Who the fuck unbanned this ****????

Do you know what? All you lot did was moan about Leore and everything he did, well why the hell are you making threads about him? AGAIN? First it was all this shit when he 'finally' got banned, then who will be the next coco, then about Dewey Cox, and now OMG he's back.

You are the ones that have kept him alive on this forum. You're the ones who have made sure no one will forget about him. Leore was banned for apprently 'ruining the overall enjoyment of the forum', when really, yeah it was everyone else. He was a young kid who didn't exactly have self-confidence. when a whole forum is bitching at you, 'hating' you apparently, what the hell do you think will happen?

Just fucking leave him alone, and if you dislike him I'm pretty sure there's a block button you can use.

Shawn Michaels is so smexy and is the greatest wrestler of all time.
Do you know what? All you lot did was moan about Leore and everything he did, well why the hell are you making threads about him? AGAIN? First it was all this shit when he 'finally' got banned, then who will be the next coco, then about Dewey Cox, and now OMG he's back.

You are the ones that have kept him alive on this forum. You're the ones who have made sure no one will forget about him. Leore was banned for apprently 'ruining the overall enjoyment of the forum', when really, yeah it was everyone else. He was a young kid who didn't exactly have self-confidence. when a whole forum is bitching at you, 'hating' you apparently, what the hell do you think will happen?

Just fucking leave him alone, and if you dislike him I'm pretty sure there's a block button you can use.

Oh God, you haven't fallen in love with Coco now have you?
Do you know what? All you lot did was moan about Leore and everything he did, well why the hell are you making threads about him? AGAIN? First it was all this shit when he 'finally' got banned, then who will be the next coco, then about Dewey Cox, and now OMG he's back.

You are the ones that have kept him alive on this forum. You're the ones who have made sure no one will forget about him. Leore was banned for apprently 'ruining the overall enjoyment of the forum', when really, yeah it was everyone else. He was a young kid who didn't exactly have self-confidence. when a whole forum is bitching at you, 'hating' you apparently, what the hell do you think will happen?

Just fucking leave him alone, and if you dislike him I'm pretty sure there's a block button you can use.
I think someone's got a crush on Coco. :)

But, you do make a good point. For everyone that supposedly hates this kid, there are no less than FOUR separate threads on the first page of the Bar Room right now dealing with this one poster. And I thought I was talked about a lot.

This coco guy sounds pretty bad from what I've gathered these past few weeks (haven't been in the bar room long)

Let's just hope he sticks to what he's been saying in those online convos and doesn't want anything to do with this place anymore.

Haha, that is the funniest thing I have read today, of course he will be back, it is only a matter of time.

He will be rebuilt, faster, stronger, and tougher than before!
Yeah that's fucking what to say. I love him don't I? Just because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon of hating him. Half of the people don't even know what he was like but have seen everyone else hate him and think I will too.
Yeah that's fucking what to say. I love him don't I? Just because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon of hating him. Half of the people don't even know what he was like but have seen everyone else hate him and think I will too.

I don't hate him...All I do is lurk and wonder what he had to do to receive such attention. Dude seems mighty popular:p
Yeah that's fucking what to say. I love him don't I? Just because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon of hating him. Half of the people don't even know what he was like but have seen everyone else hate him and think I will too.
I don't hate him. If he came back I actually think we would get along. I defended him when I first got here and I'll do it again if he comes back. I know what it feels like to be picked on and made to feel like shit and it's not fun.
I don't hate him...All I do is lurk and wonder what he had to do to receive such attention. Dude seems mighty popular:p

See! He'd have been forgotten by new posters such as this if you lot had all let it drop. But no, you're all completely obsessed.
I don't hate him. If he came back I actually think we would get along. I defended him when I first got here and I'll do it again if he comes back. I know what it feels like to be picked on and made to feel like shit and it's not fun.

Well maybe everyone else needs to realise that as well.
Let me just say this: I was indifferent towards the kid until one day he just started fucking flaming me in some Prison thread, and I don't back down fro that kind of shit. The kid brings it upon himself and there isn't a single person who can say otherwise with absolute honesty. Coco's that kid we all knew in high school who craves attention, and went out of his way to get it, even if it is negative attention. And we all gave it to him because it was easy and it gave us a way to vent. Coco is an outlet for frustration, beyond that, he isn't even a blip on the radar.
Yeah that's fucking what to say. I love him don't I? Just because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon of hating him.

