Bank - RAW Money In The Bank

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Going down the list here

1.Alberto Del Rio : Highly likely to win , he won the royal rumble FFS. It really IS his destiny to be WWE champion one day , and with the mega push hes been on its gonna be one day soon.

2.R-Truth : Has a good chance , the dudes fucking awesome ever since he went nuts. Everyone loves insane R-truth. I'd say he has a good chance here but I don't think he NEEDS it since they've given him world title shots w/o it.

3.Jack Swagger : He won MITB once , he can do it again. Hes been pushed out of the main event level for unknown reasons but they may want to be stupid and use it to put him back in it instead of just putting him back in it. He has a chance.

4.Miz : Oh for fucks sake , I think theres a chance he wins but I sure as hell hope not. He doesn't NEED it 1 fucking bit. He was the WWE champion for months and kicked the living shit out of Super Cena. Can he win? Yes. Will he win? Oh please no

5.Evan Bourne : Not a chance in hell , he doesn't talk.

6.Rey Mysterio : Absolutley does not fucking need it , plus his contract is soon to expire and he supposedly is not resigning , because he wants some time off. Little to no chance here

7.Alex Riley : Has alot of momentum , is getting pushed pretty hard and pretty fast. But will they really pull such a big trigger on him this soon? I doubt it

8.Kofi Kingston : Pffft , yeah right. Kofis been in the WWE THIS long and hasn't been made a main eventer yet its never going to happen. I'm gonna say he has almost no chance of winning this at all.

Order of likelihood to win IMO (#1 being most likely #8 being the least likely)

1.Alberto Del Rio
2.Jack Swagger
3.Alex Riley
6.Rey Mysterio
7.Kofi Kingston
8.Evan Bourne
Rey Mysterio - I think most of us would despise another RM title reign and luckily he has no chance of winning here. Will provide some big spots in the match though.

R-Truth - I hope he does'nt win here but with the massive push he is on you never know. At 39 years old he hardly has a big long-term future ahead of him!

Alex Riley - Still too green to start being involved in the main event scene and I don't think they would put the briefcase on him this early in his career.

The Miz - Could he win two years in a row? Possibly. However I think him and A-RY will cancel each other out in this match thus continuing their feud.

Alberto Del Rio - My favourite to win the match. I think WWE would like to re-start his strong push so winning the briefcase would be a good start. If the Summerslam plans are still DR v Cena then he is a shoo-in to win this.

Evan Bourne - Not a chance of winning this, although he will be really fun in this match up with lots of high spot. Expect Air Bourne from the top of a ladder!

Jack Swagger - Won Mitb last year and severely flopped as champion. Good talent but still not ready for the main event scene.

Kofi Kingston - Again, there to provide some high spots but will be a mid-card wrestler for a life.

Who I'd like to win the match: Del Rio
Who I think will win the match: Del Rio
The winner is going to be between Alberto Del Rio and R-Truth. I personally hope R-Truth wins since he plays a heel much better than Del Rio who has bored everyone by now with his "destiny" and random Spanish rambling. The Miz and Alex Riley are the other likely winners here but I highly doubt Miz will be Mr MITB twice in a row and A-Ry has just turned face and they aren't ones to use dirty tactics to win the championships, besides he's just getting started and a win is a little too fast of a ME push. The rest are all filler here.

I'm rooting for R-Truth but I think it's highly likely that Del Rio might come out with the briefcase in his hands. I just hope he wont do the same ol' angle of cashing in at the same night cause this CM Punk/John Cena storyline is too interesting.
Two guys who should have definately been in this match are Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison. These two guys fit the bill pretty well as to what an MITB winner should be like. Or at least they were three months ago. Both guys were upper midcarders who had main evented a few times and needed just one little push to propel themselves into the main event. But I guess that is not the case anymore. Morrison has lost a bit of heat due to his injury( which is probably the reason why he isn't in the match in the first place) and Ziggler has gotten lost in the Raw midcard shuffle.

Anyway back to the match. I'm confused as to who will win because no one fits the bill quite well enough. Kofi and Evan seem to be midcarders for life while Miz is an established main event star who has already won the MITB once and can get back into the main event any time he wants. Mysterio doesn't gain anything by winning the MITB, he is someone who constantly shuffles between the midcard and the main event with ease.

