About time they made it it's own pay per view. It's become branded as the match in the WWE to get a guy to the next level, and it's become a huge attraction. Since Mania sells itself, might as well create a theme pay per view that makes sense (one of the only matches that deserve to be an annual gimmick rather than something that requires BLOOD FEUD build).
One thing I will agree with naysayers about (before I agree with them about another thing) is that many people are shot up the card too quickly. This is an issue with the build for most up and coming prospects in recent years. There's a huge sentiment for "take the easy way out" booking in the WWE, and putting someone in the main event with no build and no thought seems to emphasize that. However, I still think the MITB match has star making potential. Just keep it reserved to people who are ready, have SOME build, or could be ready in the next year. And don't rush it.
To be fair to the WWE, the only person who wasn't ready was Swagger. Punk was ready. They just botched his run. But that's another discussion. One I'd love to have.
The following people can be ready in six months to a year: Christian, Miz, McIntyre, DiBiase, Ziggler (w/ Vickie). I'd certainly give one of them he case and let them fester in a major midcard feud and/or a feud with a real headliner. That said, there're other men I'd also buy with the case, such as Kofi, Bourne, Morrison (hear me out on this ina few sentences), Hardy (it hurts me to say it), Rhodes, but NOT buy as world title winners. I certainly think you could find at least one or two people in that group worth a push over the next twelve months. So that justifies the existence of the concept.
A second thing I agree with naysayers about is that there doesn't need to be two. You over-do the concept that way and run the risk of making people sick of it sooner rather than later.
One thing I don't think should happen is the inclusion of real headliners. KOTR worked best for me with some almost-headliners stocked throughout the line-up. Unless the real headliners are going to take the fall for one of them, I don't want to see them near this. Them in other main events rounds out the card rather well, IMO. That's enough to sell the show.
Umm, wow, where was I? This post is very disjointed.
Miz: Possible winner that people would buy. At least he has a gimmick now.
DiBiase: Could be legit if booked right.
Morrison: Was one of the final three at the Elimination Chamber this year, over both Punk and Mysterio. He might be receiving the Swagger push. Could he be legit if pushed right? Could he be the first to lose when cashing in? Either way, WWE's been weird enough lately for me not to count him out.
Bourne: Fuck it, he could gain a lot going down swinging against Sheamus, Triple H, Cena, Orton, or just about anyone.
SmackDown MITB:
McIntyre: He has heat. If you don't see it, you're looking for things to complain about. Yes, IDR. I'm talking to you.
Rhodes: Heh. Maybe in a year.
Ziggler: Bash him for needing Vickie all you want, it is what it is. And it is that extra boost he might need. What's wrong with someone needing someone else to get over? As long as they get there.
Christian: He's over. Deal with it. I'm hoping he's receiving the Swagger push as, with Morrison, he's one of the best people to use to fuck with the internet in that way. One of the most viable potential headliners in the company, IMO.
Hardy: Well... He's over and he just won a major feud with McIntyre. Don't be too shocked. I'm bracing myself just in case.
Verdict: There's some talent, but not enough to justify two matches for me. Of course I like everyone to seem potentially legit. It's pure WWE to stock these matches with the likes of Ryder, Truth, Archer, MVP, etc. They do it even with the single MITB matches at Mania. So I won't get too upset over it.
As for cashing in, I think any real sport would have closed the loophole in the contract by now to prevent out of nowhere cash ins that lead to paper champions. Of course I'm wrong for taking things that seriously.
That was a very disjointed, awful post. No, I'm not going to edit it.