I've watched TNA since Aug. '02. I've seen a lot of good and a shitload of bad, but every thursday like a lot of you I keep watching. Mainly because I'm a wrestling fan and if wrestling is on I'm gonna watch it. Hell i even watch NWA Hollywood from time to time.
You can come on this or any other wrestling message board any day of the week and find people expressing their feelings about "Why TNA sucks" or "What would make TNA better/succeed" and no matter how much they complain they KEEP WATCHING! You can't REALLY know how bad TNA is unless you watch it for yourself. TNA is one of the if not the highest rated show on Spike Tv. Every week they are able to pull a 1.1+ which isn't great in the wrestling game when compared to WWE but its great for cable.
I've defened TNA from the beginning but starting around Feb 2010 it became harder and harder. But no matter how bad it got I KEPT WATCHING, hoping for the best and finding a decent match/feud here and there. Like many of you I've come on this forum and bitched & complained about bad booking, certain wrestlers not getting pushed, and poor hiring decisions but WE KEEP WATCHING.
The ONLY thing that will ever affect any televised wrestling company's booking is ratings/ppv buyrates. We only got our beloved Attitude Era because WCW was killing WWF every week in the ratings. 84 weeks straight I believe. Otherwise it would have been buisness as usual. We have the "PG" Era because there is no reason to be outragious due to the fact there is no REAL threat to the WWE. WWE still gets high 2s & mid 3s plus plenty of advertising dollars. Want to affect the product? Then you have to affect their pockets. Same with TNA, realistically their only downside, business wise is that they are not as big as WWE. You really want them to change than STOP WATCHING! There ratings will dip and the advertising will go away and so will their TV deal. Before that happens it will have to open TNA's/Dixie's/Panda Energy's eyes and make the changes that need to be made.
Ok now that i have all that off my chest and if you are still reading this and still watch TNA, then I have one simple question... "What will be the final straw that will make you stop watching TNA"
Me personally I'm gonna make my final decision after BFG '11. I'm hoping for a Kurt Angle vs. AJ or Robert Roode Main Event. I need to know where this BFG Series is going, but if I get let down with the aftermath of BFG '11 like i did in '10 (The Hardy turn would have been perfect if: 1. Raven had remained behind the scenes and worked with Hardy on his promos, 2. Hardy *NOT STING* act like the Heath Ledger Joker, and 3. If that druggie could have stayed clean) then I can't do it anymore. I'll just have to fill that 2 hours with something else.