What would stop you from watching today's WWE Product?

Dont think something can make me stop watching.I mean I skip through stuff that I might not like but I always watch.I m not one of those people who would stop watching if their favourite superstars doesnt get pushed, tho I think those people are trolling.

So yea I just watch and enjoy and dont think too much about stuff.
Ok, so to go back to the OP, you'd stop watching if Cena, the face of the company, ended the streak, but wouldn't is GOLDBERG ended it? At that point, I had to stop reading what you wrote because it clearly was based on a mad on for Cena and no other sensible argument. WOW!!!

To be honest, I would only stop watching the E if there wasn't live programming weekly. Any one guy can be built up to be a star if it's done right. Now, obviously, I am talking 'full sized' superstars. So, to claim that I'd stop watching because Guy X got pushed would be narrow minded and hypocritical given that most people who say it also bitch and whine about the E not creating new stars.

I've watched the E since long before it stopped being the F, and have weathered many bad angles. I PVR or watch Raw every week mainly because it's live. I read the SD spoilers and decide if I'll watch all or any of it. If they went to taped Raw, I'd likely rarely watch all of it and sometimes wouldn't watch any.

The same is true for TNA. I'll watch live, but if it's taped, I might watch some if the spoilers sound interesting.
If Monday Night Raw stopped being live I'd probably stop. I enjoy the live side of wrestling. If I want to watch something taped I'll watch some old Ric Flair, Bulldogs, Bret Hart

Hate to break it to you but several times a year RAW is taped :) Live to the audience in attendance sure but to the TV audience it's not.

They tape when they are about to go overseas for a RAW tour and it would conflict with RAW's schedule and the last 2 RAW's of the year are taped back to back.

and Smackdown and the other shows are all taped ahead of time.
Hate to break it to you but several times a year RAW is taped :) Live to the audience in attendance sure but to the TV audience it's not.

They tape when they are about to go overseas for a RAW tour and it would conflict with RAW's schedule and the last 2 RAW's of the year are taped back to back.

and Smackdown and the other shows are all taped ahead of time.

I think it's fairly obvious that anyone who talks about Raw being live is aware that on occasion it is taped, but there are 52 weeks in a year. Yes, perhaps, at most, 8 times it will be taped, but that would mean that at least 44 weeks it's live. That makes it a live show.
Its Really sad but I have actually stopped watching it for the most part. I have watched WWE/F for 14 years and never have I been so bored of the product. Nothing about raw is exciting to me... just lame storylines and ridiculous social media segments. What's Worst is that the "Face" of the company isn't even the problem anymore, now it's just the whole product.

I Used to love turning into Raw every monday night, Actually i was really upset when I missed Raw on mondays. I like some of the talent (Ziggler, Barrett, ect.) but they don't use them well and just keep shoving "other" superstars down our throats. Wwe Is banning signs? and they are weak on Storytelling. Forget that I miss blood and Some Freaking HLA every once in a while WWE is pretty lame now. I will Continue to watch when I hear something major happen otherwise it's wrestlemania every year and TNA every once in a while.
If my social life picked up a little more and Mondays became a day I went out, I'd stop watching wrestling. However, as long as The Rock sticks around, I will never miss catching up with his segments
I'd stop watching if they went out of business. Otherwise, I'll keep tuning in as long as I'm enjoying it, as I've been doing for over 25 years.

Every match doesn't have to be a masterpiece, every skit doesn't have to be compelling. They're putting together a product that airs every week, with six original hours of programming......and no off-season, no reruns. There's not much in the world of pro wrestling that hasn't been done already, yet WWE manages to find fresh spins to put on things, always looking for new ways to present/represent.

You don't think so? Are you one of the folks who detests everything the company puts out there? .....Fine, you're entitled to feel that way, although I sometimes wonder why people would continue to watch something they hate that much. But if complaining about it is what you enjoy, you're entitled to do that, too. We're the audience; we want to be entertained.

