Going down the list here
1.Alberto Del Rio : Highly likely to win , he won the royal rumble FFS. It really IS his destiny to be WWE champion one day , and with the mega push hes been on its gonna be one day soon.
2.R-Truth : Has a good chance , the dudes fucking awesome ever since he went nuts. Everyone loves insane R-truth. I'd say he has a good chance here but I don't think he NEEDS it since they've given him world title shots w/o it.
3.Jack Swagger : He won MITB once , he can do it again. Hes been pushed out of the main event level for unknown reasons but they may want to be stupid and use it to put him back in it instead of just putting him back in it. He has a chance.
4.Miz : Oh for fucks sake , I think theres a chance he wins but I sure as hell hope not. He doesn't NEED it 1 fucking bit. He was the WWE champion for months and kicked the living shit out of Super Cena. Can he win? Yes. Will he win? Oh please no
5.Evan Bourne : Not a chance in hell , he doesn't talk.
6.Rey Mysterio : Absolutley does not fucking need it , plus his contract is soon to expire and he supposedly is not resigning , because he wants some time off. Little to no chance here
7.Alex Riley : Has alot of momentum , is getting pushed pretty hard and pretty fast. But will they really pull such a big trigger on him this soon? I doubt it
8.Kofi Kingston : Pffft , yeah right. Kofis been in the WWE THIS long and hasn't been made a main eventer yet its never going to happen. I'm gonna say he has almost no chance of winning this at all.
Order of likelihood to win IMO (#1 being most likely #8 being the least likely)
1.Alberto Del Rio
2.Jack Swagger
3.Alex Riley
6.Rey Mysterio
7.Kofi Kingston
8.Evan Bourne