WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

Got to agree with Will, if I hear one more person bitch about Kennedy getting "screwed" by the WWE, red rep is going to go flying around. The guy fucked up. He did his best Raphael Palmero impression by "I repeat, I never used steroids," only to, oops, get busted for steroids. The dude is a fuck up and needs to reprove himself worthy of having a good push. Kennedy got injured, which sucked at the time, no one coudl help that. But he ruined his second push, that's on Kennedy. Kennedy winning MITB is a waste of time.
And for those coming down on Kennedy you need to be reminded that he did have a legit reason for them, the complete lat tear plus the staph infection that made him lose 40 lbs in a couple of days, he had a medical excuse, his doctor ordered them in his name from a bad source, not his fault, and he didn't get too much heat for it as you may remember him saying.

There is plenty of time between now and Wrestlemania. There is plenty of time to build Kennedy back up into that position to win it, he has been on a winning streak on Raw for awhile now anyway, it wouldn't be hard to elevate that. Hell Hardy's big push before the rumble came in even less time.

Kennedy and Hardy are the only legit contenders to winning the briefcase though that much is true.
I'm really not sure why Shelton is involved in the match. Actually I do know. Because him running up a ladder is far more impressive than Jeff falling off one. But why is he in the match other than that? He hasn't been booked on PPV in nearly a year, and he's hardly been on TV. And I might be wrong but didn't he last about a minute in the Rumble? It just seems like it came out of nowhere. There are plenty of wrestlers who have been pushed harder over the year, but wont be in the match. Snitzky, Rhodes, Holly etc. They wouldn't be as good in the match, I admit. But they have been stronger on TV as of late.
Ah Money in the bank.Every winner has not held the title for a long time or not even get a shot!Lets look-

Edge-3 week regin as champ.Not great.

R.V.D-Went downhill after he chased in his MITB

Kennedy-Didn,t even get a shot!

Benjamin is always great in ladder matches and Hardy is the same.I can't see Punk in it(him vs chavo at WM me thinks).I,d love to see Shane Helms in it.Perefect way to come back.Incase you don,t know what Shane can do in ladder matches watch a certain match on the Ladder match DVD.Morrison would totally rock in the MITB Match.I can see him and Miz turning on each other during the match.That my opinon.

Wait isnt WM out doors this year?Then how will the case be held?
Ah Money in the bank.Every winner has not held the title for a long time or not even get a shot!Lets look-.
if you don't mind i'll take a look at your look

Edge-3 week regin as champ.Not great.
i agree this reign was too short but, they were testing the waters seeing if Edge could cut it as the champ and a top star on raw by putting him in a feud with John Cena, remember this is what started his fued with Cena

R.V.D-Went downhill after he chased in his MITB
RVD fu*ked up plain and simple, he was doing great holding both belts but then he got busted for possesion and being WWE & ECW champion vince had to make a public example so he made him drop both belts and gave him a 30 (or 60 can't remember) i'm a huge RVD fan but facts are facts

Kennedy-Didn,t even get a shot!
Kennedy got injured and WWE didn't know how long he would be out for they had to take the briefcase from Kennedy incase 1. one of the champions got injured (which happened) or 2. they got a great idea for a feud. Kennedy was going to get his push as Vinces son but we all know what happened there

Benjamin is always great in ladder matches and Hardy is the same.I can't see Punk in it(him vs chavo at WM me thinks).I,d love to see Shane Helms in it.Perefect way to come back.Incase you don,t know what Shane can do in ladder matches watch a certain match on the Ladder match DVD.Morrison would totally rock in the MITB Match.I can see him and Miz turning on each other during the match.That my opinon.

Benjamin- Great addition to the MITB he's shown he can climb the ladder with the best of them at the grand daddy of them all

Jeff Hardy- a bump machine and my pick to win he his so over and i think he can have a good strong title run and the crowd love him i can see posters saying "if Hardy dosen't win we riot"

CM Punk- had a great showning in this match last year and i don't think they want an ECW title match at WM

Morrison- the two ladder matches i can remember with Morrison(Raw vs Jeff Hardy and 4-way tag at armaggedon 06) he put on master classes and would do incredably in this match

the Miz- for the love of god NO

Shane Helms- still mending a broken neck and anyway they wouldn't risk it in a ladder match right of of the box(love to see it though)

Chavo-i think they will put him in here he's great in ladder matches and WWE don't think the ECW Title is a real world title (he was in the Rumble)

Wait isnt WM out doors this year?Then how will the case be held?
yeah it is, i think it will be suspended on light gantry or something
I think it would be cool if Kennedy win the match and then cashed it in later that night immediately after either Triple H or Cena won the WWE title match. This way, he would make true his promise that he would headline WM24. He lost the briefcase to Edge due to injury but they could let him win and finally give him his main event push. I don't think this will happen, as Hardy will probably take it, but it would be a little unpredictable at least.

