The Dragon Saga
Whale in a Teardrop
The name of this thread makes me sick!
There would be no reason for the WWE to waste what is one of the biggest storyline creating angles, in the Money In The Back briefcase on someone like Mark Henry. Give it so Bryan, give it to Rhodes, hell give it to fucking Barrett or Gabriel or something but do not under any estimation even contemplate handing it to Mark Henry. Henry gets a small push every once in a while. And with SD! not having all that many faces, he's being pushed.
There would be no reason for the WWE to waste what is one of the biggest storyline creating angles, in the Money In The Back briefcase on someone like Mark Henry. Give it so Bryan, give it to Rhodes, hell give it to fucking Barrett or Gabriel or something but do not under any estimation even contemplate handing it to Mark Henry. Henry gets a small push every once in a while. And with SD! not having all that many faces, he's being pushed.