A Walk down memory lane, what brought you to wrestling and what keeps you here

I got into wrestling because of my brother he would watch wrestling and then i started watching it with him i remember it was when i was like 6 or 7 and the first match i remember watching mas the 1-2-3 Kid also known as x-pac against someone but i cant remember who and thats the reason i am still such a big x-pac fan to this day because he was in the first wrestling match i ever saw.
I started watching wrestling about 83-84. Every Saturday, my grandfather and I would watch Kung Fu Theatre and Wrestling. 80's wrestling wich I believe was the greatest era had a wide range of characters and there were alot of different promotions. Back then wrestling was like cartoons coming to life. The good guys were super heros (Hulk Hogan,JYD,The Road Warriors, Ricky Steamboat) while Villans like Kamala, Abdullah the Butcher, and Bruiser Brody gave some of us nightmares.The Backstage happenings were more guarded and fans were more involved in the storylinesthey seemed too real(the Ronnie Garvin face burn,Randy Savage/Ricky Steamboat Feud,Any angle with the Rich Snobby Four Horsemen). Each Promotions had it's own identity. UWF was hardcore before there was hardcore. World Class brought the fans inside the ring. Even the ladies had their own promotions.At one point, wrestling came on everyday. The Big events like the Great American Bash, Wrestle Rock,Starcade, and Super Clash were spread out and (not every month) so it gave wrestlers and bookers plenty of time to carefully develope solid storylines.Looking back, I'm amazed I found time to go outside. Today I still watch it because it's more entertaining.The guys are more athletic and have better mic skills and even though the internet has exposed alot of the behind the scenes stuff, the activity that goes on behind the scene can be more dramatic then what goes on in the ring. Kind of like a Sports soap opera. The women are sexier (half of the major women can't wrestle worth a damn but still nice to look at.) All in all , wrestling is still fun past and present and I will always watch.
I started watching in 1989 because of Hulk Hogan. I continue to watch WWE today because of Shawn Michaels and Undertaker, and I continue to watch TNA today because of Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Sting, Angle and Foley.
i strted watching wrestling around 2006, because well all my friends watched it and i wanted to see if it was as good as they said it was.

i continued to watch because the story lines entertained me and got me hooked on wrestling
I had been watching wrestling on and off for a couple of years from 05 to 07 not really getting involved with it and very vaguely following the storylines. Then I bought the Armageddon 2006 dvd with that fatal 4 way tag team ladder match between the Hardys, MNM, London and Kendrick and Dave Taylor and William Regal.
That match was full of pure excitement and drama. I was intrigued as to who was going to win and the drama from that match hooked me onto the wrestling bandwagon.

I am going to be honest and say what keeps me around is the fact that I enjoy wrestling. That's right I tune into RAW every week and I am 9 times out of 10 happy with the product. I enjoy the current superstars and I think wrestling is in a good position entertainment wise. I have really enjoyed what build up to WM 26 we have had (including Elimination Chamber) and I am 95% sure I am going order Wrestlemania this year.

Of course I have my annoyances, some choices for Raw guest host for example. Such as the singer and the bullrider this week just gone. Yet my annoyances are definitely overshadowed by my enjoyment of the shows.
Well i use to hate it because i couldnt understand how my younger brothers liked this "fake stuff"....then around the attitude era i hopped on the bandwagon (like everyone did at that time)......only thing is i never got off the wagon like so many others did (during the invasion leading all the way to Mania 18 which i think was the official end to that era, some say it was Mania 17 that ended the attitude era), but anyway, my 1st match was HBK vs Austin @ Mania 14 & i was hooked after that, i couldnt get enuff, i discovered that there were actually 2 companies & that all the guys that were headlining wCw had headlined WWF 10yrs prior, that was interesting...monday nights were the best, i flipped back & forth btwn TNT & USA almost every 2 min for the 2hrs that they were head to head......i was really into the wolfpac, goldberg & DDP....with Vince & crew i was really into Stone Cold, The Rock & DX.....i hated that my 1st HBK match was him retiring...but once i did my homework, i fell in love with him as well...he made appearaces over the years but i always prayed he'd come back for atleast 1 more match so i could see this amazing guy LIVE & with superstars of (THAT DAY & ERA).....my prayer was answered starting with summerslam 02, that year i was getting older, jus entering high school & even my peers moved on to other things, i stayed glued to the tv every Monday & thursday, but that was the year i really started to dig deep into the history of this thing & learn old facts, why it's so big, what the difference is btwn a good & bad match.....2002 was when i REALLY sunk my teeth into this thing & they're still stuck. I will sit by myself & complain about things, but it's all in my love for the business, i want to be a wrestler so if anyone can help me with that i'd appreciate it....but i love the athleticism, i love the promos, the characters....the pyro, the belts...everything.....& i dont understand why i love it so much, music is the only thing i love as much as i love wrestling (im a singer too).....Jeff Jarrett said it best..."TO A NON-WRESTLING FAN, NO EXPLANATION WILL DUE.....TO A WRESTLING FAN, NO EXPLANATION IS NEEDED"
I'll admit, i use to shy away from wrestling in the late 90's. This was when it really started to get popular. and it all of a sudden became the "in" thing. which i usually stray from fads.People repeating Austins or the Rocks catchphrases at school, I just couldn't stand it. Also knowing that it was fake didnt really improve my ambition to ever tune in.

