WMD : Official Spoiler Page

*World champion Mark Henry was interviewed backstage. He began bullying Daniel Bryan, mocking his Money In The Bank briefcase, saying Bryan could never beat him. He challenged Bryan to wrestle him tonight and Bryan accepted.

Ugh, not sure how to feel about this...
I think they're definitely going to go with Bryan cashing in at Survivor Series after Show and Henry absolutely destroy each other. Bryan will probably play a psuedo face until he dispenses with Mark, and then go full heel when some face calls him out on not sticking to his word.
Ugh, not sure how to feel about this...

I'd love to see this go one of three ways:
1. Bryan puts up a great effort but losses
2. Bryan losses but tells Henry afterwards that he will prove himself and his build for WM commences.
3. Bryan wins(Highly unlikely).
Barrett pinned Sheamus with a roll up after Christian distracted him. Christian was outside from the chokeslam the entire bout. Sheamus tries to get Barrett after the bout but Christian spears him,

*After a break, we see Sheamus brawling backstage with Christian and Barrett until they are all separated by security.

*Backstage, Big Show tells Daniel Bryan to take special care of his briefcase, because Show will be in his corner tonight against Mark Henry.

*Sin Cara vs. the debuting Epico from WWE developmental. Hunico interferes and they double team Cara. They nailed a double team move but messed it up and did it again. That'll be edited.

*World champion Mark Henry defeated Daniel Bryan by DQ when Big Show interfered and knocked out Henry. Bryan acts like he might cash in but is nailed by Henry and hit with the World's Strongest Slam. Henry nailed Show with the briefcase. No cashing in.
So Primo gets the shaft again? Poor, poor Primo.
EDIT: Also you kind of have to like how every Sin Cara spoiler seems to come with a disclaimer that something was screwed up.
BREAKING NEWS: Sin Cara has officially replaced Gail Kim as the botch king of professional wrestling.
I was addressing if it was Tito. It looked as if Primo and him would be teaming up again from house show reports which gives him something to do which is good(Hey i feel bad for the guy!). However, Hunico, who's more or less guaranteed a few more PPV appearances gets more. I liked Los Aviadores but you gotta feel for Primo.

Does this mean that if The Ascension is called up then it'll just be Kenneth & Conor with Raquel as their mouthpiece? If so then that's much better.
I was addressing if it was Tito. It looked as if Primo and him would be teaming up again from house show reports which gives him something to do which is good(Hey i feel bad for the guy!) but now Hunico, who's more or less guaranteed a few more PPV appearances gets more. I liked Los Aviadores but you gotta feel for Primo.

Does this mean that if The Ascension is called up then it'll just be Kenneth & Conor with Raquel as their mouthpiece? If so then that's much better.

Well in FCW Tito and Epico are treated as separate entities, and Epico might not hang around for long. Could go either way.
Well in FCW Tito and Epico are treated as separate entities, and Epico might not hang around for long. Could go either way.

Sadly not. At this weeks Smackdown Epico was unmasked. Now how the hell are they going to explain why Primo was wrestling under a new name? They look exactly the same apart from the fact that Tito has cornrows. They could involve Primo? Still I'm glad to see he used that double backdrop suplex, german combo.

Here are the FCW spoilers for the next 3 weeks:

On Thursday night, Florida Championship Wrestling held their latest television taping for their show on Bright House Sports Network with episodes to air on November 27, December 4, and December 11.
Before I get into the results from the show, the next scheduled television taping is supposed to be on November 24th but since that is Thanksgiving, they are not running a show. At the end of the night, they said that the next television taping is scheduled for November 17th.

Dark Match: Cameron Lynn defeated Leah West with a backslide.

Your announcers for all three episodes are Chris Russo (formerly of WXW in Florida [not the guy who used to be on WFAN]) and Byron Saxton.

November 27 Episode

Match Number One: Xavier Woods defeated Rick Victor with a sliding reverse DDT.