That would be tight, I don't think it will happen, but lets say something does; maybe for the world title if Edge is to win. Since Edge took it from Kennedy, then have Kennedy challenge him after he beats Taker (slim chance of even doing that). Also another thing could be Hardy winning it and challenge the WWE champ or even challenge and make it a 4 way for the title (in other words puts him self in the main event).
i think if someone were to cash it in on the night they would be looking at a sneaky opportunistic win, after another match, rather than adding themselves to a match
you have to look at it in terms of: why would someone win a grueling ladder match and then enter into a match with two or three other fit, fresh guys?
its confirmed hardy kennedy and benjamin are in so that leaves 5 more places i believe. my personal picks for the match would be to have hardy vs benjamin vs kennedy vs cm punk vs morrison vs mvp vs matt hardy vs elijah burke.
obviously tho i think wwe will hav matt vs mvp so take them out. leaving 2 more. possibly the miz altho hes shit but it would b good to see miz vs morrison in a quallifying match then at wm miz come down and screw morrison out of the mitb just wen u think he will win. tommy dreamer was talked about and why not he deserves another wm match? umaga will probly in it and cm punk will likly hav a ecw title match (hopefully someone else has beaten him for it, awful decision puttin him top ecw man). y2j could b in a match with jbl but after this weeks raw looks like it will be jbl vs finlay, which will be a piss poor wrestlemania match.

final picks for money in the bank: winner - jeff hardy please!!, kennedy, umaga, benjamin, dreamer, kane, y2j, jamie noble (i think he deserves a chance)
Hey guys, I'm a new user here on WZ, an this is my first post.

I feel that Mr. Kennedy will be the one to walk out with it. BUT I would love to see Hardy win it, and then in a super heel push, Kennedy claims the case in the same fashion he lost it, and then Defeats Undertaker the next nite on Smackdown!. I really see Ken as a Smackdown! superstar. And an Undertaker/Kennedy fued was good before, and it would be great again.

Or I could see him winning it, and then cashing it in later in the night to beat Triple H or Cena and boast about how HE SAID he would cash it in at Wrestlemania 24. That would make an interesting finish to Wrestlemania.

As for who else I see in it,

Shelton Benjamain - He is the best in these matches.

Chris Jericho - He has nothing to do and it would give him a competitive match at a Wrestlemainia.

Batista - He shouldn't be in it, but he will.

Elijah Burke - He is really competitive and it would be interesting to see what he does at Mania on his own.

Kane - For a big man, he has proven he can go in these matches. And if there is anyone who deserves to win it, it's him.

John Morrison - He could win a qualifiying match against Miz and then go into this match. He is the type of guy who like Hardy, could do something crazy in this match.


Or I could see him winning it, and then cashing it in later in the night to beat Triple H or Cena and boast about how HE SAID he would cash it in at Wrestlemania 24. That would make an interesting finish to Wrestlemania.

First of all, welcome to WZ. Anyways, I think that would be a very good idea. The Money in the Bank will suck this year, but this could change everything. That would give him massive heat, for winning the title, but not being billed to wrestle in the main event. That's exactly what Kennedy needs, massive heat. The fans kind of forgot about him, because of his uneventful year (since returning from inury). That would give him two 'Mania wins in one night, which is always good. Back to the idea, yes, that would be an amazing way to finish off 'Mania.
Matt Hardy Will Come Back During Wrestlemania And Win The Money In The Bank Ladder Match

I seriously doubt that. It will be Hardy vs. MVP for the US Title at 'Mania

My dream match for this years MITB match would be:

Jeff Hardy vs. Kennedy vs. Benjamin vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Helms vs. Jericho (since it looks like the feud with JBL is over) vs. Shawn Michaels (though I suspect he will be ending Flair's career) vs. jimmy wang yang (yea his character is pretty ridiculous but I'd like to see what he can do on a ladder.)
It's been mentioned before in this thread, but every year after money in the bank I've hoped that the winner cashes it in that same night, but it's never happened. And while that probably will happen at some point, I doubt it will this year. The reason for that is because I suspect that HHH (or maybe Cena, but probably HHH) will win the title and will likely hold it for a long time. Posted on the site in the rumors section is how hard HHH is pushing for another title reign (and to turn heel soon).