I love what WWE is doing; there are tons of different things to like....and even the stuff that doesn't do much for me serves as a realization that it takes a whole lot of individual spots to make up the whole experience.
As a fan I would never stop watching if a certain superstar won a certain title and I disagreed. The only thing that would really get me to stop watching wrestling all together is if something horribly racist or sexist would happen. If i saw john cena call AJ a bitch and proceed to give her the stf then id be taken back and wouldnt watch anymore. If vince came out and said, "Kofi....YOURE FIRED!!!!......because youre black", then you can bet your ass ill never watch again. but if yoshi tatsu won the title from cm punk via pinfall or submission, i would just adjust my wwe 13 roster. ::chuckle chuckle::

all joking aside, crappy angles and crappy wrestling would reduce me watching...but not stop me all together. although the claire lynch tna story had me pretty damn close.
I will stop watching if they begin to fall back on Older Superstars of the past to carry the promotion. With the wealth of young talent they have right now and the way they are pushing all of that talent I really don't see that scenario coming to. Like TNA I like their talent but I don't like Hogan as the guy running the show. To me it still feels like the entire show is about Hogan. TNA should be about the YOUNG talent they have their. Not Sting,Angle,Anderson or the other WWE rejects that went there. I like what WWE is doing right now. They are pushing and establishing young brand new talent as legit threats to their top draws in the company. Its very interesting cause most people don't know who these guys are. They are all new faces and talents whom people havent seen befor. They create a new dynamic and set the stage for the future of the company as to who to watch. New Fueds that can really turn out to be something special.
Nothing would instantly stop me from watching wrestling, but I have lost interest for a while a couple of times over the last few years. However to look at it from a different angle, I first got into wrestling properly around Wrestlemania 14 when I was just flicking through channels and saw it was on and was hooked instantly. However I feel that if the product I had stumbled across 15 years ago was today's product, then I would not have been hooked like I was back then.

If the product got more cheesy, or even more PG style viewing I feel that eventually I would just lose interest. A few people I know who don't watch wrestling now used to watch it back in the day when they were teenagers and have flicked through the channels and seen it have said to me today's WWE is no where near as good as the old WWF, that's before they even know about the direction the company is going in these days. For people like that I feel they would have stopped watching about 5 years ago when the WWE went PG and more kid friendly.
If Sky Sports went stupidly expensive, I'd have to cancel it and thus, stop watching WWE, I'd still be able to watch TNA cos it's on Challenge which is a free channel.
Haha, I already think my subscription is over-priced as it is. As I'm with Virgin I'm getting really annoyed that most of the WWE programming is vein shunted onto Sky Sports 3 & 4 as neither of them are in HD!
If I was forced to read every fucking stupid pessimistic opinion on here before and after every show. How much they hate a product they watch all the time. I hate Jersey Shore and all the Real Housewife shows. I don't watch them. I don't waste time on message boards talking about them except in this example. I enjoy the product.

I guess if it pretty much stopped being wrestling and turned into a trash TV show focused around boobs, blood, and beer. O wait, I watch the Attitude Era too. So no, I guess as long as there's a ring and characters, I'll watch.
Honestly, I already stopped watching, but what stopped me from watching was that there were too many things I took issue with, and for me, if something annoys me, I don't keep watching it only to complain about it. There is no entertainment habit or tradition strong enough to make me do it even though I don't enjoy it, even though I've watched wrestling for 20 years off and on (mind you, when I found it entertaining). Seeing AJ skip down to the ring (:banghead: smdh) made me turn the the channel or turn the tv off completely, because for some reason that one thing set the tone for me and foreshadowed what my watching experience was going to be like. Maybe it was because I remember what the Divas used to be like, and it irks the crap out of me that people find her nonsense appealing - ergo, it makes me feel things like that will continue. The special guest hosts was a huge reason why as well. I don't care about the PG rating; I very much believe that you can write great stories regardless, but I didn't feel I was getting that. I also became disappointed in how the Divas matches were relegated to bathroom break status. When I began to feel that the Divas should just become valets or managers rather than WWE slapping women's wrestling fans in the face by portraying women's wrestling as a two-minute botch or spot (or botched-spot) fest, that was another nail in the coffin. The commentary was another thing. When you watch a show muted for significant stretches of time, that makes you wonder if you should be watching it at all.

