*New* WWE Title Design after Money in the Bank?

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The spinner belt, as ugly as people think it is, works. WWE is in an era of PG where their primary fanbase is children. That's who they're aiming to draw. The current WWE Championship is perfect because it looks like a toy. It's all shiny and what not. That appeals to children. Therefore, from a business point of view, it's perfect. There's no need to change it.

I'm personally not fussed about a new design. I don't particularly mind how it looks. Sure it's tailored to the look of Cena, but guess who holds it most? That's right, Cena.

As much as I hate to admit it, this is absolutely correct. The reality is, that Vinny Mac has stated that he wants WWE to become more of a mainstream entertainment based company and that means taking "wrestling" out of the equation. What that means is, the only way that we'll know it to still be wrestling is because they do all their entertaining in a wrestling ring. Take a look at the Diva title...what ever happened to the womens title? Gone. Why? because it looked like a traditional wrestling belt. Now you got that butterfly kids belt. What happened to the tag titles? They traded the traditional look for the trojan helmet kiddie look. And of course the spinner belt. The next thing GUARANTEED to go will be the intercontinental title. The US title still looks kiddie, but I wouldn't be surprised if they brought back John Cena's version of that. (i mean i doubt it, but i wouldn't be surprised). What is the common element. Kids. When Hogan was around, he appealed to adults but his merch was for kids. Rock & Wrestling, the cartoon...all that crap was for kids, and thats how Vince got rich. The only reason things got chaoticly rated R in the nineties is because of the competition with WCW. I mean up until then they were at least PG 13. This is the thing, these titles, that mean absolutely nothing by the way, are going to whoever the kids love or love to hate. Which means until they build up another Cena, thats who they're going to use. That spinner belt ain't goin no where soon and to be honest, if they replace it, the new belt, based on Vince's current philosophy, will more than likely make all of you form a picket line to get the spinner belt back.
The Spinner belt was a hot seller though, so it did work out lol.

It's been 6 years since that belt was introduced. To put that into perspective the "attitude era" wwe title, or "big eagle" or whatever lasted for 4 years.

I'd like to see a totally new belt, and hopefully it's fitting and looks good.

I don't see the point of going back to an older design, when the point is to always make a new one and look towards the future. Plus you can also sell the brand new replicas of it.
Okay, so here's the scenario: At the 'Money in the Bank' PPV, CM Punk defeats John Cena and becomes the new WWE Champion. As he stated, his contract is up at midnight and he's gone from WWE.

The next night on Raw, Vince McMahon's music plays and he walks down to the ring. He says that while CM Punk is in possession of the WWE Championship, he is not, in fact, the WWE Champion. To be the WWE Champion, you'd have to be currently employed by WWE. At that point, McMahon announces that the WWE Championship is vacated and a tournament will be held to determine the *new* WWE Champion (I know, cliche, but that's how it'll most likely go down).

After several qualifying matches over the following weeks, the final two are named (most likely John Cena and Alberto Del Rio) and the match is held at SummerSlam!

Now my question is this: If this, or a similiar situation, takes place, would/should WWE introduce a newly designed WWE Championship belt, thus finally doing away with the 'spinner' belt?

I don't like this scenario, however I feel that they will just use the same old title belt that they have been using. It for some has become a very iconic image only rarely getting customized. I would love to see the belt remain the same because frankly I like the look and the history that has come along with it. I think that it frankly something that can last for a long time.

Now if they were to change up the belt I would absolutely love it if every superstar got to customize their own belt. So you could have Cena's spinner belt, or Miz's M belt, or even as go as far as having the Rock's Brahma Bull title belt. I think this would be unique and be something for all the new champions to unveil at the Raw after they win their title.
That's a bad idea and will not happen. First of all, they have a system in place that prevents someone from winning a belt as they leave to ensure they do not take it away from the federation. If Punk is leaving, then Cena is winning. Or Punk gets cashed in on by the red briefcase winner as soon as he wins. Secondly, the design of the WWE Championship is not changing anytime soon because they make a TON of money off of that thing. Get used to it, its here to stay for a while. The Miz's awful upside down counterpart of it is the closest thing to a new design we will see anytime soon.
The spinner belt, as ugly as people think it is, works. WWE is in an era of PG where their primary fanbase is children. That's who they're aiming to draw. The current WWE Championship is perfect because it looks like a toy. It's all shiny and what not. That appeals to children. Therefore, from a business point of view, it's perfect. There's no need to change it.

I'm personally not fussed about a new design. I don't particularly mind how it looks. Sure it's tailored to the look of Cena, but guess who holds it most? That's right, Cena.

Look, the PG era's biggest viewers are still the 18-35 male demographic. The point of being PG is to make content acceptable for parents to allow their younger children to watch as well. It wasn't to make their product look so ******ed that only an 8-year-old can enjoy it. From a marketing perspective, the selling point to the belt is that it's the championship belt. You can't honestly get me to believe that previous replica belts didn't sell as well as the current one.

The belt was tailored to fit Cena's earlier character, but he's departed from the Vanilla Ice rapper gimmick so much, he doesn't need that kind of cartoon bling anymore.

It's also counterproductive to the wrestling product too. It looks like such a cartoon-ish prop, it makes it harder to suspend belief.
Cmon guys, some of you have good ideas but like someone already says, basically the spinner belt IS John Cena and do you really think WWE is going to just take it away? It represents Cena. Also Cena vs Del Rio is already planned for SummerSlam FOR the WWE Title so theres only two things that can happen, ONE is Cena retains the title and Punk leaves and Del Rio is next to challenge Cena setting up for match at SummerSlam OR TWO Punk DOES get the title but Del Rio wins the MITB and cashes it in on Punk same night and then Cena challenges Del Rio for title at SummerSlam.
I see nothing that really solidly points to WWE changing their title soon. Sure, there may be hints, like how they were willing to have Miz alter the belt for his reign, or how they redid the old WWF logo for the retro Raw, but nothing really screams out "the title is changing imminently".

Would I welcome a change? Definitely.....if it's better. Change for the sake of change isn't something I'm a supporter of, as you can just as easily fuck up and change something for the worse rather than for the better. Think of it this way: maybe the people in charge of these things LOVE the elements of the title that we all hate and if they were to choose to redesign it, it would have even more cheap 25cent machine rhinestones and spinning elements to it. That certainly would be an even worse title than we currently have, so in comparison, I would rather stick to this one. But if it were to be something more along the lines of the old winged title or whatever, then I'm up for....I just don't think it's happening soon.
They introduced the "non-spinner" at No Mercy 2007. Anyway, back to topic. I think a new title design is needed. It's been 6 years since Cena debuted the current one, and it's a little played out, imo.
I agree, the spinner design was only kept because it didnt look dopey on other people. They should bring in a new design or, for a bit of nostalgia, bring back the old design used before wrestlemania 21.
Yeah, why not? Even after all this time, I have trouble taking the spinner belt seriously. It just looks silly when anyone other than Cena wears it, though Miz looked kinda okay with it. I do actually expect Punk to win, though I also believe he's re-signed already. The OP's storyline idea could still work in this capacity, just shortened a little. New title, please!
Bringing WWE in to a PG era was the worst move they made But they Had to Come up with a belt to go with the PG era So Spinner will proberly stay the title for the next few years
I hated writing this beacuse i hate the design of the tittle
Bring Back the Attitude Era title
Thats my rant over
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