Wrestlemania XXIV: Finlay vs. JBL

At first i wasnt looking forward to this match i thought it would just be a filler but i think it could be a good match if not great i exspect a lot of blood and a great ending could be good you never know???
vince'll be involved, but he's better backing JBL and getting him back to heel status right now because he's not the best in the ring and had a sloppy feud with Y2J. besides, finlay's a good worker and both will help JBL put on a good match. i think vince getting involved in the ring vs finlay wouldn't be as good a match. this way JBL sells the credibility and vince and finlay add the tension
I'm excited for this match, just because it is going to be a bloody one. I know Wrestlemania doesnt need any gimmick matches, but I'm a sucker for at least a couple per ppv. This won't be the most exciting match by far, but it will be a nice change up from the regular matches, other than MITB.
No matter how many times they say the same things over and over again, trying to make it seem like these two are vicious, I still don't care for this storyline, nor this match. Is this really Wrestlemania worthy? Doesn't it feel more along the lines of "the fourth to last match on a b-level ppv"? It won't be match of the night by a long shot, but it won't be the worst, as that distinction is definitely going to Mayweather/Show and Bunny Mania in a tie. Finlay is structured well in the ring, but boring...JBL is sloppy and boring...and Hornswoggle outlived his usefulness MONTHS ago.
this makes no sense to me. jbl comes out one week beats the crap out of hornswoggle, reveals hornswoggle is not vince's son and than challenges finlay. wasn't it like about 4 months ago that jbl was retired and praising finlay for his wrestling. it should be vince vs finlay. thats what it looked to be building up to.

Are you crazy? Vince sucks. He is the worst thing on television. This is not 1998 anymore. He ruins everything he is a part of. Last years battle of the Billionaires ruined the entire event.

Yes JBL is out of shape which is why this isn't an iron man match. Its a belfast brawl and may even steal the show. Who cares about the inconsistancy of the story? Its fake remember? i'd prefer to see two wrestlers in a brawl than McMahon anywhere near the ring. And whoever said this was getting the most hype obviously has no clue what has been going on. There are at least 4 matches getting more hype than this.
When you ask if this match is Mania' worthy, you have to ask yourself one thing, name another match that could take its place that is Mania' worthy. The fact is there are like 10 matches on the show, pretty much every person who deserves a match over these two is in one. I have a feeling people will be surprised by this match. The fact that it is No DQ will make it good. I have a feeling it might be one of the matches that steals the show. Now before I get torn apart for that comment, in my mind to steal a show, you have to not be expecting the world from it. The main events cannot steal the show, they are supposed to be great. Out of all the undercard matches, this has the most potential to be entertaining, you dont really know who is gonna win, and these two are going to be the hell out of each other.
When you ask if this match is Mania' worthy, you have to ask yourself one thing, name another match that could take its place that is Mania' worthy. The fact is there are like 10 matches on the show, pretty much every person who deserves a match over these two is in one. I have a feeling people will be surprised by this match. The fact that it is No DQ will make it good. I have a feeling it might be one of the matches that steals the show. Now before I get torn apart for that comment, in my mind to steal a show, you have to not be expecting the world from it. The main events cannot steal the show, they are supposed to be great. Out of all the undercard matches, this has the most potential to be entertaining, you dont really know who is gonna win, and these two are going to be the hell out of each other.

Great post. I echo these words ten fold. This match is a sleeper for sure. I'm not sure why so many people are down on it considering how great these athletes are. Everyone says JBL is out of shape and awful in the ring. He's had like 4 matches since he's been back and none of them have been bad. This is going to be a nice brawl with chairs and blood and a squashed announce table...should be a great match.
Great post. I echo these words ten fold. This match is a sleeper for sure. I'm not sure why so many people are down on it considering how great these athletes are. Everyone says JBL is out of shape and awful in the ring. He's had like 4 matches since he's been back and none of them have been bad. This is going to be a nice brawl with chairs and blood and a squashed announce table...should be a great match.

I don't agree at all. All of JBL's matches since his return have not been good. The JBL/Y2J matches were decent at the best, but most of them sucked. The Elimination Chamber doesn't count because he was in there with five other men. And the rest of his matches were unmemorable. JBL is a fat, out of shape slob, who is incredibaly boring in the ring. I don't expect his match to be too good at 'Mania, but the Street Fight option may make things easier for him. As he's decent in No DQ matches.
And yet not one example of a bad match. Look I'm not saying JBL is on par with Kurt Angle. The guy was once a good in ring technician. Plus, there is more to being in the ring than just great wrestling skills. In ring psychology plays a huge part and Bradshaw was a master at that and still could be. Just wait my friend. You will more than likely be impressed with this match.
Finlay vs. JBL will be entertaining for a few reasons. First, it's always fun to see two stiff wrestlers face off. Second, both are great brawlers. Third, McMahon and Hornswoggle are bound to get involved and add intrigue to the match.

