WM 29: The Rock (c) vs. John Cena [WWE Title]

By "nobody", I'm implying that the majority are not in favor of it.

Do you really think the majority of wrestling fans frequent wrestling forums? Cause they don't, beleive it or not most wrestling fans are just casual fans, many will see this match, & see it's for the title this time & order the PPV just for this match alone. I'd be willing to wager the IWC probably makes up less than 10% of the wrestling fans in the world (if that), so all you're really saying is that the majority of 10% of wrestling fans don't want to see this match, which is like 6-9% of the IWC that aren't interested in this match, that leaves another 91-94% of wrestling fans out there who's opinion on the match you don't even know, most of which I'm guessing are going to want to see this match again.
Do you really think the majority of wrestling fans frequent wrestling forums? Cause they don't, beleive it or not most wrestling fans are just casual fans, many will see this match, & see it's for the title this time & order the PPV just for this match alone. I'd be willing to wager the IWC probably makes up less than 10% of the wrestling fans in the world (if that), so all you're really saying is that the majority of 10% of wrestling fans don't want to see this match, which is like 6-9% of the IWC that aren't interested in this match, that leaves another 91-94% of wrestling fans out there who's opinion on the match you don't even know, most of which I'm guessing are going to want to see this match again.

lol I love the quotes on the bottom of both of your sigs...reputations for being angry posters I see who like to argue a lot huh? Look at all the flaws in your post...they are all assumptions. You are assuming there is only 10% of wrestling fans amongst the IWC...where do you get your figures from? Are you factoring other sites like NBA, NFL etc that have wrestling/mma message boards among them as well? I am apart of those too, and have seen them there.

I don't need to see millions of views to get a good idea of what the majority is when 90 out of 100 people I see thus far are against it. I mean shit..look at all these statistics out there of people with this or that or people who like this or that...these stats never got my opinion, yet they say 1 out of 3 people prefer ..fill in the blank....you don't need everyones opinion to gather an estimate when you've done enough research.

You're guessing that this figure of 90% which you've made up, is going to want to see this match again...I can just as easily assume otherwise right? Therefore, your point is kinda..well..pointless no?

Bottom line..It was "Once in a lifetime" ..not "twice in a row"....is it that hard to understand that a lot of people don't want to see the same shit the very next year with an entirely predictable outcome just to see a fake character fulfill his "dream"? Screw that, let's see something fresh, new and entertaining..that's what seems to be the majority of what I've seen from fans against this match. They will make just as much money as putting in someone else against the Rock, and Cena. I mean seriously...is it that much of a difference that they fight eachother? Unlikely..their presence alone on the card is enough against other wrestlers.
Bottom line..It was "Once in a lifetime" ..not "twice in a row"....is it that hard to understand that a lot of people don't want to see the same shit the very next year with an entirely predictable outcome just to see a fake character fulfill his "dream"? Screw that, let's see something fresh, new and entertaining.

Yeah, seriously.... Fuck rematches at Wrestlemania!


I wonder if people bitched so much when this was happening, what, twelve years ago? God, what is the WWE thinking by having the two best available stars fight at Wrestlemania?

I want you to answer a question for me, and be honest; do you really believe you can plug anyone with Rock or Cena, and pop the same buyrate?
Rock and Austin had such a deep rivalry. It was okay for them to fight each other at 3 WMs.

This WM is going to be a let down. Lets face it. Two rematches. Hopefully Undertaker wrestles and hopefully it's against CM Punk. I honestly wouldn't care for HHH vs Lesnar and Cena vs Rock as the only two big matches.
I am not excited as last year for this match.But i wouldn't miss out WM for it.If both Rock and Cena can bring up their A game for this match,it can be one for the ages.Last year,the build up was strong enough.Although i believe The Rock toned down a bit put Cena over.But this year,Rock has to be at his best.And no,i do not want a John Cena heel turn to spice up the match.A career vs title or career vs career(given this is going to be The Rock's final match for 2-3 years) can be used to spice this up.But i would be pissed off if Cena loses this one too.
I wonder if people bitched so much when this was happening, what, twelve years ago? God, what is the WWE thinking by having the two best available stars fight at Wrestlemania?

