WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

it would be very interesting if it rained and would make the match even more dangerous. They mite build like a roof structure over the ring or something to stop rain. i rekon they will have cables or something to hold the case above the ring. on whos going to win it possible jeff hardy or jericho. Id perfer chris to win because he is a main eventer and i just cant see wwe giving jeff the belt
Welp, I think tonights RAW made it fairly obvious who is going to win this.

Jeff Hardy.

Are they gonna have Jericho, who JUST won the IC belt win it? NO. Will they have Kennedy, who they could obviously give a fuck about at the moment, and who could have a wonderfull IC title feud with Jericho win it? NO. Carlito, who is a fuckin loser? NO. Benjamin, who will probably put on the best preformance, but who will probably never bea heavyweight title contender, and who CERTAINLEY isnt right now win it? NO.

Or will it be Jeff Hardy, the guy who they have spent months grooming for the main event, who just seperated himself from the mid card title, and who might be THE most over guy in the WWE right now? uuuum id say YES. If they have him just drop the IC title with no quick turn around on something big, they have just wasted all of his build over the last few months. There is only one dark horse I could possibly see winning this.

and thats MVP, who just recently qualified at a house show. The MITB, by its very nature, works better with a heel carrying it, and MVP is a PERFECT canidate to be the guy carrying it around, bragging about being Mr money in the bank, bragging about his new peice of "bling" being the breifcase. And MVP seems every bit the part of an oppurtunist, who would trade the breifcase in on a moments notice, in the champions moment of weakness. If MVP goes over Batista in this US title match, I will be thrown further into doubt. And I dont really think that the Matt Hardy feud will stop MVP from doing this. He can loose the US title but still keep momentum by having the breifcase still. I could entirely see this scenario play out, depending on how strongly they book MVP over the next couple weeks. If he is made to look weak, I am 100% sure itll be Hardy. If MVP comes in with some momentum looking strong, ill only be 75% sure itll be Hardy.
Welp, I think tonights RAW made it fairly obvious who is going to win this.

Jeff Hardy.

Are they gonna have Jericho, who JUST won the IC belt win it? NO. Will they have Kennedy, who they could obviously give a fuck about at the moment, and who could have a wonderfull IC title feud with Jericho win it? NO. Carlito, who is a fuckin loser? NO. Benjamin, who will probably put on the best preformance, but who will probably never bea heavyweight title contender, and who CERTAINLEY isnt right now win it? NO.

Or will it be Jeff Hardy, the guy who they have spent months grooming for the main event, who just seperated himself from the mid card title, and who might be THE most over guy in the WWE right now? uuuum id say YES. If they have him just drop the IC title with no quick turn around on something big, they have just wasted all of his build over the last few months. There is only one dark horse I could possibly see winning this.

and thats MVP, who just recently qualified at a house show. The MITB, by its very nature, works better with a heel carrying it, and MVP is a PERFECT canidate to be the guy carrying it around, bragging about being Mr money in the bank, bragging about his new peice of "bling" being the breifcase. And MVP seems every bit the part of an oppurtunist, who would trade the breifcase in on a moments notice, in the champions moment of weakness. If MVP goes over Batista in this US title match, I will be thrown further into doubt. And I dont really think that the Matt Hardy feud will stop MVP from doing this. He can loose the US title but still keep momentum by having the breifcase still. I could entirely see this scenario play out, depending on how strongly they book MVP over the next couple weeks. If he is made to look weak, I am 100% sure itll be Hardy. If MVP comes in with some momentum looking strong, ill only be 75% sure itll be Hardy.

I am going to agree with you on that. I think getting the title off hardy will set up for his winning the mitb, and cementing him in the main event. the matches he has had with hbk and y2j have been some of the best matches i have seen in a long time and showed to the people that didn't think he was capable of it, that he can actually wrestle and not rely on being a "spot monkey" like they were referring to him as. i think he will hold the case for a while, and cash it against hhh or edge sometime around the end of the year. that way he can have a run with the title to see how he does before mania next year.

i am also hoping that y2j and finlay's bitch from tonight will start a feud over the ic title after the money in the bank. kennedy and y2j could be a decent feud.

