Pre-Show Stalwart
You know I've been reading alot of threads on how the WWE completely sucks at the moment and all that sorta thing. I do agree it does suck at the moment because of a number of things that are totally wrong with the product. My idea to all of you guys who are completely frustrated with the lack of quality in the product is to simply just change the channel and find a better thing to watch. Over the last couple years especially, the WWE product to me has become extremely boring and predictable. Alot of the blame has to go to the PG rating simply because the wrestlers are so restricted in what they can do and say and thats the truth and no-one here can argue that. I've complely become frustrated with the product now because its become too much geared towards kids and its really hard for me to sit through an entire episode. I only tune in every now and then to see guys like Undertaker, Triple H and Chris Jericho but thats about it. I really believe the best thing to do is to simply stop watching or just simply tune in every now and then and if it looks interesting keep watching or if it doesn't then just change the channel to something else. I think the best way to hurt Vince is to stop watching all together because ratings is definately one thing that the WWE will be keeping an eye on and if their ratings start to slip then something will be done. I just simply can not stand this pathetic kiddy era thats happening at the moment and its just so sad that the product has become so incredibly screwed from the awesome days from 98-01. I've already stopped watching Raw and only tune in to Smackdown every now and then but now I've decided I'm only going to watch TNA because atleast they give a product which isn't aimed at little kids like the WWE product is. I'm urging all those fans who are frustrated with the product to give Vince the middle finger and change the channel. I know Tna can't challenge the WWE at the moment but I really hope someday they can so the WWE will wake up and actually make their product somewhat decent. Neway I'm just really wanting to let out some frustration. How do you guys feel about the curent state of the WWE?
This is called jumping on and off a bandwagon and proves you dont really love wrestling. Sure you love the product and will watch every week when it is good, but if it is bad oh hell no you turn it off. Do you no what would happen if all the hardcore wrestling fans actually followed through with your plan? WWE wouldnt get a chance to turn their product around they would most likely go bankrupt before they got a chance. Do you no what would happen right now if WWE went bankrupt? More than likely the sport would be dead in America because WWE rating are what has caused channels like Spike and whatever channel ROH is on to give wrestling a chance. True fans watch the good and the bad. Yeah I will bitch and complain the whole time but you better belive I will still watch because I love this sport unconditionaly.
Also I am 31 and i dont like the current product. It is not the PG rating that bothers me. I dont think you need cussing, naked women, eh blood is good sometimes HIAC will be stupid if no one bleeds through 3 matches but yeah its not the rating that is my problem. I just think they are putting on a bad product currently. I just find their current storylines boring. I dont agree with everyone who claims they arent pushing young talent enough. Orton is young, Legacy is young, Punk is young. If they give every young guy like Morrison, MVP, and Swagger a run now what will they have to do in the future? Pretty sure it took Shawn Micheals like 10 years in the company for his first WHC.
One other thing before I go. Since Vince took over the WWE it has always been marketed for kids never for the adults. Everyone claims the attitude era was marketed towards adults but they had a bigger toy lineup then they they ever had before or since. The diffrence is parents of that era I belive were a little more lenient about what they let their kids watch. Most current parents have a diffrent attitude and have went back to being strict so WWE had to lighten it back up. 80s WWE was definately kiddie t.v. just like it is now, so even if I am wrong about the attitude era we would have never got to see it if the first kiddie era hadnt made WWE so big and so rich.