It's not because you don't hate him, it's because you love every guy that says something nice to you... it's fucking pathetic.

Each and every person bitching about Coco in this Thread has a damn good reason to, I stuck up for that kid so often and what did he do? He turned into a egomaniac that thought he was untouchable, he bugged me constantly on MSN about people being "mean" to him and shit like that.

Take your own advise... dont like people bitching about Coco? Don't fucking read it.
I totally agree with Becca, some certain people obsessed over this kid and couldn't go a day without mentioning his name in the Bar Room, it is almost like they wanted him to be unbanned so they would have their ultimate victim back. He craves attention and he definitely gets it on WZ, good or bad, he is practically the most talked about member on these forums, even when he is banned.

Personally, I think he should have remained banned because he is only an annoyance and disturbance to the forums(plus he did have alternate accounts), but if he returns, so be it, I don't give a damn.
It's not because you don't hate him, it's because you love every guy that says something nice to you... it's fucking pathetic.

Flame baiting much? You're wrong. Completely. And you don't know me so don't try and judge me. Sorry if I have enough in my life to not hate some kid over the net. And to actually stand up for someone.

Each and every person bitching about Coco in this Thread has a damn good reason to, I stuck up for that kid so often and what did he do? He turned into a egomaniac that thought he was untouchable, he bugged me constantly on MSN about people being "mean" to him and shit like that.

Well people were awful to him. Just like he was to them. He was banned, fine. You didn't see me deciding to leave over it did you? I forgot about it. Well tried to, because everyone else moaned completely at him even after he was gone. Everyone else decided to continue complaining or bitching about him. Why couldn't it justbe left to drop?
Now, if this thread hadn't been made most people wouldn't know Leore had been unbanned and he wouldn't sign in, and it'd be no different.

Take your own advise... dont like people bitching about Coco? Don't fucking read it.

The thing is, I actually want to stand up for someone instead of just ignoring it. Because no one else gets threads made about them completely faming them and the admin/mods just leave it.
I was always on Cocos side untill recently when he started lying to me, and last night he banned me. First off, I'd like to appoligize to "Dewey Cox", for making the assumpion that you were the same guy, and congrats on the atention rub lol. And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm sorry to Coco. I mean, I'm still pissed at ya for lying, but it seems your banning was unjustified, I guess, so... Yeah...
The thing is, I actually want to stand up for someone instead of just ignoring it.
Why though? Do you think it makes you a noble person or something?

Coco is just like each and every one of us. Just some random nobody that means absolutely dick in the grand scheme of life, especially when it comes to Internet forums.

Really, he's not a big deal. No need to get upset about him being here or not, or what people say about him or not.
There's just one problem with your "He's gone, just let it go," theory, Becca; Coco caused so much fucking drama and bullshit around here that it's futile to act like he was never around. The scars lie deep with many posters here. Personally, I don't care that much, but I can't deny that I disliked him, nor can I forget that I disliked him.
There's just one problem with your "He's gone, just let it go," theory, Becca; Coco caused so much fucking drama and bullshit around here that it's futile to act like he was never around. The scars lie deep with many posters here. Personally, I don't care that much, but I can't deny that I disliked him, nor can I forget that I disliked him.

The scars? Big deal. He's just another poster.

If I were to get banned, I'd hope nobody would shed a tear or think a second thing about it. I know I wouldn't if any one else got banned. It's not a big deal, really.
Why though? Do you think it makes you a noble person or something?

Coco is just like each and every one of us. Just some random nobody that means absolutely dick in the grand scheme of life, especially when it comes to Internet forums.

Really, he's not a big deal. No need to get upset about him being here or not, or what people say about him or not.

Exactly! That's my point. He isn't a big deal. Yet everyone is making him out to be one. He's just a poster like me or you. And if it's something I disagree with I'll speak my mind on it.
Exactly! That's my point. He isn't a big deal. Yet everyone is making him out to be one. He's just a poster like me or you. And if it's something I disagree with I'll speak my mind on it.
If it's not a big deal, why are you in a pissing match with half the Bar Room?

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