Jeff Hardy they had him drop the ic title, most likely sign of him winning mitb and cementing himself as a main eventer
kennedy wont win after what happened tonight, in his home state no less.
y2j just won the ic title, so i dont think he will win mitb and will defend the title more
Carlitois only in the match because he didn't quit in december and they said they would use him more, and he whined about being in the dark match last year.
Shelton obviously wont win because he just doesnt seem to be able to handle any kind of push they give him and they never last long. look at when he beat triple h a couple years ago, should have been the start of something big.
mvp only option other than jeff to win, but i think they are going to do a matt hardy/mvp feud again after mania heading into backlash for the us title so that kinda leaves him out in my opinion.

not sure who else will go in it, but who else on any roster would have a shot at winning?
With Hardy out I think it's pretty obvious Kennedy will win it. I still don't think MVP will be involved. So he's my choice.

Without Hardy though this match will really be missing something. I can't imagine Carlito will do a big bump that'll nearly cripple him.
So now that Jeff Hardy was officially suspended and taken out of the money in the bank match, who do you think is going to replace him?

Here a list of wrestler i would like to see him replace him

Brian Kendrick: Brian is one of the most exciting wrestler on the raw roster the only problem with this pick is that he's pretty look like a jobber right now so is chance of being in this match is pretty slim.

Paul burchill: He a guy that could use this type of exposure to get his character over and he a pretty good wrestler.

Matt HArdy: This would be the most logical move since MVP is already in the match anyway and the plan for the last to spot are to have Kane and Great Khali. So with is brother Jeff out, this could be MAtt Chance to make a big return.

Elijah Burke: I Know that this guy has been used to get some of the other wrestler over on ECW but he'S a talented wrestler and he would bring so much to this match.

Stevie Richards: If there was ever a guy that deserve to have a high profile match at wrestlemania it'S this guy. He'S been in with the company since the attitude era and has been loyal to the wwe since he'S started. What a better way to reward him then giving him a spot in this match.

Also, now that Jeff Hardy is out of the money in the bank ladder match, who is the odds on favorite to win this match. I think that it's either going to be Chris Jericho or MR kennedy time to shine and either one of them while win the match.
It really is a shame Jeff is missing Wrestlemania and this match. But really WWE has to think hard about who's going to replace him. Remember this match in it's simplest form is a No1 contender match for the prize strap in wrestling. I sure as hell wouldnt like to see Burke, Richards, Kendrick, Carlito, Khali, Kane or Burchill as no1 contender. This match should be midcarders who need that final push and I would love to see Benjamin win it. My picks would be Kennedy or MVP but I'm not convinced any of these can wear the main gold without a serious push. IMO they should leave Jeff's replacement as a surprise right up to Wrestlemania
With three spots left I say give them to Matt Hardy, CM Punk & Tommy Dreamer or like someone else said, Stevie Richards deserves a chance. I'd rather see Dreamer, but Richards would be a welcome addition instead. There may not be a ECW title match so this would be the best way to get Punk onto the card. Matt could be a surprise entrant or qualify beforehand. Not sure if its a good idea to put a guy who just came back from a legit injury in a match where crazy bumps and the chance of actual injury if something goes wrong is a good idea - but he can always take it easy. Dreamer or Richards would get a nice pop and are both guys who have been loyal to the the company. Richards since 1999/2000 or so and Dreamer since 2001.

They better not even think of putting Khali in this thing. It sucks that talents like Morrison and Burke are being left off, but sadly that's what happens when the company abandons the midcard in favor of one match to push someone out of it. They could possibly make MITB 10 people, but shit, 8 is already pushing it a lot so best leave it at 8.
Welp, I think tonights RAW made it fairly obvious who is going to win this.

