WWE Money In The Bank - SMACKDOWN Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Having 2 big men in a Money in the Bank match is weird... may as well make Khali one of the other 2 participants...

It's clear that McIntyre is going to be the MiTB match especially now since his VISA is sorted out. Punk might be the other participant but if he's still not clear to compete then expect an 'EXCUSE ME' to get Dolph Ziggler in the match.

Anyways onto the chances of winning, Christian, Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston seem to be the favourites especially because their the mid-upper mid card faces on the brand. Of these three I'd say Christian is the favourite to win. He's not in a good feud right now and deserves the push. Matt Hardy is going to cost Drew McIntyre the match furthering the feud. Kofi Kingston is currently my favourite wrestler in the 'E and I think he's almost main event picture. To say 'he's got the IC Title' is ridiculous. RVD was Mr MiTB and had the IC title (after matches with Shelton Benjamin)

As for the others in the match. Big Show... climbing a ladder... and it being stable for long enough? :wtf:
Kane has his own thing going on. If anything this is for him to feud with Show or further feud with Punk.
'Dashing' Cody Rhodes is defiantly the underdog but nothing on the sort of levels we saw Jack Swagger on. I don't think he'll win considering who the top guys on SD are and I don't see good match-ups (Rhodes vs Mysterio? Rhodes vs Swagger?) I see Rhodes getting the IC Title before the end of the year. I like him as a wrestler and his persona will grow on me. Matches with Kofi, Punk, Christian, Hardy, McIntyre, etc. these best fit Mr Rhodes for now.

As for the other two possibilities. Well I think we can assume McIntyre is a 'lock on' to be in the match and was only not announced due to Visa troubles. I expect him to beat MVP or Masters to explain why they're not in the match. However, I don't think McIntyre, Punk, Mr Ziggles, MVP, etc. will win this one.
I think everyone is counting Cody Rhodes out too soon. I think he has a shot at winning this. I want either Christian or Cody Rhodes to win the Money in the Bank. Unless Matt Hardy gets in better shape, i really dont want him to win. I like Kane, but i like him better with his mask, if he had the mask, i say give it to Kane. I want either Christian or Cody to win it and believe it or not, i see one of those two winning. Cody's gimmick seems to be getting more heat, he was in the Main Event on Smackdown yesterday, i think he will be a good World Heavyweight Champion and He can feud with Christian after he beats feuds with Rey.
I am pulling for Christian in this one. There is no reason that he shouldn't get a main event push. He is a great choice for the fans and even if Vinnie Mac isn't sold on him you just need to listen to the crowd reactions to know Christian is way overdue for a push. He can carry just about anyone in a match and has really good mic skills. It is his time.
I hope to see Drew and Punk in the 2 last spots.
I don't see Kane, Show, or Christian winning this one. Hardy I think is a distant long shot as well.
If Punk makes it in he'll be busy with Kane. They don't need to add the MITB to their fued either. They have enough to fight about.
With the announced participants and my 2 picks I'd be going with Drew. It makes sense with his game of one upmanship with Teddy. Drew has Vince's backing, Teddy gets control when Vince is out due to Nexus. Drew gets the MITB and he can wield that over Teddy.
Just my prediction.
my picks forn the final two people are probably drew and ziggler. ziggler should have defeated john morrison during their feud. but the 'E' pushed morrison and now look at him on RAW, lost alot of momentum. and obviously drew bc they would have already had him inserted in this match if it wasnt for his work visa expiring.

for my pick, i would go with either christian or kane. yes i agree w the matt hardy story, but im more of a peep and i definately believe christian would be a great champion for the wwe universe. kane is also favored because of his current push, but if they keep him in this storyline and make him his brothers attacker, then if kane wins we could have a super monster heel WHC, you know it!
Well WWE actually managed to try something new. Its too bad because in times like these we need change.

