[Official] Kanye West Spam Thread - Keep it ALL in HERE!

Explain to me how record sales have anything to do with your talent as a rapper. Do you consider Soulja Boy to be a better rapper then Chuck D?

Every rapper I named is far more talented as a rapper than Kanye is. Seriously, find me even one Kanye song that compares to someone like Nas. You can't. Because Kanye is overrated as sin.

Go down my list one by one. Every single one of those rappers is more talented than Kanye. Every one of them.

He is the best....at ripping off Peter Frampton.
Anyone who thinks it's cool for Kanye to make a nineteen year old girl cry is a piece of trash. Kanye is a bitch. Someone should have knocked him the fuck out.

Are you fuckin' kidding me?! Please, shut up with this bullshit about making her cry, what did he do that was so horrific and saddening that would cause her to have to run to the back like a little crybaby and sob?

He took her microphone, didn't trash her at all or insult her at all, he proceeded to say Beyonce's video was the best or one of the most creative or whatever. Thats all, now you tell me how that made her cry? Is she that much of a crybaby that she can't handle having some of her spotlight taken from her?

I mean seriously dude, you act like he fuckin' bullied her or insulted her or something. All he did was take her two fuckin' minutes of TV time on MTV, whooptie fuckin' doo.
Are you kidding me? If you should be chanting that any rapper sucks, it should be 50.

50 may suck now, but his Get Rich or Die Tryin' album blows everything Kayne has ever done out of the fucking water.

Like I've said a thousand times now, Kayne's a good producer and has a good ear for talent, but he sucks dick as a rapper and as a person he's even worse. And it's not just for this Taylor Swift incident. Let's not forget the George Bush deal, crying about not winning a VMA a couple of years ago, having his incidents with the paparazzi, etc. The guy's a fucking douchebag, and his idiotic fans need to just face that and quit being so fucking delusional.
[QUOTE="THE" U.P.;1380102]Are you fuckin' kidding me?! Please, shut up with this bullshit about making her cry, what did he do that was so horrific and saddening that would cause her to have to run to the back like a little crybaby and sob?[/quote]

All right, imagine it this way. You're about to accept the award for biggest douche in the universe. You've been working your whole life for it. It is a big achievement in your industry. And then, BOOM!, Michael Moore walks in and says Kanye deserves it. This award completely validates all the crap you have said, and you want to thank those who helped you become this big of an ignorant jackass. Only now, no one remembers all of your hard work, and you were just the guy that was there while Michael Moore finally had a very public heart attack. Totally, same thing.

He took her microphone, didn't trash her at all or insult her at all, he proceeded to say Beyonce's video was the best or one of the most creative or whatever. Thats all, now you tell me how that made her cry? Is she that much of a crybaby that she can't handle having some of her spotlight taken from her?

Congrats on your award. You don't deserve it. Yeah, that's pretty insulting.

I mean seriously dude, you act like he fuckin' bullied her or insulted her or something. All he did was take her two fuckin' minutes of TV time on MTV, whooptie fuckin' doo.

I imagine winning an award on MTV is a pretty big fucking thing for a musician. I don't know, call me crazy.....
Kanye is a douche...

His music is far better than 50's. I've heard all of 3 songs by 50 that appeal after listening to it two times. Of all the music Kanye has made, I probably don't like only 3 of the songs(808's not included, that album was a different story completely).
Just so everyone knows...South Park has now aired The Gay Fish or w/e eps three times in a row...on the 3rd time now...4th time will be next at 10:30 Est
All right, imagine it this way. You're about to accept the award for biggest douche in the universe. You've been working your whole life for it. It is a big achievement in your industry. And then, BOOM!, Michael Moore walks in and says Kanye deserves it. This award completely validates all the crap you have said, and you want to thank those who helped you become this big of an ignorant jackass. Only now, no one remembers all of your hard work, and you were just the guy that was there while Michael Moore finally had a very public heart attack. Totally, same thing.

Congrats on your award. You don't deserve it. Yeah, that's pretty insulting.

I imagine winning an award on MTV is a pretty big fucking thing for a musician. I don't know, call me crazy.....

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
All right, imagine it this way. You're about to accept the award for biggest douche in the universe. You've been working your whole life for it. It is a big achievement in your industry. And then, BOOM!, Michael Moore walks in and says Kanye deserves it. This award completely validates all the crap you have said, and you want to thank those who helped you become this big of an ignorant jackass. Only now, no one remembers all of your hard work, and you were just the guy that was there while Michael Moore finally had a very public heart attack. Totally, same thing.

That was so humourus, great job dude! :rolleyes:

It's an award, it's a fuckin' moon man, do they even get to keep those things? I'm pretty sure they have to give them back, atleast they used to. I wouldn't give two shits if someone interupted me, I still won the damn award, so what if I didn't get to say thank you and talk out of my ass for two whole entire minutes.