I want you to answer a question for me, and be honest; do you really believe you can plug anyone with Rock or Cena, and pop the same buyrate?
Nope. Rock/Cena, however, isn't Rock/Austin. It's not even HBK/Diesel. And that's the problem. This is the best match the WWE has to offer right now; something that they did last year, and didn't really leave any dangling threads for this year. It's the same match, only for a title- and considering I find the likelihood of Rock playing a regular part on WWE television in May to be Pretty Fucking Slim, we don't even get the tension this year of wondering which legend does the job.

I liked Rock/Cena last year. I actually thought that with the buildup included, it was match of the year last year. This year? What's the point? It tastes like a stale echo of last year. But this is the best match they have to go with for Wrestlemania, unless they want to squeeze CM Punk in there (which might not be the worst idea.) That this is the best they've got makes me a sad panda.
Cena promo at monday makes me think that its gona be tripple threat. What better way to put Cena over then going against two guys he admitted he cant beat for some reason and to beat both on the biggest stage of them all. :)
Id prefer it if it is just The Rock vs Cena. Cena needs to win this and he needs to win this match one on one.

This match alone will sell Mania and if it makes WWE more money than last year then so be it.

There no other matches that will sell mania than this one from a business standpoint. Your 2 best Superstars and Your 2 biggest draws. WWE know they will make $$$$$$$.
Rock lesnar doesn't make sense from a storyline point. Cena needs to avenge the lost, what better way to do it then at mania. If WWE think Rock Lesnar would amount to the same buy rate as last year then don't you think they would have booked it knowing VKM is all about the money baby.

You hate cena we get it but your still going to watch Wrestlemania and the match itself. This match with the right build will be much much better than last year.
Just read Cash's article and I agree with him that Cena vs Rock II has to have something different. Have this match Championship vs Career. If Cena wins Rock retires and if Rock wins Cena can't be either champion for one whole year. Plus if Cena beats Rock which is highly likely with Rocky retiring based off of this stipulation then it sets up Cena vs Taker at WM 30 where he could end two great careers at back to back mania's
Since it is a lie you can not post a new thread after 10 posts, here is the post and what was sent to WWE for - how to get the belt off both the rock and cena


I thought of the PERFECT WAY to keep the title on THE ROCK till WRESTLEMANIA where he drops the title to JOHN CENA and then the night after on RAW CM PUNK gets the belt back, with no match.

Each week when you see PAUL HEYMAN in the back, you either see or in background see DAVID OTUNGA now the announcers and HEYMAN etc do not mention this or even acknowledge this. You do this weekly leading up to WrestleMania.

At MANIA you have THE ROCK drop the Belt to JOHN CENA and as MANIA goes off the air, you have Cena say "The year of JOHN CENA continues".

Flash Forward to the next night on Raw as it opens JOHN CENA comes down to the ring to celebrate winning the WWE title and continuing his big year, as he goes on and as half the fans cheer and the other half boo him, the music of CM PUNK hits, he and PAUL HEYMAN come out with huge grins on their faces and clapping for CENA, you cut to CENA in the ring looking confused.

After CM PUNK enters the ring and the music cuts off you have CENA grab a mic and (CM PUNK and HEYMAN are still grinning and clapping) CENA asks them why are they so happy (insert joke here that CENA makes derogatory about HEYMAN and CM PUNK) since it has been 70 days since CM PUNK was last WWE CHAMPION, this is where PAUL HEYMAN INTERUPTS CENA (PUNK IS STILL JUST SITTING IN HIS TRADITIONAL SITTING POSITION WITH MIC IN HAND SMILING) and says to CENA, so how does it feel to be champion, CENA says great... HEYMAN interrupts again and says too bad you are not really the champion. HEYMAN directs the audience to view the footage of VINCE telling CM PUNK if he sees CM PUNK interfere in CM PUNKS match, PUNK WILL BE STRIPPED of the title, without explaining why HEYMAN asked for that for that footage to be played, HEYMAN then directs the truck to roll the dark footage from THE ROYAL RUMBLE where nobody in attendance could see what happened live.

