Thank god Punk burried the Rock vs Cena everyone can Stfu with it. Its pathetic as a fan to sit there and stick up for the money making aspect of it when you are the ones paying. I can't understand how people agree with it like their name is Vince McMahon and they are benefitting from the profits. Bottom line, the match would have been predictable, boring, and redundant. The fued leading up to it would be so repetitive. I'm happy the few who wanted it just to see Cena win one on one with the Rock, won't get their wish. 
Punk being thrown in makes a lot of sense, and its fresh. There haven't been many triple threats in mania history, but in terms of star power, this is definitely the biggest. Plus we have a legit heel and he can spice it up by making things dirty and violent. This is great news. Punk bashing the match, pretty much sealed the look for some kind of controversy next Monday in their match which of course will lead to the triple threat.

Punk being thrown in makes a lot of sense, and its fresh. There haven't been many triple threats in mania history, but in terms of star power, this is definitely the biggest. Plus we have a legit heel and he can spice it up by making things dirty and violent. This is great news. Punk bashing the match, pretty much sealed the look for some kind of controversy next Monday in their match which of course will lead to the triple threat.