Similarly, whoever wins between edge and undertaker is going to probably hold the belt for a long time as well. They've really been doing a lot to keep edge in the spotlight. But then there's the undertaker's streak to consider. I can't imagine them having undertaker win the title only to lose it the same night. I suppose someone could win money in the bank and go after the ECW title, but that seems kind of a waste.

Also just as an afterthought, what is with these lame money in the bank qualifying matches? Come on, at least make it an interesting qualifier. Like Snitsky, Val Venis, or Jimmy wang yang have a chance of winning the qualifying matches. All 3 of them have as much likelihood of being in money in the bank as i do.
I think it would be cool if Kennedy win the match and then cashed it in later that night immediately after either Triple H or Cena won the WWE title match. This way, he would make true his promise that he would headline WM24. He lost the briefcase to Edge due to injury but they could let him win and finally give him his main event push. I don't think this will happen, as Hardy will probably take it, but it would be a little unpredictable at least.

In this case, some might recall Hogan coming down and taking the title from Yoko after Bret lost it at WM 9. However, this makes great sense from the standpoint that the winner of MITB can challenge at any time, and what better way to make a lasting Wrestlemania moment, than by adding another match to the card as the show is literally about to go off the air. It would be a great addition to a card that is shaping up to be not so memorable, and it would work for either a heel or a face depending on who ends up champion at the end of the night.

If Orton or HHH win(and I honestly hope Orton retains just so he doesn't come off looking like a stooge and less important than Cena or HHH), Jeff Hardy is the obvious choice to win MITB. Hunter or Orton go over, the 2 losers go the back, and mid celebration just as we are about to go off the air, out comes Hardy with briefcase in tow. In this case, it has to be a real match and last for a little while, and cannot be a quick squash by Hardy capitalizing on the Champ being tired and worn down, or you risk heeling him. However, when Hardy wins neither Orton or Hunter really lose face, b/c they play it off as a fluke the next night on Raw. Both have history with Hardy, so logically the feuds are already built in. In HHH's case though, he doesn't have to be full heel when he loses to Hardy at Mania, as the feud with Hardy will itself be the vehicle for the full turn.

If Cena wins, Kennedy is the logical choice to win MITB and come out mid celebration and beat Cena. However, he can heel on him and beat him cheaply the way Edge did. I'd still prefer a full match, but Cena doesn't have to lose face either. In the 3-way dance with HHH and Orton, they can work a reinjury of his pec, and then have him come back and still win the title. He then his loses to Kennedy and that can be written off due the next night on Raw due to his injury, and also lead into a nice long running feud between the 2. I'd really like to see this feud anyway as both are good on the mic and I think they could run with a war of words for a while before there actually had another match. The only problem with Kennedy going over Cena, is that WWE wants Cena as a babyface, and I see Kennedy getting huge pops from the crowd in a feud with Cena and beating him at WM. This is why if they are going to pull this off, I think it will be with Hardy.

Either way though, if the winner of MITB is going to do a surprise challenge after the Main Event, whoever it is has to win the match. Otherwise, the whole challenge is pointless, therefore killing off the specialness of the MITB(which I am not a fan of to begin with)and does nothing to further any possible feuds with the MITB challenger or the champion.
I think if Kennedy were to win I don't think they'd use the challenge same night, because I have doubts that they'd want to end the show with a heel shocker. Although if Hardy won MITB, I could see him beating Orton.

I think a bigger factor in this argument is that yes, the winner of the triple threat would be coming off a grueling match, but the MITB is a pretty grueling match itself (moreso), and the Winner of that match would theoretically be more beaten up than the person who won in the main event...
I think someone already said this, But I would like to see Hardy win the MITB match. Then hhh when the title, then after he wins Jeff cash in and win the title off trips that night... Maybe a dumb idea but i think that it would be great... just my opinion
Here are the 8 people I see being involved in the match: Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Chris Jericho, Umaga, Kane, Chavo Guerrero, CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin.
I don't think they will bother with an ECW title match as they clearly don't care about this title otherwise why would Chavo have been involved in the Royal Rumble match? In fact I think they will end up unifying it with the US title and make ditch ECW all together in the next few months.
Here are some of the other candidates who have been mentioned and why I don't think they will be invovled:
Tommy Dreamer: He is a jobber.
The Miz: As above
John Morrison: Being held back by partnership with the Miz
Khali/ Mark Henry/ Big Flabby V: Can you really see one of these climbing into the ring let alone climbing a ladder.
Batista: Too big a star, will probably take Mysterio place in Mayweather/ Big Show fued.
MVP/Matt Hardy: Likely to face each other if Hardy returns in time.
JBL/Finlay: As above
Chuck Palumbo/ Jamie Noble: Not big enough stars
HBK: Seems likely to face Flair
Burke: Ignored in ECW
First of all, i would like to state that i do believe that Hardy will win the MITB match. I think he will have a title run by the end of 2008, i think he wins the match and moves to Smackdown to fued with Edge.

