A Walk down memory lane, what brought you to wrestling and what keeps you here

I got into wrestling VERY late, as in in my early 20's, back in the late 90's. A friend of mine had always been a huge wrestling fan and after we became roommates, I was kind of forced to watch WWF and WCW. I started to get into both products; The Rock used to crack me up on WWF and I was drawn to Goldberg's "invincibility" on WCW. So having hated wrestling and having bashed it for so many years prior, I became a huge fan and glued to the soap opera. I was heavily into WWF, WCW and eventually, ECW when it began airing on UK television (I was living in the UK at the time).

Fast forward 12 years and I am no less of a fan, although I am disappointed with the 'PG' era, having gotten used to the more hardcore/adult element of wrestling. Still, I am addicted and cannot stop following the storylines, even though wrestling isn't what it was 12 years ago and the likes of Rock and Austin are no longer gracing our television screens with their comedic antics.
Oh lord..mine is a little messed up so bear with me... okay i started watching wrestling at IN your house DX with my dad..that was my first time watching and didnt know who it was but after the first crotch chop..i was hooked...i couldnt get enough but all of a sudden i stopped watching wrestling when hbk left..cause i thought the world of him and i wasnt that interested anymore

but then (and this is in no offense to the Hart family)

The night after Over the Edge is when i came back to the wrestling, i knew who Owen was and it shocked me greatly that this tragedy happened..so i watched Raw is Owen and became hooked once again not that his death brought me back but i saw the new verision of dx and the new age outlawz and all this stuff even though it was a somber episode even saw the man that faced my all time fav wrestler las...Stone cold steve austin..(who i hated for like two years cause i felt he sent shawn michaels away..i was like 8 at the time i didnt know what i knew now lol)...i even went to a couple of ppvs..but those two significant nostalgic memories brought me to wrestling... one a great memory..one a horrible memory
I don't really remember anymore, but it was around 2003. The "silly theatrics" were interesting and I still find them interesting at times. The whole "soap opera for men" applied back then, but after becoming a smark, I wasn't able to see it the same as before anymore. But I think it was Kane getting unmasked -- the whole ordeal was entertaining to me and, even though I knew it was fake, I loved how they played it off.

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