Much like Batista vs. Umaga, this is a solid mid-card bout. I am pumped for Wrestlemania.
I Stand by now, what I said a month ago, what a horrible use of Finlay. JBL is terrible, beyond terrible. He's a fat out of shape slug that shouldn't have been in the ring at WM 21, let alone WM 24. Finlay isn't a young guy, but he could be used so much better to help put over a younger guy. This feud means nothing to me, and I could honestly care a less about this match. I'll watch it because I like Finlay, but other then that, I can go to the bathroom and take a monster dump and probably have more fun then watching this match.
Meh, this match will be average. Nothing more. Since it's a street fight, JBL won't be to unbearable too watch, and Finlay can carry a good match. The feud is shit for 20 year olds who watch wrestling but the little kiddies will be marking out when Finlay gets revenge on the evil JBl. Shit.

Match won't be too bad though, top 3 on the night.

Which is very sad considering this is Wrestlemania.
Finlay will beat JBL but it could go either way Vince Mcmahon could do a run in
and help JBL win then Finlay vs Mcmahon for till summerslam and a feud with
Vince Mcmahon could propel Finlay to a world title
MY prediction Finlay def JBL after a ALOT of shilaeliegh shot to the head and
JBL getting Bloody Hornswoggle will come back Hit the tadpole splash
and finlay wins
I am truly not expecting much out of this one except a gigantic sigh to signal the official end to the Vince McMahon Bastard Son storyline. For the last year we have been subjected to Hornswoggle vs. every giant monster that Vince can think of to teach him "tough love". While these segments can be amusing and Vince is as good as it gets on the mic, too much of anything is bad, and in my eyes this storyline was wasted on someone who it was never meant to, and cannot elevate past low-card comedy act. Regardless of how much I enjoy JBL’s character and mic work, I can’t see him having anything more than a mediocre match with Finlay.

My finish-Hornswoggle returns from his injuries at the last second to seemingly help his real father, Finlay eek out the win. However, at the last second he turns on Finlay and assists JBL in getting the victory.

WWE’s finish-The exact opposite of my prefered scenario and predictable in which Finlay wins via an assist from his leprechaun son.
This MITB will probably better than last year because even though last year had established stars like Orton, Booker, and Finlay those guys weren't Ladder match savy. This year only has MVP to slow it down (not because he's bad, just because he isn't ladder match type.) Everyoone else can probably give a sick spot or two especially Morrison and Benjamin.
This MITB will probably better than last year because even though last year had established stars like Orton, Booker, and Finlay those guys weren't Ladder match savy. This year only has MVP to slow it down (not because he's bad, just because he isn't ladder match type.) Everyoone else can probably give a sick spot or two especially Morrison and Benjamin.

Wrong thread dude...

While I beleive this should be a Finlay vs McMahon no dq match leaving JBL of the card altogether it will probably still deliver with the amount of talent finlay has (can't beleive how much of a finlay fan ive become after absolutely detesting him this time last year)!

Anyway JBL may not be the most talented wrestler in the WWE but he is experienced, plays the heel role perfectly, has one of the greatest characters/gimmicks ever (in my opinion, even though I usually hate seeing him in the ring) & almost always delivers in a hardcore setting.

Like Umaga vs Batista, I feel we'll be plesently surprised by the quality of these bouts (unless your so determined to hate it that you won't even give it a chance).
I Stand by now, what I said a month ago, what a horrible use of Finlay. JBL is terrible, beyond terrible. He's a fat out of shape slug that shouldn't have been in the ring at WM 21, let alone WM 24. Finlay isn't a young guy, but he could be used so much better to help put over a younger guy. This feud means nothing to me, and I could honestly care a less about this match. I'll watch it because I like Finlay, but other then that, I can go to the bathroom and take a monster dump and probably have more fun then watching this match.

It's not a waste of Finlay Shocky. He's still good even though he's in his 50's. But come on. He should be in the MITB. Giving him such a high profile match at WrestleMania is mind boggling.

