What would stop you from watching today's WWE Product?

I doubt I would stop...as time goes by I find myself just enjoying even the worst of shows so as long as someone airs wrestling no matter the product odds are I will keep watching.
In 2012, I stopped watching because it was just too boring and I was pissed off at the WWE. All those borings debuts which where only squash, the Cena vs People Power, the WWE who push Eve against Ryder ... then made her a authority figure useless, AJ Lee that I hated and many other things.
Now it's better so well, I watch it again
If they turn it completely into "indy" style wrestling where the focus is soley on technical wrestling and not entertainment value or storylines. I like a combination of both: good ring work and good mic work.

If it gets to the point where it's a bunch of indy wrestlers that can't talk, I'd be done. What's the point?
Realize I'm late to the party here but I may as well post in this thread

I quit in 2009. I don't watch full episodes of any WWE show. The only thing I watch is clips of people I do like (or if something controversial/interesting happens I usually look it up).

The only thing that would convince me to make a 100% clean break would be if absolutely everybody I like left. If Brock and Taker are done for good, if ADR suddenly left and if Riley gets released, plus if nobody from the past that I like gets re-hired. If that happened I wouldn't even watch 20 seconds of any WWE show.

On the other hand, the only way I will watch a full show ever again is if the quality improves, simple as that. Not any of this "this was a solid show last night" stuff either. GOOD show or none at all. Solid won't cut it when the show is 3 hours long and I could be doing something better.

On a side note I'm shocked that this wasn't merged into the complaints thread. Seems that anything that even remotely criticizes ANYTHING WWE, in any way, gets moved there.
I'm only a casual fan at the moment so it wouldn't take much for me to stop watching. I generally really get into WWE from the Royal Rumble until about two weeks after Wrestlemania. And that's what I plan on doing this year. I guess it's like when people only watch football during the playoffs.
Chiming in on this one:

What I usually say will turn me off of wrestling would these two things happening:

1. The Undertaker's streak ending PERIOD, because he's the reason I started watching wrestling. There's no reason to end it because he deserves to have that accolade on his Hall of Fame plaque.

2. Kofi Kingston getting released, because I have followed his career from the very beginning. Like those who followed Jeff Hardy and CM Punk, I wanted him to be the mid-card guy that rises up to be the top guy.

If these things happened, I'd be sorely hurt and disappointed, and I'd probably not be as connected with the WWE. In the end, I know the exact thing that would turn the channel for me:

Blatant Racism.

When Vince Russo decided to convert Booker T into G.I. Bro, I cut it off. I couldn't take it. WCW was garbage then but I could deal with it up to that point. I only turned it back on once G.I. Bro was done and Booker T went back to his usual name again.

As an African-American fan, there's not a lot to cheer for as it is. Mark Henry right now is the best I can hope for a Black guy being WWE Champion, and that's not gonna happen. Kofi (and maybe Big E. Langston) is the hopeful future, and that doesn't seem likely. So far, I haven't seen a lot that truly offends me (there have been some uncomfortable moments that have walked the line, but nothing that has pushed me away YET) I do love wrestling, and I watch TNA, but I'm not as emotionally invested in that compared to the WWE, which I've watched religiously for 20 years (and followed the spoilers and results when I couldn't afford cable), and even having a heel character break out a racial slur on a face character (not even the blatant ones, even the minor ones) would be enough for me to be offended. It's 2013; racism has no place in wrestling.
Man, if Miz ever becomes the champion again, then that's probly the only GUARANTEED chance I would quit watching. I'll have to peek in on the show to check when he loses the title, then I'll come back.

I was gonna say Swagger too, but since his recent return he's been very viscious and more intense in the ring and he has a speaker for him now. Not a big Swagger fan, but I think I can tolerate him now.

But Miz is just straight garbage....
If Dolph loses his MITB or fails to win when he cashes it in. That guy has put so much work into his skills in the ring, he deserves that Title dammit!

If Cena has a longer title reign than Punk. I don't think I could stick him as champ for 435 days+!!!
I'm offically done. I can't watch this garbage anymore. I'm making this rant to get this frustration out of my system so i can move on :)

Triple h winning at W.M fuck off ! I have no desire to watch that shit. Triple h is a 40 year old man WAY past his prime. So wwe decides '' hey let's book him to beat lesnar. the fans will love that'' How anybody can cheer this is beyond me. I would rather see zac ryder beat lesnar than triple h. Atleast zac has a FUTURE in this company.

Del rio as a character can go fuck himself ! His just as bad a face cm punk in 2011. Everything about this guy is fake from his '' mexican pride'' To his '' love of america'' his a third rate Eddie Guerrero. I honestly expected this fucker to be boo'ed out of the building..... but people cheer him... the same ones who chant goldberg during ryback matches no doubt wtf ? You will show goldberg respect but not eddie ? that makes me sick just typing it.

Anyway. The above says it best. I'm sick of the best characters losing because their ''bad guys '' maybe if the '' good guys'' weren't such ass kissing suck up's i'd respect them.

I mean look at the rock. He repeats himself every week and people still cheer him ? Seriously wtf you boo cena and cheer rock when their the same character ? WWE and most of their fans are huge hyporcrites. I don't know what more to say. I'm sick of this kiddie crap. Give me a babyface that isnt a kiss kisser and maybe i'll cheer for triple h and del rio

I'm not happy about other things their doing too but i'll leave it for now.

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