Honestly, I already stopped watching, but what
stopped me from watching was that there were too many things I took issue with, and for me, if something annoys me, I don't keep watching it only to complain about it. There is no entertainment habit or tradition strong enough to make me do it even though I don't enjoy it, even though I've watched wrestling for 20 years off and on (mind you, when I found it entertaining). Seeing AJ skip down to the ring

banghead: smdh) made me turn the the channel or turn the tv off completely, because for some reason that one thing set the tone for me and foreshadowed what my watching experience was going to be like. Maybe it was because I remember what the Divas used to be like, and it irks the crap out of me that people find her nonsense appealing - ergo, it makes me feel things like that will continue. The special guest hosts was a huge reason why as well. I don't care about the PG rating; I very much believe that you can write great stories regardless, but I didn't feel I was getting that. I also became disappointed in how the Divas matches were relegated to bathroom break status. When I began to feel that the Divas should just become valets or managers rather than WWE slapping women's wrestling fans in the face by portraying women's wrestling as a two-minute botch or spot (or botched-spot) fest, that was another nail in the coffin. The commentary was another thing. When you watch a show muted for significant stretches of time, that makes you wonder if you should be watching it at all.
So basically, when I didn't like the quality (flash without substance), the "comedy", the promos or storylines at all and only watched to see my favorite wrestlers wrestle, I stopped watching, or I would watch/fast-forward to their matches and then turn it off. I've skipped out on Impact wrestling as well sometimes, but I think by subconsciously comparing their current product to WWE's and by finding the former more agreeable in style (promos, backstage segments, characters/wrestlers), that has contributed to it as well. If my favorite WWE wrestlers all went to other promotions I would have absolutely no reason to so much as check on it. I hope all promotions do well, but sometimes when I've watched wrestling it's like watching someone on a respirator, in that it's dying but still trying to cling to life. I've been so disappointed with it that I cannot stand to watch it, BUT if the aforementioned changes for the better, I would want to watch it regularly again. But I guess I will continue to have some interest and I cannot say that I would never watch it again.