Bo Rotundo came out to address the fans in his first FCW Arena appearance since suffering a lacerated kidney. He vows to win the FCW Title.

Richie Steamboat comes out and he talks about him and Aksana. He tells Bo that he knows that Bo was the one driving the truck that Husky put him in.

Husky Harris comes out and he wants a piece of Richie Steamboat but Maxine (with Derrick Bateman comes out and tells them to stop. She announces a Fatal Four Way Match to determine the Number One Contender to face FCW Champion Leo Kruger next week.

The participants in the match will be Abraham Washington, Husky Harris, Richie Steamboat, and Derrick Bateman.

Match Number Two: Kenneth Cameron (with Raquel Diaz) defeated Mike Dalton with a modified jackknife cover.

Damien Sandow came out to the interview area and asked for a spotlight and he said that he would answer the questions about the FCW 15 Title. He says that he is the champion and he will face anyone.

Match Number Three: FCW Tag Team Champions Donny Marlow and CJ Parker defeated Corey Graves and Colin Cassady after a double head butt from the turnbuckles onto Cassady.

Brad Maddox is in the back and Briley Pierce tells Brad that he has talked to Maxine and they have a tag title match next week. Brad ignores Briley and walks away.

Match Number Four: Abraham Washington defeated Husky Harris, Richie Steamboat and Derrick Bateman with the In Yo Face Elbow on Bateman.

December 4 Episode

Match Number One: Brad Maddox and Briley Pierce defeated CJ Parker and Donny Marlow to become the new FCW Tag Team Champions when Pierce got a rollup on Parker.

After the match, Pierce celebrates the victory and Maddox looks angered. Then Maddox realizes that he is the champion and he celebrates with Pierce.

Match Number Two: Calvin Raines defeated Kevin Hackman by disqualification when the referee saw what appeared to be the aftermath of a low kick by Hackman.

Mister Antonio Cesaro comes out to address the crowd and he says that everyone needs to show him respect when he comes out and he vows to become the first Swiss born WWE Champion.

Maxine is in the back with Bo Rotundo and Bo asks Maxine for a title shot when he is cleared to wrestle again and she agrees. Maxine says that she is happy to see Bo back. Derrick sees this and he is a bit jealous. Maxine yells at Derrick for interrupting her conversation. Richie Steamboat and Maxine talk.

Dean Ambrose comes out to address the fans. He comments on Damien Sandow’s comment that he would defend the FCW 15 Title against anyone so he is going to call Sandow’s bluff and challenge him to his title. Ambrose tells Sandow what he will have to do to beat him and then he calls Sandow ‘sunshine’.

Match Number Three: Nick Rogers and Big E Langston defeated Kazma and Takizawa when Rogers pinned Takizawa after a leaping elbow drop.

Richie Steamboat is in the back and he calls for someone to come help him. We see Husky Harris down on the ground and Steamboat says that someone hit him with a baseball bat, and Steamboat is holding a bat.

Match Number Four: FCW Heavyweight Champion Leo Kruger defeated Abraham Washington with a double leg take down and cover with his feet on the ropes.

December 11 Episode

Match Number One: FCW 15 Champion Damien Sandow defeated Dean Ambrose 3-0 to retain the title.

After the match, Ambrose attacked Sandow.

Match Number Two: FCW Divas Champion Audrey Marie defeated Naomi Knight with an elbow drop.

Match Number Three: Mister Antonio Cesaro defeated Leakee with a rollup and Leakee’s tights got caught in Cesaro’s hand.

Match Number Four: Richie Steamboat versus Seth Rollins went to a No Contest when Husky Harris came to the ring and attacked Steamboat.

After the match, the referees are held back by the wrestlers so Harris and Steamboat can battle. Eventually the referees break things up and everyone gets into the ring to brawl.
John Cena opens the show tonight.