When looking at who will be in it you have to look at the other matches on the show. With the expected title matches, Cena, HHH, Orton, Taker, Edge, MVP, Matt Hardy, can all be easily taken out of consideration. That makes three matches, you have the Show/Mayweather match, Ric Flair Retirement match, Finlay/McMahon and the MITB match makes seven matches, there are usually at least eight at mania so expect at least more title match, probably the ECW title and maybe a tag title match. Which leads me to believe that the eight competitors will be: Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin, Kane, Batista/HBK(whichever one is not in the Flair match), John Morrison, Carlito, and Umaga. With Hardy walking out with the win, he has been on such a big role lately, which will keep on going at Mania'.
Lets see we have 3 already qualified for the match. Hardy, Kennedy, and Benjamin. So as far as the other 5 MITB participants go here are my predictions:

Elijah Burke - Will be used for a few high spots in the match, but I dont see him winning this match, but a great asset to the overall quality of it.

Umaga - I really would like to see what he could do in this atmosphere. Gives us a big dominant heel in the match.

Y2J - Not only for his talent and to have a big name in the match, but I see him as one of three potential winners here in this match. His rust is almost gone and what better way to get him back to the big stage then a win in this match.

Kofi Kingston - What better way to give a new superstar a push. Give him a few high spots in the match, no chance at winning it, but lets see what he can do at the grandaddy of em all.

I am contemplating who will get the last spot here. I would like to see Kane here. He deserves to be in some sort of match at WM. I dont want to see it happen, but I can see WWE putting Batista in this match to have more "main event talent in the match. I can see Morrison in the match, he has done a great job in the past here, but I dont see them putting him in there without the Miz, Tommy Dreamer would be a good fill here, but the match will be crowded with ECW guys who is the third ranked show. So I am going with Kane for the final spot in the match.

The three possible winners for obvious reasons, Jeff Hardy, Y2J, or Mr Kennedy.
Well, I think this years MITB the 8 stars will contain (3 Raw, 3 SD & 2 ECW)

For the ECW Title picture, Very Hard!! alot think CM Punk will get another shot but its happened so much already I think CM Punk needs to earn it again & so he & Shelton Benjamin will be ECW's side for MITB. It looks like the plans for another JBL/Y2J match at Mania are out do to JBL's helping Vince take out Finlay. Where does this leave the ECW Title picture, Jericho & Umaga too for Mania. At first I came up with the Idea of Y2J challenging Chavo for the ECW Title & Umaga in the MITB leaving Finlay/JBL a singles match. Now at this moment the WZ News states that Chris Jericho will most likely be the 3rd representing Raw in the MITB & thats good, like it. So Now my only predition for Umaga is for him to team with JBL & take on Foley & Finlay in a Street Fight for Custody at Mania where of course McMahon & Hornswaggle will get involved.

Back to the ECW Title, who will face Chavo??, a good choice of mine that would've been perfect since he's also I think familiur sort of with the Guerreros who at this time is stuck at the bottom of RAW/Heat jobbing at times & that man is Super Crazy. Of Course now, not happening so my other last choices are Tommy Dreamer & Steven Richards.

The News stated some time ago about the plans of MVP taking on Matt Hardy for the U.S. Title. Up to this point no talk as to whats happening with Matt Hardy so in my prediction I think there going to have MVP represent the 3 of Smackdown in the MITB & not defend his U.S Title just like you got Jeff Hardy in that match not defending his I.C. Title. Matt Hardy should make his return at WM24 & help his brother Jeff win & take out MVP at the same time & start there U.S. title fued there.