Alberto Del Rio seems like a good option but then there are other ways in which he can get a title shot. In any case, after Punk, he seems to be the biggest heel on Raw and so it would be kind of obvious if he won. Truth also looks like a good choice but I refuse to believe that after his poor showing at Capitol Punishment the management is all that high on him. Swagger is a nobody at this point while Riley is also very new onto the scene.

My pick would be Riley though because it seems that the WWE does have a lot of faith in him. He might not be ready to main event yet but there is also no need for him to cash in on the briefcase immediately either. Alberto Del Rio is my second choice although I feel he will get a title shot sooner rather than later regardless of his victory.
A CRAZY thought here.............Cena loses to Punk in his match........the MIB winner comes out and beats Punk for the title. McMahon comes out Monday on Raw and talks about firing Cena but then decides not to thanks to the new champion ???? Del Rio?????
What would make for a good swerve is to have the Money In The Bank Winner to come out and challenge Punk (if he wins). Have Punk immediately run out of the ring, grab his belt and run out through the crowd. Everyone would believe that Punk did the biggest shoot in WWE History in "leaving WWE with the belt". Cole and Lawler would be speechless, the PPV could fade to black with the Money in the Bank Winner, hopefully Del Rio and Cena standing in the ring looking at each other in disbelief. The shock factor would be huge.
Interesting looking match here. There are a few guys with potential to win which should keep things interesting.

Evan Bourne: Not a chance in hell he wins, he is just in this match to add some cool spots, maybe a SSP off a ladder or something like that.

Swagger: Again, very little chance, Swagger winning MITB has been tried and it failed, no need to put us through that again. At least this time if he won he hasn't been jobbing to Santino lately, although jobbing to King and Bourne may be worse.

Kofi: He is an outside chance to win but I doubt it. He has been trapped in mid card hell for what seems like forever and WWE doesn't seem that intent on moving him anywhere above that status. That being said he did prove in the Orton feud he could hang in the main event so WWE may decide to pull the trigger on a push for him here finally, i'll call him a dark horse for this.

Miz: He doesn't need the win, simple as that. People already buy him as a legit main eventer and he could just as easily win the title without the briefcase. PLus him winning likely means another Cena feud and we know that wont be happening again any time soon.

Rey: He is basically just here as filler in this match. Like Miz he is a legit main eventer and could win the title without the briefcase. He is just here to add some high flying fun and well as adding some credibility to the match. Plus MITB works so much better for heels. He is close to retirement anyway it seems and a win here would do nothing for him.

Truth: Truth winning this is a possibility I guess, he has been very good recently and he has been pushed accordingly picking up wins over Rey and Cena. I could see Truth winning and actually failing to win off the case in, furthering the conspiracy, that seems like a bit of a waste though. He is a chance to win but there are people more likely to do it than him.

Riley: He is also a very good chance of winning. WWE obviously see's something in Riley and they have pushed him hard lately allowing him big wins over the Miz. I would have him as my favourite but MITB works much better for heels generally. He is also a bit green to win MITB.

Del Rio: Definitely my pick to win this. Rumours have been flying around for a while that WWE wants Cena vs Del Rio at Summerslam this is an easy way to do it. Del Rio could cash in on Cena after his match with Punk thus kickstarting that feud. Del Rio needs this win too, he keeps talking about it being his destiny to win the world title, it is all well and good for him to keep saying that over and over but unless he actually does it then he will loose all credibility sooner or later.
Kofi is a darkhorse in this methinks, the only midcarder on raw that gets face pops to be in the mainevent, and ofcourse can wrestle/talk etc
In my opinion, this MITB match is harder to predict a winner then the SD one is. With 2 previous winners, as well as 3rd former champion, this past years Royal Rumble winner and 2 guys that have been pretty hot as of late (riley & truth), I could really see any of those 6 walking away with the briefcase. But here's who I think has the best chances..

Alberto Del Rio: He was on fire in the beginning of the year winning the Rumble match and going on to fight for the title at Wrestlemania. It seemed though his move to RAW cooled him off a bit as Miz/Cena was the big feud at the moment. However, with Cena done with Miz, and seemingly with Truth as well, this is Del Rio's time. I see him having the best chance of coming out victorious in this one.