Thats my earliest view on wrestling.

After that wrestling never really popped up in my life until about 2003 when my friend,(who is a big wrestling fan) Convinced me to play a wrestling game, Smack down shut your mouth. Even after that i still wasent all that interesting in the product. Then like literally a week later i was just flip through channels as there was nothing on. Then i seen wwe smackdown(this was when it was still aired on thursdays) So since there was nothing on i tuned in and decided to give wrestling a try. I never looked back.

Tho it wasent the product that got me hooked, it was one man. Brock lesnar. Just seeing him destroy people and watching him dominate over the entire show just intrigued me. He was massive and perfectly equiped with all the tools needed to be great. So i had to tune in week after week just so see what this mammoth on a man was going to do next. Next few weeks i witnessed the Lesnar Big show ring collapse. After that moment, i was sold. Started to get into Raw soon after and i was just fascinated by the storylines, the drama , the action, the appeal all molded into one Product. I was glad i gave wrestling a chance. tho i tuned in just as the so called greatest era of all time was coming to a close. Its a shame i missed it. But o well.

As to what keeps me tuning in. I just love to know whats going to happen next, All the different characters and their development. I just like the appeal of the idea of whats going to happen next? Im sure theres other reasons but i dont want to drag this out for to long. But yeah. there you have it
These two guys:


These two wrestlers were HUGE back in the old days. I started watching just before Wrestlemania 6 and Hogan and Warrior really caught my attention. Just after that Earthquake put Hogan out of action after attacking him on the Brother Love show, Hogan made his return at SummerSlam 90 and I've been a Hulkamaniac ever since. :)

I'm more interested in TNA these days because Hogan's there, but I still watch WWE because there are always some wrestlers on the roster that can produce good matches, such as Rey Mysterio, Jericho, Punk and now Danielson.

The Monday Night Wars were awesome because both WWE and WCW were producing great moments for the fans and you really didn't know what would happen at one stage. I don't think wrestling will ever reach the heights of the 80's or the Attitude Era ever again, but it's still decent enough.
I got into wrestling as a kid, on accident. I rented what was supposed to be a cartoon, but they accidentally gave me the 1990 Royal Rumble. I watched that and instantly fell in love (in a non-gay way) with Randy Savage. I watched for a few years, with Superstars being the only show I caught. I remember being in shock when Jake Roberts' cobra attacked Randy Savage, and I remember laughing my ass off at seven years old whenever they put a big red x over Savage with the word "CENSORED" above it. I went to a few shows back then with my parents, but sometime in the mid-90's, I fell out of touch with wrestling.

That changed on April 13, 1998. I began watching Nitro, and the entertainment value of it to my 13-year old eyes was when they'd pan the crowd and the occassional jackass would flip the camera off. Past 8 o'clock, I flipped it over to RAW and the first thing I saw were giant foam middle fingers in the audience and a dude called Mr. Ass. I was instantly hooked on the WWF. This was also the night that Vince McMahon (who I'd thought was an announcer throughout my youth) was set to fight "Stone Cold" Steve Austin for the first time ever. That ended up getting interupted by Dude Love, to which I exclaimed "Isn't that fucking Cactus Jack?".

