What Will Make You FINALLY Stop Watching TNA?

I just liked watching those two midgets. The young bucks were original in the fact that even though by looking at them you would think that it would be typical midget wrestling they actually managed to pull some moves off.

Is this pandering neanderthal watching the same TNA we all are? was it not WWE that had the midget/juniors division over on smackdown years ago, they aint feckin midgets they just aint the muscular body builders that "YOU" yes you see in the WWE.

Go crawl back under that massive W shaped rock that you flailed from under.

I want to choke on something that makes my head feel funny...
I really don't see whats everybodies problem with TNA right now. Sure people can argue they don't like it because they have a right to their own opinion. But to me personally TNA has always been good enough for me to want to tune in next week to see what happens.These past few months have been great and they've been featuring alot more matches, good ones at that. Matches such as all the X-division qualifiers, Kurt Angle vs RVD, Samoa Joe vs RVD, AJ Styles vs Gunner, and many more. They also had a great ppv Which was Destination X. They've even released a few wrestles to sign "new" X Division talent. The day I stop watching TNA Impact Wrestling is the day they don't air on tv anymore. Hopefully that won't be anytime soon.
I've watched TNA since Aug. '02. I've seen a lot of good and a shitload of bad, but every thursday like a lot of you I keep watching. Mainly because I'm a wrestling fan and if wrestling is on I'm gonna watch it. Hell i even watch NWA Hollywood from time to time.

You can come on this or any other wrestling message board any day of the week and find people expressing their feelings about "Why TNA sucks" or "What would make TNA better/succeed" and no matter how much they complain they KEEP WATCHING! You can't REALLY know how bad TNA is unless you watch it for yourself. TNA is one of the if not the highest rated show on Spike Tv. Every week they are able to pull a 1.1+ which isn't great in the wrestling game when compared to WWE but its great for cable.

I've defened TNA from the beginning but starting around Feb 2010 it became harder and harder. But no matter how bad it got I KEPT WATCHING, hoping for the best and finding a decent match/feud here and there. Like many of you I've come on this forum and bitched & complained about bad booking, certain wrestlers not getting pushed, and poor hiring decisions but WE KEEP WATCHING.

The ONLY thing that will ever affect any televised wrestling company's booking is ratings/ppv buyrates. We only got our beloved Attitude Era because WCW was killing WWF every week in the ratings. 84 weeks straight I believe. Otherwise it would have been buisness as usual. We have the "PG" Era because there is no reason to be outragious due to the fact there is no REAL threat to the WWE. WWE still gets high 2s & mid 3s plus plenty of advertising dollars. Want to affect the product? Then you have to affect their pockets. Same with TNA, realistically their only downside, business wise is that they are not as big as WWE. You really want them to change than STOP WATCHING! There ratings will dip and the advertising will go away and so will their TV deal. Before that happens it will have to open TNA's/Dixie's/Panda Energy's eyes and make the changes that need to be made.

Ok now that i have all that off my chest and if you are still reading this and still watch TNA, then I have one simple question... "What will be the final straw that will make you stop watching TNA"

Me personally I'm gonna make my final decision after BFG '11. I'm hoping for a Kurt Angle vs. AJ or Robert Roode Main Event. I need to know where this BFG Series is going, but if I get let down with the aftermath of BFG '11 like i did in '10 (The Hardy turn would have been perfect if: 1. Raven had remained behind the scenes and worked with Hardy on his promos, 2. Hardy *NOT STING* act like the Heath Ledger Joker, and 3. If that druggie could have stayed clean) then I can't do it anymore. I'll just have to fill that 2 hours with something else.


My thoughts? My thoughts are the PG era has nothing to do with any other wrestling companies or lack there of. It is simply because they are targeting a new fan base for the future. Then they will target these kids that they are targeting now, later, with a more edgy product. Its the god damn cycle of wrestling you knitwit.

As for Impact Wrestling. I love the show as I love WWE's show because I love wrestling. I don't listen to the WWE sperm drinkers that this forum carryz because thats all they know, is WWE. WWE is their owner and they are the pet, they eat and drink whatever the owner gives and its the best to them.