So basically, when I didn't like the quality (flash without substance), the "comedy", the promos or storylines at all and only watched to see my favorite wrestlers wrestle, I stopped watching, or I would watch/fast-forward to their matches and then turn it off. I've skipped out on Impact wrestling as well sometimes, but I think by subconsciously comparing their current product to WWE's and by finding the former more agreeable in style (promos, backstage segments, characters/wrestlers), that has contributed to it as well. If my favorite WWE wrestlers all went to other promotions I would have absolutely no reason to so much as check on it. I hope all promotions do well, but sometimes when I've watched wrestling it's like watching someone on a respirator, in that it's dying but still trying to cling to life. I've been so disappointed with it that I cannot stand to watch it, BUT if the aforementioned changes for the better, I would want to watch it regularly again. But I guess I will continue to have some interest and I cannot say that I would never watch it again.
There isn't anything at this point that could make me quit watching. I have been watching for 27 years now, and I can't see any one thing making me change. I will take the good with the bad, and while I don't like everything they do right now I still find things to like about the product. I check out old DVD if I want a fix of whatever they were doing at that time. It's too much a part of my life to stop watching now.
I stopped watching earlier this year, I forgot exactly why but something really pissed me off, and I was already fastforwarding through like 2 1/2 hours anyway. I'd say the worst thing about WWE is that I no longer feel like I'm watching a sport show, more like a gossip show with nonstop twitter and tout advertisements, movie advertisements, and bad acting. I know wrestling has always been a "male soap opera" but now that they try to make everybody act(Big Show crying all the time, AJ's facial expressions, Cena acting like he was actually ever a Marine)its more like a regular soap opera.

I tried watching TNA when I stopped watching WWE but that was unbearable too.

Now for my wrestling fix I mostly just buy Wrestling DVD's which are great(watching stuff from the 70's/80's where the crowd thought everything was real is especially shocking).

And oh yeah, if you guys get the chance you should listen to MLW Radio, especially the episodes with Konnan(which is most of them now). I guarantee you that their wrestling conversations are much more entertaining than any actual wrestling show at the moment.
Here is what would get me to stop watching: If WWE turned Miz into the next "Super Cena" face of the company. I just couldn't sit through Miz getting that treatment. The only reason I even watched during his WWE title run was because it was Wrestlemania season and I have watched since 1990, if his reign would have took place during May to October, I would have stopped watching until he lost the belt. It still amazes me that in 2011, Miz fought Jerry Lawler to decide who walked into Wrestlemania as WWE champion.

I can't see anything other than that stopping me from watching since I have disliked Cena since his Vanilla Ice days and even he hasn't stopped me from watching.
If I didn't stop watching during the mid 90's with King Mabel as a main eventer and the early 00's with HHH's domination, then nothing is ever going to stop me watching.

Nowadays I just watch out of habit really.
There are tons of things that would stop me from watching the product... but instead of listing things that have absolutely no chance of happening... I'm going to list a few things that seem a bit more realistic. In no order.

If Khali and Hornswoggle win the Unified Tag Team Championships, that might not really stop me from watching, but I'd lose all hope in the Tag Team Division that they're trying to revive.

If Ziggler cashes in Money in the Bank... and loses. It would be a big slap in the face to a man that has worked hard for seven years and really deserves it.

Ziggler cashes in Money in the Bank... wins... but then loses the championship before the next PPV. Sadly, I can see the WWE pulling something like this, especially if the champion when he cashes in is someone like Sheamus (though I love him), give Ziggler a decent reign.

If Undertaker's streak is beaten. Actually no, let me rephrase that... if Undertaker's streak is beaten... and it's not his final match. Again, it might not necessarily stop me from watching the product, but I wouldn't care much for WrestleMania anymore, considering the streak is one of the if not the main thing that attacts me to the show.

That's really about it, of course there are a bunch of other things that would make me stop watching WWE, but those are things I can realistically see happening between now and June.
nothing. People love to whine and bitch about how much "wrestling sucks" but yet they continue to watch it, or they pretend they don't. Those same people that say "I haven't watched in **** long" are usually lying or they interpret themselves wrong. "Oh I watched this entire RAW but I missed the first 10 minutes, so I still haven't seen RAW, I'm a wrestling rebel!!!1"
Fact is, if wrestling sucked so much, people wouldn't watch it.