The Raw MIB match. This is expected to be the best of the two because every since the 2010 draft lottery Raw has got the better superstars. But WWE continues down the road of keeping the long time ones down and put the beginers at the top. The best 3 men in this match who have a chance that I am pulling for are either Randy Orton,Edge or Chris Jericho. I will take long time experience over the ego of the Miz. I can't see John Morrison or R Truth wining it because they need contenders for the US title,Evan Borne is still kinda new so I can't see him wining it. As for the WWE title match. Once again John Cena gets more title shots for beating no one. Why did they take the title off this guy if hes going to win it back. Even with the steel cage and a possable NXT invasion I see Vince putting Cena as the champ and leading Raw into battle with the NXT rookies since they overhype Cena every week.
2. The Smackdown MIB match. Honestly this match is proof that the WWE needs alot of help in pushing long time talent. Matt Hardy and Christan. Why the heck does Vince continue to keep these guys in mid card status? How long have they been around? Vince is doing to them what he did to Hardcore Holly. Hes keeping them down. Because the WWE is about image and wrestling ability always comes in secod place. Big Show won't win it because I am almost certian hes going into a feud with Cody Rhodes. Kofi Kingston won't win it because hes the IC Champ and he will continue is feud with Dolph Ziggler. Kane won't win it but during the match he will find the person responsable for the Undertakers many dissapearing acts. So I am pulling for Matt Hardy or Christan. By the way expect a heel turn from Christan in the works. He will feud with Matt Hardy.Rey Mysterio vs Jack Swagger. I see Rey Mystero pulling off the win. Even though they should have never made Jack Swagger pull off a victory over Y2J to begin with. It should be Y2J getting the title shot and Jack Swagger should have been drafted back to Raw.

Anyways those are my predictions.

It would be nice to see that beautiful back and forth promo between Matt and Christian not go to waste and have one of the 2 win, and put MITB to its proper use (Elevating Mid carders). The years of proven lack of belief in the 2 over the years as ME material makes them seem unlikely candidates though.

That said, sadly I believe Drew McIntyre will find a way in and win this one.
Christian or Cody Rhodes. At WM I expected Christian to win the MiTB. But after hearing about the MiTB PPV and after seeing Swagger's rather useless reign I'm more than happy to see Christian pull out the win. Alternately Cody Rhodes wins which I feel he deserves, Rhodes has proven people wrong in just about everything he does, people said he'd be the Jannety of Legacy and yet Dibiase is the one who's been put in shitty comedy segments and left for dead, while Rhodes has started to come into his own. I'm enjoying the "Dashing" Cody Rhodes gimmick.

Much like the RAW MiTB it comes down to who walks out with the title. If Mysterio wins then I'd like to see Rhodes claim the case. Maybe not cash it in for a month or two then take out whoever is champion. If Swagger wins I'd like to see Christian with the briefcase. In that situation I'd expect Christian to hold off, with Mysterio facing Swagger at the next months PPV and losing, then Chrisitan can cash it in the same way RVD did, challenge Swagger to a match at a PPV and hopefully win it there.

So basically, either Rhodes wins, holds onto the case for a while and cashes in down the line after building a little bit of credibility. Or Christian wins, holds off for a month and cashes it in face-style in a proper match. Either way I think it'll work out well.
i can see Kofi or Drew winning this. Kofi is credible enough after having an undefeated record on SD since his draft and had one of his best matches against drew at the last PPV, plus he gets huge pops like crazy, he is ready.

Drew has also been groomed and ofcourse being backed up vince himself, meaning he'll be in the main event sooner or later so it honestly makes sense.

basically i'd love it if one of those 2 won. I wouldnt mind if Matt Hardy won though too
ive got a horrible feeling that now drew visa is sorted out he will be put in the match and win, as he is the chosen one, (i think of harry potter everytime someone says that), i will be very pissed of if he wins money in the bank, dont get me wrong i like the guy and i think he has a good future, but he is no where near ready for the mainevent yet, he is too green. He is steadily improving though, as his moveset has improved alot. But i think it should go to someone who deserves it. Someone who has paid their dues, like christian or matt hardy (he aint fat he just isnt ripped.) as they did an epic promo on it and either one of them deserves it. Prefably christian as he is more ready for the mainevent. :)

yes i am a peep
In my humbled opinion Kofi Kingston would be a top contender to win this match. The reason being is he is a star on the rise for SmackDown. As it stands The B Show needs more face stars in their main event. Kofi would be the next logical choice to fill a spot. His connection with the crowd has been great, his momentum has been regained since winning the IC title and he is always a blast to watch in the ring.