This will be a great match though (I don't get many chances to disagree with you Shocky, so I'm taking the oppertunity). JBL's best match is with Cena. In an I Quit match. We all know that JBL is a pile of shit, and in 2005 Cena wasn't much better. So a brawl with Finaly, by default should be loads better.
Hopefully they finally come to a conclusion on the bastard son angle. It seems weird that they reveal that the family is behind it a few weeks ago and since then vince hasn't said a word about it? Wouldn't he be calling them out and going nuts? Maybe they have a nice twist, I would still like it to be Kennedy because they're not doing much else with him. Since coming to Raw aside from a decent fued with HBK what has he done? He's in the same match at mania he was in last year so if he loses he's going backwards.
This is a wasted match on the grandest stage of them all. Basically it is a Raw storyline being played out at Wrestlemania because somebody ran out of good ideas. I would rather have seen these two go at it with no other reason but they hate each other and want to fight. The whole Hornswoggle-McMahon-Finlay and now JBL thing has gone on long enough and should have been completed on Raw not at the biggest PPV of the year.
brawls like this are always nice.

it will be interesting, but probably not anything amazing. Just a slugfest bloodbath. Regardless of who is in it, a bloody match with weapons is a good one.

I'd love to see Finlay vs. JBL in a belfast brawl.

In a normal match? Not in a million years.

And I hate JBL so much as a wrestler. He just sucks balls now. He needs to get a beard again and be old Bradshaw. That angle was 1000 times better and more entertaining. He was a beast. His gimmick as that stockbroker thing is just gay. Not heel heat gay, just gay. I hate him period, I don't love to hate him. his whole persona is just gay.
This could start out being a brutal brawl, but it'll probably end up being one thing. A full scale McMahon comedy fest. Complete with midgets.

Think about it, every Mania has to have a McMahon match, that will end up with McMahon on the end of some sort of beat-down/humiliation, then JR will say "My gawd King, McMahon humiliated at his own creation!" Vince's ego my ass.

However, I love these types of matches, I'm not a technical wrestling mark, I'm an entertainment mark. It'll be funny to see Hornswoggle strut around and nut Vince and JBL in the balls. Or to see Finlay doing some old school Irish dancing. At the same time it'll be good to see the brutal brawl I'm hoping for at the start of the match, if there was anything WM23 was missing, it was a good old fashioned hardcore bout.
I said it at the beginning, and ill say it again. Im am VERY much looking forward to this match, as I think this will be absolutely FUCKING CRAZY LOL. Personally, I feel like Finlay has done very well in selling the emotion and build of this match, and JBL is a tubby peice of shit, that is only good at two things. Being a jackass, therefore gaining heat, and brawling. Im sure he will be doing plenty of it in this match. And im glad Finlay gets to be showcased in something high profile at WM, and this will probably be the only time. I say we could probably see 'Swaggle gain some vengeance when JBL is put into an emaciated state. Good times shall be had by all.
This match will be a brawl, Ive seen Jbl and Finlay in these types of matches before. JBL thorough-out his title reign back in 2004, had a lot of hardcore matches which were great, i dont see this one being any different, especailly that Finlay is in the match. I hope to see alot of blood in this match and im sure we will.

Finlay will win here, and hopefully bringing an end Bastard Son storyline.

I think we can see Jbl, getting a Main Event push, a couple of months after Wrestlemania, especially if Hunter wins the WWE Title.
Well I must say, excellent way for Wrestlemania 24. I am not a JBL supporter, but I have to give credit to Jake saying that JBL would deliver in a brawl.

First thoughts. It's 1994, it's Madison Square Garden, it's Doink and Dink vs. Bam Bam Bigelow at Wrestlemania 10. How in the hell I didn't see JBL winning makes me feel like a complete idiot here. Both guys brought their all, and really set the pace for what ended up being a phenomenal show.

Hornswoggle hitting JBL with the Kendo Stick was priceless. Even more priceless, JBL's trash can shot on Hornswoggle. The guy maybe an insufferable prick, but that was pretyy entertaining. Finlay's dive threw the ropes was pretty impressive too. Overall, a damn good match to open the show, very impressed by these two.
From what I hear a short match. I'm not sure why that is. You would guess this is the blow off of the Hornswoggle/McMahon angle. An angle that they've been building for months. The one match on the card that has had more than enough build. Yet it's short. It doesn't make much sense to me.

As I haven't seen it I don't know of the quality. I've heard mixed things. Although JBL/Finlay brawling sounds pretty good to me.

JBL now has the jiggle factor to make his poor performances look good.

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