WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

I do not know who will win and neither I have any favourites but I thought hardy would win until he got suspended. Anyway I think MITB match will be a good and entertaining one and wont be boring like last time. I hope the deserving one will win
morriso hes the tag team champ he defends the belts every week and always finds a way to win i would have to say morrison or kennedy with kennedy cashing in the title after a brutal batal like hell in a cell or the chamber like edge did but this time edge mr kennedy would have the belt longer maybe up until the next mania if he wins it in november but i want to c morrison win hes full of talent hes cant do every thing but my winner for mitb 4 is :mr kennedy
I am looking forward to the mitb match, i like them every year and hopefully it will deliver this year aswell, its a great starter match for wrestlemania its gets me in the mood.

Anyway predictions it is so hard, i firstly said jeff hardy but he got suspended, then i said jericho but he has got a title now (IC if you have forgot cause i forgot all about it)
so whos left: MVP, cm punk, carlito, shelton benjamin, out of them i carnt seeing any of them winning so im going for mr kennedy or unless they have a eighth mitb entrant and he wins it, maybe matt, who knows?
WrestleZone posted an article stating how Stephanie and Vince are big on CM Punk and we'll "see this after Wrestlemania". While this clearly doesn't specifically state he'll win the Money in the Bank match, it strongly points to it. I stand by my previous post (that the aftermath of the match will be a Jericho/Kennedy feud, Matt screwing MVP and reigniting their feud, and a CM Punk/Shelton feud) and I'm still hoping Morrison comes out on top, but now it seems very likely that we'll see Punk win. If they don't give it to Morrison, hopefully they give him something of equal credence that will help push him to the main event.
I really don't want this match to start the ppv off. Last year there were only two great matches and one of them was this and it was first. Mania shouldn't peek in the first 20 minutes, it needs someplace to go. I agree that Mania should have an awesome starter but not its best match. This year I would like to see the Battle Royal open the card with a solid ECW title match between matt Hardy and Chavo as the opener. that would be rad. I know everyone wants Matt Hardy to attack MVP but I'm pretty certain the WWE has put that story behind them for the time being. which is a shame. I mean the heat is entirely gone as its been almost 5 months.

I think MITB should be right in the middle of the card.
Although in the past the MITB has been used to elevate a mid-carder, the only mid-carder in the field that I could have honestly seen being elevated to main eventer is Mr. Kennedy. Some people may think Y2J winning it would be a waste, but that wasn't the original plan. The original plan was Hardy, that was obvious, now they have to go to an emergency back up plan. The fact is Kennedy said he was going to cash it in after the main even, and that is highly unlikely to happen. None of the other guys are ready to be World Champ, can' even see it within the next year, except for Chris Jericho. He is the only guy, besides for Kennedy I could see winning any big title, except for the ECW, if you call that a big title, within the next year. Which is why he should win it, the moment the winner cashes it in and doesn't win the title, this match will lose its luster, so Y2J has to win, he is the only one worthy of holding a World Title.
I really don't want this match to start the ppv off. Last year there were only two great matches and one of them was this and it was first. Mania shouldn't peek in the first 20 minutes, it needs someplace to go. I agree that Mania should have an awesome starter but not its best match. This year I would like to see the Battle Royal open the card with a solid ECW title match between matt Hardy and Chavo as the opener. that would be rad. I know everyone wants Matt Hardy to attack MVP but I'm pretty certain the WWE has put that story behind them for the time being. which is a shame. I mean the heat is entirely gone as its been almost 5 months.

I think MITB should be right in the middle of the card.

I disagree. Why shouldn't the biggest show of the year (in pro wrestling) not have a great opening match. The MITB ladder match is a good match to get the fans interested right away. The MITB ladder match builds up alot of excitement that can last until one of the main events. So, I think it would be a good idea for the MITB ladder match to be the opener.

It was posted up on Wrestlezone.com that Matt Hardy is expected to return at 'Mania to attack MVP during the MITB ladder match.