CENA, so what does all that have to do with me being WWE CHAM........... The music of DAVID OTUNGA hits and he comes down to the ring and gets on the mic. He introduces himself as an undefeated attorney in the courtroom as CENA INTERUPTS, saying if you plan on suing I will give your 1st loss in the courtroom and an ass kicking right now. Otunga interrupts and hands CENA some papers and says if he touches him or CM PUNK or HEYMAN that CENA is suspended for 1 year. Otunga then goes on to say that is not only the reason he is out there. Since The day after ROYAL RUMBLE he has been retained as the legal counsel for PAUL HEYMAN and CM PUNK.

CENA cracks a lawyer joke, and OTUNGA interrupts again and says lets get to the heart of the matter. In the 1st footage you can write off VINCE saying of CM PUNK saying if he interfered in his own match as the rambling of a senile old man who has lost his touch with reality. Which leads me to my 2nd point. VINCE said if he seen THE SHIELD interfere he would strip PUNK of the title, OTUNGA then says, upon research that is a binding VERBAL contact in front of millions of witnesses and is VALID, However what VINCE did at the rumble broke that VALID verbal contract 2 ways. 1st when the lights went out and came back on he assumed it was the SHIELD who attacked CM PUNK with no way of actually seeing it (((ME TALKING - NOT PART OF STORYLINE -- NOW I DID NOT WATCH THE ROYAL RUMBLE OR THE RAW AFTER cause I had the FLU - so if the attack of the SHIELD was viewable by people at the event - then you drop the part where VINCE said if I see the SHIELD interfere PUNK IS STRIPPED of the title - you go on to this part next)))) VINCE ordered the match to continue, now he may be the CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD but that does not allow him to break the previous verbal contract that he made with CM PUNK the week before the RUMBLE ((AND BY PUNK NOT LODGING A PROTEST AT THAT TIMR THEN MEANT IT WAS A VALID CONTRACT))

In these last weeks I (OTUNGA) have been a regular visitor to WWE headquarters and have been meeting with the BOARD in secret and they have met with their attorneys and today was my last meeting with them, Now let me read this letter from THE BOARD. In these past weeks we have been made aware of potential legal action spearheaded by MR OTUNGA at the behest of CM PUNK and PUL HEYMAN if MR MCMAHONS match restarting from the ROYAL RUMBLE was deemed null and void. After deliberating amongst ourselves and upon the advice of LEGAL COUNSEL, we agree with The position of Mr OTUNGA that MR MACMAHON was in violation of the terms of the TITLE MATCH AT ROYAL RUMBLE ns further we find even though he is CHAIRM OF WWE he had no right in the middle of the match to change the stipulations and find them null and void, therefore it is our ruling THAT CM PUNK won his match at ROYAL RUMBLE against the Rock, which negates the match at WRESTLEANIA between the ROCK and JOHN CENA, therefore CM PUNK IS STILL YOUR WWE CHAMPION.

