WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

Just read that MVP just won a MITB match qualifier against Jaime Noble at a house show. I'm kinda disappointed that they won't have his title defended against Matt Hardy at Mania. Maybe they will push it till Backlash. Hopefully though Matt will find his spot on the card, possibly in the MITB if he can put his body through this match.
I'm definatey sure the only reason its with Eight Superstars, is so they can allow for more undercard wrestlers (Carlito, Shelton Benjamin) to have a spot on the Wrestlemania card, without feeling neglected.

I'm all for a Raw v. Smackdown v. E.C.W. Battle Royal to have the remaining roster not currently in a match, battle it out in a 20 man match. But I agree that when its a match as High Profile as Money In The Bank, where the winner gets a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity, they truly need to place ONLY legit Superstars that have a decent chance of being seen as worthy.

I completely agree that last year's MITB was shit. By far the worst of all of them, and because of everything you said. You had 2 or 3 guys fighting in the ring, when the other 5 were over selling being injured from a clothesline, or drop kick.

I also agree that its incredibly hard to coordinate anything with more than 4 guys. However, I think 6 guys is a perfect alternative. Four is almost too less, and 8 is way too much.

The reason I don't like it being a Fatal Four Way set-up, is because its not unique. The Money In The Bank match has a unique feel to it, for being nothing more than your stereo-typical ladder match. As such, it needs a unique number of individuals. Perhaps thats why they even pushed it to 8, since NO other match around holds 8 Superstars. (short of it being a Tag Team match of some kind)

I agree that to be honest, Chris Jericho, Mr. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin would tear the house down. And you can only have so many names not currently being used, to be seen as worthy contenders. However, I think Carlito, and hopefully even John Morrison are great additions to the MITB match.. because each guy has the ability to be a threat off a ladder.

I want 6 guys, because I want the feeling in a ladder match with high risk spots like what we used to get with Edge/Christian v. Dudleyz v. Hardyz. I think thats why they have 6 guys filling the slot. Well, did, until the botched it with adding 2 more.

Look at what you're saying though. Would you truly wanna cut out the lesser guys. (Carlito for example) Only to place them into another match? What would it be. Carlito and Santino v. Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes. I definately would rather see the talented Carlito, at least hit 3 big moves in a ladder match.. than sit through a 5-10 minute match with him, along with the other 3.

To be honest, if John Morrison doesn't get in.. then I hope him and Miz defend the Tag Team Championships in some type of Triple Threat match against Jesse and Festus and Deuce and Domino, or a Tag Team Tormoil match. However, you and I both know W.W.E. likely won't have a single Tag Team match on their Mania card.

So I'd rather see Morrison, who has proven to be great in ladder matches, be entered in as another name.

The ONLY way this match will suck worse than last year's, is if they add in names like The Great Khali, or Mark Henry, or Big Daddy V. Guys you know damn well aren't climbing a ladder. So why should they even be involved.

Last year's sucked, because it was basically W.W.E. dropping the ball on a possible Edge v. Randy Orton classic. Which blew, in my opinion. That match could've stole the show. But no, they had to blow Edge away with a stupid injury angle, and waste Orton out into simply disappearing into the match.

i agree wwe missed out on a gr8 match orton vs edge but i think that edge had a broken jaw and they didnt want him to miss out thats why the played up an injury angle.
Just read that MVP just won a MITB match qualifier against Jaime Noble at a house show. I'm kinda disappointed that they won't have his title defended against Matt Hardy at Mania. Maybe they will push it till Backlash. Hopefully though Matt will find his spot on the card, possibly in the MITB if he can put his body through this match.