Jeff Hardy

Looks like you spoke too soon, Jeff is out for 60 days. I would put money on Kennedy winning this one. I don't think the WWE should put the title on Jeff anytime soon, he has proven to be unreliable and if he were the champ and they had to release him it would be a MAJOR embarassment.
Matt Hardy should be a surprise replacement over Jeff in the MITB, and right now i dont think anyone in the match is ready for a big title push. Kennedy just got beat up by finlay, Y2J isnt ready imo, Jeffs gone, MVP has been losing to batista week after week, and everyone else isnt ready for that big of a push, so my idea is to have Matt freakin Hardy win the MITB but instead of cashing it in for the heavytitle .... he cashes it in to take the US title from his enemy MVP ... i think thats a better idea then having the MITB go stale year after year with the same scenario ... winner cashes in and wins the wwe or heavyweight championship
I now agree that whoever wins this years MITB should lose their title match. It seemed Jeff was lined up to win it and cash it in over the summer, with him out why not just have one of the lower tier guys like Benjamin shock the crowd at Mania and then lose the title shot against Undertaker/Edge or Cena/Orton/HHH a month later. You could have him put the shot on the line at Backlash, win, and then lose to the champ the following week.

This will give them something for Shelton to do at Backlash and not force them to give someone a title reign that they weren't expecting to give them.
I now agree that whoever wins this years MITB should lose their title match. It seemed Jeff was lined up to win it and cash it in over the summer, with him out why not just have one of the lower tier guys like Benjamin shock the crowd at Mania and then lose the title shot against Undertaker/Edge or Cena/Orton/HHH a month later. You could have him put the shot on the line at Backlash, win, and then lose to the champ the following week.

This will give them something for Shelton to do at Backlash and not force them to give someone a title reign that they weren't expecting to give them.

Well I disagree. Why not let whoever of the big three wins it (Jericho, KK, MVP) hold on to the briefcase for awhile and build them up until they are ready to cash it in?

I'd love to see Kennedy win it again, then on the following Raw state that he decided against cashing it in at the end of Mania, and wanted to do things right.
Well I disagree. Why not let whoever of the big three wins it (Jericho, KK, MVP) hold on to the briefcase for awhile and build them up until they are ready to cash it in?

I'd love to see Kennedy win it again, then on the following Raw state that he decided against cashing it in at the end of Mania, and wanted to do things right.

I may go for that if its MVP and he hangs on for a while keeping people in suspense, but for the most part I think it should be over with rather quickly. If Shelton or Carltio win it will be more of a shock at Mania. Then they can defend it against someone at Backlash who is in contention for the Title but still win. Then when they cash it in people will think they have a chance but will lose. Then we can have some old school title feuds in the summer. I guess I'm just not a MITB fan.
Way to go Jeff. You just shat on your push once again. I'm a fan of Hardy, and I was always rooting for him to become a top star, but come on man, this is pathetic.

So now we have:

1. Kennedy
2. Jericho
3. Benjamin
4. Carlito
5. (MVP?)
6. (Matt Hardy?)
7. (?)
8. (?)

Our contenders are: Khali (please God no), Kane, Morrison, Burke, and then some people that I can't see having a shot.

Hopefully, it'll be Morrison and Burke, Morrison and Kane, or Kane and Burke.

Odds on favorite, now? Well..

1. Kennedy - He definitely is in the prime position, but if he does win it, they painted themselves into a corner by having him say he'd cash it in. This is tricky, unless they want us to just forget about it.
2. Jericho - I can't see him winning it. It would be a waste. Jericho is a legitimate main event star and he's one of those guys that could just challenge for a top title and it would go over. HBK, Cena, HHH, Undertaker...these guys don't need to win King of the Ring tournaments and such, right? Jericho doesn't need the MITB.
3. Benjamin - Well, supposedly, they've lost steam on pushing him. He'd never win the WHC or WWE titles at this stage in his career, but he COULD win the ECW title. Idk...better options.
4. Carlito - Yeah right. Lol. Carlito has a solid shot at being the next IC champ or potentially the next tag team champ, but no shot at the WWE/WHC titles. A switch from him over to ECW though, that could work.
5. MVP - Future main event star. Doesn't need to cash it in at Wrestlemania. Guaranteed a title in the next coming year(s) if he keeps his upward momentum. He may just win.
6. Matt Hardy - This guy can't even find his way into the US title. No shot whatsoever.
7/8. Kane, Burke, Morrison - Kane doesn't need it as he won't be winning any titles anytime soon aside from possibly the ECW title, and he could outright challenge at any time. Burke, I still feel, should be gunning for the IC title at Raw, as he's not solid enough yet for a top title. Morrison needs to regain his momentum, so he might win it and challenge for the WHC or something.