I agree that most of the heat from the MVP/Hardy feud is gone, but not all of it. If MVP were to get attacked by a returning Matt Hardy during the MITB ladder match tht could reignite the feud. The feud would have alot more heat as Matt Hrady was 'injured by MVP', and now is back seeking 'revenge'.
I never said Mania shouldn't open with a great match. But in last year's case, the best match on the card was first. Taker and Batista was a close second and they were fourth. Essentially the WWE shot all their bullets half way through the show. Imagine this: A Battle Royal which will be, if nothing else, entertaining and then a title match with say Chavo and Matt Hardy. Now I know Hardy may not be in this thing, but i would have to say that starting the ppv off like that would be amazing and then we still have all night to look forward to MITB.

Imagine if at Mania 16 or 17 they had started with TLC. Its just too quick.

The best manias ever have started with a good to great match but not the best on the card. WrestleMania X started with Owen v. Bret an amazing match but we still had all night to look forward to HBK and Razor's ladder match. I think MITB should be no earlier than 4th.
I never said Mania shouldn't open with a great match. But in last year's case, the best match on the card was first. Taker and Batista was a close second and they were fourth.

Really have to disagree here. Taker and Batista tore the freakin' house down. MITB last year was just a spot fest, with too many damn wrestlers involved to be able to follow the action. Most of the time it consisted of 6 wrestlers lying around while two duked it out in the ring. Have to admit, Kennedy giving Hornswoggle the Green Bay Plunge off the ladder was awesome.

I think the best pick to win it this year would be Jericho, now that Jeff Hardy is gone. Close second would be CM Punk, so he can get his "prestigious" ECW Title back. I would really like to see Kennedy gain some momentum back and win it this year, as last year around this time he was on a roll. I highly doubt it though this year, they have made it too obvious that he doesn't have a shot. Although, they may throw us a swerve, who knows...
Yes, spot fests are rad. Although I do have to agree, MITB is way over crowded and would serve as a better match if it were 4 guys. Regardless, lets say that Batista and undertaker was the best and MITB was second, why not have MITB fourth and Taker/Batista last with say Benoit/MVP first. That would have made Mania so much better. This year is different though because the card is much much better than last year.
Now that they've said they're building a roof over the stadium, I definitely agree that the Money in the Bank match shouldn't be first. Here's the lineup that makes the most sense to me:

Battle Royal
ECW Championship
Big Show vs Mayweather
Belfast Brawl
Raw vs Smackdown
Money in the Bank
Bunny Mania
Ric Flair's Last Match
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple-Threat WWE Championship

That way, you separate the three matches that "have no rules" so to speak (battle royal, belfast brawl, MITB) with three standard matches (ECW title and Batista/Umaga). Since Chavo/?, Umaga/Batista, Mayweather/Show, and Finlay/JBL probably won't be too fast paced, the Money in the Bank will, so it wakes up the audience. Then Bunny Mania gives them a piss/food break so they don't miss the three finales. I'm assuming we'll see a new ECW champion, so if so, that'll give the audience 2 good things in a row, and then they'll have to sit through a horrible Mayweather match, and if they're bored out of their mind with that, the no-DQ Belfast Brawl might breathe some life back into them.

And the more I think about it, the more I think Punk is walking away with the briefcase, even though I'm still rooting for Morrison.

By the way, who else thinks that the best spot of the match is going to involve Shelton? I can see Morrison pulling off some insane stunt, but I can't picture Carlito, MVP, Kennedy, or Jericho doing anything too nuts.
Now that they've said they're building a roof over the stadium, I definitely agree that the Money in the Bank match shouldn't be first. Here's the lineup that makes the most sense to me:

Battle Royal
ECW Championship

Big Show vs Mayweather
Belfast Brawl
Raw vs Smackdown
Money in the Bank
Bunny Mania
Ric Flair's Last Match
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple-Threat WWE Championship

That way, you separate the three matches that "have no rules" so to speak (battle royal, belfast brawl, MITB) with three standard matches (ECW title and Batista/Umaga). Since Chavo/?, Umaga/Batista, Mayweather/Show, and Finlay/JBL probably won't be too fast paced, the Money in the Bank will, so it wakes up the audience. Then Bunny Mania gives them a piss/food break so they don't miss the three finales. I'm assuming we'll see a new ECW champion, so if so, that'll give the audience 2 good things in a row, and then they'll have to sit through a horrible Mayweather match, and if they're bored out of their mind with that, the no-DQ Belfast Brawl might breathe some life back into them.