Congrats on your award. You don't deserve it. Yeah, that's pretty insulting.

I'll give you this point, what I meant was he didn't say anything rude to her. But his actions, I suppose were pretty insulting.

I imagine winning an award on MTV is a pretty big fucking thing for a musician. I don't know, call me crazy.....

This is the stupidest thing i've read in a while, MTV is utter shit, I wouldn't accept an award from them at all. If I was an established musician I wouldn't even bother showing up to anything involving them, they don't even play music anymore... well, scratch that, they do at like 5 in the morning after all the reality dating shows and teen pregnancy programming they air.

XFearBefore said:
The UP is such a fucking moron it honestly defies logic.

Yes, i'm a moron because I have a differing opinion and point of view then you. I could care less what you think, X, we disagree on almost everything and i'm happy to be on my side of the fence on the issues. If you want to actually argue with me about it, instead of hiding behind your school-grade insults, i'm all for it.

Master Shake said:
Just so everyone knows...South Park has now aired The Gay Fish or w/e eps three times in a row...on the 3rd time now...4th time will be next at 10:30 Est

This I find funny, not in a sarcastic way, I genuinly find it funny that they are airing this over and over. I wonder if the South Park guys requested that Comedy Central do this? Obviously they are trying to make a point, and I do realize that I am in the very clear and minor minority in defending Kanye West.

But, in reality, i'm not really defending him so much as I am trying to get the point across that what he did wasn't so bad that it called for entire news programs to pick up on the story and run with it and bash the guy.

Heres something for ya, how about when the character "Borat" came down from the roof and shoved his nuts and ass in Eminem's face? That was pretty crude and disgusting, and if it wasn't just a sham and Eminem didn't know it was going to happen, i'd say he has more of a case to want an apology and be outraged then Princess Taylor Swift.
"Argue" you UP? Why do that when FTS has already proven you to be a fucking moron?

It's irrelevant whether or not the award is meaningful or not. It was meaningful TO HER. You think it's cool to make nineteen year old girls cry? You down with slapping them around a bit too? Are you that much of a piece of shit, or do you just simply love to argue? Either way, I don't really care, because your opinion is worthless.
"Argue" you UP? Why do that when FTS has already proven you to be a fucking moron?

It's irrelevant whether or not the award is meaningful or not. It was meaningful TO HER. You think it's cool to make nineteen year old girls cry? You down with slapping them around a bit too? Are you that much of a piece of shit, or do you just simply love to argue? Either way, I don't really care, because your opinion is worthless.

Did it really mean that much to her? Is this something you know for fact, you got her number on quick dial? Don't pretend to know what this award means to her, MTV awards are nothing. Absolute nothing, and i'm sure if she wasn't concerned about her image with the network, she'd tell you the same thing.

And did he really make her cry? If so, I could give a shit, if she can't handle something that small happening then she's not worth caring about. Seriously, grow up, she's 19 for christ sakes, wow a guy grabbed your microphone and took some TV time from you.. Boo FUCIKIN hoo.

And don't you fuckin' even compare me saying that I don't care that this baby cried because someone interrupted her time on MTV to me being okay with slapping women around or verbally assualting them to make them weep. Two different things buddy, nice try, you seem to be the douchebag.

And, yes, i'm not surprised that you won't debate this with me. My points are logical, and i'm sure that i'm not the only one that feels this way, to say my opinion means nothing just shows how set in stone you are. Try opening your ears and your fuckin' mind, buddy ol' pal, instead of thinking that your oh-so-godly and couldn't possibly ever be wrong.
I love it. You actually think it's okay to insult people on national television. How do you manage to even get out of bed with that astounding lack of intelligence or morality?
I love it. You actually think it's okay to insult people on national television. How do you manage to even get out of bed with that astounding lack of intelligence or morality?

I didn't say it was Okay, try fuckin' reading buddy.

The attention it has received is fuckin' ridiculous, thats my point. I mean seriously, it's all over the television, give me a god damn break already. He didn't call her names, he didn't touch her, he didn't say she had bad music.

What did he do that has people in an uproar?! OMGZFSGZ He stole her microphone and said that Beyonce had an amazing video, then gave the microphone back and apologized to her for taking it! WOWZERS!

I say we boycott his music now, I mean seriously, what he did is tantamount to a woman beater!
And did I ever once say that it deserves as much media attention as it's getting? I sure as fuck didn't. So you can take your reading suggestion, and apply it to yourself as well.

Kanye is a douche. This is only one in a long, long line of douche moves. We're discussing how much of a piece of shit he is. If you don't like it, then leave the thread. No one is forcing you to click on this thread.
I think that we he did was just completely disrespectful, even if the awards mean nothing. How would he like it if he won something and when he is giving his speech someone just comes up and takes the mic from him and says something else and doesn't even let him finish his speech? Yeah...it's not that important but it's still disrespectful to do and he honestly didn't need to do that at all.

