WMD : Official Spoiler Page

Danny Brine, From an interveiw with ESPN.com.

And all this time we were mad at WWE for it.
I was never mad at WWE for it because it was never a bad theme. It was a good move and if the WWE didn't put him on Bella duty and give him two useless minutes on Raw every other week, his pops wouldn't have died down.

Jim Cornette was out at the beginning to put over Chicago and that the TV show will be available for FREE on the re-vamped ROH website!

a. Grizzly Redwood over Tony Kozina following a rana reversed into a roll-up.


K. Kelly is in the ring to intro his new partners on commentary...


1. Tag Team Grudge Match
Future Shock of Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly over The Bravado Brothers of Harlem & Lancelot following Total Elimination. Really good match.

Crowd is SRO - 1000 to 1200 easily!

Taping format appears to be "live to tape" with pauses for commercial breaks where nothing happens.

~Nigel interviewed a fan at ringside about the Tag Team Title Match and the fan predicted WGTT would win.

2. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Title Match
Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team of Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas (C) over The Kings of Wrestling of Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero w/ Shane Hagadorn & Sara Del Rey when Charlie Haas pinned Chris Hero after the Hart Attack finisher. Great Match.


~Jim Cornette back out. Dealing with some audio issue. Intro's WGTT for an interview.

WGTT want The Briscoes after the attack a few months ago (Best in The World '11). Cornette says he's aware, but won't give them the title shot. WGTT tells Cornette to give it to them or else!

3. Challenge Match
"The Prodigy" Mike Bennett over Jimmy Jacobs w/ Steve Corino following The Side Effect. Just okay.

~Nigel interviews another fan at ringside, this time about the TV Title match. Fan predicts Generico to win.

4. Ring of Honor World Television Title Match
Jay Lethal over El Generico (C) to win the title. Went to a 15 minute draw, 5 more minutes chant...Cornette says they don't have 5, but they have 3.

Crazy 3 minute sprint, ending with Lethal hitting a Mic Check style move to win the belt. Great ending to a really good match.

~Return Date: November 19th

5. Mike Sydal over Ernesto Osiris w/ Barrister R.D. Evans after a standing moonsault, following R.D. hitting Osiris with his shoe. (dark match)


~Cornette out to interview Briscoes. They say that "next week" they face ANX for the #1 Contendership.

~Corino out to replace Nigel on commentary.

6. Challenge Match
"The Project" Tommaso Ciampa w/ The Embassy over Andy "Right Leg" Ridge

~Corino did speak to Ridge post-match, continuing that he wants to help the young talent.

~Nigel back out and interviews fan about who will win World Title Match. Fan responds "Bring Back K E V I N S T E E N!"

7. Ring of Honor World Title Match
Davey Richards (C) over Roderick Strong to retain title via Ankle Lock; Amazing match 18-20 minutes long.

~Post-match, some in the crowd begin to leave. COO Joe Koff (sp?) is introduced. He puts over the crowd and reminds them of 2 more matches to go.


8. Tag Team Grudge/#1 Contendership Match
Jay & Mark Briscoe over The All Night Express of Rhett Titus & Kenny King when Jay kicked King low and scored the win with a small package. Good, hard fought match. Post-match, both teams brawl and it is broken up by students.

~Jim Cornette out again. He says based on the way the last match resulted, neither team would be considered #1 contender.

9. "Defy or Deny" Re-Match
Eddie Edwards over "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin w/ Truth Martini with the avalanche suplex finish (?). Strong hit the ring and went nose to nose with Edwards, Nigel got in the ring and backed down the H.O.T. Very good match to close the show.
The ROH TV tapings sound awesome, can't wait to see their new show debut now. Sounded like a good show, if a bit long. Stoked that Nigel is back in ROH, even if it only ends up being as a commentator.
The ROH TV tapings sound awesome, can't wait to see their new show debut now. Sounded like a good show, if a bit long. Stoked that Nigel is back in ROH, even if it only ends up being as a commentator.

The action was fun. The technical problems and lack of action between matches, promos, and shows was not.
I was looking at some Summerslam axxess photos and wondered why the hell these two aren't a team?

- Kofi Kingston wrote the following on Twitter last night after teaming with Evan Bourne, teasing that the two may team back up:

"Me and @findevan beat the tag champs tonite AND we're trending worldwide. Maybe we should team up more often.(*hand on chin pondering) hmm.."

