[Official] Kanye West Spam Thread - Keep it ALL in HERE!

M_F, Beyonce looked classy without this. It's unfortunate, however, that no one is talking about the wonderful gesture she made, everyone is busy calling Kanye a douche.

Oh well, it's not like she needs to good press. She is on top of the industry anyway.
To add to the conversation as well, I also am making my daily appearance to say that Kanye is indeed a Douchebag, and a Jackass according to Obama, that is all.
So. If Kanye West can steal Taylor's mic, is she really Swift?

..That's my one pun for the decade, feel honored.
I just wonder how anyone can approve of what he did. Hell if its cause you don't like Taylor big deal. If he did it to someone I didn't like I still say he was a douche for it.

I mean hell Obama called him a jackass...that is some awesome shit IMO.
Gosh I start the main thread of all the merged ones and no one shows me lover :(

This has to be the biggest thread I started even thought to contains a little from other threads.

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