Bottomline, TNA has a decent product but the WWE homers feel like they are cheating on WWE if they watch it. Morons.
Nothing will make me stop watching TNA. I don't know what the problem is with the people who dislike TNA. Is it always good? No, but neither is WWE. Aside from the double WWE championship situation, there was nothing good going on in WWE. TNA are pushing young guys ( see Gunner and Crimson). Yes Sting is champion at 52 years old, but at least in TNA championships change to the point i think that Angle is going to win at the next PPV unlike in WWE that they always keep the belt on Cena. I know Cena is the Cashcow for WWE, but for satan's sake he is going to beat Flair's record if he keeps up.
Ignoring the usual "I'll never stop watching TNA because I like to be counter-conformist and WWE sucks and you all suck!" TNA super-mark ass-clown troll comments, this is a good topic, as there are plenty of people watching TNA who clearly don't enjoy it, and it will be interesting to see what their cutoff points are.

While I used to love TNA (pre-Russo), my viewership of Impact Wrestling is pretty much identical to how I viewed Monday Nitro in the late 90's; there are wrestlers who I enjoy in the mid/under card and occasionally a feud or angle that I enjoy, but for the most part I dislike the creative direction/storylines and have zero faith in the people running the company. Therefore, I have little interest in or loyalty to the company itself. Maybe that's because it's got mostly the same people in charge both behind the scenes and on camera (who I've always hated), a dominant Hogan-led heel faction that I don't particularly like, an awful green (red?) 'monster' plowing through talent far more deserving and over than himself, a main event scene clogged with past-their-prime wrestlers (some of the same ones, coincidentally), and Sting ripping off yet another dead actor?

In any case, the point is that I watch Impact Wrestling more for the remnants of the TNA that I did like than for what's being fed to us today. Not that the current product is all bad; occasionally we are treated to a character like Bully Ray, or a PPV like Destination X, or get to see the arrival and pushing of a talent like Austin Aries who would likely not be used in the WWE. Still, my frustration with the shows general direction and lack of consistency often makes it more irritating than enjoyable to watch. For that reason, I've stopped watching TNA for weeks or months at a time in the past, and may do so again if the programming keeps going in it's current direction.

But as for permanently giving up on TNA? I can see a few scenarios causing that. First of all, if the bulk of the talent in TNA that I do enjoy left the company (Fourtune, MCMG, Samoa Joe, etc; basically the remnants of the old TNA), I would stop watching. The number two scenario would be if some other programming that both myself and my girlfriend enjoyed more than TNA came on in the same time-slot. This would ensure that she wouldn't be turning it on even when I've sworn off of it (as has happened in the past), and that I myself wouldn't turn it on out of boredom or routine (as has happened in the past). TNA isn't in competition with the WWE, rather it's in competition with everything else on TV.
if they didnt have someone from here i'd stop watchin, though I seriously doubt it. I look over at wwe and the only thing that had me tune in these last few weeks is the punk storyline....and...well...it basically is leading to a rematch that means much less. It's kinda sad that it's a title match and im like....eh. Last year what pulled me into tna was the ranking thing though flawed it was. This year they've had some pretty good storylines maybe okay...but this BFG series started so...im watchin. just to be clear..no, i didnt just start watching last year. i began watching tna in 05
I gotta admit it sounds like the people ripping on TNA are just blind WWE fanboys and their reasons for not watching it seem pretty ignorant especially compared to the reasons given by the TNA viewers. Not all but a lot anyway.

I use to be a hardcore fan from when i was a kid to about a maybe 5 or 6 years ago when I felt I had outgrown wrestling for a while as it became stale and predictable and boring. I use to absolutely love TNA and tried to watch it everyweek and loved when it came on Foxtel in Australia. It still wasn't enough to captivate me and I stopped watching wrestling mainly due to the WWE becoming crap and eventually aimed towards kids and crap. Anyway it was the CM Punk storyline that got me back watching weekly lately but when I checked out TNA I saw Mr. Anderson champion and was very intrigued as I always felt he had massive potential in his early Mr. Kennedy days and felt he was destined for stardom. I liked that TNA were willing to try what WWE screwed up and liked that direction.

It does in all honestly feel like they don't exactly know where they're going creatively which can harm the product but from what I've seen it's mostly exciting as it is unpredictable and you never know what they're going to do. I love the X division more than anything and still remember watching the old JOE vs Daniels Vs Styles matches and really hope they keep pushing it and make it a big focus.