In the long run...Kennedy, MVP, or Morrison are in the best positions to move up to the main event. Benjamin and Carlito have good shots at using their MITB to win the ECW title, but nothing else. Jericho and Kane don't need it. Matt Hardy and Burke have no shot. And for God's sake, if Khali is in it, you've just fucked up the only match at Wrestlemania 24 that doesn't have a predictable ending or is going to be incredibly boring.
with mvp being added to this match, they will need to put matt hardy in it. without jeff hardy, and maybe without kennedy in order to sell his shilliealeah shots, it will be carlito vs. jericho vs. mvp vs. hardy vs. benjamin vs.kennedy or ??? vs.??? vs.???. kane will most likely take up one spot. as for the other one or two slots: I would like to see elijah burke and either john morrison, kofi kingston, chuck palumbo, or even mark henry.
You know what I'd like to see happen with this year's Money in the Bank?

Multiple people.

What have we had in the past? Edge wins and cashes it in while a champ is down, so he wins the belt. RVD wins, gets himself a match, wins the belt. Kennedy wins, has an injury, loses it to Edge, who cashes it in while a champ is down, so he wins the belt.

You can only give it to a heel to "opportunistically cash it in" so many times without it becoming stale. Of course, you can give it to Edge a million times to do it, as that's in his character, but if Kennedy/MVP/etc did it, they'd look like they were just copying his good idea (which I'd do, cause its smart, but still, we need some originality).

So this year I'd like to see a legitimate NEED for the case. As we know Jeff was most likely going to win, this puts a damper on their plans. Jericho has the IC title now, which means he could feud with the likes of Kennedy, Carlito, and maybe others after the draft, so he's got a purpose once more. But you know what would be interesting? Several switches.

Say someone like Shelton wins. A week later, someone challenges him for the briefcase and wins. Someone challenges that person and wins it. So on and so forth. That way, over the course of the next year, they switch it up time and time again, and we are kept on our toes about who is going to cash it in (instead of just waiting for the time MVP or Kennedy or someone uses it). This gives the WWE time to figure out their plans and then go with whatever they want. Say 3 months down the line, they want Morrison to win it and challenge for a belt. Doesn't seem likely? Well, look at what happened with the ECW title, lol, things change. Switch it back and forth, make it almost like the hunger for a title, and you could get some decent feuds out of it.
Now that I think about it, putting the case on the line is pointless. I can see doing it once against a rival or for something else, but not multiple times just for the hell of it. Remember when RVD won and he put it on the line against Shelton for the IC title? Why would you put your World Title shot on the line for a shot at the IC Belt? It makes very little sense when you think about it.

Something like when Edge wanted Matt Hardy to leave RAW works better because you would get the sense that Edge would give up a World Title just to get rid of Matt. Defending it for the hell of it just because someone challenged you seems dumb and makes this match more pointless than it already is.
Seeing now that Jeff is the most stupid man walking teh earth i see no other option to win this thing than MVP. But I think if the WWE can slide Matt hardy in that it work perfect. Sure you might have others look bad but you can have it where Matt is bout to grab the briefcase and MVP us the US championship to hit Matt upside the head and of course Matt falls and MVP grabs the briefcase. Doing this adds more to their feud and carrys it at Mania,

Now after what happened at Mania have Matt challenge MVP to a match for the MITB and MVP gets all cocky says, " Matt you cant never beat hell you cant beat for the US and after Maina not even fro the MITB". Then have Matt challenge him to two fall match at Backlash with 1st fall for the US gold and have Matt win that. Then the send fall be fore the MITB and have MVP win that. He can go n that he don't care the US gold as he has bigger thing in his future thanks to the MITB briefcase.

I think idea works best as we get to see Hardy and MVP at mania in a way and they finally end their feud at Backlash in a 2 fall match with the 1st fall for the US gold and 2nd fall for the MITB. Really everyone else in the MITB will just be extra bodies as I hope Matt and MVP get most of the shine in the MITB if Matt gets in.
CM Punk vs Big Daddy V MITB qualifying match on ecw tonight is now confirmed on WWE.com. I truly believe punk is going to win so I guess this years wrestlemania wont have a us title match or a ecw match unless chavo defends it against kane or something
I think we're going to see another Chavo screwjob of CM punk on ecw leading into a match at wrestlemania... maybe extreme rules??

