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An Intercontinental Championship match at WrestleMania between a long term heel champion, a former world champion face, and an actual feud behind it?

Pinch me, I'm dreaming.

There's been exactly zero mention of the IC title so far in their feud, so it's probably not the success you think it is. It's more of a feud that sort of has to have the IC title involved because it's the IC champions feud.
Sweet babies. Show/Rhodes at WM, I win the argument with that friend of mine. Hopefully Rhodes goes over, though Big Show would be a decent holdover champion for someone.

Kane/Orton at Mania, I dig it. I actually projected that in my mock Mania card after the Rumble because I had nothing for either at the time. Seems like WWE didn't either. And this leaves Orton out of the WHC match, even better.
Kane has about as much chemistry with his opponents as Edge did. No, less. Edge at least had chemistry with Cena. I'd much rather watch Randy Orton wrestle himself. And yes, I do mean *********e. Ejaculating over the front row would be more of a WrestleMania moment than anything that can be accomplished with Kane.
TNA taped the March 8th episode of Impact Wrestling on Tuesday night in Orlando. Below are full spoilers.

* Ric Flair, Gunner and Eric Bischoff kick off the show. Bischoff met with Sting and made the match of Gunner and a partner vs. Garett and a partner. Kurt Angle eventually comes out and embraces everyone. Kurt's going to be teaming with Gunner.

* Eric Young and ODB defeated Gail Kim and Madison Rayne to become the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Madison accidentally hit Gail with one of the belts to cost their team the match. After the match, Young and ODB celebrated until he dropped to one knee and asked for her hand in marriage. ODB said yes and they celebrated some more.

* Zema Ion beat Austin Aries by DQ with the TNA X Division Title on the line.

* Bully Ray came out and cut a promo on James Storm. Ray calls out Sting to make him the #1 contender. Sting gives him a match with Bobby Roode.

* Roode and Ray went to a No Contest in a non-title match. James Storm ran out during the match and chased Ray off to the back. Storm hit Last Call on Roode twice to end the segment.

* Crimson and Matt Morgan beat Robbie E and Rob Terry to become the new #1 contenders for the TNA Tag Team Titles. Crimson and Morgan had words after the match.

* AJ Styles comes out and talks about TNA's 10 year anniversary coming up. Daniels and Kazarian come out eventually and they talk for what seems like forever. Mr. Anderson makes his return and attacks Kaz and Daniels. Anderson and AJ stand tall as Daniels and Kaz run off tot he back.

* Eric Bischoff comes out and mocks Garett for running around backstage trying to find a tag team partner. Bischoff tells the fans that whatever will happen tomorrow night. Apparently there is no tag team main event tonight and come to find out it's because Jeff Hardy was sick.
Барбоса;3746554 said:
Pretty certain Kane and Orton have had a good match in the past. Was there not a street fight on Smackdown a while back where Kane kicked out of the RKO?

Wait, wait. That was OK, yeah. Alright - I believe in Randy Orton.

PWTorch has learned through multiple sources that Adam Cole (formerly of the Future Shock tag team) has been blocked from signing with WWE by ROH.

- Jay & Mark Briscoe have been blocked from signing with WWE due to contracts signed with and enforced by ROH.

This makes me sad.
Brian Kendrick on a radio show:

"I'm hoping against hope that I get back to wwe. I've cleaned up my drug habbits which has helped me out immensely. Even if I never wrestle again it's just good for me mentally"

Source:lowdown unlimited radio(about 29 mins into the interview)

'Zeke is still in the company and not doing anything so how's about a return of The Brian Kendrick? Y'know ignoring the logical idea that he will only return as a jobber. There's a chance he could return though, he is a student of Michaels.
Tag partner for Kofi anyone?

I can't imagine them working well together. It would cause a good break up feud though. Kendrick can cut a damn good promo and i'd love to hear a "Kofi held me back" promo from him.

¡Roján!;3748796 said:
Please, pretty please.


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