WWE Money in the Bank 2011 - General Discussion

Which Scenario?

  • Punk wins - MitB cash in

  • Punk wins -He doesn't leave the WWE

  • Punk wins - Leaves the WWE with the title/ New title is created

  • Punk wins - Turns face and vacates the WWE title

  • Cena wins - Nothing happens

  • Other..

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This is what I'm expecting. John Cena defeats CM Punk, but Punk probably GTS's Cena afterwards to the crowd's delight and Del Rio cashes in immediately afterwards. Del Rio wins the title, celebrates and the angry Punk lays him out to a cheering crowd and takes the title with him.

The next night on Raw, CM Punk declares he's leaving with the title wether the fans like it or not. Cena calls him out and says he will save the title and somehow convinces Punk to face him in the main event. Cena beats Punk again, and "saves the WWE Championship". Alberto Del Rio then makes Cena hand it over and Cena puts on his classic pouty face and gives it to Del Rio.

Next week on Raw, Del Rio is celebrating and Cena calls him out saying he never got his rematch. He says he's invoking it at SummerSlam and the program begins... all while Punk is on a well-deserved vacation.

Punk comes back eventually to feud with the Nexus or Mason Ryan specifically. He could be the heel or the face. What do you guys think?
I like a few others in this forum see the Kofi/Dolph fued continuting and being a single match at this PPV.

My picks for this Raw MITB Match are:
  1. The Miz
  2. Alex Riley
  3. R Truth
  4. Rey Mysterio
  5. Alberto Del Rio
  6. Evan Bourne
  7. Jack Swagger
  8. Big Show

My personal Pick to win the case is Alberto Del Rio. He did win the RR this year and can be the first to win both RR and MITB in the same year, and take the title off of Cena at SS this year in a pre scheduled cash in.
Assuming we're going with eight here's mine:

John Morrison: As long as he's fit enough to compete they'd be crazy not to have him in the match.
R-Truth: Essentially feuding with Jo-Mo so he'd be there
The Miz: Last year's winner will be able to do promos about how he's going to win back to back briefcases
Rey Mysterio: Will do some of his crazy flips off of various ladders
Alberto Del Rio: He needs to be kept relevant so he's got to be in here.
Evan Bourne: He's been given a lot of TV time and his own little video package this is presumably to big him up for a spot in this match.
Jack Swagger: Feuding with Evan Bourne so it makes sense that if Bourne's there then he will be too.
I think Morrison will end up on top here and keep the briefcase for a while in the meantime feuding with R-Truth. If Morrison doesn't appear then I reckon Alberto Del Rio will win and cash in quite early with Cena as a feud between these two is inevitable at some point.
Who do I actually WANT to see win the blue briefcase? Either Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett. Bryan likely won't but Barrett has good odds. He shouldn't need to rely on the blue briefcase though if given the right push. Who I'd WANT to win and who I THINK will win are two different things. I can see Cody Rhodes taking home the blue briefcase because he has been on a roll lately with his improvement and push. A cash in is all he needs now to get a main event run. I'd rather it be Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett though. I will give a far more in depth analysis once the actual participants are announced.

There are a number of guys who I would want to see take the red briefcase home. Zack Ryder, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, or even Alex Riley. Out of this group Ryder has the worst odds. Riley is in the middle of a big push but he is not ready to main event. McIntyre is very likely if they restart his chosen one push. MITB would be perfect for him. Morrison has good odds too, a cash in for him on a heel champion like Punk if he wins at MITB then out comes Morrison with the red briefcase and wins his first WWE Championship sending Punk home empty handed because that way the fans leave with a great moment and the PPV retains its unpredictable feel. I would mark out like crazy for that if it happened. There is really no telling at the moment. I will be sure to give a much more in depth analysis after the actual participants are announced.
My question is: Is Sin Cara ready for this type of match?
Do you think he will perform well ?
Would the WWE push him so early to win this match ?
My picks for Raw are:

1) R-Truth
2) Alberto Del Rio
3) Rey Mysterio
4) Evan Bourne
5) Jack Swagger
6) The Miz
7) Alex Riley
8) Mason Ryan

This leaves Dolph and Kofi to finally finish their feud at MITB and opens the door for Morrison to return and screw R-Truth, which will set up a match at Summerslam.


