WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

I think that after the three shows this week things will become much clearer:

1) If Miz/Morrison drop the Tag Titles (something that MIGHT happen) I really do see Morrison winning the MitB and then being drafted to RAW, possibly fueding with Cena/Orton/Kennedy later in the year. They've already set up a possible split of the team, what with Morrison beating Miz to get into the match. Also, all the colour commentators could ever talk about late last year (when they won the titles) was the fact that Miz/Morrison hated each other.

2) If not, then I think the case will default to Kennedy. He's earned his way back up in the last year and is ready for another Main Event push. I would say Jericho, but he's apparently been adamant that he's pulling the IC title back up to it's former status as a real title, which I think is fantastic.

Not the MitB match, but I'm really hoping that Kane will win the 24 Man BR and take the title from Chavo. I think it's something that Kane (at this stage in his career) would be likely to do, seeing as it would facilitate him putting someone over as the new champ (Elijah, possibly?). I'm also betting that Delaney will be in there and steal some sneaky pins off the back of Kane/BDV/Palumbo/Khali's work. Should be a fun one to watch, if they keep it short.

Meh, that's just my 2 cents. Feel free to rip it to shreds :p
mvp and jericho cost each other the match which mr kennedy wins they engage a fued at back lash as the following week on sd matt hardys wins the us title have mvp go to raw fued with jericho and maybe put jeff hardy on sd or something
mvp and jericho cost each other the match which mr kennedy wins they engage a fued at back lash as the following week on sd matt hardys wins the us title have mvp go to raw fued with jericho and maybe put jeff hardy on sd or something

Although this is a very creative idea, I find it highly unlikely. I guess Kennedy should be the favorite to win the mathc, really only him or Jericho would make sense, none of the other guys in the match are going to be ready to be champion within the next year. If Kennedy wins, I wouldn't jump the gun and expect Y2J to fued with MVP, everybody seems to forget about the Hardy/MVP fued, or you think they will end it quickly. Well I dont think they had it go on for all of those months for no reason, they liked it, and when Hardy gets healthy it will continue. I mean they made it look like MVP injured Hardy, obviously there fued is not over. This happeneds every year, two guys in the MITB ladder match talk about how they are going to win, argue, but usually once the match passes, they are not featured in a fued together, dont expect this to be any different.

Kennedy and Y2J are the favorites to win the match, Kennedy winning would be weak, but it will probably happen becaues they have given Kennedy so many chances, they will probably give him another one. I just hate the idea of the same guy winning MITB two years in a row.
I just don't see Jericho winning due to the fact that he doesn't need it whatsoever. He most likely will "build the prestige" of the IC title in the next few months and then afterwards, he can challenge for any title and the fans will accept it at face value. If say, Carlito, would challenge the Undertaker, everyone would go "huh?" But if Jericho would challenge for a main event title, then no problem. So why waste it on him?

Carlito and Benjamin, I can't see them winning, because I can't see them doing anything outside of the ECW title, and they're big enough names that they could win that title without having to "sneak a win".

Morrison, even though I want him to win, I don't think so quite yet.

MVP, no, he's not going to win. He's the best suited to cross over to the main event, without a shadow of a doubt, but that in itself is a reason why he shouldn't win. MVP's momentum alone is astounding. Look at where he was when he made his debut and in this short amount of time he's basically become a main event star. MVP doesn't need it. He could make it way into a feud for a belt with one episode of Raw/Smackdown. Plus, Matt will cost him the match most likely.

