[Official] Kanye West Spam Thread - Keep it ALL in HERE!

I'm disappointed and saddened by this news.


Now, let us all sit down for the official retelling of "I'd pee in her butt."

Basically, my step-brother is in the Army and his friends wanted a new saying to say when they say a hot girl. Nothing really fit, until bam. One of them came up with "I'd pee in her butt." It's the perfect counter to "Huhuh, I'd fuck her." Sooo crude and mundane. "I'd pee in her butt" is in an higher echelon.

I'm trying to get it to spread to the furthest reaches of pop culture, a Lady Gaga music video. But alas, "I'd pee in her butt" has been relegated to only slight success.


On to the more awesome topic of "Bonerjam."

Me and my friend, who shall go by the name Stillman, were high and on our way to the Park in the back of my friend Trent's truck. We were laying down in the back and watching the sky as our friend Trent was going REALLY fast and not driving nearly safe enough for having two high guys in the back of his truck.

Either way, we started discussing cockblocks. Then, we discussed jamming, in the art of the old N64 racing game where you could jam weapons into the other racer's tires. It progressed from there, and we started to compile a dictionary of rules and definitions of the various forms of "jamming." Then, Stillman said "Wait...what about a bonerjam?"

It was a fateful utterance, my friends. We began to hypothesize about the possibilities. Was it just punching a guy when he had a boner? How about a crude way to describe the act of fornication? Oh no my friends, it was destined to be much more. Much, much more.

Bonerjam evolved into a set of rules and events. These events are as follows:

1) We gain entry to a room where someone is performing some form of sexual act. Most likely through the use of a roommate's key.

2) If the man is merely *********ing, we give him a high-five.

3) If the man is having sex with an animal (also known as bestiality) we punch him in the face and take the animal away from the sexual deviant. However, we will not press charges.

4) Now, if man on man or man on girl action is proceeding, we go with the tried and true "High five the pitcher, smack the ass of the catcher."

5) If it's girl on girl, we politely ask to be allowed to join. If admittance is denied, we high-five the participants.

6) After the high-fives and ass smacking are done, we give them all complimentary "Bonerjam" T-shirts complete with the Bonerjam logo.

7) We pull a quick pose, take a picture, and leave the sexual act to recommence.


And there you have it, Razor's Tales of Bonerjam and "I'd pee in her butt," respectively.

That Kanye is every where.
Ben will score you a touchdown. Brady will just get you in FG range and pray his kicker makes it...
Yeah that sure was an awesome FG catch Ben Watson had for the win last night.

What you should have said is, "Ben will get sacked three times and win a game at the end that should have been a blowout, where Brady will be up thirty at half time and watch the second half from the sideline like his name was Colt McCoy and they were playing Rice."

How are the demons treating you again Brian? Good company?

Brady won't score you a touchdown? Is that why he has the NFL record for most TDs in a season? :headscratch:

Nonsense my friend. Pure nonsense.
OKay, let me go down this list and give my views, and no.. you did not "PWN" me FTS.

FTS said:
There is the George Bush hates black people comment on a fucking telethon,

First this.

Being partly black myself, I was actually proud of what he did during that Telethon, as well as many other fellow black people. Have you ever seen the documentary that Spike Lee directed? Many applauded what Kanye did, as no one was saying a damn thing about the horrible and disgusting treatment of the New Orleans citizens during that disaster. Was he being selfish in saying that? Were his words not true? No. I'd say maybe he was wrong in calling Bush a racist, but seriously when your fellow man is being neglected and unhelped how the fuck would you feel?

bspcn.com said:
1. He douched out at the Grammy’s when he took the stage to accept his award, refused to leave the stage when his time was up, and then actually told them to stop playing the get-off-the-stage music so that he could keep talking. Me Kanye. I bes vewy, vewy important.

This is the least point that I can take issue with, as it was pretty self-centered and dumb of him to do this. I'm not going to even try and defend him for this, just a dumb all around move by him here.

2. His new album, due out on November 24th, is a departure from his usual style, as he sings more than he raps. That is all good and well, because he is a talented musician, but then he had to go and douche it up by saying that this change in style is an attempt to challenge the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Paul McCartney, who he describes as “those artists in black and white photos”, because taking a crap on music legends serves to make Kanye’s genius obvious to all and sundry.

