Just stop watching

You know I've been reading alot of threads on how the WWE completely sucks at the moment and all that sorta thing. I do agree it does suck at the moment because of a number of things that are totally wrong with the product. My idea to all of you guys who are completely frustrated with the lack of quality in the product is to simply just change the channel and find a better thing to watch. Over the last couple years especially, the WWE product to me has become extremely boring and predictable. Alot of the blame has to go to the PG rating simply because the wrestlers are so restricted in what they can do and say and thats the truth and no-one here can argue that. I've complely become frustrated with the product now because its become too much geared towards kids and its really hard for me to sit through an entire episode. I only tune in every now and then to see guys like Undertaker, Triple H and Chris Jericho but thats about it. I really believe the best thing to do is to simply stop watching or just simply tune in every now and then and if it looks interesting keep watching or if it doesn't then just change the channel to something else. I think the best way to hurt Vince is to stop watching all together because ratings is definately one thing that the WWE will be keeping an eye on and if their ratings start to slip then something will be done. I just simply can not stand this pathetic kiddy era thats happening at the moment and its just so sad that the product has become so incredibly screwed from the awesome days from 98-01. I've already stopped watching Raw and only tune in to Smackdown every now and then but now I've decided I'm only going to watch TNA because atleast they give a product which isn't aimed at little kids like the WWE product is. I'm urging all those fans who are frustrated with the product to give Vince the middle finger and change the channel. I know Tna can't challenge the WWE at the moment but I really hope someday they can so the WWE will wake up and actually make their product somewhat decent. Neway I'm just really wanting to let out some frustration. How do you guys feel about the curent state of the WWE?

This is called jumping on and off a bandwagon and proves you dont really love wrestling. Sure you love the product and will watch every week when it is good, but if it is bad oh hell no you turn it off. Do you no what would happen if all the hardcore wrestling fans actually followed through with your plan? WWE wouldnt get a chance to turn their product around they would most likely go bankrupt before they got a chance. Do you no what would happen right now if WWE went bankrupt? More than likely the sport would be dead in America because WWE rating are what has caused channels like Spike and whatever channel ROH is on to give wrestling a chance. True fans watch the good and the bad. Yeah I will bitch and complain the whole time but you better belive I will still watch because I love this sport unconditionaly.
Also I am 31 and i dont like the current product. It is not the PG rating that bothers me. I dont think you need cussing, naked women, eh blood is good sometimes HIAC will be stupid if no one bleeds through 3 matches but yeah its not the rating that is my problem. I just think they are putting on a bad product currently. I just find their current storylines boring. I dont agree with everyone who claims they arent pushing young talent enough. Orton is young, Legacy is young, Punk is young. If they give every young guy like Morrison, MVP, and Swagger a run now what will they have to do in the future? Pretty sure it took Shawn Micheals like 10 years in the company for his first WHC.
One other thing before I go. Since Vince took over the WWE it has always been marketed for kids never for the adults. Everyone claims the attitude era was marketed towards adults but they had a bigger toy lineup then they they ever had before or since. The diffrence is parents of that era I belive were a little more lenient about what they let their kids watch. Most current parents have a diffrent attitude and have went back to being strict so WWE had to lighten it back up. 80s WWE was definately kiddie t.v. just like it is now, so even if I am wrong about the attitude era we would have never got to see it if the first kiddie era hadnt made WWE so big and so rich.
First i didnt say my opinon was better than anyone.
You said that everybody who disagreed with you (the people who are complaining about current state of the WWE) is "dimwitted" and you threw around the word "kids" a lot to imply that their opinion is not as well thought-out as yours.

Second like i said in my opinon WWE goes though trends right now its doing it again....Cena is hulk hogan (i mean like to this era)....look at the facts it slowly got more edgier....

It's not getting edgier, it's getting less edgy. When PG era was first officially starting in 2008, they still allowed blood, and they allowed certain things in the HHH/Orton feud like when HHH broke into his house. Then there was of course Punk/Hardy. In the current state of WWE, they don't even feud over anything anymore. Cena/Orton is (in kayfabe) completely based on "we didn't like each other two years ago so let's fight again!" Dx/Legacy is based on "you attacked us before the match last week so we'll have a HIAC match!" And I don't watch SD but as far as I've read of spoilers (which isn't a lot), Taker and Punk are feuding because Taker popped out of nowhere after Punk's match with Jeff, and then they added to this feud by having a staged screwjob finish. This is not at all more edgy than HHH/Orton was, or Taker/Edge was, etc

im not saying you cant hate on this shit cause i do too....just saying this subject is just so old....its everyday...i hate pg rating...i hate john cena and the four moves of doom...i hate hhh ruling everything....i hate all that stuff too but for real i dont cry bout it every two seconds...its just a show.....give it time...and if you dont like the show change the channel...i know i do...

You should apply the same tactic to wrestling forums then. If you don't like the fact that the same thread is getting created every "two seconds" then don't read it and switch to a different thread

lets put it this way if you hate coca cola would you buy it??? NO....so stop crying and do something bout it and change the channel.