I was hardcore into wrestling for the next 3+ years. It didn't take long before I began rooting for the heels. I remember going to a RAW in early '99 and being the only person in the entire building that stood up when Dan Severn's music hit. Looking back at it now, Severn totally sucked, but the man did have some badass music and a superior moustache.

In the spring of '99, I discovered that ECW, a promotion that I'd only read about in magazines, came on very late on Saturday nights on one of the sports channels. I was instantly hooked on that and Taz became my favorite wrestler of all-time.

After the Invasion, it all kind of got stupid to me. I didn't really watch for years and then I started to come back around when the first One Night Stand was happening. I've only been re-devoted to watching for about a year now. Why do I watch it now? I don't know. RAW generally doesn't entertain me, for the most part. I feel like the WWE are extremely lazy and don't really strive to put on the best show possible, like they did back in the late 90's. I suppose I watch because it was such a huge part of my childhood. It's in my blood.
For my first thread since joining here, I thought I'd ask a general yet complex question. Despite the stereotype that wrestling fans are ignorant hicks or thugs, many of the posters on forums such as this one are reasonably well-educated and eloquent. How to explain this? It's a fact that much of pro wrestling programs are really incredibly stupid, basically a soap opera for males (and some females). There is the aspect of amateur and technical wrestling, with technicians such as Benoit, Malenko, Angle, and lots of Japanese guys. But that's only a small part of the appeal, at least for me. The entertaining characters, angles, and general combination of physical competition (albeit pre-determined) and larger-than-life personalities and characters is what hooked me.

Nothing else on TV makes me laugh like pro wrestling does, both from the promos and antics of the performers, their flamboyant mannerisms, poses and gestures, and the tongue-in-cheek way that the announcers and wrestlers try to portray their feuds and the sport itself as deadly serious and a legitimate competition, despite the fact that everyone knows that it's "fake." But to me, "real" pugilistic sports like boxing, amateur wrestling, MMA, are boring. They have never appealed to me in the slightest compared to what I consider the performing art of pro wrestling. So, my question is, what aspect of pro wrestling first hooked you, and makes you continue watching today? Have your reasons for watching wrestling changed over time?
I think what had a major impact on me for the whole aspect of actually growing to like wrestling so quickly was the fact that I grew up watching boxing, I've always loved the style of fighting in a small squared ring, that would allow focus on the action constantly.

Something else that struck me very appealing the first time I watched RAW in 2009 just before Wrestlemania, Randy Orton in the ring cutting a promo on how he's gonna sue the WWE if they don't let him compete at Wrestlemania, and Triple H walking up doing the stare down in the ring, the whole thing reminded me about boxing all over again, it really, really stuck to me, and of course I was a mark back then, ignorant to the fact that "dude this is scripted, these guys are friends backstage, he's good friends with the guy he just bashed with a sledgehammer", eventually that fact grew with me as I began realizing that no way in hell these guys could take the direct punches and moves that wrestlers did, when you look at the amount of boxing matches ending by knockout by guys that seems by far much tougher than wrestlers appear to be, also considering the huge weight differences that can be (John Cena, Edge, Big Show.. really?)

And of course the whole acting part of it struck me as very entertaining at first, again the "mark" part of me found it immensely entertaining to watch, and struck me as something that when I watched my first episode I was like "I have to fucking watch next week.. they did a stare down this week, they're gonna rip each other to pieces next week!!" the gimmicks, the promos, the match style, everything caught me when I tuned into my first wrestling episode, and even though I've grown smarter about the business, it keeps me entertained for the storyline, bad, boring or amazing, I don't care, it's still entertaining to me, and ultimately, it's a show that keeps me entertained through fighting (like boxing, just more flashy and.. yeah less "I'm gonna knock you out so I'm actually winning this match" kind of style)
yea ive been an off and on wrestling fan since i was idk 5 it was something like that and it entertained me back than (but back than i didnt know it was staged i thought it was all real lol) and it still entertaines me today just the way these guys put their bodies on the line is incredible dives off ladders, getting put through announce tables etc. real or not wrestlemnia 26 was incredible with shawn micheals's carrer ending and him getting a standing ovation the monent really kinda got me wet around the eyes because you see how much it meant to him and idk i just love it all ways will :)
I love the cunning heel characters. You know, people like Ric Flair, Triple H, Chris Jericho, and those who wear those nice suits as champions. I love the crowd popping face characters like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals, and yes John Cena.