As far as him being a douche, I don't really know because either I don't care enough about Kanye to see what he has done or I just don't watch enough TV to keep up. Can someone tell me some of the things he has done in the past? Also, I heard he was a racist, can someone tell me what that's up with that?
Now that we've established mutual mancrushes, who is peeing in whose butt?

We take turns. Have you not seen the schedule? Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and every other Sunday. I get Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and every Sunday you don't get.

Why would you pee in Razor's butt? Wouldn't it be more efficient to ejaculate instead?

You never heard the story of the "I'd pee in her butt?" Please tell me you were around for the Bonerjam.

The pee washes the semen out.

That is most certainly one way to go about it.

Sorry, it works differently for me. To anyone really...

I can't believe you don't know of "I'd pee in her butt."
There is the George Bush hates black people comment on a fucking telethon,


Kanye West is a douche for many, many reasons, but it is easy to falter and find yourself thinking &#8220;Man, that Kanye&#8217;s a pretty wicked dude&#8221;. It happens to the best of us, we falter at times, but it shouldn&#8217;t have to happen. I have narrowed the proofs of his douchiness down to a ten-point emergency checklist that folds easily into your pocket or wallet for those times when his blinding douchebaggery eludes you.

1. He douched out at the Grammy&#8217;s when he took the stage to accept his award, refused to leave the stage when his time was up, and then actually told them to stop playing the get-off-the-stage music so that he could keep talking. Me Kanye. I bes vewy, vewy important.

2. His new album, due out on November 24th, is a departure from his usual style, as he sings more than he raps. That is all good and well, because he is a talented musician, but then he had to go and douche it up by saying that this change in style is an attempt to challenge the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Paul McCartney, who he describes as &#8220;those artists in black and white photos&#8221;, because taking a crap on music legends serves to make Kanye&#8217;s genius obvious to all and sundry.

3. In a recent interview, Kanye said, and I am not kidding: &#8220;I realize that my place and position in history is that I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice. It&#8217;s me settling into that position of just really accepting that it&#8217;s one thing to say you want to do it and it&#8217;s another thing to really end up being like Michael Jordan.&#8221;

4. In that same interview, he showcased his inveterate respect for other performers by slamming Justin Timberlake: &#8220;There were people who had the potential to do it but they went on vacation, so when Justin went on vacation I made albums, and it just came out to be that.&#8221;

5. Kanye pulled the race card when it was announced that Britney Spears would be hosting the 2007 Video Music Awards. &#8220;I can&#8217;t believe she would perform. She hasn&#8217;t had a hit record in years. Maybe my money&#8217;s not right. Maybe my skin&#8217;s not right.&#8221; Riiiiight, that&#8217;s it.

6. In an interview with Tim Westwood, Kanye said &#8220;I&#8217;m doing pretty good as far as geniuses go&#8230; I&#8217;m like a machine. I&#8217;m a robot. You cannot offend a robot&#8230; I&#8217;m going down as a legend, whether or not you like me or not. I am the new Jim Morrison. I am the new Kurt Cobain&#8230; They feel like, yo, you know &#8216;he&#8217;s got a God complex, because he said if they wrote the Bible again that he would be in it&#8217;. Duh, yeah, I would be in it. I feel like I&#8217;m one of the more important people in pop culture right now&#8230; The Bible had 20, 30, 40, 50 characters in it. You don&#8217;t think that I would be one of the characters of today&#8217;s modern Bible? And people have their own forms of bibles now. It&#8217;s a new day and age&#8230;&#8221;

Watch the interview here.

Somehow, I just don&#8217;t think Kanye&#8217;s going to be my new personal Jesus.

7. In a display of extremely douchey poor sportsmanship, he now claims that the MTV awards shows are fixed, because how could the &#8220;voice of this generation&#8221; lose otherwise?

8. There are ten Facebook groups that come up when you use the search terms &#8220;Kanye West douche&#8221;.

9. Kanye West blogs up a storm. Mostly he&#8217;s fairly boring, but he drops these gems once in a while that turn being a douche into a spectator sport.

10. When his video for &#8220;Touch the Sky&#8221; did not win at the MTV Europe Music Awards, Kanye publicly expressed his incredulity. &#8220;It took a month to film; I stood on a mountain; I flew a helicopter over Vegas. I did it to be the king of all videos and I wanted to walk home with that award,&#8221; he complained. Kanye? Whining about how you are not the most popular will not work to make you more popular, but it will get you a &#8220;Top Ten Reasons Why Kanye West Is a Douche&#8221; checklist. Congratulations.

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