R-Truth: Call me crazy, but I actually see him having a chance of winning this match. Imagine the type of promo's Truth could have leading up to when he cashes in the briefcase. And like somebody else mentioned earlier, he could win this match, but then lose when he cashes it in, furthering his conspiracy angle.

Alex Riley: I feel he has a better chance of winning then Miz, since Miz just won it last year and wont need the win as much. Plus the E seems to be HUGE on Alex Riley right now, so I could see this happening, though in my opinion it still seems a little too early to put that much faith in Riley just yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins though..

The Miz: Sure, he doesn't really need the win here, but the E could always go this route, letting him having a match or two against Riley w/the briefcase on the line. Miz could then add that he is the first man to win MITB 2 years in a row to his accolades, thus furthering him as a mega heel. IMO though, I don't see Miz winning it this year.

My last 4 people that have chances of winning are Mysterio, Swagger, Kingston and Bourne, with the last 3 in my opinion basically have as much of a chance as a snowball does of surviving in hell. Bourne and Kingston are in there for the high spots, and Swagger..perhaps because he's a former winner? Regardless, I see Del Rio coming out as the winner in this MITB match, with either Barrett or Christian (after inserting himself into the match) winning the SD one.
Based on what has happened on last few weeks, I'll go with this :

Most likley

1- A-Ri : It's usually been the place for they guy they have big programs for. He has beaten Miz 3 time in a row and that's the strongest among all the participants.

2- Swagger : Exactly like last time he won, he can surprise the whole universe. but the only reason I have him so high is because I think with Cena, ADR and Miz in Raw, WWE won't need a new champ on this show and he will porbably be the first one to lose.

3- Troof - Since he has become a big playa on Raw lately, and since there's no legit way other than Mitb that he can win the title, If WWE sees him as a champion, this is the best time to pull the trigger.

4- The Miz - Firstly he can take away one of Punk's honors, and secondly We already have two two time winners, and seriously he is the only one in the mix that is at WWE title level.

5- Kofi- who knows, maybe after years of jerking with midcard titles, WWE finally decieds to test him in big leagues. I doubt it very much.

6- Evan Bourne : No way in hell he can win this one.

7 - Rey Nysterio : Even the guy who books Hornswoggle constantly wouldn't book Rey in this point of his career to win this thing.

8 - ADR : He already has a title shot.
To be honest, this match frightens me. The most likely result, in my mind, is not what I want to happen. Here we go:

Kofi Kingston - I would be quite surprised if he won this thing. I have absolutely no confidence in this guy, and the WWE doesn't seem to either. He's one of those "go out there, and show 'em your act!" kind of wrestlers. He'll do the same shit, for years, and finally be released. That, to me, doesn't equal a MITB win. But, I could be wrong.

Jack Swagger - No way. I doubt they'll go down that road again.

Evan Bourne - Put your wankers away, spot junkies. I doubt he's ever going to win much of anything, including this briefcase. Too small, no personality, etc., etc.

Alex Riley - Would seem a bit rushed, no? His whole push? Then again, I have no idea what Vince has planned for Riley. Maybe he's just another face toward the middle/top of the card, or maybe he's the next John Cena. I don't know, but winning this weekend would show exactly confident they are in this kid.

Rey Mysterio - No. He doesn't need it, and I really don't care to see a Cena vs. Mysterio one-month feud. Thanks, but no thanks.

The Miz - I don't see it happening. If Miz is going to win another World title within 12 months, I think it has to be on Smackdown. I think some people around here thought the Miz was a bit more important than he actually is, and we're seeing that. He isn't the next face of the company. He's just another heel, folks.

R-Truth - Doesn't seem like a... likely winner. I think R-Truth has gone as far as he's going to go, seeing his feud with Cena lasted roughly 4 weeks. Maybe he heads to Smackdown soon, but I don't see him heading over there with the briefcase.

Alberto Del Rio - I see Del Rio winning this match. Am I happy about it? No. I think he's terribly boring, and about as overrated as they come. I see no reason for him to win the WWE/WHC, ever. Seems like a career mid-carder to me. But, they love him, and I think he's going to win here, possibly cashing in on the WWE Champion that night, whoever that may be.
If Del Rio wins MITB on Sunday, he will simply have to cash in after the Cena/Punk match. This Cena/Punk fued is superb and if Punk actually does leave WWE after MITB then who will Cena go into a programme with? The natural choice is Del Rio, as the two other big heels on Raw now (Miz and R Truth) he has already had fueds with this year post Mania, so he will have to go into a feud with Del Rio almost instantly to build for Summerslam unless WWE do some sort of fatal 4 way title match or some shit for Summerslam which will be a fucking lazy choice to say the least.
For this reason Del Rio really doesn't need to win MITB, he's next in line anyway and I think they should always give MITB to someone who isn't first in line for a title shot.

