Registered Boozer
I got into wrestling VERY late, as in in my early 20's, back in the late 90's. A friend of mine had always been a huge wrestling fan and after we became roommates, I was kind of forced to watch WWF and WCW. I started to get into both products; The Rock used to crack me up on WWF and I was drawn to Goldberg's "invincibility" on WCW. So having hated wrestling and having bashed it for so many years prior, I became a huge fan and glued to the soap opera. I was heavily into WWF, WCW and eventually, ECW when it began airing on UK television (I was living in the UK at the time).
Fast forward 12 years and I am no less of a fan, although I am disappointed with the 'PG' era, having gotten used to the more hardcore/adult element of wrestling. Still, I am addicted and cannot stop following the storylines, even though wrestling isn't what it was 12 years ago and the likes of Rock and Austin are no longer gracing our television screens with their comedic antics.
Fast forward 12 years and I am no less of a fan, although I am disappointed with the 'PG' era, having gotten used to the more hardcore/adult element of wrestling. Still, I am addicted and cannot stop following the storylines, even though wrestling isn't what it was 12 years ago and the likes of Rock and Austin are no longer gracing our television screens with their comedic antics.