In other WWE tag team news from Twitter, The Usos wrote that they were watching the WWE Tag Team Champions David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty closely.

It was recently reported that Triple H was looking to revive the tag team division. The Young Bucks and Joey Ryan & Scorpio Sky received tryouts at Monday's tapings and the team of Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli are expected to sign with WWE soon.

I expected as much about Kofi/Evan being no. 1 contenders to McGillibuddies.

The possible signings excite me though as I'm pobably the only one who still gives a shit about tag teams in WWE. I'm not sure how the bucks would fit in in WWE but if they did get signed then it'd probably involve a long stay at FCW. With the Kings getting signed also the idea of KoW vs. Bucks excites.
I expected as much about Kofi/Evan being no. 1 contenders to McGillibuddies.

The possible signings excite me though as I'm pobably the only one who still gives a shit about tag teams in WWE. I'm not sure how the bucks would fit in in WWE but if they did get signed then it'd probably involve a long stay at FCW. With the Kings getting signed also the idea of KoW vs. Bucks excites.

The Bucks vs Kofi and Evan? Or vs The Usos? KoW vs... anyone? Looks like good times to me. I'm not one to beg for a new tag division or anything, but I'm down if it's going to be fun to watch.
Reading the Smackdown spoilers on wrestlezone it says DB cashed in MITB on Del Rio and lost but elsewhere says it was a non title.

I'll assume elsewhere is right.
Wrestlezone is WROOOOONG as always

Bryan couldn't cash in on Del Rio because it's a briefcase that will only work on the WHC.

Plus, a report from a guy I know who was at the show says that it was nontitle.
All the reports I'm reading have it as non title. While I was totally okay with ADR's first win and Barrett's win at the PPV, I am starting to get a little worried about all the jobbing that Bryan is doing.

I hear Mark Henry is the new #1 contender as well. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. Could Henry finally be a champion?
It's not jobbing, it's losing a close match to a World Champion. DBD loses next to nothing in this, if anything he looks good and made ADR look good.
SD Spoilers from PWTorch

- A full SPOILER report can be read at Prowrestling.net. We will post a report from our TV taping correspondent on Wednesday.

-- Mark Henry won a #1 contender battle royal at Tuesday's TV taping to air on Friday's Smackdown. Henry is now next in line for a title shot against World Hvt. champion Randy Orton.

Former World Hvt. champion Christian was not included in the 20-man battle royal. The final four were Henry, Sin Cara, Wade Barrett, and Sheamus.

-- New WWE champion Alberto Del Rio made a cameo from the Raw brand. To air on Smackdown, Del Rio wrestled Daniel Bryan in a re-match from last week's Smackdown. He also wrestled in the advertised post-taping dark match with Christian against Randy Orton and Sheamus, who replaced Rey Mysterio, similar to last week.

-- New Intercontinental champion Cody Rhodes retained the IC Title over Ezekiel Jackson in a re-match from last week's Smackdown when Rhodes beat Jackson to become champion.

Spoilers from Prowrestling.net for the bolded section in the previous

3. Alberto Del Rio defeated Daniel Bryan in a non-title match. Del Rio won by submission with the cross arm breaker.

Lulz from NoDQ.com

(They also say it was a non-title)
We good.
Interesting note from SD

Order of Elimination from the 20-man Battle Royale:

Johnny Curtis
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder
Cody Rhodes
Ezekiel Jackson
Great Khali
Heath Slater
William Regal
Justin Gabriel
The Uso Brothers (simultaneously)
Jinder Mahal
Tyson Kidd
Ted DiBiase
Wade Barrett
Sin Cara (Mark Henry wins)

Interesting note from SD

Order of Elimination from the 20-man Battle Royale:

Johnny Curtis
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder
Cody Rhodes
Ezekiel Jackson
Great Khali
Heath Slater
William Regal
Justin Gabriel
The Uso Brothers (simultaneously)
Jinder Mahal
Tyson Kidd
Ted DiBiase
Wade Barrett
Sin Cara (Mark Henry wins)


Based on that, I'm guessing Zeke dumped him out and DiBiase got a sneak elimination on him. Wait...William Regal actually wrestled? HOLY SHIT!
I like Barreta, but I don't take it personally when he isn't on SmackDown.

I actually think I would like to see a short Mizark title reign. I find his character very interesting right now, it would be someone/thing new in the title picture, and how much could a month or 2 or 3 of Henry as champion really hurt things?

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