How is calling them "those artists in black and white photo's" shitting on those legendary artists? You don't think Kanye has respect and got inspiration and all that from the likes of Hendrix? I do, and i'm sure he's said as much at some point. Is it wrong for him to want to live up to and surpass greatness like them? Fuck no, if you don't strive to be the best then you really shouldn't even try at all. Reading that doesn't make me feel like he did anything douchy at all, just that people tend to frown upon self-confidence.

3. In a recent interview, Kanye said, and I am not kidding: “I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice. It’s me settling into that position of just really accepting that it’s one thing to say you want to do it and it’s another thing to really end up being like Michael Jordan.”

Wow, no way, he thinks that he's going to be the best ever and the voice of this generation?! Holy shit!

One could argue that he is in fact on that way, because even though he's not popular on here.. it is a wrestling forum and this really isn't his type of audiance. He is known in the hip hop community as a great rapper and a great producer, and his music is widely liked by many people. Once again, it's him striving to be the best in the business and to be remembered. How the fuck is there anything wrong with that?

4. In that same interview, he showcased his inveterate respect for other performers by slamming Justin Timberlake: “There were people who had the potential to do it but they went on vacation, so when Justin went on vacation I made albums, and it just came out to be that.”

Not really slamming him there, JT is a loser and a horrible artist anyway. I'd like to know the context of the question that was asked to him as well, to get the full spectrum of his answer.

5. Kanye pulled the race card when it was announced that Britney Spears would be hosting the 2007 Video Music Awards. “I can’t believe she would perform. She hasn’t had a hit record in years. Maybe my money’s not right. Maybe my skin’s not right.” Riiiiight, that’s it.

Yea, he's probably wrong about that. But you can't blame him for having feelings like that, I mean really, race IS still an issue in this country and in this world. I think he said it out of frustration as well, he thinks he's the best, and hearing that Spears was asked to host and perform instead of him probably ate away at his ego.. and NO ego is not a bad thing to have.

For the record, Spears sucked that year.

6. In an interview with Tim Westwood, Kanye said “I’m doing pretty good as far as geniuses go… I’m like a machine. I’m a robot. You cannot offend a robot… I’m going down as a legend, whether or not you like me or not. I am the new Jim Morrison. I am the new Kurt Cobain… They feel like, yo, you know ‘he’s got a God complex, because he said if they wrote the Bible again that he would be in it’. Duh, yeah, I would be in it. I feel like I’m one of the more important people in pop culture right now… The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don’t think that I would be one of the characters of today’s modern Bible? And people have their own forms of bibles now. It’s a new day and age…”

I don't think you can take him literally when he says things like this, and again it's the same thing i've been saying, if you don't believe your the best then you might as well give the fuck up and go home.

7. In a display of extremely douchey poor sportsmanship, he now claims that the MTV awards shows are fixed, because how could the “voice of this generation” lose otherwise?

More frustration, we all say things that are stupid out of frustration in our life.

8. There are ten Facebook groups that come up when you use the search terms “Kanye West douche”.

Oh, whooptie fuckin' doo. So what if he has ten pages of haters, i'm sure there are a ton of famous people that have similiar things. This being put into evidence as to why he's a douche is hillarious almost as much as it's pathetic.

9. Kanye West blogs up a storm. Mostly he’s fairly boring, but he drops these gems once in a while that turn being a douche into a spectator sport.

It's his blog, he can say what he wants, if you don't like what he has to say then you shouldn't be reading it. If you want to nitpick shit, find things to prove your point by scowering through someones blog posts.. well, i'm sure you'll find a douchy post by anyone that has a blog.

10. When his video for “Touch the Sky” did not win at the MTV Europe Music Awards, Kanye publicly expressed his incredulity. “It took a month to film; I stood on a mountain; I flew a helicopter over Vegas. I did it to be the king of all videos and I wanted to walk home with that award,” he complained.

Complained? More like explained, wow he said he wanted to win the award.. big deal, didn't sound like any sort of sour grapes to me in that quote.

How are the demons treating you again Brian? Good company?

Brady won't score you a touchdown? Is that why he has the NFL record for most TDs in a season? :headscratch:

Nonsense my friend. Pure nonsense.