He talks about last week and says he's upset. The Miz and R-Truth interrupt and say come Survivor Series he will be upset. Both try to storm the ring when Zack Ryder comes out to make the save we have our main event!

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison in progress.

John Morrison beats Dolph Ziggler.

Good back and forth match. Morrison had it won earlier but Vickie was distracting the ref, eventually he won with a roll up.

Mason Ryan defeated JTG in a quick squash match.

Alberto del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston in progress.

Ricardo gets a very nice chant before the match.

Del Rio defeats Kingston.

Botched cross arm breaker to end the match. Del rio carries on with the hold after the win, CM Punk comes out to the loudest ovation of the night... In progress.

More results coming momentarily.
el Rio says Punk was supposed to ask him for a title shot, then says he forced him to give him one. He then insults England and gets heat from the crowd. He says David Otunga gave him a message from John Laurinaitis that he has to cancel the match. Punk says he didn't know and apologizes. He asks Del Rio how he won by cashing in and using a lead pipe at hell in a cell. Punk says that people fast forward him on their dvr's. Punk says he will make the wwe title more intresting again. Del Rio says he's the best in the word as he is wwe champ. Asks him one more time if he wants to cancel match. Punk is thinking, thinking... Says no. Del rio beats him down, punk counters, ricardo tried to help, ends up getting a GTS while Del Rio runs away.

Jack Swagger w/ Vickie vs. Santino is now in progress.
Swagger beats Santino with an ankle lock in a fairly short match.

The Divas are up next.

Lawler introduces Kelly Kelly, and she talks about her Maxim cover, then Beth Phoenix and Natalya interupted, and mocked Kelly. Kelly says she wouldn't interupt her if she was on national geographic. Beth says Kelly is a false image to all the little girls in crowd and they try to make her cry, but Eve and Alicia Fox come out to scare away Beth and Natalya. Kelly then reveals her Maxim cover to end the segment.

Kevin Nash is up next.

Laurinaitis comes out to introduce Nash. Nash says everyones been asking him why? Talks about HHH a bit. Says he wanted to kick his ass when he first met him but Michaels told him "this kids got something." Talks about the Rumble and says HHH betrayed him. Says he didn't want a legends contract, he's better than that and that it felt good hitting him with a hammer. He ends by saying "I've just shown you how to play the game." His music hits and he walks out of the ring.
Jack Swagger w/ Vickie vs. Santino is now in progress.

Swagger beats Santino with an ankle lock in a fairly short match.

The Divas are up next.

Lawler introduces Kelly Kelly, and she talks about her Maxim cover, then Beth Phoenix and Natalya interupted, and mocked Kelly. Kelly says she wouldn't interupt her if she was on national geographic. Beth says Kelly is a false image to all the little girls in crowd and they try to make her cry, but Eve and Alicia Fox come out to scare away Beth and Natalya. Kelly then reveals her Maxim cover to end the segment.

Kevin Nash is up next.

Laurinaitis comes out to introduce Nash. Nash says everyones been asking him why? Talks about HHH a bit. Says he wanted to kick his ass when he first met him but Michaels told him "this kids got something." Talks about the Rumble and says HHH betrayed him. Says he didn't want a legends contract, he's better than that and that it felt good hitting him with a hammer. He ends by saying "I've just shown you how to play the game." His music hits and he walks out of the ring.

Next up is a backstage segment with Laurinaitis and Otunga. John says he's not going to waste Brodus Clay on a crowd like this. CM Punk interrupts and beats down Otunga.

Main event time.

Thr Miz and R-Truth vs. Zack Ryder and John Cena. In progress.

