Who the fuck unbanned this ****????

Jonny, I don't think I can be bothered with all of this. Because there's no need. All I was doing is giving my opinion on it, and stating why I didn't think it was fair, which I don't.
Leore annoyed a hell of a lot of people, I know that. But as I said before, everyone was in the wrong regarding it, not just him. And I disagree with the reason he was given for being banned, as the other admins seem to as well.
And I thought excessive flaming, such as creating a thread flaming one person was against the bar room rules, obviously not.
If I was wrong, I apologise.
This thread is like Irish Politics.Behind the scene shit and loads of people arguing about small things.
I honestly just hope he doesn't actually come back, I hope the guy stays in whatever hole it is he is posting in these days.
This is just too bad. And sad, really.

I don't really care if Leore is here or not. But there should be absolutely no reason for the flaming that is going on. This is a message board where people come to escape from the real world or at least talk to people out of the norms of life. Why does it need to be this drama filled nonsense?
This is the most pathetic thread I've ever encountered. Ever.

All of you should take this advice:

Shut the fuck up.

Okay? Sound good? Christ, who GIVES A FUCK if Coco is banned, unbanned, fucking his mother, or saving starving children from Africa? The guy is clearly a total and complete fucking cretin, but just stop the bickering people. I come on here and see twenty threads bitching about Coco. Did all of WZ simultaneously begin bleeding out of their vaginas today or something? Christ.

Somebody should close this thread, and every thread from now on that is created about Coco. Cause it's just absurd that you guys have written 10 pages about someone you hate and who couldn't pass a spelling or grammar test if his life depended on it. Seriously, can someone do this? Because it would be great if I could come into the Bar Room without seeing 47 pages of people saying "Coco sucks" and "Yeah but you suck too!".
Ok seriously, close the fucking forums folks. Nothing and I mean fuck all nothing can beat that post.

All of you now go fuck your mothers, WZ sha'll be closed, after that, posts here aren't even worthy anymore. Best. Post. Ever.
This is the most pathetic thread I've ever encountered. Ever.

All of you should take this advice:

Shut the fuck up.

Okay? Sound good? Christ, who GIVES A FUCK if Coco is banned, unbanned, fucking his mother, or saving starving children from Africa? The guy is clearly a total and complete fucking cretin, but just stop the bickering people. I come on here and see twenty threads bitching about Coco. Did all of WZ simultaneously begin bleeding out of their vaginas today or something? Christ.

Somebody should close this thread, and every thread from now on that is created about Coco. Cause it's just absurd that you guys have written 10 pages about someone you hate and who couldn't pass a spelling or grammar test if his life depended on it. Seriously, can someone do this? Because it would be great if I could come into the Bar Room without seeing 47 pages of people saying "Coco sucks" and "Yeah but you suck too!".

I agree with you!! :D Good point. It's not that big of a deal. Ignore it and we'll all keep living happily ever after. =]

Flames Out

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