So that leaves Punk and Kennedy, the two guys best suited for winning. Kennedy needs a push to the main event on Raw, and Punk needs a push to the main event on Smackdown. I think Kennedy has a slight edge, due to the fact that they've wanted to push him for a longer amount of time than they've wanted to push Punk. As far as cashing it in on the same night, I'd love to see Kennedy walk out of Wrestlemania as the WWE champ, but I can't see it happening. All they have to do is have a backstage segment for one minute, with someone like McMahon or whatever saying he isn't allowed to cash it in that night....or just flat out ignore it and hope the fans don't remember. Yeah, its stupid, but we're talking about the WWE here, who had no problem having "Hornswoggle versus _____" for weeks and weeks and weeks on end.
If Matt is in the ECW thing then odds are he doesnt do the run in and therefore MVP is the favorite. If not the run in is likely and MVP is a a big underdog. I don't see Kennedy winning and if he does I think he uses it one the Edge/Taker winner and not the triple threat. Jericho seems like the favorite but I think its just too soon in his return for him to have MITB and the IC title. Carlito doesn't have a chance, but if he does win he loses the briefcase soon after. Benjamin will take himself out of the match with some sick thing like running up a ladder into his finishers taking someone off a ladder. Morrison was put into a position because they see a lot of potential in him and I think he'll win this next year and be a major player in 15-18 months, but now is too soon. Which leads me to Punk. He and his straight edge style is being promoted to kids and hes starting to do school appearences. Theyve been using him on all 3 shows and gets sizable pops. The heat backstage is obv down with him being the star of the previously stated WWE kids magazine. Basically I can't see a reason for him not to win this. Then sometime around Survivor Series or Summerslam cashing it in, in a surprising way, against a heel champion such as Edge, Orton, Kennedy, Trips, basically anyone but Batista, Taker, or Cena who could be champ at the time. So if Matt doesn't get involved I got MVP winning it but if he doesn't win then I think Punk takes it.
Well i dont see it possible for MVP to win i mean he needs to continue his fued wit Matt.
Y2J is my favourite to win i mean look he beat Jeff n before Jeff was suspended it was likley dat Jeff would win so therefore it is very possible to see Jericho walk out as Mr money in the bank and do a count down till Mania and cash it in againsted the possible
WWE champ HHH or Cena and beat tha champ.
If not den the winner will probbally be Kennedy.
Y2J doesnt need the MITB to contend for the title. He basically is in this match due to the small reaction from his fued from JBL. I say the MITB winner will be Kennedy with
Y2J rebuilding the Intercontinental Title and contending for the title at SS or Survivor Series.
If you really think the wwe is looking for new top wrestler face and heel. I think who ever wins the money in the bank is going to win a title like M.V.P he shows so much talent , CM PUNK the fans are just behind him, and MR. KENNEDY if anyone really reads this i have a feel that MR. KENNEDY is going to win the MITB and later that night after the EDGE VS. UNDERTAKER when the undertaker wins MR.KENNEDY is going to run out beat down undertaker and steal the title and beat the 15-0 record.
Now I'm not saying that MVP is going to win the money in the bank, but MVP's hometown is Florida so that is a reason to say he is going to win, but then again last year at wrestlemania it was Randy Orton's birthday and he didn't win. Another scenario is Mr.Kennedy wins and cashes in the briefcase on the Undertaker thus winning the belt, ending the streak, and creating the most shocking Wrestlemania moment of all time. I don't want Jericho to win I want him to keep the Intercontinental title and make it important again like it used to be. Another scenario is when MVP is about to grab the breifcase Matt Hardy does a run in and knocks down the ladder while MVP is on it thus reigniting an unfinished fued.
the only logical people to win would be
Punk or

if punk wins i see him cashing it against chavo who beats the winner of the battle royal
if Kennedy wins he will cash it that night to say he headlined wrestlemania like he stated he would

the only reason Jericho wouldnt win is because he is trying to build back the quality of the IC title which is something that needs to be done anyway he will naturally earn his way back up i think buy doing that and thusly doesnt need to win

in recent weeks they are bringing up again that morrison and miz hated eachother during there matches and if he did win i think he would pull a fast one on either the ECW champ at the time or the Smackdown champ at some stage
Morrison is underused anyway at the moment i dispise his current tag situation and he needs to be at least in ECW title contention
There is only one superstar that could win the MITB and thats Mr. Kennedy or a Surprise entrant.

Mr. Kennedy will win because: -

1 - Last year when he won the MITB he promised he would cash it in a Wrestlemania24, so by Kennedy winning the MITB he could cash it in on the same night
2 - The other stars in the match other then Y2J seem more like ECW / US / IC / TAG TITLE competitors, they dont have the presence of a World / WWE champion
3 - Mr Kennedy has beaten almost 10 former Heavyweight champions and has had great fueds with them also
4 - Since Hornswoggle aint Vince's real son, WWE can restart the search for Vince's son and Kennedy is presented as his Bastard Son creating the storyline which was meant to happen this year
5 - Mr Kennedy attitude is something the WWE fans havent seen in a WORLD / WWE champion which could create a positive impact to the company

The only thing that i feel is slowing Mr Kennedy down is his finisher, it jus does have the same impact or emotion as a PEDIGREE / STUNNER / FU i think u guys know what i mean.