Also in my own fantasy world I would like to see Matt Hardy win this thing, but over the years WWE has just used him to put over others in a jobber like role and has lost all serious moment since his run against MVP in 2008. However I am still a devoted fan of his and I am fully aware of all the hate he gets on this forum, but hey a guy can dream can't he?
I am going to go out on a limb and say that whoever wins the SMACKDOWN M.I.T.B will sell the briefcase to Ted Jr.
I think the two open spots in the match will go to McIntyre and MVP, unless Punk is able to be in the match, I would have him instead of MVP.
My only fear is that Hornswoggle will be in the match and pull out his stupid little ladder.
The Big Show: While I like Big Show when he is a face and he always throughly entertains me, he is an established name within the WWE and due to that reason should not win this match. Someone with a lower status on the card than him should walk away with the victory. However I would not be surprised if Show did win as he is definitely over enough and the crowd is into him.

Matt Hardy: Matt has never been world title material. I don't believe that over his entire over 10 year tenure with WWE, he got even one shot at a world title. He has been in multiple MITB ladder matches and he is always simply a spot filler in these matches to make them more exciting, being the "ladder veteran" that he is.

Christian: Much like Matt Hardy, has never been able to get that one big shot. However Christian if given the ball, could run with it. Unfortunately as much as I am a fan of Christian he will not win this match. He is there for the exact same reason Matt is there, and that is to simply fill a spot and make the match more exciting using his ladder "expertise".

Kofi Kingston: Has probably the best shot at winning this thing, and deservedly so. Kingston has been a fan favorite nad has dominated the midcard scene for the better part of 2 years now. It is time that he takes a step up and test his drawing power. Especially since he is on SmackDown and it's the lesser show, with the more vacant main event spots. He could have a Jeff Hardy like role and chase the title throughout the year, especially if his initial cash-in match is unsuccessful. I thought he was gonna win at WM 26 so there is no reason he shouldn't be the favorite to win this time around .

Cody Rhodes: As much as I like as his new "Dashing" persona, he is not ready yet. Rhodes needs to dominate the midcard on SmackDown, gain an IC title, and work his way up from there. Rhodes is not ready for win of this calibre.

Kane: Basically the same reasoning as The Big Show just look above, Kane never wins these matches anyway.

Now the last two spots are probably going to the likes of Drew McIntyre, MVP, or even Dolph Ziggler. But even with these guys added to the match I still see Kingston as the one will win this match (as he should). The final two midcarders who get added to this match are basically filler. If CM Punk wasn't injured I would have had him fill up a spot, but he is hurt so that eliminates him from the equation.
Big Show-I can't see Show winning at all. I really think he is in their for name reason alone and just do some damage to the smaller guys.

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes-Cody has been on the rise of late on SD and it looks like the E wants to do something with him. Hopefully they didn't elevate him as a precaution to losing McIntyre, because Rhodes is taking advantage of this and I don't want to see the ball dropped. Though I'm a huge fan of Cody and would love to see him win, he just isn't ready.

Kane-Much like Big Show he is in there for name value and make it seem like he has a legit shot at winning, though he never does. I expect someone to screw Kane over (maybe a gong from Taker) or even CM Punk.

Matt Hardy-Hardy is one of my favorites to win this match. His promo with Christian to hype up the match was one of the best in his career and the back and forth banter between him and Christian was great. It would be pretty awesome to see Matt Hardy finally get the brass ring and move on to becoming a world champ.

Christian-Christian is probably one of the favorites to win the match and I can see why. Most of us are hoping this is finally Christian's time to move up to become a main eventer and finally get a taste of a world title in the WWE. I do believe this could be Christian's last chance. If he doesn't win it here, I'm not sure when or if it will happen.

Kofi Kingston-Kingston is probably my favorite to win the match. It is said that the E is always looking for that breakout African-American star and who better right now than Kofi Kingston. He is fun to watch and he is over with the crowd. Plus his mic work is good when he is given a chance to work the stick. Right now being IC champ might hurt his chances, but RVD won the IC title while holding the briefcase, so I wouldn't see a problem with it happening in reverse order.

So right now I'd rank them (from favorite to win to least favorite): Kofi, Christan, Matt, Rhodes, Kane, Show.

That leaves us with the final two spots. I believe there are only three options for these two spots. Those three people being Ziggler, MVP, and Drew McIntyre. Ziggler has been up and down the midcard, but I have to think they give him one of the spots considering his relations with Vickie and this could be her last chance to salvage it. So that leaves MVP and McIntyre. I'd like to see them give it to MVP and then have McIntyre interfere with the match and screw Hardy or something, but I think it goes to DrewMc and I think the chosen one stands a very strong chance to become Mr. Money in the Bank.