1) Cody Rhodes
2) Kane
3) Wade Barrett
4) Daniel Bryan
5) Sin Cara
6) Jinder Mahel
7) Ezekiel Jackson
8) Ted Dibiase

That leaves the rest of the card to be:

Cena(c) vs Punk
Orton(c) vs Christian vs Sheamus
Mark Henry vs Big Show
Smackdown MITB
Ziggler(c) vs Kofi
Kelly Kelly(c) vs Bella
your idea is interesting but it lacks one thing - will anyone believe the MITB winner can do it? In order for it to be a surprise, the MITB winner needs to be someone that people really get behind but still has that surprise factor. Guys like Kofi, Swagger, Ziggler and even Del Rio won't cut it simply because they have been pushed and stopped, pushed and stopped so many times that people just won't buy it. same can be said for R-Truth - the immediate response will be that he wasn't over enough to beat Cena so this is a work around. right now, there is no one on RAW that i think could win MITB and really surprise people. and with it being brand specific now, you couldn't have someone like Daniel Bryan win it and challenge Punk. With them booking RAW to have a dominant champ (Cena now, HHH before), it is tough to get people excited about someone since they don`t develop the talent properly so unless they really get behind someone and push them, people just don't see anything in them. they should have just left this as a Wrestlemania match with people from both RAW and Smackdown in it.
Remember that the Money in the Bank winner has a full year to cash in his contract. For example, Morrison can win the briefcase now, be pushed for a whole year and end up cashing in next year while The Miz is champion. It doesn't need to be now.

If you're referencing the winner cashing in the same night, it could possibly not even happen. It's even quite possible WWE only has 1 ladder match. Time will tell to see how much they invest in the ladder matches this year.
I hope this years is as good as last years

For the RAW MITB im hopeing:

The Miz
Evan Bourne
John Morrison (If he is able to compete which i doubt)
Drew McIntyre
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Del Rio
Big Show

I dont think Del Rio will win as we may see Cena vs Del Rio at SummerSlam anyway, i personally hope The Miz will win again as hes my favourite wrestler, but i think except Miz, Drew McIntyre has the biggest chance as he hasnt won the World/WWE title yet, after all he is "The Choses One", those 2 are my picks
RAW MITB: Alberto Del Rio, Alex Riley, Big Show, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, Miz (if show is hurt then I pick Mason Ryan)

Smackdown MITB: Christian, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Ezekiel Jackson, Kane, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Wade Barrett (if Kane is hurt then i pick Ted Dibiase or Tyson Kidd)

other matches:
CM Punk vs John Cena WWE title

Randy Orton vs Mark Henry World Heavyweight title

Ziggler vs Kingston US title (kofi will probably have 1 more shot because of how the 2 out of 3 falls match ended, but with some stipulation to make it different)

Nexus vs Gabriel and Slater vs Usos vs Santino and Koslov fatal 4 way tag title match

Divas MITB- wont be a ladder match but will have the same prize as a MITB ladder match. Maybe briefcase on a pole?
Ok so my picks are:

1) Alberto Del Rio
2) R-Truth
3) Evan Bourne
4) Jack Swagger
5) Zack Ryder
6) Rey Mysterio
7) Big Show
8) John Morrison (If not fit then Drew McIntyre)

Pick to win - John Morrison (If not fit then Rey Mysterio). As much as I would love to see Ryder win I dont think he will.

I think Ziggler and Kofi will face off for the US title so wont be in it and that Riley will face Miz.

1) Kane
2) Daniel Bryan
3) Cody Rhodes
4) Ted Dibease
5) Sin Cara
6) Wade Barrett
7) Jinder Mahal
8) Tyson Kidd??

Pick to win - Daniel Bryan as Smackdown needs another face not another heel. I just really hope Sin Cara doesn't win.

Zeke could have a title match so not be in it.
I shared my thouhts on Smackdown's MITB match this morning, here come my thoughts on the Raw MITB match. I can think of several guys who it would be cool to see take home the red briefcase. Zack Ryder, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, or even Alex Riley. Ryder does not look to have very good odds of winning but I think he will be in the match at least. Drew McIntyre and Morrison will definitely be in it. They are the two most likely to win out of the group I mentioned. Riley is in the middle of a big push but he is not ready to main event. Drew has good odds if they are going to restart his chosen one push. This would be a perfect opportunity for it. What I would really want to see is John Morrison win and then cash in on Punk that same night if he defeats Cena because it would send the fans home happy with an unpredictable moment.
RAW MITB: Alberto Del Rio, Alex Riley, Big Show, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, Miz (if show is hurt then I pick Mason Ryan)

Smackdown MITB: Christian, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Ezekiel Jackson, Kane, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Wade Barrett (if Kane is hurt then i pick Ted Dibiase or Tyson Kidd)

other matches:
CM Punk vs John Cena WWE title

Randy Orton vs Mark Henry World Heavyweight title

Ziggler vs Kingston US title (kofi will probably have 1 more shot because of how the 2 out of 3 falls match ended, but with some stipulation to make it different)

Nexus vs Gabriel and Slater vs Usos vs Santino and Koslov fatal 4 way tag title match

Divas MITB- wont be a ladder match but will have the same prize as a MITB ladder match. Maybe briefcase on a pole?