Mr Kennedy will win the MITB (or a surprise entrant)
yea but cena made a movie when he was champion
the ONLY logical preson to win is kennedy. he is more than ready. he has a huge amount of talent. the writers havent done anything with him. after he won the mitb last year he guarenteed he would headline wm24. now i kno wwe isnt one to follow up on a forgotten storyline but it would be a great angle. the iwc would finally wake up and appreciate what they are doing with a great talent for the first time. kennedys countdown to wm24 was great and actually had me looking forward to a wrestlemania an entire year in advance. kennedy is great on the mic makes a terrific heel and has an arsenal of moves. kennedy would not only be the smart pick to win, he would be the best pick for wwe champion be it on raw or smackdown (but not wwecw. anything but wwecw)
I think Kennedy wins the MITB and when Trips is celebrating his victory, Kennedy's music will interupt, and we will get the feeling Kennedy is cashing in, but he comes out and holds his briefcase up and thats how WM ends. I don't know, I would like that ending, but thats just me.
I really do think that if Kennedy wins it, he'll cash in the case on the same night. Means he'll 99% walk out with the title if he does win it but it could lead to an interesting Fatal Four way fued into Backlash/JDay or even just Kennedy vs Trips. Either would be good to watch.
Still, my money is on Morrison if he and Miz drop the tag titles this week.
Roll on RAW!
After watching raw last night, and after seeing kennedy's "predictions" for wm, that is basically confirmation that he won't be winning MITB. So, wwe did more or less the complete opposite of what smarks on these forums wanted. Not only will he not win MITB but people wanted it to be a surprise, and instead they had him say on the final raw before wm that he would win it and cash it in the same night, which was never going to happen anyway. I can't see mvp winning it either with hardy likely doing a run-in during the match to stop him. It'll probably be punk or jericho, yes, they both lost last night to mvp and carlito, but either one of them will still be winning anyway. And for those who thought kennedy would end taker's streak, lol, that will NOT be happening. By the way, I'm not even a taker mark, but it doesn't take a dumbass to know his streak isn't going to end, especially not in that kind of way.
Well last night Kennedy did not say he would cash it in that night.

He just said he would win it and cash it in to become champion. Yes, he told Orton a few weeks earlier that he would, but that was a short little segment that they could easily forget about.

There is still no sure winner for this match.
WWE is either doing that so everyone will go "yeah right", but then it actually happens...or doing it to reinforce that he won't win. I'd like to see him be the champ, but its not logical right now, so it most likely won't be Kennedy. I think Kennedy/Jericho is going to spawn from the Money in the Bank, and we're looking at Punk or Morrison winning now. Between the two of those, I say the more likely is Punk, even though (as I've said before) I'd prefer Morrison winning.

Why Punk?

1. They've been using him on Raw and Smackdown a lot lately, probably testing to see if he gets the same reaction from other environments.
2. We were told that they're big on him and "we'll see after Wrestlemania"...what better way to say "we're fond of this guy post-Wrestlemania" than to have him pretty much get a guaranteed future world title run?
3. Smackdown has Undertaker, Batista, Mysterio, and Kane...the latter two are never in serious contention to win the top title anymore...so they need Punk to be a buffer between the Taker/Batista group and the Mysterio/Kane group.
4. Though its not a rule, look at the previous winners of the case. Heel Edge, face RVD, heel Kennedy/Edge, so a face might be next.
I don't understand the Punk predictions honestly. He is mildly over at the moment and has been made to look weak on ECW by losing clean to Chavo twice in a row (which is sad since even an injured rey mysterio beat Chavo as ECW champ)