I am not a big fan of any right now. I used to like indies till I realized I only cared for them because everyone else did. They're boring and I hardly see any story behind any match IMO. (Read that carefully. IMO. IMO IMO.) However, I still watch RAW whenever I can. Yes, I am kind of bored of Punk being champ, same storylines, same thing happening on RAW week after week, but yet I love watching it. I watch it when it's on, I'll watch it even if the worst wrestler on the roster gets air-time. Hell, if Heath Slater won a world title, I'd tip my hat and give him a chance. Honestly, there's no reason for wrestling fans to be so picky right now. There aren't many options WWE has right now. They want to supply guys that both THEY like and the fans like. They begin to push someone popular, people love a certain person, like Ryback,, and instantly you have people that speak out of both ends without knowing what exactly they're saying. "Ryback sucks!!!11", there's not many options right now, we need to endure with WWE for a few years, and maybe the product will get better, bear with them FFS.
I would stop watching if they turned it into indy wrestling. I know the IWC would love this but if the entertainment aspect is taken away and it's totally just wrestling with no promos or build up or anything, then I'd be done with it.

Also, if Hornswoggle, ever got either one of the two major titles, I would stop watching. That's obviously not going to happen so I'm safe there :)
If they became what some of the IWC wanted them to be a pure wrestling show were only wrestling talent matters. i watch wwe to be entertained. I'm obviously entertained easier than some of you but thats all i want them to do. And they do that with stories, promos, and matches both ring psychology and just pure wrestling.

i like Daniel Byran and Cesaro but that doesn't mean i only want to watch them i like characters like Ryback and Big Show. I like Mic guys like Cena (yes some of his promos suck but most are decent and some are great which is more than most of the roster can say). i want to be entertained by several facets of the show the serious stuff Punk vs. Rock and the comedy Team Hell no.

As long as they have a complete show like that where they have the variety like that i will watch. Will I enjoy the whole show no probably not but i will enjoy enough of the show.

If they just started to be a comedy show a serious show a wrestling show i probably wouldn't watch as i can find better comedy, drama, and wrestling else where but no where else can i find all of it at once.
Honestly, nothing would. I can't imagine anything that would turn me off wrestling. I have watched it my whole life and I really can't think that I would just stop. Something like Benoit's death/murder may have forced people it turning off but I continued to watch.

I think the only think that would make me stop watching is time. Simply put, I know people who just grew out of wrestling when certain wrestlers left and they realised it was going downhill. An example: I told someone who stopped watching about 03 that Edge and Jeff Hardy had been world champions and he just sighed in disbelief before laughing at how shit the WWE at become. When you think of it, if you grew up with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels as champ and than find out two guys you remember as mediocre tag team wrestlers are champs it is a bit of a shock.

Times have changed since than and I think it if you are a fan now it is because you love wrestling. When I started watching the stars at the time were The Rock, Austin, HHH, Taker. They are all basically gone but I still watch twice every single week and I know that in 5 years time there will have been world champs who wouldn't have received a contract if they were in the same era as the previously mentioned superstars.

I can't see myself not watching wrestling in 10 years time - unless the WWE go bankrupt ;)
An example: I told someone who stopped watching about 03 that Edge and Jeff Hardy had been world champions and he just sighed in disbelief before laughing at how shit the WWE at become. When you think of it, if you grew up with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels as champ and than find out two guys you remember as mediocre tag team wrestlers are champs it is a bit of a shock.

That logic makes ZERO sense.

Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were both part of tag teams before they really became main event singles competitors and champions.

Plus Edge & Christian and Hardy Boyz were arguably as good or better tag teams than Hart Foundation and The Rockers. So were far from a 'mediocre' tag team.

Edge & Jeff Hardy got pushed to the main event because people liked them and they could sell matches.

If your friend wants to sigh about that he would have to pick something else than "they were in a mediocre tag team before".
I've tuned out here and there over the years. Currently I DVR Raw and FF to parts I want to see based on internet summaries of the show. I tuned out completely when JBL was a major figure. I didn't watch at all when Miz was champ. I admit I've started FFing past all Rock segments.

If Miz became a major focal point again I would stop DVRing Raw altogether.

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