On July 18, WWE will hold the first ever Money in the Bank PPV. Both Smackdown and RAW will hold separate MITB matches to see which 2 superstars will claim the coveted MITB briefcase and challenge for their brand's respective Championship (WWE/ World Heavyweight).

The Money in the Bank ladder match is a professional wrestling ladder match held by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). The match can feature anywhere from six to ten participants from any WWE brand, with the objective being to retrieve a briefcase that is suspended 20 feet above the ring. The briefcase contains a contract that guarantees a match for one of WWE's world titles, which include the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship. The contract is valid for one year, and the briefcase holder—dubbed "Mr. Money in the Bank"—can cash in the contract at the date, place, and time of their choosing. The briefcase may also be defended in matches, similar to how championships are defended. All of the briefcase holders have successfully defended and cashed in the contract except for Mr. Kennedy.

RAW's MITB match has been set but Smackdown is still missing two participants. The current superstars involved in the Smackdown MITB match are Kane, Matt Hardy, Christian, Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Big Show.

Who will the last two spots go to?

Will it be Caylen Croft, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, CM Punk, Curt Hawkins, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, JTG, Luke Gallows, Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP), Shad Gaspard, Trent Barreta, Tyler Reks or Vance Archer?

Questions: Who do you think should claim the last two spots in the MITB PPV match? Who do you think will?

I think it's gonna be Drew and Dolph.These are the two most likely candidates as it will naturally be someone we see every week.I doubt they'd put a Dudebuster,OR Hawkeye in a MITB match when they just got cheated out of a title shot by The Uso brothers.Everyone else on the list just never gets any TV exposure
It wont be Punk. He's hurt and will most likely miss the PPV.

It could be McIntyre. Getting him in this match would further advance his chosen one gimmick. He could say how he was in the MITB at WM and was cheated out. So he gets his way once again and gets into this match. With that said, I dont think he will win. Or at least I hope he doesnt.

Ziggler would also be another good bet. Vickie has power and being that she has her thing going with him, you would think getting him into the match is something thats bound to happen. Ziggler even told her that he's tired of waiting and he wants gold. This is an indirect way to gold and Vickie could put him in the match so that he stays with her.

There are two other possibilities that are stretching it a little. The first being MVP. He's been around ever since his move to SD. He's managed to stay relevant and this leads me to think that he could maybe get into the match. The other stretch would be someone from the Nexus. It's unlikely because they are RAW stars and the story-line seems to be exclusive to RAW. But the WWE has been unpredictable with this angle and I wouldnt be completely shocked if it happened.
i see it being drew mcintyre and luke gallows. McIntyre would jump back on tv friday with another note from mr mcmahon saying he is to be put into smackdowns money in the bank match after that teddy long would announce a ten man battle royal have luke gallows come out with punk then punk would interfere to help gallows which would give gallows the win
McIntyre is all but LOCKED in, though his feud with Teddy might deter that. Otherwise, I see Luke being in there due to his Feud with Kane, though Dolph is definitely a Dark Horse contender to be in there. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Brooklyn Brawler actually be the final competitor just to make things funny yet interesting. Though truth be told, the spot goes to the two guys who deserve it most, and so far, that's Drew and either Dolph or Luke.
There's only two that truly would make sense to include in the match.

Dolph Ziggler: He's been getting somewhat of a push as of late. He's associated with Vickie Guerrero who will find a way to get him in there. As well as the fact that he's actually done stuff as of late. He gets victories and has momentum going for himself. He's been in somewhat of a feud with Christian. So it would make sense to include him due to that.

And that brings me to my second choice. Drew McIntyre: Who has been feuding with Kofi Kingston as well as Matt Hardy. Drew therefore has something to strive at to be included. He's gonna want to qualify because he wants to get rid of Matt Hardy. As well as become world champion. Besides he has the "chosen one" storyline going so it would make sense there as well.

The rest of them wouldn't make as much sense. Sure Gallows is probably the one that could make the most. But he's still with CM Punk. He wouldn't make sense in being included because he wouldn't become champion. Not as long as he's with Punk. And Punk won't be in there because he's injured.

MVP and Chavo Guerrero are self explained in terms of the fact that MVP won't be in there because he has almost zero momentum for it. He hasn't done anything to make him noticed to get included. And Chavo Guerrero is well. He's Chavo. It's that simple.
McIntyre is the obvious first choice. Hes the chosen one and his fued with hardy should end at mitb as it started in the mitb match at WM.