Also It's been predicted by many since the draft that Del Rio would fight Cena at Summerslam anyway which makes a lot of sense, i'm pretty sure he was booked to win the title against Edge at Mania but it was only due to him retiring that he lost, so I guess to make it up to him they told him that he would be in the main event for Summerslam, the 2nd biggest PPV of the year for WWE. Mark my words though, should Del Rio win (which is quite likely), he'll cash in straight after the Cena/Punk match.

However I would like to see Alex Riley win and maybe cash in around October/Survivor Series to a heel champ (Del Rio for example). I think it's very likely he'll do it over all the other faces in the match for reasons outlined by many of the above posters in this thread. My favourite to win, with Del Rio second.

Miz is my outside bet, he's lost a bit of steam since losing the title to Cena so this would be a good way to put him back in the title picture. Can you imagine the promos if he wins it again? Hahaha.
the miz is my favorite but i dont know if i want him to win this year because if he cashes it in two years in a row it might make him look a little weak. but thats just my opinon
Not looking so much forward to this match, however, if I had to pick a winner..

Del Rio is in the position now where the storyline would be fitting if he won, however I don't see it.
R-Truth could win, continue the conspiracy.
Riley, a very weak possiblilty but strongly doubt a face winning raw mitb.
Kofi Kingston

Rey Mysterio

Evan Bourne

Alberto Del Rio


Jack Swagger

Alex Riley

The Miz

Well, I think that I can say that Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio are just going to be used for spots, with Mysterio a dark horse in my opinion. Both Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston have had their moments in Money in the Bank, Kofi Kingston's leg drop onto Drew McIntyre from the Ladder onto the Announce Table has been one of the most shown spots on WWE TV in the past year. Kofi and Bourne have absolutely no shot at winning. Although if Bourne would win, I'd mark out like no tomorrow, but he won't. Mysterio stands a chance, but it isn't a good one.

Jack Swagger is a former Money in the Bank winner, but there is no chance he is walking out of this one a winner. Its amazing and sad how much this man has fallen off in the past year. Last year at Money in the Bank, he was facing then Champion Rey Mysterio for the title. Since then he has had sporadic feuds, that haven't turned into anything significant. If he didn't fall off this much, he would probably have much better chances. He has better chances then Bourne and Kingston, but that isn't saying that much.

R-Truth doesn't have much of a chance either. He had a nice little run last month with John Cena, couldn't take him seriously as a WWE Championship contender, but gave the WWE and the fans something to work with. Him winning would be a shock. He is a dark horse, but I don't think he is much of a threat. He could have a few good spots of his own, but not as much of a spot monkey then Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston.

The Miz, I'm not going to say much about him, but I doubt he is going to pull a CM Punk and win Money in the Bank two years in a row, but I wouldn't put it past WWE. After all nobody was predicting CM Punk to win again. Who knows, maybe Miz will shock us again.

Alberto Del Rio, I don't know what to do with Alberto Del Rio, I don't think he is going to win, he isn't a spot monkey, he is just there. He'll probably just do his thing, maybe get taken out early in the match, who knows. He has a very good chance to win, don't get me wrong, he just isn't my pick to win.

Alex Riley, this is the man who I think will win, this kid has so much momentum right now it isn't funny, he is getting really over with the crowd, and winning Money in the Bank will get him even more over. His Mic skills are alright, but with experience I feel can get much better, he is solid in the ring, fresh off a face turn I think he is ready to win, and will win.

This Money in the Bank will be interesting story wise, Alberto Del Rio have a history together, and Miz and Riley obviously do also. Bourne and Swagger have history. So not only will it be fun to watch Wrestling wise, but also story wise. Will Miz try to take Riley out or vice versa? Will Del Rio spend so much time on Mysterio that it costs him the match? It will be interesting, I can't wait. This should be a very good Money in the Bank match.
I have somewhat mixed feelings going into this match. I do always look forward to MITB matches, but they really could have done better than the lineup in this one. Well, let's do an analysis on each before I post my official prediction, shall we?