CENA looks stunned so much CM PUNK is able to rip the WWE title from his hands and HE AND OTUNGA AND HEYMAN leave the ring as PUNKS music hits as they celebrate PUNKS 505 day as CHAMPION.. CENA grabs the mic and says this is bullshit and CENA still claims he is champion and IF PUNK IS A man he will defend the title against him at the next PPV
rock vs cena 1 was not a good match last year despite it selling so many ppvs. rock just gets gassed to easily. Now if they have it this year, i highly doubt it will get as many ppv buys, because its not only a sequal, but it also doesn't have a year long build, and the rock being back will only work as a novelty for so long. Now if you really want to sell ppvs this year, have punk win at chamber so he can go on to face cena at mania in a hell in a cell(cause that was the match they were supposed to have, and also so the sheild cant interfere), and then have lesnar cost rock the match on raw the next night. Rock lesner would sell alot more ppvs then rock cena 2. i mean there has not been anybody since tyson that has been more successful with buyrates then lesner.
I am all for this match. I don't see what the big issue is. WWE is a business first and foremost. Why the fuck would you not repeat the match that got you the most PPV buys in history? The only issue I can see with this match is that obviously Cena is going to win which makes the score 1-1. They wouldn't do Cena vs Rock III at Mania 30 would they?
the only plausible way this match works is if the storyline over the next 9weeks is built up interesting. The only way I see this happening is for The Rock to turn heel and revert to his Hollywood star gimmick he played in 2003 so brilliantly in his matches with Hogan, Austin and Goldberg. The smalmy prick strutting around with the title, saying how the current batch are shit, how he beat both Cena and Punk and has the WWE Title. Cena may actually get cheered. Thsi could also help turn Punk face again, along with the current storyline of Heyman and Lesnar carrying Punks title reign for him by hiring The Shield.
Nope. Rock/Cena, however, isn't Rock/Austin. It's not even HBK/Diesel. And that's the problem. This is the best match the WWE has to offer right now; something that they did last year, and didn't really leave any dangling threads for this year. It's the same match, only for a title- and considering I find the likelihood of Rock playing a regular part on WWE television in May to be Pretty Fucking Slim, we don't even get the tension this year of wondering which legend does the job.

I liked Rock/Cena last year. I actually thought that with the buildup included, it was match of the year last year. This year? What's the point? It tastes like a stale echo of last year. But this is the best match they have to go with for Wrestlemania, unless they want to squeeze CM Punk in there (which might not be the worst idea.) That this is the best they've got makes me a sad panda.

The bold part is what I want to harp on. While I'm not thrilled by the notion of Rock/Cena II, that doesn't mean there isin't anything left in that story. In that match, Cena dominated and looked as though he was ready to win when he let his ego get in the way and tried to mock The Rock by doing the people's elbow. That was the opening for Rock to win the match (great ending btw). So the build for this match can easily be Cena harping on how he had the match up until he took The Rock for granted. He can say he is ready now and won't make the same mistake.
The thing is, as ridiculous as turning the Rock heel sounds, (and it is ridiculous) if WWE were backed into a corner over turning one of them to the dark side, I suspect they'd actually be deluded enough to try and get people to boo the great one.

Now, If they'd turned Cena heel 7 years ago, and allowed fans to get the hate out of their system, (and for Cena to do the same) then they might've been in a position now to get fans to root for Cena over The Rock.

They didn't, so they aren't.
Definately looking like a Triple Threat. Rock/Punk at EC will end in a double count out making the WWE Title vacant.

Cena will pick up the win. Avenging Rock, avenging Punk and getting his hands back on the belt. Must be 18 months now.
Cena vs Rock will be the main event, Punk wont be added even though he could greatly improve the match quality. I thought the build and match itself last year were average at best, this year doesn't even have the interest factor of the result being 50/50 as it's obvious who is winning.

The only thing that would make this interesting is if Cena turned heel to win, but I imagine it will be a case of Cena winning and him and Rock shaking hands ala Hogan vs Warrior.
It's going to be good to see Cena get the win he should have got last year. He and Rock can pull in more money than any other combination that the WWE has and it makes perfect sense for this match to be happening. The WWE is a business and they want to make as much money as possible. This is the match that will gain the most attention and it will be the main event of the evening.

Punk isn't needed. Simple as that. He's not on the level of Cena or The Rock and a triple threat would clearly show him as the weakest out of the three. Leave it as the two biggest stars going at it for a second time. With the title on the line this match is going to end with Cena winning, thank heavens for that. Should be a good match and Cena winning is always a plus.
Cena vs Rock will be the main event, Punk wont be added even though he could greatly improve the match quality. I thought the build and match itself last year were average at best, this year doesn't even have the interest factor of the result being 50/50 as it's obvious who is winning.