The coca cola comparison is actually a good one. Coca Cola had a lot of people who loved the drink, then all of a sudden they completely change the product with "New Coke". People hated it, they didn't drink it, but they complained anyway because they still liked soda but there was no good alternative for them to buy.

Just like people like wrestling but there is no decent alternative to WWE, since they hate on TNA for the sake of hating on TNA, and probably don't know ROH even exists.
OK, here's the deal-no I didnt read any of the posts, and no I dont care...I just find this to be a great opportunity to point to the individuals who CONSTANTLY say they will stop watching wwe tv, and yet CONSTANTLY show up on these forums, week after week, saying how horrible the show is, and how they're gonna stop watching wwe tv. There are a disturbing amount of people who do this, and I would just like to say one thing to them.............
Thank you.
Thank you for making my life so much more entertaining. The best Raw I can think of in recent memory is when CM Punk used his first MITB to get the cheap win on Edge. Why? Cuz I KNEW there were gonna be a bunch of wussy little crybaby's on here screaming about how much of a horrible move that was on the Creatives' part, or how stupid Vince is for allowing it-and, of course-how they arent gonna watch from now on. Same as when Mike Adamle became GM. I KNEW there were gonna be a bunch of whiners on here.
Week after week, people come up with all these different reasons as to why they wont watch the wwe anymore (some reasons more valid than others), and what do they do? THEY KEEP WATCHING!!!!!!!!!! With this in mind, I pose a challenge:

To Anybody Who Has Said In The Past Year "I Refuse To Watch WWE Again/Until They Get It Right" Or Anything Along Those Lines, I Challenge You to Not Watch ANY WWE Programing For 100 Days. No Raw, No ECW, No SmackDown, No Superstars, Nothing. If This Is Something You Simply Can't Bring Yourself To Do, Then STOP BITCHING!!!

GREAT post. I know we all have our complaints about the current product but it really makes me wonder why these people continue to watch it and then log on to wrestling forums to tell everyone how much they hate it. It constantly happens in every single forum I go to and when I say 'just change the channel', I always get a bunch of people on my back saying that 'comments like that don't help'....but how does complaining every week help? It doesn't.

If people hate the show enough to feel the need to rant about it week after week, they just shouldn't watch it at all but I think they like to act as if they hate it a lot more than they really do and they keep watching it anyways so they don't miss anything.

Are you guys serious? Let me ask you a question. If you have a favourite sports team and they lose a match, do you not talk about it? Do you not talk about the fact that your team lost and do you not want to get the thoughts of other people on the matter? I do. Personally, this comes down to people wanting to voice their opinion on what they think would make the programming better or more appealing. The whole point of people coming on here is so that they can discuss the shows with like-minded people.

Let me tell you this. I used to have a season ticket for my favourite soccer team and every time they lost, I used to tell my friends that I was never going back and I would never go and see them again. It was always after a big loss that I said this and do you know what I did the next week? I went back. The point is, people are always going to bitch about their thoughts on something that they are passionate about. The line "I'm never watching again" has become so popular because people are becoming more and more disillusioned with the product that they are getting and this is the most radical thing they can do in this business. Not watching the show will accomplish nothing and no one will miss you. Of course people are going to tune in again though. I said that I wasn't going to watch it again about 3 years ago and here I am... Watching it.

Bottom line: People care about the product and when you have an amount of care for something, you always want it to succeed. When people say that they are not watching any more, it's only to show how much they care about the direction of the show and I wouldn't take it too seriously.
Me personally, I love the WWE and have since I was old enough to remember...well anything. I don't like everything the WWE's doing right now, though I doubt you'll find anyone tht likes everything any wrestling company puts out there. However, there's more than enough going on overall to keep me entertained and coming back. There are fans, however, that, for some reason, can hardly believe that anyone likes the current WWE for some reason. That's all well and good, smut wrestling was, is and can be fun but it's just not where the WWE is headed right now.

The biggest complaints I hear are generally centered around Raw or the PG Era in and of itself. Now, the Attitude Era is gone and won't be back anytime soon. As far as "edgy" storylines or angles go, I don't particularly see anything from either TNA or the WWE that's edgy. So TNA guys say a few dirty words that get bleeped out sometimes, big deal. It takes more than Kevin Nash calling Abyss a bitch to impress me. Flipping someone off 10 times a night doesn't really impress me either. Sure, it worked great when I was 17 but times have changed. My only real complaint about the PG Era is the WWE's stance on blood. For certain matches, blood plays a real part on how the match comes off. Take the HIAC matches for instance, blood and steel cage matches go hand in hand. I don't really understand the problem with keeping blood in hardcore style matches. After all, blood is sometimes seen in PG rated films. Hell, sometimes people are killed in PG rated films. Believe me, today's average 10 year old isn't going to start bawling during a HIAC match if CM Punk or the Undertaker dons the crimson mask.

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