And the more I think about it, the more I think Punk is walking away with the briefcase, even though I'm still rooting for Morrison.

By the way, who else thinks that the best spot of the match is going to involve Shelton? I can see Morrison pulling off some insane stunt, but I can't picture Carlito, MVP, Kennedy, or Jericho doing anything too nuts.

I completely agree starting the show with the Battle Royale for 2 reasons:
1) It's an interesting starter, the crowd and fans will get into it
2) It gives the winner time to "rest". They won't want the match to be horrible.

Thus, I don't think the championship match should be directly after. Unless, did they say it would be RIGHT after on ECW? I don't really watch it.

I also agree with Shelton doing something nuts. Nobody else is going to.
I completely agree starting the show with the Battle Royale for 2 reasons:
1) It's an interesting starter, the crowd and fans will get into it
2) It gives the winner time to "rest". They won't want the match to be horrible.

Thus, I don't think the championship match should be directly after. Unless, did they say it would be RIGHT after on ECW? I don't really watch it.

I also agree with Shelton doing something nuts. Nobody else is going to.

Yeah, I think they said before that the ECW match "immediately follows" the battle royal. Hopefully, that doesn't mean that they'll pull the crap where the winner "is too battle torn" to defeat Chavo.
Well, even more annoying to me than that cheap cop-out, is the fact that it would mean Chavo retains the title. I've never been a fan of Chavo, and although he's a "solid mediocre" talent in all realms, he certainly doesn't deserve the supposed 3rd top title in the company. Chavo to me has always seemed like someone who would be fine as a tag team champion or in feuds with midcarders, but nothing more, not even holding a midcard title. Idk why they gave him the ECW title - especially when it didn't do much to aid Edge's heat. All it did was distract the Edge/Undertaker feud by having Edge/Mysterio/Chavo/Punk. And, keeping this on the MITB topic, I can't see them continuing a Punk/Chavo feud (and I hope to hell they don't as I got bored with that by the middle of their first match), so I really hope we don't see Punk win the MITB, then cash it in and beat Chavo for the ECW title.
a lot people are saying cm punk will win but i dont see him winning cause he can get a title match without the briefcase and if he did win and then cashed it in against chavo it would be stupid but maybe he will be drafted and cash in the briefcase for wwe or world heavyweight championship which i think he isnt ready yet for so i think it i will be between mr kennedy or chirs jericho they are better contenders
LMFAO teh ECW title doesnt mean SHIT. The US title means well more in prestige and current recognition. CM punk couldnt the at the ECW champ couldnt even get the win over the US champ MVP despite MVP being the run away when getting ass kicked heel. Punk ended up getting fucking powned.
ECW should be left as a house show, it was only watchable when Big Show was champ.
Money in the bank SHOULD go to Kennedy, he needs it, deserves it, should leave wrestlemania as champ, popping triple H with mic check after he wins the triple threat. after all he did say he was cashing it in then rmember?
hardy wont as he has been suspended cause he is a useless overtaed fuckwit.
I agree that Batista and the Undertake tore the house down last year, but this whole MITB match is getting real old because like you guys said its 6 wrestlers laying around and 2 of the them duking it out and its not really tht enjoyable anymore the first one was great when Edge won the thing, But if I had to go with anybody it would prolly be CM Punk, ( manily because Jeff is gone)
The winner should either be MVP or Jericho. As much as I'd like to see Kennedy win, I can't honestly see him cashing it in at Mania and leaving as Champ. A rad storyline would be to have Kennedy win and just after the Undertaker beats Edge, Kennedy comes out beats him, ends the streak and wins the title. That would be stellar.

As for the crazy spot? Shelton and Morrison will have their moments but I am going on record to say that Carlito will do something nuts. He is obviously trying to get back into the good graces of the WWE and what better way than a stellar performance in MITB.
Let's Take A look at everyone Here Shall We?