The only thing that would make this interesting is if Cena turned heel to win, but I imagine it will be a case of Cena winning and him and Rock shaking hands ala Hogan vs Warrior.

IMO, adding Punk would be stupid. Too much cluster. Cena v Rock should be fine as it is.
I am not looking forward to this feud at all. Unless one of them makes a heel turn, what else are they going to feud about? "I WANT THE TITLE" "WELL YOU AIN'T GETTIN IT FRUITY PEBBLES" "YOU LEFT US" "CRY MORE LADY PARTS BANANA BITCH".

This Wrestlemania is a complete filler Mania and this feud and match doesn't help things. This feud will blow chunks.
I called this happening and exactly how it would happen a year ago. It was pretty obvious. If you have a money maker, you do it twice and raise the steaks with the title. Not doing this would be like if a company had a best selling item and took it off the shelf. WWE is a business.

It actually is a pretty good story. Rock came back at 27, ruined Cena's chance. Then was a distraction to him for a year, then beat him, which caused even more issues for Cena. Now he's come back for redemption. A 2 year arc they probably planned out before Rock ever came back.

The crowd will be hot and they'll work it the whole time.
Well it looks like the title of this thread will have to change because there's a pretty good chance that Punk is going to get thrown into this match for a triple threat. So all the people bitching about Rock/Cena II will hopefully shut up. if it doesn't end up being a triple threat then they probably shouldn't have had Punk say "Cena vs. Rock is a re-run, I've seen that television show already", completely burying the main event.
Well it looks like the title of this thread will have to change because there's a pretty good chance that Punk is going to get thrown into this match for a triple threat. So all the people bitching about Rock/Cena II will hopefully shut up. if it doesn't end up being a triple threat then they probably shouldn't have had Punk say "Cena vs. Rock is a re-run, I've seen that television show already", completely burying the main event.

I'm thinking the same thing. The only way I would want to see another Rock/Cena match at Mania is if either guys turns during the buildup or at the match itself. Even though Rock and Austin fought 3 times it was different each time. As it stands right now the only thing different is the title is envovled but each guy is the same.

To take it a step further, I have my doubts of Taker being involved in this years Mania. If that is the case than Brock would be left out of a high profile match. I wouldn't even mind a fourway match (like Mania 2000) between Rock, Cena, Punk and Brock. This would create some interesting scenarios in the build up to the match.
Well it doesn't look like Rock/Cena II is set in stone as yet. I'm praying that CM Punk gets himself into the match and we see Triple Threat. Not because I'm a "FuK Wwe d0nt wanna c rocky vs supercena agen!!" mark but because I believe it makes the most sense. Punk and Cena have unfinished business with The Rock. Why else would the Punk vs Rock match end in controversy? (aka - not a straight-up, clean win for Rock).

Cena lost his 'once in a lifetime' match and Punk lost his most prized, prestigious posession - along with his record-breaking streak.

To me it would be such a waste for CM Punk, who was on top of the WWE for nearly 14 months, to lose twice in a row to Rocky and then fall off the top 2 WrestleMania card spots - even if it means at match at WrestleMania with the Undertaker!
As much as most people hate it, Cena won the Royal Rumble and is still the most high-profile full-time worker in WWE. Therefore with Punk and Rock, you've got your 3 biggest personalities at the moment in the most high-profile match for the most high-profile title.

I have no doubt it will get just as much media attention, sell just as many buyrates/tickets as Cena/Rock II would. Plus it still leaves the door open for Cena/Rock II at a later date if they eventually want to go there. (Especially if Cena wins this year)

There is also a great rivalry between fan bases. Last year it was Cena's generation vs Rock's generation. This year you'd have this younger generation(Cena) vs internet fans and pure wrestling fans (CM Punk) vs older generation/older fans (Rock).

If it's Rock vs Cena again, I'm not gonna kick up a fuss, I'll buy WrestleMania and whilst I won't enjoy the match as much as I would've a Triple Threat, I will still enjoy the spectacle.

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