I don't get the hate yeah it's not perfect but they are doing pretty well in a business sense and by using the starpower they have now it will help bring in casual fans even if it's a small amount. Yeah some of them might be over the hill or hogging younger talents spotlight but it is working in a sense for the moment ands hopefully they start to phase them out in the next 5 years. I love Heyman's idea of saying the only way he would come to TNA is if they got rid of all the old guys and only have one legend so they stand out, and then push the hell out of all the young dudes and have mainly 21 yr olds on the roster. I think this plan is good for the future but it wasn't possible at the time or now because Dixie would never do that to people who helped create TNA and make it what it is. I would love though after a few of the old guys retire and Hogan and co are gone for them to ask for Heyman back because he could make it the most exciting version of TNA that they could have. When TNA first came on the scene it was exciting because it was totally different to WWE and the 6 sided ring and X division was a great alternative for vwrestling fans. I think Heyman would make them how they have always supposed to be and make it edgy with good contemporary music and which would bring in casual fans.

But to get back on topic I won't stop watching for a long time as I like how they are going and I enjoy each episode of Impact and it's still a big alternative to WWE especially with the in ring style as it fits my tastes much more than the average slowed down WWE match. I also love how they give wrestlers some creativity freedom with their characters as I think that is a huge part of what could make superstars successful. If you really enjoy and believe the character your working with it will end much better than someone who hates their character or doesn't know exactly what to do because they aren't on the same page with the creative writers. So I'm not going to stop watching untill it either becomes boring and predictable or just folds other than that I have high hopes for TNA in the future and think they have a lot of untapped potential.
TNA is not great by any long stretch of the imagination, but since Eric Bischoff took over as Executive Producer the product has gotten better and is consistently good. The only way I stop watching is if they turn into WWE cerca 2007-2011.
yeah...i DVR it every week. I finally watched thursdays episode last night after having read the spoilers already. The spoilers where better.
I'm probably going to get it off of my DVR pretty soon too. Its just not worth it anymore. I'm like you, where I spent a lot of time defending it. I wanted them to blow up and get big because thats good for the entire business of wrestling. It gives WWE a reason to get off their butts and produce good shows again but....I've honestly just lost hope in TNA. Really....Hopefully ROH when they debut in September, will have a nice PLAN to BUILD their brand and not shock us into watching. That way the grind is steady and the incline over time builds to a place where they can be legit competition.
ROH is where my hopes are now. TNA has lost a viewer.
ROH lost me when they lost there tv deal lol. We dont get their new sinclair whatever the hell network here sadly. They were my reason for upgrading to HD
I watch Tna but I don't really like it. Like many of you guys said the reason you watch is because your wrestling fans. When I watch Impact for some reason I never end up satisfied. Maybe it's just me or maybe it's the atmosphere in the impact zone.
As long as they keep me entertained I'll keep watching. Yes they have their problems but to me they are more entertaining than watching WWE which I still watch, but I only find the opening segments and the end are the most entertaining parts everythig else is pure shit and predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

TNA has a good core of wrestlers mixed with seasoned veterans that I enjoy watching and the show is not as predictable. The Knockouts are 10x better in ring performers than most of the divas, especially their barbi doll champion. Yeah TNA may have a 52yr old champ but he is more entertaining to watch than 95% of WWEs roster in my opinion.

Anyways like I said TNA does have their problems but I see them slowly getting worked out and as long as they continue to entertain me I'll keep watching.
The day they introduces another stable that is going to "take over the company and change the face of TNA" after this terrible Immortal angle finally ends. From MeM, Frontlines, EV2, Fourtune all the way to Immortal. How many stables do they need? It's pretty obvious they are trying very hard to create another nWo but so far the only thing the stables have served was to take up time that can be used for other talents and bore me to death in every segment.

One example, Anderson for a few months was entertaining and a nice fresh change of air. Then they proceed to make him sound like a whiny girl instead of a badass who was proud to be an asshole, then later on proceed to totally ruin his anti authority character and made him join Immortal. This is another of TNA's major turnoff, lack of consistency. Their constant turn of wrestlers between heel and face makes people have less connection with the characters and lose interest as a result.