He couldn't even hit a wide open Moss during that Superbowl... He blew his chance.
U.P really. Come on now your about the only person in this world that I seen even approve of what he did. Your talking about he isn't popular here and blah blah its a wrestling forum. Then you bring up the hip-hop community. Trust me he isn't to popular there at the moment either. Believe it or not I've seen where a few rappers said he was an ass for what he did. I seen rap fans saying the same shit. Hell alot of rap fans atleast in this area like Taylor Swift. Her shit be playing on the rap station so the fans of Taylor who are within the hip-hop community are pissed. Kanye is so high and mighty of himself. Yeah you can have confidence and shit but to say OH I'M THE FUCKING GREATEST OF ALL TIME NO ONE IS BETTER THEN ME HAHAHA...is just to fucking cocky IMO. Like I said confidence = good...to wanna be the best = good. But to staight up say your the best = Doucebag.
I could care less. It didn't change my opinion of him, so yes, you can say I approve. I thought it was funny.
[QUOTE="THE" U.P.;1380549]OKay, let me go down this list and give my views, and no.. you did not "PWN" me FTS.[/quote]

I never said I did. It was everyone else who said I did. But, fine. And remember, beyond the telethon example, I just pulled a list of douchey things he did off the web.

First this.

Being partly black myself, I was actually proud of what he did during that Telethon, as well as many other fellow black people. Have you ever seen the documentary that Spike Lee directed? Many applauded what Kanye did, as no one was saying a damn thing about the horrible and disgusting treatment of the New Orleans citizens during that disaster. Was he being selfish in saying that? Were his words not true? No. I'd say maybe he was wrong in calling Bush a racist, but seriously when your fellow man is being neglected and unhelped how the fuck would you feel?

Anyone who applauded them is a delusional jackass. Example one-Spike Lee. The guy hasn't been relevant since Do The Right Thing, and is more famous for being a Knicks fan than a director. Secondly, that racist appoint two African Americans to the most important position in his administration. Of course, this is where you said that he did so to cover up his racism. Well, you're an idiot if you say that. His administration in Texas was full of Hispanics and African Americans. Kanye was talking out of his ass. If you felt abandoned as a black person when Katrina happened, blame Governor Kathleen Blanco (D) who did not mobilize the national guard, or foresee enough of a problem to ask for federal assistance ahead of time. Perhaps you can blame the mayor, a black man, who, for whatever reason, those idiots re-elected. He denied usage of public busses to get people out of town, instead herding as many people as he could into the Superdome. That is who you blame. Facts are a good thing, you should try to use them sometime.

This is the least point that I can take issue with, as it was pretty self-centered and dumb of him to do this. I'm not going to even try and defend him for this, just a dumb all around move by him here.

It's just one in a long line.

How is calling them "those artists in black and white photo's" shitting on those legendary artists? You don't think Kanye has respect and got inspiration and all that from the likes of Hendrix? I do, and i'm sure he's said as much at some point. Is it wrong for him to want to live up to and surpass greatness like them? Fuck no, if you don't strive to be the best then you really shouldn't even try at all. Reading that doesn't make me feel like he did anything douchy at all, just that people tend to frown upon self-confidence.

Comparing himself to those artists was a baseless act of self-promotion. If he wants to live up to that standard, he should say he wants to live up to that standard, not put himself on equal footing with the most talented lyricist and musician in the history of rock n' roll. He is dismissive of their contributions to music, and acts like he had made one. He hasn't. He is very good at being Jay-Z's bitch, but that's about it. Now keep in mind, this animosity toward Kanye isn't new. I've wished for his jaw to get wired shut again since they took it off the first time.

Wow, no way, he thinks that he's going to be the best ever and the voice of this generation?! Holy shit!

He doesn't think he's going to be, he thinks he is. I am a member of this generation, and that ignorant ****** does not speak for me. As a matter of fact, maybe he is the voice of the generation, as kids today seem just as self-centered and petulant as him.

One could argue that he is in fact on that way, because even though he's not popular on here.. it is a wrestling forum and this really isn't his type of audiance.

Because wrestling fans don't like music? Because there isn't an epic thread about rap in the music section? Way to pigeonhole and entire group of people, one of which is you.

He is known in the hip hop community as a great rapper and a great producer, and his music is widely liked by many people. Once again, it's him striving to be the best in the business and to be remembered. How the fuck is there anything wrong with that?

The music industry is full of sycophants who kiss each others ass hoping to get the rub off of each other. It's tough to get an artist to speak badly of another unless its some kind of promotional worked beef between the two. What happens is that one person says someone is awesome, usually AFTER they sell records, and then the next person, hoping to get something out of said star, hyperbolizes a little more, then the next, more, etc. No one means that shit. Anyone who listens to Kanye like simple rhymes, overproduced beats, and fake bullshit. There is nothing real there. The guy is a mess, his chick looks like a man, and yet he raps about being clean and pulling hoes.