My second choice is Luke Gallows. This would help it look more like a strong stable. And if he wins Punk could make Gallows give him mitb and still end up having Punk cash it in.
I think it will come down to Matt Hardy or Christian as both of these guys are over enough with the crowd to carry the briefcase and then world championship for a few months whilst still staying relevant. My guess is that if either one of them manages to grab that briefcase then we will see a feud between the two of them over the briefcase and/or world title.
Well lets take a gander at the announced participants shall we?

Big Show: The guys not gonna win. Granted he has been on a rool this past year. He found his calling for his age which is to strick to tag team wrestling to still be able to compete without slowing the pace of a match. He went back to main event level on Smackdown in what can be called Jack Swaggers only feud. Still I don't like him in this match as he will slow down the pace of the match in a big way. In all past wrestlemanias we have always gotten quick back and forth action but Big Show will really slow it down and burden the match. Plus didn't he have like a fear of heights at TLC?

Kane: He's a big IF in this match. The guy has been on a hotstreak yes but he should get pushed in a better fashion. He's 42 and has gone from Talent enhancement to Upper midcarder just getting better. It doesn't really bother me either way if he wins or not. Still I see the Straight Edge Society probably screwing him out of this match to continue the potential feud. He should really count his stars that he became the silver lining from the Undertakers injury cloud.

Kofi Kingston: One of the three people in this match whom i think has the biggest chances of winning this thing. He has been on a role on Smackdown opposed to being squashed consistently on RAW. He held a decent feud with Drew McIntyre and things could keep getting better with this guy. He has inceased his mic skills a great deal since his feud with orton which should have gotten him over as a main eventer. He showed in that feud he can carry a match and make and make for a good main event rivalry.

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes: He started this gimmick two weeks ago. I think he needs more time to develop the character further before he gets his main event push. He is only 25 and has alot of time to progress. He has better wrestling abilities than Ted Dibiase and could be better on the mic soon enough if he continues progressing. The character works for him though it is kinda like a heelish divas gimmick. He is a big dark horse in this match but without a doubt he is going places in WWE.

Christian: Another person i see winning this thing. He has the mic skills, He is over and is probably one of the best workers in the WWE right now. He cut an excellent promo with Matt Hardy on Smackdown showing promise for both men. He was everyones favourite for the Wrestlemania 26 MITB match but shockingly didn't win. He is deserving of a push and has showed us from his ECW days he can leed a brand. I feel if he doesn't win this than this is his last chance for rising to the main event.

Matt Hardy: The guy is mega over with the crowd. He has the wrestling abilities and has worked in WWE for over ten years. He got into wrestling because he loved it unlike his brother who only did it because Matt did. He founded his own wrestling promotion where he helped launch the careers of many people including Joey Mercury & Shannon Moore. He has never been arrested because of drugs or anything but yet Jeff got the push. Matt has always been the harder worker of the two Hardys and deserves the push. He has been criticised alot for his mic skills but he showed on Smackdown with his segment with Christian that hi has the skills. Like Christian, i feel if he doesn't do anything soon than that is it for him.

As for the other two participants i see it being Drew McIntyre & JTG. Drew is basically a lock ad i think JTG has gotten the crowd reaction and is over so he deserves his spot.
i know people may think otherwise, but i wouldnt be surprised if kofi won the money in the bank for smackdown, i really think he can be the next huge babyface after rey mysterio and big show
I personally see Cody Rhodes winning this, as nobody is expecting him too and plus he is getting a push right now, and he may be heading to the main event on Smackdown.

Big Show - Will not win, as he probably can't climb the ladder and there is no need for him to win he is in the Main event already

Matt Hardy and Christian - I billed these two together since they are both guys who for soome reason will not get that push in the main event and I don't see them giving it to them either, as they are midcarders for life it seems like.

Kane - He will not get the briefcase here, there is no need with his current angle, and plus he is way past his prime and this is to get the future to the main event.

Kofi - Currently IC Champion and his early into his reign, I can't see him getting the case as well.

And then the other two who are left I will have to wait and see who it is, definitely see McIntyre in there and he becomes an instant contender. There really isn't much to choose from for the last spot, either MVP or Dolph as there is nobody else left.

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