1 - MVP. If he wasn't holding the US Title, I would almost Promise you he would win the match but that title seems to be on his waist for the time beeing. I expect to See A Matt Hardy run in during the match that costs MVP The MITB and re-fuels their Rivalry over the US Title.

2 - Chris "Y2J" Jericho. Almost the same situation as MVP Except for the fact that it's even worse on Jericho's half. That Intercontinental Title has really been losing Prestige as of late (with Hardy never defending it) and I expect him to Lose the match so he can focus on Defnding that Title. If he were to win it, then They should make him drop the Title the night after on Raw.

3 - CM Punk. He could win this match, yet I see him being a surprise entrant in the ECW Title battle royal, which he would win, and then going on to beat Chavoo for the Title. He is almost a superstar, but I don't think he has the experience yet to be a Heavyweight Champion for the WWE.

4 - John Morrison. He is one of my favorite superstars, but being a tag-team champion with The Miz is holding him back. I also don't see him as a Superstar yet for the WWE. Why? Well It just irk's me to think of a Money in the Bank winner from ECW. If he were to get more primetime TV work in then yes, he would have a shot, but I exepect him to be a guy like Hardy who does something Absoulutely NUTS during the match.

5 - Shelton Benjamain - Once again, he is from ECW. While I feel his Title Run Is way Past Due, I don't figure him into winning MITB yet, because he isn't very Popular. The Perfect thing for him to do right now is start a fued with CM Punk after Wrestlemania for the ECW Championship because it would get his name out there andwould be able to put out Multiple 5 Star Matches.

6 - Carlito. He is almost the "Sleeper" pick in this match. He could win it seeing as he threatened to leave the Company last year and they make him win it in order to persuade him to stay. But Like all the other guys, he isn't a main event Quality superstar and he doesn't have the talent yet to be one.

AND THEN, There is Mr. Kennedy.

7 - Mr. Kennedy. Why do I see Kennedy winnin it this year? Well beside him being my idol, from what I have heard, the WWE wants Kennedy to be a Champion for them. And what better way to do it then to make him win it again this year. Think about what he will have going for him, 2 Time Money In The Bank Winner and Defeted the likes of Undertaker, Kane, HBK, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Lashley, Sabu, Marty Jannety, and Chris Beniot in his carrer. He would be on the cusp of superstardom. Also Keep In Mind that he was in the main event for Raw two weeks in a row before last week.

And I also think he get to Supestardom in the same night.

Could you imagine the heat that he would get from running into the WWE Tite Match after Cena or Triple H has one it? And Then Winning the WWE Title?? His Carrer would be shot to the Moon! And he would be the new Big-Money player for the WWE. Think about it. HHH has already had his time in the bight lights, and since he is running the company partially now, he may want to help put over a young guy like Kennedy so he can be the Man for years upon years. Or Cena, who is filming a movie, drops the Title in shocking fashion to the man who also injured him 5 months earlier. It would be a day that Changes the WWE FOREVER!
Kennedy is most likely to come out victorious, seeing as he really badly needs something to do at the moment, he's had little direction as to where he's going to go since his rivalry with Shawn Michaels ended (didn't consider it such a huge upset when Kennedy won anyway, the whole point of that rivalry was to elevate him)

I'd like to see MVP win also, after a likely feud over the US title with Matt Hardy I could see him cashing in the MitB at the right time, things are always interesting when the holder is a heel. He suits the whole idea of money in the bank anyway, I think he could eventually make a good face however, perhaps a similar turn to Christian Cage where he earns a world title match shows signs of a personality change whilst constantly getting ganged up on, earning the respect of the crowd. At the moment I can definitely see him being ready to hold a world title, more than Kennedy in fact.

CM Punk is another pick, they'd have to save his cash in for some point in the future where Edge is holding the world title. They could do something silly like put him in the battle royal as a suprise, but I'd rather not see that. Best for now that his feud with chavo ends and he goes on to things that don't involve the ECW title. Likely a feud with shelton after WM.

