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Remember when Punk lost multiple big matches as MITB holder both times he held the distinction? Yeah. It's that thing again.
I'm getting so pissed off at the WWE not acknowledging the existence of Barreta, it's unbelievable.

If you count that list and include Mark Henry that is only 18 superstars. That leaves two spots left.

And here is a picture from twitter with a picture from the battle royal.


Clearly that looks like Barreta's leg. Be happy now :).
But, if I remember correctly, Christian said it was the last chance Orton had at HIS title. So, in theory, he still has his rematch clause. I just find it weird that he didn't even appear on the show.

He got the holy shit kicked out of him on Sunday, Christian was playing up being a heel and the feud is over.
Christians probably gonna come back and demand his rematch or something and make the match a three way. I have no interest in seeing just Orton/Henry anyways.
When I read on the main page that the ADR-DB match was a cash-in, I almost had a heart attack. Good thing that - like most main page posts - was bullshit.
I have no idea why, but I'm actually excited to see Orton vs. Henry. Henry has improved dramatically this year, and Orton has looked fantastic since going to SmackDown.

Concerning Christian, I can see him getting into a #1 contenders feud with Sheamus.
But, I swear I saw a video of Mark Henry saying that his feud with Sheamus wasn't over. Yeah, I see this ending up as a Fatal 4-way with Sheamus, Henry, Christian and Orton.
That was Sheamus and it'd make sense if they were to have Sheamus vs. Henry take place in the Cell for the title, especially should Christian cost Orton the belt.
Something I find interesting about Henry vs Orton is that Henry turned face against Orton in the summer of 2009, and is now poised to make his greatest heel run against Orton with the roles reversed.
- At one point, WWE had plans for Big Show to make his return from a storyline injury on tonight's RAW from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at Rexall Palace.

At last word, Big Show was not in the arena but he could be running late. Show had been advertised for the dark main event but there was also plans for him to return to TV tonight but those could have changed.

Regarding Kane returning from his storyline injury, it's said that Kane is just taking time off to let his body rest while they come up with something new for him.

There has been lots of talk lately about Mick Foley making his WWE return. Word is that if Foley and WWE agree on something, he will be returning in late Fall.

Foley will reportedly be involved in the John Cena vs. The Rock storyline going into WrestleMania 28 and possibly act as a mouthpiece of sorts for The Rock when he can't be there live in person.

It's believed that Foley won't return for a full-time TV role but will work a Legends deal and do appearances and other gigs for the company.
I sincerely doubt there were ever plans for Show to return from injury. This was probably booked before Show was injured when everyone was assuming Punk wouldn't re-sign.

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