The diva's idea is a very good idea. This way Diva's can be used instead of being eyecandy.

Firstly I'm glad this thread got a lot of responses. This is the PPV Card.


R Truth
Rey Mysterio
Alex Riley
Alberto Del Rio (winner)

Diva Contract on a Pole match:

Melina (winner, too good of a diva to be wasted, plus she has a nice rack)
Gail Kim
Beth Pheonix
Eve Torres
Alcia Fox
Rosa Mendes

Over the top rope battle royal for IC/US Title match:

(For guys who missed out)

Zack Ryder
Ted Dibiase
Tyson Kidd
Drew McIntyre (Winner, needs to be pushed again instead of jobbing)

Tag Team Turmoil Match:

Nexus vs Uso's vs Santino and Koslov vs Gabriel and Slater

Grudge match:

Big Show vs Mark Henry

Smackdown MITB:

Sin Cara
Wade Barrett (Winner)
Cody Rhodes
Jinder Mahal

WH Title Match

Orton vs Sheamus (Orton wins)

WWE Title Match

CM Punk vs John Cena, Cena wins, Punk walks out, Cena celebrates and boom! Alberto Del Rio comes out and attacks John Cena and cashes in.

Alberto Del Rio new champ.
Del Rio
Morrison (if healed)

(If Morrison cant make it, then MacIntyre or Swagger get his spot. Would love for it to be Zack Ryder but I don't see that happening)

PREDICTION: Dolph Ziggler

Money In The Bank has always been a match that has been used to elevate mid-card talent to main event status. Del Rio and Miz are already main eventers so I don't see them winning. Del Rio already has the Royal Rumble win under his belt and is a lock to face Cena at Summerslam anyway, while The Miz already cashed in last year. Dolph on the other hand is currently where Miz was last year: he's the top mid-card heel holding the US title.

Morrison's a very good choice but I don't even know if he'll be back by then, plus Cena's going to be the face of RAW for the forseeable future and MITB always works better with a heel holding that briefcase anyhow.

Riley is my longshot pick. I could definitely see a scenario where Miz wins the title between now and Mania and Riley attempts to cash in on his former mentor. It would only be fitting if Riley were to win the MITB seeing as how he carried the briefcase around for the Miz for all those months last year.

Sin Cara
Sheamus or Christian (whoever isn't facing Orton that same night)
Mark Henry (Theres always one fat guy in these matches and for some reason they're giving Henry a push as of late, so he'll probably be in this despite the fact that he can't climb a ladder)

(Theres a chance Jackson defends his IC title at this ppv and therefore his spot could then go to a Dibiase or Gabriel. Not that it would matter. lol)


Sheamus has already been champion. Kane won last year. Mark Henry can't climb a ladder. And we just saw Christian climb a ladder to victory at Extreme Rules, so that would be ladder match overkill for him. The only other guy on my list I'd pick would be Wade Barrett. He would be a fine choice but I'll stick with Cody.

I see Ted Dibiase being forced to carry Cody's briefcase over the next few months, much the same way Riley did for Miz last year. They could be to Smackdown what Miz and Riley were to RAW last year.
I think Smackdown is a real head scratcher at this 2011 PPV.. But I think with no changes to the superstars, Wade Barrett is going to take this one, simply put that Smackdown needs another person who can actually draw some crowd and probably in VKM's mind, Wade Barrett is the one who could do that, Barrett has won the IC Title, heck he even main-evented on 3 PPVs, so maybe MITB can be the chance for him to get back at the main-event.

But sadly, Barrett is a heel and if you're going to make him face, that's going to be another joke since I think Barrett plays a better heel. Here's the thing, RANDY ORTON is the top face in Smackdown and seeing that he has a concussion and injuries, at some point he needs to take time off and yet there's no more face in Smackdown..

What I would suggest if JoMo a.k.a John Morrisson is clear to be at the MITB ppv, have him be a surprise entrant at the Smackdown MITB and actually win it. I know VKM wouldn't do it but if he was smart enough he would know that Smackdown needs another face, DanielBryan/SinCara as top faces?? Well that's the question that VKM put on Christian.. Can DB/SC really draw a crowd to their main event status..?
There's numerous exciting ways that creative can go about the WWE title match at Money in the Bank, but sadly, all of them involve Punk beating Cena, which I cannot see happening. WWE will probably go with the oh-so-surprising E version, and just fuck it up again.