Cena in control early on, and a "we want Ryder" chant breaks out. He gets the tag, now in control, tags back Cena, who gets a big boo. We want Ryder chant immediately breaks out. Miz and R-Truth double team Cena to re-gain control of the match. Ryder gets a hot tag. Ref gets distracted and awesome truth regain control. Ryder tries to make a tag, rolls up Miz for a 2, but straight away Miz regains control. R-Truth in now, both get knocked down in the middle of the ring, and both tag their partners. Cena hits the 5 knuckle shuffle with Ryder on both Miz and Truth. Miz escapes the AA, and Miz pins Cena. Truth holds his legs so he can't kick out and they get the 1-2-3.
Sounds like maybe some good wrestling here. The del Rio promo is getting old, though, it's been the same thing for weeks. Del Rio exchanges word with face, nothing conclusive occurs, hit finisher on Ricardo, rinse and repeat.
*Daniel Bryan defeated William Regal in a really good match. Funny moment during the introductions, they played Regal's "Real Man's Man" theme.


* Randy Orton opens the show and talks about the 5-on-5 elimination match. Wade Barrett comes out and says his team will be the victors at Survivor Series. Christian comes out in a neck brace. They beat Orton down which brings out Sheamus to make the save. Teddy Long interrupts and makes Sheamus vs. Christian and Orton vs. Barrett for tonight.

* Sheamus beat Christian in a solid match.

* Backstage segment with AJ Lee, Kaitlyn and Daniel Bryan talking about his Money in the Bank. Mark Henry walks in and dares Bryan to cash in. Bryan vs. Henry is tonight.

* Backstage segment with Alicia Fox, Aksana and Teddy Long.

* Ted DiBiase squashed Jinder Mahal.

* Mark Henry beat Daniel Bryan and attacked him after the match. Bryan took a chair from Henry and turned things around. Henry took it and pummeled Bryan with World's Strongest Slams. Henry went to break Bryan's leg but Big Show came out. Henry kept Show from entering the ring and hit Bryan with the chair while looking at Show. Show and Henry had a stare down before Show cut a promo.
Full spoilers:

* Randy Orton came out to cut a promo on his 5-on-5 Survivor Series match. He listed off his opponents, and when he mentioned Wade Barrett, Barrett's music hit and he came out. He said he has experience as a leader and beating Orton's team will prove that he is World Championship material.

* Christian came out wearing a neck brace to interrupt the two. Christian asserted that he is an inspiration to the fans, and the three begin to bicker and one-up one another. It escalates into a brawl between the three men. Sheamus ran out and teamed up with Orton to clear the heels from the ring. Teddy Long came out and made Sheamus vs. Christian and Barrett vs. Orton official for tonight.

* Sheamus b. Christian

* Daniel Bryan is shown backstage talking to AJ & Kaitlyn about almost cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase last week. Mark Henry walked up to him and threatened Bryan. He said that Bryan had guts, but he'll spill them later tonight.

* Ted DiBiase b. Jinder Mahal in a glorified squash match.

* Mark Henry b. Daniel Bryan. After the match, Henry got a chair from ringside and went back into the ring, but Bryan recovered and picked up the chair, striking Henry with it. Henry was unaffected and hit Bryan with a number of World's Strongest Slams. Henry set Bryan up for his leg-breaking spot in the corner with the chair, but The Big Show ran out to save Bryan. Show stared down Henry from just outside the ring as Henry hit Bryan in the back with the chair. Show got into the ring and Henry got out. Show grabbed the World Heavyweight Championship, threw it at Henry, and cut a short promo against him.

* Big Show b. 3 jobbers. Henry watched from atop the ramp. After the match, Henry got on the mic and said he'll beat Show at Survivor Series.

* Alicia Fox b. Tamina, with Natalya on commentary.

* Matt Striker interviewed Sheamus and discussed his temper.

* Hunico & Epico b. The Usos. After the match, Primo, who was at ringside, joined Hunico and Epico in beating down the Usos. Hunico then cut a promo in Spanish.

* Wade Barrett b. Randy Orton with a roll-up after a thumb to the eye.

Sounds like a really good episode. I'm glad they decided to include Primo in something after all. Also welcome to England, where Zack Ryder is in the main event, Jomo wins and Teddy Long doesn't make a tag team match.

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