Big Daddy V needs to be in this match.. he has nothing else going for him and is literally to big of a monster to be ignored.... then again what do we do about khali, kane and mark henry??
now that jeff hardy is out of it im going wit the winner from last years mitb hes bound to have a world title shot this year and hopefully if he wins he will cash it in after the whc match or the wwe championship at mania it would be great cause id ont want to c taker or cena walk out of wrestlemania again a champion but hopefully he would chose the wwe title we want taker to go undefeated at mania forever
now that jeff hardy is out of it im going wit the winner from last years mitb hes bound to have a world title shot this year and hopefully if he wins he will cash it in after the whc match or the wwe championship at mania it would be great cause id ont want to c taker or cena walk out of wrestlemania again a champion but hopefully he would chose the wwe title we want taker to go undefeated at mania forever

The problem with this is that if kennedy does infact win MITB do you honestly think they will let him end the streak of the Undertaker?? i dont think so.. and trips H is the favourite for the Raw main event, there is NO WAY triple h will drop the title..... i think kennedy will end up like edge last year and be taken out of the match somehow... probably from matt hardy (if he's picked) or squashed by one of the giants
well now that the fuckin FOOL jeff hardy will NOT be winning this, Ive gotta go with either MVP or Kennedy. Kennedy has jobbed hard, and was Finlays whipping boy, but a lot of times, things like that are rewarded soon after. Booker jobbed to boogie man, and was made a WHC. JBL jobbed to boogey man and was given a US title soon after. At times, for guys like these, (heels) jobbing badly and doing a spot like Kennedy did can result in a reward rather quickly.

I also think MVP is the best bet right no, becuase he qualified at a HOUSE SHOW. I think they found out about the Hardy situation, and figured out who they could hotshot the win too, so they changed the house show match to a "MITB qualifying match" with the idea of MVP winning it eventually. If not then who else?? NO ONE else in the match even makes sense to win it. It has to be MVP for the odds on favorite right now.
kennedy will eithe win it because that was what he promised last year...to cash in WM24. but not after Taker. Taker was victim of the last MITB winner so i think orton will retain and lose to kennedy if he wins.

MVP's the logical choice to win it, but where does that leave the US title. Matt hardy won't take it off the MITB winner as it'll make MVP look weak as a contender.

My pick will be shelton benjamin and have him use it on ecw. waste of the stipulation but with no jeff, who knows as i reckon it was his shot
CM Punk vs Big Daddy V MITB qualifying match on ecw tonight is now confirmed on WWE.com. I truly believe punk is going to win so I guess this years wrestlemania wont have a us title match or a ecw match unless chavo defends it against kane or something

If CM Punk is involved in the MITB match, then he has a good shot at winning it as well as Kennedy or MVP, as he could challenge for the WHC down the line.

As far as the ECW title goes...yeah, it sucks we might not get a defense, but really, I don't care in the long run. Chavo is too damn boring for me to give a shit about any of his matches. His long winded series with CM Punk was a bore the entire time to me. Hopefully, we'll get Chavo/Kane, Kane wins the belt, and Chavo goes back to jobbing (or better yet, put him in a tag team with someone to help better that division).
Apparently, there is going to be a qualifying match on SmackDown between Miz and Morrison, so adding more then likely Morrison to the mix relieves a little bit of the sting of not having Jeff Hardy in it. So lets run down the list.

1. Carlito
2. Shelton Benjamin
3. Mr. Kennedy
4. Chris Jericho
5. MVP
6. possibly CM Punk
7. possibly John Morrison

With that line up, even without Hardy, this is shaping up to be the most exciting MITB Ladder match of them all. Of the 7 men in it, 6 of them are high flyers or have the tendancies of high flyers. I am leaving MVP out of that, but he is great in the ring. I still stand by my prediction that Matt Hardy will be the final man in the match, so this year should be a great match. Still though, there is something missing without Jeff Hardy. So the question is this, with this potential list of 8, who is the favorite. I would narrow it down to Jericho, MVP, Punk, and Hardy. Of those 4, the way the booking has been going, I wouldn't be surprised to see MVP take it.

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