Scenario A,

Punk wins, has his little celebration with his home crowd cheering him on as all hell. MitB winner comes out, cashes in on him and wins.

Scenario B,

Punk wins, everyone is like "WTF?"... some time in the next couple of weeks, Punk appears, and reveals that he's not actually leaving.

Scenario C,

Punk wins, leaves and takes this WWE title with him for good. A new belt is made, Cena vs ADR at Summerslam, everyone bitching about the ugly toy belt is happy. Possible storyline for Punk's return - "I'm the real WWE champion".

Scenario D,

Punk wins and in a last act of good, he turns face in front of his people and relinquishes the championship so that it stays with the company.

Scenario E,

Cena wins, Punk leaves for good as a cowardly heel.

Which scenario do you want to happen, and which do you see ACTUALLY happening?
I picked Scenario C because i think a DelRio/Punk match would be pretty good. Maybe combine two storylines if nothing else: Daniel Bryan wins MitB and cashes in after DelRio defeats Cena at SummerSlam. Bryan would cash in after he's done with his "feud" with DiBiase/Rhodes (and partnering with Sin Cara). The next night, Bryan comes to RAW and says that he's now on RAW and is holding a new, improved WWE championship belt. DelRio comes out wanting his rematch, Cena comes out saying that he lost to Bryan and has to make room for others (implying himself). This will set up a SS rematch for the Number 1 Contender Spot. At the end of the match, Punk walks down the ramp with the old spinner belt and Nexus and takes out both DelRio and Cena. Punk says that he's the real champion and that he will prove that to Daniel Bryan setting up an amazing match between Bryan and Punk for the true WWE Championship.
I picked Scenario C because i think a DelRio/Punk match would be pretty good. Maybe combine two storylines if nothing else: Daniel Bryan wins MitB and cashes in after DelRio defeats Cena at SummerSlam. Bryan would cash in after he's done with his "feud" with DiBiase/Rhodes (and partnering with Sin Cara). The next night, Bryan comes to RAW and says that he's now on RAW and is holding a new, improved WWE championship belt. DelRio comes out wanting his rematch, Cena comes out saying that he lost to Bryan and has to make room for others (implying himself). This will set up a SS rematch for the Number 1 Contender Spot. At the end of the match, Punk walks down the ramp with the old spinner belt and Nexus and takes out both DelRio and Cena. Punk says that he's the real champion and that he will prove that to Daniel Bryan setting up an amazing match between Bryan and Punk for the true WWE Championship.

love the concept but one thing we know won't happen is DBD getting the WWE title off a cash in unless he is in the RAW MitB and not the smackdown! MitB. now if they only decide to do one this could work out pretty well in accomplishing two things 1) Cena can be out of the title scene for more than a week and 2) we finally could see just a total war for the title between Punk and DBD. kudos for a good Idea.
I would pick B, he is a smart guy, remember him saying, my contract with World Wrestling Entertainment is up, the name is WWE now, and everyone signs with WWE, inc.
Not World Wrestling Entertainment, inc.
Punk is a very smart guy;)
i would like to see the scenario where punk whens and the winner comes out to cash in the title....only if the winner is john morrison b/c god knows no one else has electrified the night like he has...but his "neck injury" and him stayin off t.v is doubtful....(turn him heel dammit)

(although i do like the one with the new belt also) i see Cena winning and Punk getting heel heat and leaving and probably leaving wwe (which will be a horrible) and the E losing another great talent and we the fans continue to suffer and watch mediocre t.v
The thing that I would like to see, and that I think would add the most intrigue to the situation would be if CM Punk were to win the title at MitB and leave the company as the champion. Since I read that Cena is needing to take time off to heal up before the major run toward Wrestlemania, have the story be that CM Punk injured Cena and so he won't be able to compete for a couple of months. Now with no champion on Raw, the Anonymous Raw General Manager (can this person please reveal themselves now?) announces a tournament to crown a new champion, along with a new belt. Let's face it, the current belt needed to go a long time ago. But anyway, the tournament is held to crown a new champion and it culminates at Summerslam. Maybe change things up so that not all the matches are regular one on one, but a few gimmick matches to keep people interested. But this way we get a new champion that's NOT Cena for a change and it gives others a chance to shine. That's what I would like to see happen anyway. Criticize away lol.
Alberto Del Rio
The Miz
R. Truth
Mason Ryan
Alex Riley
Evan Bourne
Rey Mysterio
Big Show

I see Del Rio winning and cashing in the next night on Raw for Summer Slam giving a promo of how it was his destiny to win MITB and win the title at Summer Slam. Plus it will get rid of one breifcase fast. There really is no other option, I can see Miz about to win and Riley hit a spot on him to take them both out, Bourne will probably hit a big spot, I could all honesty see Show and Mason Ryan take each other out somehow and start a program from it, and Mysterio really doesn't need the win althogh he is my dark horse because WWE gives him big wins at the strangest of times.