Punk's time isn't now, he probably has a great future though.
Well the Punk predictions are for the reasons above, especially in comparison to the others. Shelton and Carlito would be a waste, Kennedy's been made to look like he has no shot (and not in the "overcoming the odds" way), Jericho doesn't need it whatsoever, and MVP doesn't need it on top of his soon to be restarted feud with Matt Hardy. That only leaves Morrison and Punk, and even though I could see both being major players, I think the WWE would choose Punk over Morrison, especially with them trying to market to kids now with the new magazine and everything. It makes no sense to predict things that have no logical basis and are just what you would want to see happen, that's how we get people that predict "Bret Hart will return and have a match with the Rock while Matt Hardy wins the WHC and Colin Delaney runs through a gauntlet of every superstar". If the people in charge of the WWE are a fan of Punk, that's all that matters, cause they'll do whatever they want. Look at how much they've been trying to push Cena since his return as a sob case so we can pity him and root for him...and its not due to "going with the crowd reaction", its "we like Cena, let's see if we can get the audience to like him again". If the WWE is big on Punk, they'll push Punk. If he screws something up behind the scenes like Jeff Hardy, then they make him lose a title, get suspended for 60 days, lose his Wrestlemania bonus, and lose his damn near guaranteed Money in the Bank contract lol.
First of all, the participants in this match this year arent good. The only decent ones are Jericho, MVP, and Kennedy. Hardy got his dumbass suspended again, so I think someone will make a return this yer in the MITB. Most likely Matt Hardy. If that happens, it will make the match a little better. I think it will come down to Y2J and Kennedy. Y2J will get Kennedy in the Walls and knock him off the ladder and win. Y2J will win. Actually, it probably was in his contract to if he came back he could win that match. Then he will cash it in and win he belt like he deserves. I think when it comes down to technical wrestling, he is the best in the WWE right now.
I still see Kennedy winning, but if Jericho wins, he could do some interesting things with the case. Maybe start some sort of countdown, like he could tells us that Summerslam will be the day Y2J saves the WWE and win the Championship from a heel Triple H. This match should be interesting though and I can't wait for it as it is pretty unpredictable.
First of all, the participants in this match this year arent good. The only decent ones are Jericho, MVP, and Kennedy. Hardy got his dumbass suspended again, so I think someone will make a return this yer in the MITB. Most likely Matt Hardy. If that happens, it will make the match a little better. I think it will come down to Y2J and Kennedy. Y2J will get Kennedy in the Walls and knock him off the ladder and win. Y2J will win. Actually, it probably was in his contract to if he came back he could win that match. Then he will cash it in and win he belt like he deserves. I think when it comes down to technical wrestling, he is the best in the WWE right now.

And who would you have in the match? Khali, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry????? Who? This is THE most athletic group to appear in MITB to date and this will surely steal the show. How on earth could you say these guys aren't good?
Yes, thedude1 has a point, the wrestlers in MITB this year are the best group they've ever put in one (athletically that is). Realistically, they should make it the best MITB match there has been so far. bige69er probably bases how good matches are going to be on 'star power' alone and nothing else, sounds like a mark to me. He even said he considers shelton, carlito, morrison and punk to be crap. Sounds like people underrate punk sometimes on these forums, he is probably way better than what wwe make him out to be capable of, the same goes for shelton, carlito and morrison. wwe limits what wrestlers do all the time nowadays. There are way too many squash matches on every show, in fact thats all every show is about in wwe every week now, except for lots of highlights and other shit that no one cares about. They purposefully waste tons and tons of time. But anyway, check out punk's ROH stuff, it's probably 100x better than most stuff he's done in wwe. I would say punk is the most deserving guy to win MITB right now. If Kennedy is gonna say he didn't take drugs and then get caught red handed, he doesn't deserve to win MITB right now, this year.
[And for those who thought kennedy would end taker's streak, lol, that will NOT be happening. By the way, I'm not even a taker mark, but it doesn't take a dumbass to know his streak isn't going to end, especially not in that kind of way.[/QUOTE]
It is wrestlemania anything is possible and on top of that so much stuff has been going on like Jericho coming back,jeff hardy being the 1#contender, cena
getting injured and returning,rey mysterio getting injured,chavo is ecw champ,Shawn Micheals and Ric Flair,and Batista is not even in the main event he is wrestling umaga.
here we go, another terrible, terrible Money in the Bank. Instead of making 4 solid mid card matches out of this match, they throw all of the good, young talent into one match so they don't steal the spotlight off the guys hogging the main event.

Money in the Bank is a train wreck, and it's a damn shame that these guys are all thrown into one match where not one of them is going to shine. They'll be on Mania for the first 20 minutes, and you won't see them again the rest of the night. It's time to scrap this terrible match, but I'm pretty sure people will say how awesome it was because someone flipped off of a ladder.

Anyways, my pick, MVP at this point. I think Kennedy has lost too much momentum, but I wouldn't be surprised if he won though. I think a countdown clock too WM 25 would be a good idea for Kennedy and then him get buried by the Game next year. However, don't sleep on a returning Matt Hardy possibly jumping in and getting this match won.

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