Destination X was a very good step in the right direction giving younger stars to shine but they went back their usual stable dominated way right after the PPV. The product is almost unwatchable now and the only reason I am watching it is because of some of the originals like AJ Styles and a long awaited push for Velvet Sky to the Knockouts Championship.
I came very close to giving up on TNA back in December. I just couldn't take their booking anymore, it never makes sense. I quit watching for a couple of months, but was able to give them yet another chance and came back during the spring. I have been watching them for years though and even though they have come close a couple of times to completely losing me as a fan, I hang on hoping that they improve enough to one day be relevant in the wrestling world. They may pale in comparison to WWE, but they are the #2 federation and we should continue to support them so they can improve. Despite how much of a migraine it gives me to try to figure their booking and pushes out, I'm able to ignore it. The one and only thing that could get me to boycott TNA forever is if the Miz joined them and won their world title because then one of the world's worst excuses for a wrestler would be all over Impact each week, when the booking is bad enough by itself. I hate him enough on WWE, but I have watched it my entire life and unlike TNA they have enough good things about them for me to be able to ignore him. However if he got wrongfully pushed to the top of TNA, then THAT would send me over the edge when it comes to TNA, leaving them behind for good.
Honest truth, I am a TNA fan for sure. Have been from the beginning. I can say that the thing that will make me stop watching TNA is if they put the belt on Hogan. That will do it for me. It's a nightmare situation for me and honestly, I am damn tired of seeing him at all. It makes me mad already knowing that we will probably have to suffer through a Hogan VS Sting match at Bound for Glory as it is. Nice to see that the "Hulkster" is still believing his own hype.
Thing is, we talk about an ex-WWE/WCW guy needing to be champ to lead the company and draw, but look at the ratings. Are they that higher now they have Anderson/Hogan etc than they were a couple of years back?

I would more than likely keep catching the show when I can. I am not a dedicated viewer every week, but no matter how crap some of sections of iMPACT are, I still always find bits that entertain me.

However, if TNA got rid of all mt favourite wrestlers- Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Tara, Bobby Roode and The MCMG I would have alot less interest in the product than I do now.

Oh, and if Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan ever won the World Title that would be the end of my relationship with TNA until they dropped the belt. Those guys shouldn't even be in a wrestling ring having a match, let alone winning the promotions major title.
WWe has (for the most part) been extremely complacent since shortly after legitimate competition was extinguished. Anyone who comes on these forums blindly refusing to, at the very least, give TNA a chance is, by default, endorsing a lack lustre product.

Competition needs to exist to promote better programming, this is why the Monday Night Wars drew unbelievable ratings. The IW product is improving since the rebrand, is it a coincidence that we appear to be seeing better RAW and SmackDown products?

If I'm honest, I will give TNA a very long leash. Without the core fanbase to keep some degree of ratings, they would go out of business and even the most die hard of antiTNAites out there must realise that a WWe monopoly is detrimental for everyone?
I will not stop watching, no matter how rediculousit may get. Is Hogan hurting more that he helps? Yes. Do I ever want to see Bischoff on my TV again? No. Am I waiting for Scott Steiner to finish melting? You betcha. But I'm going to keep watching. I love the business/art form/perrenial punch line that is Pro Wrestling. As long as they've got good young talent to steal the show from these dinosaurs, I'll be watching.
I started watching TNA as soon as they started their deal with Spike. The only way I would stop watching TNA Impact Wrestling is if the show was off the air. I watched ECW and NXT all the way till it got cancelled / moved to the internet, so that should say something. Regardless of how bad one might think it is, I still would watch just to watch. Think of watching your favorite professional sports teams play. Win, lose or draw, you’re still going to watch. You never know when the next big thing will happen. I’d rather say the words, “That show sucked!!” than “Damn it, I missed it!!”
If they get rid of a few of their incredibly talented roster members. By that I mean AJ Styles, MCMG, Beer Money, Samoa Joe, Daniels, British Invasion, Kazarian, Brian Kendrick and Austin Aries. These guys are the only reason I watch TNA. I say "watch", I really mean "fast-forward through". I put up with the insufferable, nonsensical storylines for these guy's talents.

It doesn't matter how bad the product gets. It doesn't matter how much shit Russo flings at the wall. If I am able to see these guys do what they do, I'll watch. Sorry, fast-forward through.
Maybe the one thing that would make me stop watching TNA, would be if WWE bought out TNA. It seems unlikely now ( despite what the doomsayers say), but if it happened i wouldn't watch again. You ask why? Well because i hate WWE since they bought up WCW and ECW and refuse to watch Cena dominate all the time.
I have no loyalty in TNA unlike WWE but I don't think I'll stop watching it altogether until Hogan and Bischoff run it to the ground. I do watch it every week currently but if it does get a lot worst I'll keep up to date with what's happening and watch clips of the show but not watch it every week for the simple reason that I don't want to watch a show that isn't entertaining me much for two hours and then if it does get better then I'll start watching it weekly again.

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