they should hold off on bringing matt back until mania. if they have mvp climbing the ladder and have matt run out and hit with a chair or push him off to help jeff win, that would continue the feud, since mvp put matt out of action. then he would be so pissed matt cost him the title shot he defends his us title at backlash and after that moves on to main event possibly.
I almost threw up today when I saw MVP in MITB. The only two titles that will be defended at Wrestlemania with be the world titles, unless by some miracle they stick a tag title match in there. What has happened to this company, people complained about two many title 6 years ago, that may have been true, but at least most of the matches meant something.
Wow, so MVP is in this match now? Gimme a break, so what this means is that neither the US or IC titles will be defended at WM. I could see one of them not being defended, but I was really looking forward to a Matt Hardy vs MVP title match. *sigh* Oh well... I seriously doubt that MVP will win this match. I'm thinking that it will either be Jeff Hardy, or Kennedy. This match will either be great or terrible, there will be no inbetween. With the amount of good mid carders they have right now, it almost looks like there is no way that WWE could mess it up... Do keep in mind though... It is WWE...
I can't beleive that WWE chose MVP to be in the MITB Ladder Match. I wanted to see Matt Hardy make his return to challenge him for the United States Championship... but at least all the MITB participants are good in-ring performers. My prediction is either Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy. Either way, we can expect something amazing from 'The Legend Thriller' Jeff Hardy.
Ok now it's Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, and now MVP in the MITB match. Three spots left. Hmm 4 Raw guys are in and 1 ECW guy. Hmm...well How about another ECW and 2 Smackdown! guys right?!? Hell at this point I really don't care. 8 people is by far too many people in this match. Stick with 6, even though it'll be 8 from now on. Why don't you just put two contracts up there too!

Nah, this is a good match. I've always been a fan. Well since there are already 4 Raw guys in, I'm pretty sure that's it for them, so for the final 3 spots, I'm gonna go with 3 of these 5 guys...

1. CM Punk ( if the ECW title isn't put on the line, he'll be in it)
2. Kane ( he's gotta be in 'Mania for God's sake. He's such a good worker)
3. John Morrison ( more talented than Punk, and he's wrestled with ladders)
4. Stevie Richards ( the company is giving him some sort of push, why not???)
5. Great Khali ( Vince loves his big men, and hey if can can be in one, why
not Khali???
Ok now it's Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, and now MVP in the MITB match. Three spots left. Hmm 4 Raw guys are in and 1 ECW guy. Hmm...well How about another ECW and 2 Smackdown! guys right?!? Hell at this point I really don't care. 8 people is by far too many people in this match. Stick with 6, even though it'll be 8 from now on. Why don't you just put two contracts up there too!

Actually there are 2 spots remaining. Ken Kennedy is also in the match if you haven't heard yet. I would like to see possibly Matt Hardy & Kane added in there in the next few weeks.
Wow, I guess its official then...someone does not want Matt Hardy to have the US title, lol. Look at what's been going on with the feud. They were heading towards a match for several weeks, dragging it out with competitions and everything, then MVP has the "health problems" and, instead of taking it easy, they book them to win the tag titles. Matt can't compete in his Cyber Sunday match for the title. Several more weeks go by. They finally lose the tag team titles and are booked against each other at Survivor Series...and they decide to make it seem like Matt's hurt instead of competing. Matt's scheduled to "heal" from these wounds, and has a legitimate health problem. He's supposed to come back at the Royal Rumble, so they decide to fake-injure him again. He's scheduled to come back and win it at Wrestlemania, and MVP is in the Money in the Bank match. Haha..I'm beginning to think we're NEVER going to see Hardy take the title from MVP.

Ironic, though, isn't it? Jeff Hardy needs to lose the IC title to cement his status as a main event star. MVP needs to lose the US title to cement his status as a main event star. MATT Hardy needs to win the US title to finally give himself some credibility. So one Hardy doesn't need it, MVP doesn't need it, the other Hardy really does need it, but nothing's happening. Lol. Poor Matt, he must've seriously pissed someone off.

But now that MVP is in this match, there's 2 things to talk about:
1. He stands a better chance at using the briefcase in the next year, as he's clearly a main event star in the making. So now it turned from "only Hardy or Kennedy" to adding MVP in at the equal plane. Obviously Carlito has no shot, Benjamin doesn't need it to challenge for the ECW title as nobody cares about that anyway, and Jericho's a main event star already so it would be a waste. Someone like Morrison could really use it, but they'd be more willing to push Hardy, MVP, or Kennedy over him I think.

2. If MVP is in the match and isn't supposed to win, and they want to drag out his feud with Matt even more, then we might see Matt involved in the match to prevent MVP from winning - which means we get their match at Backlash (which REALLY means one of them gets injured or they have a tag team match at Backlash, not a US title match lol).