In closing, My MITB Ladder Match at WM24 Prediction is
Jeff Hardy / Kennedy / Jericho / MVP / Batista / Kane / CM Punk / Benjamin
Hardy is the favorite to win.
He could either cash it in in the main event; say Orton wins by letting HHH & Cena duke it out and then uses a chair and is relatively fresh and then Hardy comes out and says he wants a rematch from the Rumble because he came SOO close and he knows he can beat Orton. If you have Hardy limp and sell his injuries from the past 3 months + the earlier ladder match it wouldn't garner any heel heat, infact it'd generate huge face heat for Hardy because he's challenging someone who has the advantage over him.

Or, Hardy could use it to challenge the champion later on. Hardy/HHH, Hardy/Orton, Hardy/Umaga, and Hardy/HBK have all proven to be money matches in the past in terms of quality and fan reaction; we all know Cena/Hardy will blow the roof off in terms of fan reaction and they're both pretty good at matches, a TLC match between Cena/Hardy would be MOTY because it'd be a Rock/Hogan fan reaction AND they're both really good at that type of match.
I'm pretty sure Jericho didn't envision himself making up the mumbers in the MITB match when he resigned. It seems like a bit of a waste of him to me. 8 people in a match. How is somebody like Y2J supposed to stand out? He's not really a heavy bumper so he'll just fade into the background of this match.
I'm pretty sure Jericho didn't envision himself making up the mumbers in the MITB match when he resigned. It seems like a bit of a waste of him to me. 8 people in a match. How is somebody like Y2J supposed to stand out? He's not really a heavy bumper so he'll just fade into the background of this match.

Is it still a definate that there will be 8 spots? To be honest, Mr. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho and Shelton Benjamin could carry this match with simply adding two more names. Due to the fact that they will likely have another MITB match on either E.C.W. tomorrow night, or Smackdown Friday.. I'm sure it'll end up being 8 guys instead of 6, but still.

I think the only thing that was ruined, was Kennedy's promo on Orton on Raw tonight. Him exclaiming he'd cash in the opportunity at the end of the same night pretty much ruined any chance of that actually happening now, as everyone will NOW be looking for it to happen.
Now that we know there's the "brand superiority" match with Umaga and a Smackdown star (COUGH*OBVIOUSLY BATISTA*COUGH) we can count those two out of this for sure. We know Hardy, Kennedy, Benjamin, and Jericho, so that leaves 2 or 4 options.

The list I had previously made up, when taking these names out and the names out of others that won't be involved, leaves us with this:

John Morrison, Kane, Elijah Burke, Santino Marella, Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Carlito, Jamie Noble, Tommy Dreamer

1. Jeff Hardy
2. Mr. Kennedy
3. Shelton Benjamin
4. Chris Jericho
5. John Morrison
6. Kane
(7. Elijah Burke)
(8. Tommy Dreamer)

They don't necessarily need Burke or Dreamer, as the 6 before them could more than carry this into one hell of a match, but if they do have 8 people, those seem to be the most likely.

And, of course, I still think Hardy is going to win, but Kennedy picked up a little more steam with this past episode of Raw.
I hope to god there is not 8 people in it this year. I was at mania 23 and i must say that 8 people in that match was a little overboard. as stated before, the 4 in it now could carry it with 2 more people and put on a hell of a match and possibly be the best on the card the way its shaping up. except possibly for the edge/undertaker match, which hopefully lives up to the hype it will be getting.

i see these 6 in it:


i really dont know who else they could put in there. i think they need to defend both tag belts to possibly give them some more credibility. same with the us and ic titles but the ic title isnt going to be defended obviously.

i think after kennedy saying tonight that he will cash in that night, pretty much makes it obvious he wont win(just my opinion). everyone will be expecting that, and i think the only way they would have it cashed in the same night would be if orton retained. and i see triple h walking out the champ, so that throws that possibility out the window.
i see jeff hardy getting the win and getting a shot with the title either by summerslam or the end of the year. i think it would probably be on smackdown so they can still have raw built around triple h and cena.

or y2j could win and feud with kennedy after mania over the briefcase.
...or y2j could win and feud with kennedy after mania over the briefcase.

I think a Jericho/Kennedy feud would be great, but they actually could do it without having either of them win. They can give the MITB to Hardy, but make it so Kennedy was about to win until Jericho did something to prevent it. If they make it a good enough spot (which they usually do with the end of ladder matches) then Kennedy and Y2J can just start a feud the next night on Raw, blaming each other for neither winning the briefcase. That gives you the feud on top of how they want Hardy to win the title shot.

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