Rey Mysterio
Gosh I hope not. Rey will be over no matter what and for him to win this match would be a waste of a potential push for someone else.

Alberto Del Rio
He is number one contender, why is he still in this match!? Del Rio remains one of the more likely guys to win, but still. He should not be in here anymore after he became number one contender.

Kofi Kingston
The situation gives heels higher odds than faces, otherwise I'd say Kofi had a good shot at winning. I wonder if he will be able to outdo that ladder stilt spot from Wrestlemania 26's MITB match?

Alex Riley
Random. He's in the middle of a push so he doesn't really need MITB at the moment. He is probably just in here to beat up Miz again. That never gets old.

Truth has decent odds here. As one of the heels higher up on the card, he could seek out to cash in on whichever "little jimmy" is holding the title.

The Miz
If Miz wins this AGAIN, then I riot. The wifey boycotted WWE last year until the moment he lost the title, and I nearly did myself after he cashed in. This man will NEVER be a believable world champion. WWE, please do not waste the MITB push on Miz again. Build up someone who actually needs it with a win here.

Evan Bourne
Bourne is only in to do an awesome shooting star press off the top of a ladder. It will be cool, but if anyone thinks he is winning this, they have lost their mind.

Jack Swagger
Swagger has decent odds. A former World Champion seeking to get back into the main event scene. He is also a heel, and with Cena as champion the situation favors heels.

Now then, with that out of the way let's do the official prediction. I'm having a hard time picking a winner due to the Punk scenario. Assuming Punk leaves, it favors heels. If Punk becomes champion it favors faces. The only face in this match with any hope of winning is Kofi, and I don't see it happening. If Punk leaves, then a number of these heels could cash in on Cena the same night, or soon after. Del Rio shouldn't even BE in the match anymore. Also, why is Drew McIntyre NOT in it? Swagger, Truth, Del Rio, and Miz (as much as I hate the guy) are the most likely to win. I'd like to give it to Swagger but I don't quite see that happening. It renders his number one contendership win almost pointless, but I think Del Rio will win honestly. The reason for that is because he could use his number one contendership to get a Summerslam match and then cash in the red briefcase immediately if he loses, then still manages to win. I see something like that as a likely scenario.

Alberto Del Rio will win the red Money in the Bank briefcase.
Kofi Kingston
He just got off of a US title run which was completely flat. It would really interesting to see Kofi win MITB but at this rate it seems like he's a midcarder for life.

Rey Mysterio
He wasn't even at RAW on Monday.... Rey is always pretty big with the kids but his time in WWE is quickly ending and I don't think he will be able to hold the title with all of his injuries.

Evan Bourne
As much as I am an Bourne-mark, there is no way he will win this. I do look forward to all of the high-flying moves he does. Since Morrison isn't in this match it will be up to Bourne & Kofi to do the cool spots.

Alberto Del Rio
The mexican aristocrat. He hasn't been doing too much since he moved over to RAW but since he's still getting a push, he always has a decent chance of winning these things. Isn't he already the #1 contender? I think Del Rio could really make use of having the briefcase and taunting with it if he holds it for a while but I think it would just be kind of odd for him to win the Rumble & MITB in the same year.

He has had a massive push and a huge heel turn but then all of a sudden it seems like Truth just fell flat. I can't see him winning something as big as MITB.

Jack Swagger
He's a former world heavyweight champion yet he hasn't done too much since then and he's currently in a feud against Bourne which is making him look even more weak. I'll be shocked if he even has a chance at winning this.

Alex Riley
He's too green. He is currently kicking his "Pro's" ass in a great push but he won't win this.

The Miz
This would be horrible for him. He won last year, held the briefcase for a while and then cashed in. All he has been doing lately is getting his ass kicked by his rookie. Miz needs more heat and to become more credible but winning a briefcase won't help him with that.

I'm torn on this one. There is no way to tell if it's going to favor a heel or a face depending on the Punk situtation. Punk definitely seems like he's leaving WWE so the angle would be more cool if he did in fact win the WWE title and then the MITB came in & took it away from him. There really isn't a face in this match that could win and do that since none of them are over that much so I'll have to go with a heel (and the obvious pick): Alberto Del Rio
I think Del Rio will walk away with the briefcase here. His feud with Show has been over for a while now, and WWE has put a lot of faith in him. Del Rio is on that list guys, who have received a monster push recently, but he hasn't worn championship gold yet. I think all that will change after night, and Del Rio will be WWE Champion soon enough.