As far as the highlight moves are concerned - I'm looking forward to see what Morrison has up his sleeve, I'm happy they've decided to incorporate him in this match despite his current status as a tag team wrestler. Carlito (has his tag team with Santino split up? If so good, it was nothing special anyways) will likely do a backstabber of the top of the ladder on an unsuspecting climber all the way to the floor which will be painful. And Jericho will run up and codebreaker someone, which won't look too bad. Other than that, expect other unpredictable moves from the people you wouldn't expect.
LOL about the Matt Hardy posts. everyone with HE ISNT EVEN IN IT!!! AND HE WILL WIN??? HOW, OH HOW CAN THAT BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE????

1. like that fucking matters. this is WWE. They just make shit up as they go, when it benefits them. They will work out some sort of lame excuse.

2. The match is supposed to have 8 guys anyway. So that completely leaves things open for Hardy to make a suprise appearance, especially since MVP is in it.

They never SAID "this match for sure only has 7 guys and its gonna be 7 guys and there wont be 8 guys, and Matt Hardy wont be a suprise entrant". Thay just said there would be NO MORE QUALIFYING MATCHES. They never said definitively that Hardy wouldnt replace his brother. And do you really think that WWE is gonna just leave out one of their most steady contributors at the biggest show in the world???? Im not saying for sure he will be back, or he will win, but its dumb for anyone to say its an outrageous idea. It makes tons of sense to me.
LOL about the Matt Hardy posts. everyone with HE ISNT EVEN IN IT!!! AND HE WILL WIN??? HOW, OH HOW CAN THAT BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE????

1. like that fucking matters. this is WWE. They just make shit up as they go, when it benefits them. They will work out some sort of lame excuse.

2. The match is supposed to have 8 guys anyway. So that completely leaves things open for Hardy to make a suprise appearance, especially since MVP is in it.

They never SAID "this match for sure only has 7 guys and its gonna be 7 guys and there wont be 8 guys, and Matt Hardy wont be a suprise entrant". Thay just said there would be NO MORE QUALIFYING MATCHES. They never said definitively that Hardy wouldnt replace his brother. And do you really think that WWE is gonna just leave out one of their most steady contributors at the biggest show in the world???? Im not saying for sure he will be back, or he will win, but its dumb for anyone to say its an outrageous idea. It makes tons of sense to me.

I'd say there's almost a 99% chance that he'll do a run in, and thusly, there's a chance he'll be in it, but there's barely any chance that he'll win it. He'll get involved in some way and prevent MVP from winning it, so as to get them back into the feud that should've ended months ago, but Matt Hardy has no shot at winning the Money in the Bank because he has no shot at winning a main event title in the next year. So rather than waste it completely and just have the MITB winner challenge and then lose, I'm sure they would rather use it on someone that they want to move into the main event, like Kennedy or Punk (or Morrison as I'm hoping, but he doesn't have nearly as good of a shot as K/P). But there's a better shot at Matt winning the MITB match than the ECW title, as a lot of people seem to be focused on predicting lol.
yes he will defently do a run in and knock mvp of the ladder. giving jericho then win and having a angle between jeff and jericho. how ever this would be bad for the ic title so who else to give it to than. mr. kennedy
Think of the match last year, just about every guy in there at one stage HAD a WHC fued or wwe title fued, kennedy, booker, orton, edge, finlay etc.

The problem this year is that Y2J and Kennedy are really the only ones that have been main eventers in the past!! so unless WWE is going to take a HUGE stab in the dark and give someone the biggest push in there career i can only see those two being on top...

I can actually see Kennedy winning, then losing costing him his oppurtunity then perhaps a new gimmick from there, sort of like orton, full of rage.. not that he needs it though
:suckit:The only thing is I say kennedy will win it but that he dosen't cash in the same night because thiple h is the favorite to win the wwe championship so I say cash at summerslam but he challenges the game like rvd did to cena at one night stand but if kennedy cashes it in at wrestlemania the game will lose because in almost every triple threat match he bleeds leaving him easy to the mic check say thing for orton he wins the match kennedy would still beat him but if that asshole bitch ass cena wins then kennedy would lose because vince wants to make that motherfucker like superman and kicking out of anything if he wins everyone would be pissed if cena won but if kennedy wins the title he will have a great future.


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