So I have to think #2 is the more likely option, though I'd rather just get it over with and give the title to Hardy. I'm not a huge fan of Matt...I think Jeff's more talented...but what else is Matt seriously going to do? If he doesn't win the US title, he'd have to team up with Shannon Moore and go for his 98th tag title lol.
Wow, so MVP is in this match now? Gimme a break, so what this means is that neither the US or IC titles will be defended at WM. I could see one of them not being defended, but I was really looking forward to a Matt Hardy vs MVP title match. *sigh* Oh well... I seriously doubt that MVP will win this match. I'm thinking that it will either be Jeff Hardy, or Kennedy. This match will either be great or terrible, there will be no inbetween. With the amount of good mid carders they have right now, it almost looks like there is no way that WWE could mess it up... Do keep in mind though... It is WWE...

Look at the bright side though. Matt Hardy will almost definately be added into the Money In The Bank match now, to fill one of the remaining two spots. And this year's version is shaping up with the top Superstars who deserve to compete in a ladder match setting.

Also, dispite the disappointment of the United States Championship and the Intercontinental Championship, neither, being defended. For as long as the Money In The Bank match has been around, I honestly think the Intercontinental Champion has always been involved. It gives the match a more realistic feel to it, because the midcard Champion for each brand is the unofficial #1. contender to begin with.

I love M.V.P. being involved in this match, as everyone has been wanting to see him in a ladder match for sometime. And as I said, I think Matt Hardy will make his return at Mania, if for nothing else than to keep M.V.P. from winning. (similar to Jeff Hardy taking Edge out, last year)
I assume Matt and Elijah will be the last 2 people, but maybe not Elijah. Matt's a lock IMO, and I'd love to see Elijah in there. They can't seem to figure out how to use him, he was a manager, a stable leader, a main eventer, a jobber, and now they don't use him. It's a waste of talent.
Wow, so MVP is in this match now? Gimme a break, so what this means is that neither the US or IC titles will be defended at WM. I could see one of them not being defended, but I was really looking forward to a Matt Hardy vs MVP title match. *sigh* Oh well... I seriously doubt that MVP will win this match. I'm thinking that it will either be Jeff Hardy, or Kennedy. This match will either be great or terrible, there will be no inbetween. With the amount of good mid carders they have right now, it almost looks like there is no way that WWE could mess it up... Do keep in mind though... It is WWE...

Whats new...Another WWE PPV where the IC & US titles arent defended. At this point they should just get rid of the titles, along with the ECW title. And to think back in the 80s and 90s the IC and US was as huge of a deal as any title, now there about as big of a joke as the 6 man tag team titles were back in WCW when they lasted a few months....LOL

But they sure do love to talk up MVP and how long he's had the US title, how about bragging up that he defends it once in a blue moon. Ditto with Jeff Hardy. LOL and to be truthful I wouldnt be shocked if they had some title for title matches at some PPV's in the near future, just to get rid of the 2 belts (hey they did it b4 with HHH vs Kane).

-On to the topic lol, MVP does make it a better match, but I still think its going to be another lackluster MITB and prolly the shortest match on the card besides the womens crap shoot match lol.
Whats new...Another WWE PPV where the IC & US titles arent defended. At this point they should just get rid of the titles, along with the ECW title. And to think back in the 80s and 90s the IC and US was as huge of a deal as any title, now there about as big of a joke as the 6 man tag team titles were back in WCW when they lasted a few months....LOL

But they sure do love to talk up MVP and how long he's had the US title, how about bragging up that he defends it once in a blue moon. Ditto with Jeff Hardy. LOL and to be truthful I wouldnt be shocked if they had some title for title matches at some PPV's in the near future, just to get rid of the 2 belts (hey they did it b4 with HHH vs Kane).

-On to the topic lol, MVP does make it a better match, but I still think its going to be another lackluster MITB and prolly the shortest match on the card besides the womens crap shoot match lol.

How can you say its going to be another lackluster match? IMO, this is going to be the best ladder match in a while, look who is in it. Jeff who is a veteran at ladder matches, Kennedy who did pretty well last year, Benjamin, who freaken made money in the bank in the first one by doing that running on the ladder move, Carlito who did good against Hardy in a ladder match not long ago, Chris jericho who also is great at ladder matches then mvp who is a great talent, then if they add Matt who is another veteran at ladder matches you have got one heck of a match. I agree, that the match should only have 6 particpants, but these 8 are really good, so i dont see why your so negative about seeing this match, it will be the best one so far!
Adding MVP to this match really pisses me off. I, like many other fans, wanted to see Matt Hardy vs MVP for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania.