Not really slamming him there, JT is a loser and a horrible artist anyway. I'd like to know the context of the question that was asked to him as well, to get the full spectrum of his answer.

Since you like to bring up race, JT is revolutionary. R&B hasn't had a white star in a while. He's like the Eminem of R&B. He started in a bubblegum pop band, but now his records have substance and are well thought out. He is ten times the artist Kanye ever will be.

Yea, he's probably wrong about that. But you can't blame him for having feelings like that, I mean really, race IS still an issue in this country and in this world. I think he said it out of frustration as well, he thinks he's the best, and hearing that Spears was asked to host and perform instead of him probably ate away at his ego.. and NO ego is not a bad thing to have.

He wasn't asked to host because he's worthless egomaniac who can't hold his tongue. MTV doesn't know if he is going to launch into some quasi-political tirade and fill our heads with more opinionated misinformation. If they want a loose cannon, they'll use Russel Brand, because sex jokes don't cause controversy.

For the record, Spears sucked that year.

But she's newsworthy just for being her. Kanye has to pull stunts to get his name in the paper. And, for the record, Kanye sucked every year.

I don't think you can take him literally when he says things like this, and again it's the same thing i've been saying, if you don't believe your the best then you might as well give the fuck up and go home.

You need to understand a bit of history. You need to know what came before you. Kanye's comparing himself to McCartney, Hendrix, and Morrison is a combination of idiocy, arrogance, and misplaced sense of himself. For one, he is nowhere near as groundbreaking or revolutionary as any one of those artists. His "revolutionary" style of music and amplifier manipulation has been used by Peter Frampton for roughly 40 years now.

More frustration, we all say things that are stupid out of frustration in our life.

He must spend an awful lot his time frustrated.

Oh, whooptie fuckin' doo. So what if he has ten pages of haters, i'm sure there are a ton of famous people that have similiar things. This being put into evidence as to why he's a douche is hillarious almost as much as it's pathetic.

I couldn't care less about this. I just posted the whole article.

It's his blog, he can say what he wants, if you don't like what he has to say then you shouldn't be reading it. If you want to nitpick shit, find things to prove your point by scowering through someones blog posts.. well, i'm sure you'll find a douchy post by anyone that has a blog.

That's great. That was just one example. Did you read the post? He is bitching because he is an hour and half late for his show because his pyro isn't ready. If you gave a shit about the fans, you would go perform you shit music for them, especially if they are throwing objects on stage. No, instead he sat in his trailer jerking off until they could get his light show ready. Fuck the light show, and perform for your fans. I would say that they weren't there for a light show, but I doubt they were there for the rap either.

Complained? More like explained, wow he said he wanted to win the award.. big deal, didn't sound like any sort of sour grapes to me in that quote.

But I thought an MTV award wasn't a big deal? When he fucks over Taylor Swift, it's stupid to whine, but when he feels fucked over, YOU try to rationalize his childish behavior.

If i didn't pwn you earlier, I sure as shit did now.
So even thought she was reportedly upset backstage and all that. I don't know if you know this about her but even thought she does country music she also likes some rap. I guess she likes his music cause after the show she did an interview and all that where she was like "It was exciting then I was excited cause I saw Kanye West on stage and then I wasn't excited anymore" So think of it this way. Your a fan of someone. Then out of no where they ruin your moment. Would you think it was funny and ok then.
[quote="THE" U.P.;1380549]Being partly black myself, I was actually proud of what he did during that Telethon, as well as many other fellow black people. Have you ever seen the documentary that Spike Lee directed? Many applauded what Kanye did, as no one was saying a damn thing about the horrible and disgusting treatment of the New Orleans citizens during that disaster. Was he being selfish in saying that? Were his words not true? No. I'd say maybe he was wrong in calling Bush a racist, but seriously when your fellow man is being neglected and unhelped how the fuck would you feel?[/quote]
Being partly black myself I was ashamed of what he said. Maybe you need to look deeper into the issues before you agree with him, Nagin messed up to.
Dropping in to say my daily line of...

Kayne West is the biggest fucking douchebag there is right now.

That is all, have a wonderful day.

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