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Lulz, now that makes more sense. Can't fire Orton though, he's too popular apparently.

All the people fired for wellness violations are pissed right about now probably. HGH/roids or recreational shit I wonder?

That's what I'm taking this news with. I'll believe it when WWE report it.
Theddt.com is a forum. They have just changed their view thread policy but the thread in question was just some dude saying "I heard Orton was done for wellness" then some other guy saying "this is his third". It's the equivalent of someone using one of our threads as a source.
Exclusive: Kota Ibushi takes things with salt.

As luckily reported in Summer, Kota Ibushi takes things with salt confirmed one of our sources.
Yeah, I severely doubt Orton's being done for Wellness. The back injury makes sense, especially after all those RKO's he's done onto or through various objects (tables, cars, steel steps etc...)
I don't believe him.


I almost went back to the Believing It's Undertaker default. But I prefer hope to being correct in this instance.
Taker and Santa have both been sighted at the same airport according to reports. Looks like things are looking up for the Christmas Carol theory for John cena's feud.
- Chris Jericho, who returned to WWE at Monday's SuperShow, will be working house shows for the organization. WWE has updated their advertisements for upcoming Raw live events and he is listed as making a "special appearance.
Dark Match:

* Skip Sheffield as Ryback defeated Jimmy Uso

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* Cody Rhodes retains the Intercontinental Title against Booker T in the opener. They had a lengthy match. Cody hit the Beautiful Disaster after blocking the axe kick for the win.

* Backstage segment with Cody and Dustin Rhodes. Cody says he is better than Goldust ever was and will be better than Dusty one day.

* Zack Ryder is backstage talking with Teddy Long and says he's too busy to work for Teddy. Drew McIntyre came in as did Santino Marella. Teddy makes Drew vs. Santino. Santino will be Teddy's new assistant if he wins and Drew will be fired. If Drew wins, Teddy might not fire him. Aksana appears at the end.

* Backstage segment with AJ Lee and Alicia Fox. Daniel Bryan comes in and they talk about his match against Big Show.

* Hornswoggle won an Over The Top Challenge against Heath Slater. Slater attacked Hornswoggle afterwards until Justin Gabriel made the save.

* Hunico beat Ted DiBiase.

* Wade Barrett comes out and talks about he will win the Royal Rumble while Randy Orton watches from home. Sheamus interrupts. Jinder Mahal is out next and he joins Barrett in beating Sheamus down. Sheamus fought back but got hit with Barrett's finisher and a Camel Clutch by Mahal.

* Sheamus vs. Jinder is announced for next week.

* Santino Marella became the new Assistant to the General Manager by defeating Drew McIntyre. Teddy may end up firing Drew now.

* Primo and Epico beat Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston in a non-title match.

* Tamina squashed Natalya.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Big Show by DQ with the World Heavyweight Title on the line when Mark Henry interfered.
Dude they're Divas. What did you expect? Logic/

Everything about the sentence "Tamina squashed Natalya" is wrong. For one, Tamina? Fucking Tamna? Tamina, the converted manager who can barely wrestle her way out of a paper bag? Squashed? I mean, seriously? Not even a competitive match? And Natalya? As in the second best active Diva in the WWE? Squashed? By Tamina?

I can't handle it. My brain is entirely incapable of processing that information.
Dude there hasn't been a TV Divas match that lasted more than two and a half minutes in MONTHS. It's hard not to have a squash.
Pretty sure Alicia Fox has squashed both Beth and Nattie. Just another reason I'll continue my, "Get these bitches off of my TV" crusade.
- Skip Sheffield defeated Jimmy Uso in the dark match before tonight's WWE tapings in Little Rock, Arkansas. We're waiting on confirmation but apparently Sheffield was using his Ryback gimmick.

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