Hardy returned to house shows this weekend. So if hes fit to wrestle, why not continue his fued with MVP at Wrestlemania.

But no, MVP is now added to the MITB ladder match. It would surprise me if MVP actually wins it as I think Hardy or Kennedy should and WILL win it. If Hardy vs MVP takes place at Backlash, it just wont be the same. This match IS Wrestlemania worthy, so if Hardy is going to win the U.S title it needs to happen at this ppv and not next months.

Regarding the MITB match, I think this years is shaping up to be pretty darn good. I thought last years was great so I expect this years to be just as good, if not better.
I am really looking forward to this match. As always they add the amazing factor to wrestlemania. Out of all the participants in the match, IMO Jeff Hardy will pick up the win, and finally win a title. I also noticed something interesting in the Highlight Reel when Jeff was speaking. He ALMOST said wwe championship......but then he stopped, and just said championship, which means it looks like the plans are for him to win the wrold heighyweight title.....most likey as a heel, it the turn on the Reel was an actual turn.
I am really looking forward to this match. As always they add the amazing factor to wrestlemania. Out of all the participants in the match, IMO Jeff Hardy will pick up the win, and finally win a title. I also noticed something interesting in the Highlight Reel when Jeff was speaking. He ALMOST said wwe championship......but then he stopped, and just said championship, which means it looks like the plans are for him to win the wrold heighyweight title.....most likey as a heel, it the turn on the Reel was an actual turn.

i noticed that about what he said as well. not sure if it means anything, but it would be interesting. i dont think he will win it as a heel though. i think he would cash it on edge the same way edge cashed it in. that would definately be a surprise. no one would expect face to pull something like that and think of the pop he would get from the crowd for doing it.

but with the 6 already listed and 3 weeks before mania, i dont know how they're going to have the qualifying matches, but i have this sick feeling that khali will be in it for some unknown reason. they gotta have someone stinkin up the pay per view. i'd like to see john morrison in it, but i could see a triple threat for the tag titles with him and the miz against jesse and festus and dreamer and colin delaney. so the other 2 will be khali and hopefully kane. he deserves a match at mania, and could add something to the mitb match like he did last time he was in it.
well, seems as if two stupid ass things have happened now. Not only will MVP be wasted in this mish mash cluster fuck, but Jaimie Noble will NOT be involved in it now. Shouldve been other way around. MVP should be doing something better, and Jaimie Noble would be VERY entertaining in the MITB match. This match is seeming to become a constant source of annoyance to me lol. Eithe rthey shouldve put Noble in it, and MVP do something else, OR it should just be a four way ladder match, with Hardy, Jericho, Shelton, and MVP. Now THAT would be good. This...will not.

If they absolutely NEED to have had an 8 man, I think they shouldve gotten Noble in there, and used MVP in the brand domination match. He is supposedly "smackdowns MVP" so they shouldve had him and Umaga in a triple threat match, with CM Punk, the ECW champion, stepping in for the third part.(please let some newb pop off with "CM Punk isnt the ECW champ dummy duuuuuurrr"...I know that you moron. OBVIOUSLY he would have to win it sometime between now and then for my scenario to play out...go emerge from somewere) But no. They want to do a bunch of dumb shit, and will probably even put the ECW champ IN MITB, and fuck up like they did at Royal Rumble. So now MVP will be wasted, in match that will probably be as ugly as last year, and Jaimie Noble misses the chance to be damn entertaining, and get even more over. ugh.

Hopefully Kane and Morrison get in this. I think they could both provide some entertainment, playing their respective roles to this mismash spot fest crap. And to think I LOVED the first two MITB.
How can you say its going to be another lackluster match? IMO, this is going to be the best ladder match in a while, look who is in it. Jeff who is a veteran at ladder matches, Kennedy who did pretty well last year, Benjamin, who freaken made money in the bank in the first one by doing that running on the ladder move, Carlito who did good against Hardy in a ladder match not long ago, Chris jericho who also is great at ladder matches then mvp who is a great talent, then if they add Matt who is another veteran at ladder matches you have got one heck of a match. I agree, that the match should only have 6 particpants, but these 8 are really good, so i dont see why your so negative about seeing this match, it will be the best one so far!

