The spinner belt, as ugly as people think it is, works. WWE is in an era of PG where their primary fanbase is children. That's who they're aiming to draw. The current WWE Championship is perfect because it looks like a toy. It's all shiny and what not. That appeals to children. Therefore, from a business point of view, it's perfect. There's no need to change it.
I'm personally not fussed about a new design. I don't particularly mind how it looks. Sure it's tailored to the look of Cena, but guess who holds it most? That's right, Cena.
As much as I hate to admit it, this is absolutely correct. The reality is, that Vinny Mac has stated that he wants WWE to become more of a mainstream entertainment based company and that means taking "wrestling" out of the equation. What that means is, the only way that we'll know it to still be wrestling is because they do all their entertaining in a wrestling ring. Take a look at the Diva title...what ever happened to the womens title? Gone. Why? because it looked like a traditional wrestling belt. Now you got that butterfly kids belt. What happened to the tag titles? They traded the traditional look for the trojan helmet kiddie look. And of course the spinner belt. The next thing GUARANTEED to go will be the intercontinental title. The US title still looks kiddie, but I wouldn't be surprised if they brought back John Cena's version of that. (i mean i doubt it, but i wouldn't be surprised). What is the common element. Kids. When Hogan was around, he appealed to adults but his merch was for kids. Rock & Wrestling, the cartoon...all that crap was for kids, and thats how Vince got rich. The only reason things got chaoticly rated R in the nineties is because of the competition with WCW. I mean up until then they were at least PG 13. This is the thing, these titles, that mean absolutely nothing by the way, are going to whoever the kids love or love to hate. Which means until they build up another Cena, thats who they're going to use. That spinner belt ain't goin no where soon and to be honest, if they replace it, the new belt, based on Vince's current philosophy, will more than likely make all of you form a picket line to get the spinner belt back.