Miz seems like one of the better choices to win back to back, and I wouldn't have a problem with him winning again. But I think Miz will remain in the mid card for now. He will find his way back into the main event soon enough, but he's not walking out with the briefcase tonight.

Rey doesn't need this at all, and Swagger hasn't been involved in anything interesting in a while. He managed to see a good amount of spotlight as Michael Cole's trainer/lackey, and this pairing came at the right time, because Cole was white hot as a heel back then. But Swagger has been fading into the mid card recently. Riley isn't ready for this type of push just yet, and I can't see R-Truth winning this. He had a nice little feud with Cena recently, but the match at Capitol Punishment was a disappointment, and Truth hasn't been able to regain his momentum. Kofi should win another US Championship, but I don't think he's going to be a main event guy in WWE. Evan Bourne is awesome, when it comes to selling, and he can provide some excitement in the ring, but he won't break into the main event scene. He's lacking in the personality department, and his mic skills aren't all that impressive either.
Kofi Kingston - Not a chance. Kofi Kingston has stayed more irrelevant than any WWE mid carder has done in years. A Money in the Bank win could really skyrocket his career into heights unimaginable. Even though I don't see him winning, I wouldn't mind it.

Rey Mysterio - Probably my favorite in the RAW Money in the Bank Ladder Match. I would love to see Rey Mysterio hold the WWE Championship at least once before he hangs it up for good. He's incredibly over enough to win the ladder match but I think someone younger will get the win here.

Evan Bourne - In this match to show off, nothing more. Rumours of an Evan Bourne push were circling around before Wrestlemania but I don't think the WWE will use him for much now.

Alberto Del Rio - Everyone's favorite to win. He deserves it. He wants it. He needs it. Alberto Del Rio has lost a bit of steam since his debut last year and he needs a win here to keep him relevant on the RAW brand.

R-Truth - His time in the spotlight is about up. No way he's winning here.

Jack Swagger - "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." No chance on hell. No way, at all. Swagger is here because he won the Money in the Bank ladder match before, nothing more. The WWE would have to be some dumb motherfuckers to hand him the case again.

Alex Riley - Another one of my favorites to win this. I do think it's a little early to hand him an almost guarenteed WWE or World Championship reign, but the guy has future star written all over him. I mean, we have already gotten used to the sight of him carrying the briefcase around so why not?

The Miz - He doesn't need it. He's established enough and once Punk leaves, he'll go back to being the top heel again which means more WWE Championship opportunities.

Hamler's Prediction - Alberto Del Rio will win the RAW MiTB
It seemed too odd for both matches to have 'injured' players getting taken out so quickly so i assume one or the other did get hurt enough to stop.

But dang, if Miz IS hurt and had gotten the briefcase he coulda just sat on it until he healed. But that probably would have been too drawn out but what a great comeback it could have been. Randomly months later here comes a returning Miz out of the blue. Woulda been interesting.

But Rio needs it more i suppose and it will be nice to see how/when he uses it.
I saw The Miz hobbling back to the ring, and i thought, maybe, just maybe, he was going to win it again. I think Del Rio winning isn't that suprising, and he out of everyone else probably needed the briefcase the most. I hope The Miz is alright.
Mark my words though, should Del Rio win (which is quite likely), he'll cash in straight after the Cena/Punk match.

Come again? ;)

Del Rio winning did not surprise me one bit. He was the obvious choice of winning, whereas Smackdown had quite a few possible winners.
Del Rio only really had Alex Riley to contend with, and even then it was pretty clear Del Rio had a better chance of winning. The Miz had a slight chance of winning, thought he won it last year so it was improbable.

When Miz was hobbling back to the ring I admittidly did mark out and think he could've won it. But when he took ages to get to the second ladder step I knew he was out of it.

But no, the Smackdown ladder match was MUCH more unpredicable and a lot of more superstars had the chance of winning, where the entire Raw match I was like, yep Del Rio's got it.. And I'm glad he didn't actually cash it in after Punk. BEST ENDING.

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