Because I see WWE in another way then you do, you tell me whens the last time you seen a good ECW title match at a PPV? how many matches besides the main event WWE & HC title matches have stole the show? Well not many. I look at it like this, was the 2nd 3rd and 4th TLC matches ever close to as good as the 1st? No because they made the match a joke, by just throwing guys like Kane in the match. So sorry if I just don't think the match will amount to anything, all I figure is they all do some fighting, everyone hits there finisher, they play around with the ladder, then from there they do 2-3 big spots and the match is over. At the end of the night I don't think it will go down as the best match thats my 2 cents. lol hell wasn't MITB at WM23 the 1st match on the card? I mean what does that say about it?
The only reason why I don't like MVP being in the MITB match is that Matt Hardy will be in it for the THIRD straight time, I'm getting sick and tired of seeing him in this match. They need to add some new guys to this match like Elijah Burke and John Morrison, but this is WWE and they hardly ever use REAL talent.
i no every1 is disapointed that MVP is in MITB.But maybe he wonnt go in the match! i mean he qualified at a HOUSE SHOW! remember last time the said jimmy wang yang and shannon moore qualified 4 royal rumble? well did u also remember that they werent even in the rumble? so every1 thats disapionted keep ur hopes up!
So there's a detail of this match that I am curious to see how they pull it off and that is the hanging of the belt, itself.

Typically for ladder matches, the belt/briefcase is suspended from the rafters of the arena. But being that this is an outdoor arena, there will be no rafters to hang it by. So will the construct a crude scaffolding around the ring for this match? If so, could we possibly see someone scale the scaffolding to win the match? Perhaps a Hardy jump from above the belt? The possibilities for this are numerous and would add a little more to a match that we've seen done numerous times.

Or what if it rains? That would make this match terribly dangerous. One could easily slip off of a wet ladder. I think there are a lot of X-factors going in to this match that make it sort of interesting and will be a good way for them to more than likely to kick off the PPV.
I have thought about the fact of how it would work with it being outside too. I read that they are going to try to build something to go over the ring in case it rains, basically it would be high enough to not get in the way, but would stop the rain from getting in the ring, if they do that, they could hang the case from there somehow. If not they would have to build a device to hang from, I wouldn't want somebody to clime it though, it is supposed to be a ladder match.
When it comes to MVP being in the match, I am dissappointed because Mania' would be the perfect place to cultivate the Hardy/MVP fued, but i guess they are going to wait to start that up again. I hope that Matt isn't in the match, maybe he will interfere and cost MVP the match and help Jeff win that is possible.
I also hope that Matt isn't in the match. It would be a better if he made a shocking return at Mania and costs MVP the match, but Matt will definitely be in the Bank this year AGAIN. There's so many more deserving people to be put in the match like Burke or Morrison. I predict Matt will return this Friday on Smackdown and be the final participant in the Bank.
Even though I think its stupid that they're using MVP in the MITB instead of a title defense, that doesn't particularly screw up the MITB match itself. Think about the people involved:
1. Jeff Hardy
2. Chris Jericho
3. Mr. Kennedy
4. Shelton Benjamin
5. Carlito
6. MVP
7. Matt Hardy
8. Kane / Burke / Morrison

Would you rather have Khali? Lol. That's 8 solid performers (though I think Carlito stands out as the mildest). Morrison would be amazing in the match, Burke's pretty good, and Kane's still got a job for a reason. We should be getting possibly the best Money in the Bank match yet. Yeah, it sucks Hardy/MVP isn't happening, especially in place of the shitty matches like Mayweather's, Finlay/JBL, and Bunny Mania, but maybe that'll just mean that the MITB match will be longer...and we all know its a shining spot in the ppv.

As far as the weather issue, I'd assume they'd start out with the ladder match first. Strong opener, get the most dangerous thing out of the way before it rains, and it allows you to deconstruct whatever you build to hold the briefcase up afterwards.
Anyone else interested as to how the briefcase will be hung above the ring? They could hang it off the apparent raftings that are to be erected around the ring (from the rumours I've heard) but cant see any other way to really do it.

Oh, unless just for the WWE's India popularity, they could maybe have Khali in the middle of the ring to suspend the case - although someone would have to make sure he held it up the right way, unlike his World Heavyweight Title

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