Smack Down
Mark Henry
Cody Rhodes
Wade Barrett
Daniel Bryan
Sin Cara
Big Zeke

I am going to go out on a limb here and pick Sin Cara and I don't know why, Smack Down needs a face to push, he is over with kids, why not? I can also see Barrett winning and carrying around the breifcase for a while, all while pushing him to the main event level, I also think Cody Rhodes is an option in that same sense. Big Zeke is kind of my wild card too he is obviosly the #2 face on SD right now and having the breifcase would add a little more to his character. Kane and Henry will take care of each other somehow, I think Daniel Bryan will have that big spot that will put him out, and Sheamus really don't need it.

John Cena vs. C.M. Punk

Cena wins goes into a program with Del Rio at Summer Slam, there is really nothing else that could happen aside from Punk winning and somebody cashing in afterwards.

Randy Orton vs. Christian

Orton wins clean in this one and ends this program like it needed to be a long time ago. Once again I could possibly see Christian throwing a tantrum and Barrett or Sheamus if they win MITB cashing in and taking the title from Orton.

Dolph vs. Kofi

I'm sure this will be one of the filler matches, Dolph wins thanks to Vicki.

Kelly Kelly vs. A random Diva

Probably a rematch with one of the Bellas or maybe they will mix it up and give her Tamina or Alicia Fox from Smack Down who knows. Kelly wins though.

The Usos vs. Otunga & McGillicutty

I'm not sure if this one will happen, but the Nexus should be gone after this PPV being that Punk is leaving. I can see Otunga and McGillicutty losing the tag titles as part of the storyline and I think The Usos would be logical choices however, Santino & Kozlov or Johnny Curtis and a partner are possibilities as well. I could see this being a little quick match though and Punk "fires" them after they lose.
Punk wins before the MitB match, leaves the WWE (keyfabe) with the title.
New angle/feud for RAW with the MitB winner hunting down or calling out CM Punk for a match.
Ern.. actually, not. That would be lame.

Scenario C is what I want to see (with him coming back later, he deserves some rest). Scenario A is what I believe to be more likely.
Scenario D would be cute, but I can't imagine it happening, no idea what dialogue could be used for such a sudden face moment (though he'll be in his hometown, so that would make things easier).
I was just watching Mark Henry dominate BigShow on SmackDown and i started wondering why he is all the sudden getting the big push.I started to wonder if maybe he is in line to win the SmackDown MiTB briefcase.??

1.Does any1 think Henry has a chance @ MiTV to walk away with the briefcase

2.Where do you see this push going?
He won't win MITB. WWE pushes Henry from time to time because of his size and they know he is loyal to the WWE, but his pushes never end up going anywhere. Only reason why he is getting pushed right now is because of the lack of main event talent on Smackdown.

Don't expect Henry to be getting this much air time for much longer. Once some of the younger guys start making a name for themselves, guys like Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara, Ted DiBiase, Daniel Bryan. Once they make a bigger name for themselves Henry will be pushed in the background once again. I left Sheamus out of that group because I believe he is already a bigger name then Henry.

Currently these young guys aren't at the level WWE wants them to be at though to put them as main event. However Cody Rhodes is getting awfully close to being a main event star on Smackdown. Once another one of those young names really starts to step it up I am sure Christian will be getting a lot less airtime too.
I would love to see henry win it but there are only two possiblities. 1) He loses the match and continues to terrorize. That wouldn't be a terrible thing but that only has so much steam when ur beating up other mid card guys and not main eventers (does anyone else remember him beating up Cena his last night there? Why didnt he do that the months that he was there?) OR 2) He wins the match, gets super pumped up about it (as does the internet community) and then goes on later that night to become the first person to lose in the match that they cash in the case. Unfortunately I don't think WWE sees him as a champion because if they did they would have put the strap on him years ago (Ex. British Bulldog). So I'd rather him not win at all then have that distinction as the first to lose when cashing in money in the bank. I think that Wade Barrett and Del Rio will win the MITB
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