I love how the emotion in wrestling is poured out by only the best of the best. The way that Orton's face looks when he gives that capture DDT. The way Triple H gets all raged up after a rivalry build up Pedigree.

And most importantly, I love the variety of styles that's allowed to be in pro-wrestling. Unlike boxing or MMA, in pro-wrestling you're allowed to have a 175lbs Highflyer go up against a 500lbs Behemoth and win.

The things that the athletes of pro wrestling do is top notch, and when done right, it's flawless.

I've been watching since I was first able to see, in fact my first memory is of me walking into the living room while my dad had it on and became amazed by The Undertaker facing The Undertaker. Two big giants who looked identical going head to head.

I've always watched it as a fan, religiously. Ever since that day, I've never missed a WWE event until I began doing it myself lol. I must say that to this day, wrestling is still the most exciting piece of television out there period. It's the only place where you'll get explosions, comedy, drama, action, blood (not so much in WWE), and a whole bunch of violence each and every week, now almost each and every week night.

I just love wrestling for everything that it has to offer.
I have to turn the dial on the way back machine all the way back to ...before most of you people on this board here were born. This was a land before cable television,before national expansion of pro wrestling, before the internet, and before Kayfabe was broken. It was probably around the early 1970's, and every early saturday afternoon, I would look for something to watch on the tube after the morning cartoons were over. Assuming that mom didn't tell me to go out and play( which happened quite a bit back then, no such thing as video games, or youtube or stuff like that) I usually had a couple of choices; either watch some old horror movie reruns on UHF or a syndicated installment of ........ALL STAR WRESTLING!
I can still remember it almost like it was yesterday. Living here in the northeast in Massachusetts, we were pretty much exclusively exposed to the product put out by Vincent McMahon Sr., then known as the world wide wrestling federation. Every saturday I could always count on the voice of Vince McMahon calling the play by play, and at the time I think it was Antonino Rocca that did the color with him. It was there that I first was sucked into the theater and emotion that still makes wrestling watchable. Huge men going by the names of "the Killer" or the "the legend" abounded. It was there that I first became a serious mark for guys like Chief Jay Strongbow, Haystacks Calhoun, Pedro Morales, Bruno Sammartino, and of course, Andre the Giant.
The first time I ever saw Andre the Giant on TV, I guarantee he was involved in a squash match with a couple of jobbers; because I'm pretty sure that is what completely mesmerized me : A man so big and so strong that he had to take on TWO guys to get a decent fight. After that, I watched every week, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Big Boss again, of course being unaware that his TV appearances were of course limited, so that you would have to wait a couple of months before you'd see him again, or you have to go to a live show. Not suprisingly, It was also about this time that I started to harass my dad abot taking me into Boston to go see Andre wail on the particular monster heel of the month, whomever that might have been. This msut have worked, because one year for my birthday, my dad finally consented to take me to "The Gahden" to see my first real live wrestling card.
I honestly can't remember who all the participants wre on the card, but I'm fairly certain, Morales defended the WWWF heavyweight champonship against Fred Blassie, and Andre the Giant squared off against Don Leo Jonathan in the feature bout. Well, I guess I don't have to tell you that If I hadn't been hooked before, now It was all over. For the next decade, I was absolutely GLUED to pro wrestling like you have never seen the likes of, reading all the kayfabe mags like The Wrestler, PWI and the like. It was there that I learned of OTHER wrestling organizations and other champions, like Funk,Brisco, Race, The Anderson brothers, Verne Gagne, and all the rest. I absolutely couldn't get enough.
Of course, years go by, and you get a little older,so by the early 80's now I'm in high school, still watching this shit. I know by the time I was nearly ready to graduate, I had a PT job,a shitbox car and a drivers licence, so I had visions of going to the house show in Providence, R.I. every month. It was also around this time that the single most important event in the history of the wrestling business took place: VKM took Titan Sports national, and turned it into a corporate giant. Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, et al; were now the big thing. My interest started to wane. The "good ole' days" of the Kayfabe era were vanishing quickly, and I guess I wasn't all that ready for this to happen. Time marches on though, and probably for the past 20-25 years or so I have held varying levels of interest in the business.
Right now my interest is renewed a bit although in truth I haven't wathced a a whole lot of the current product that is on now. This is why I tend not to post in the sections that are outside of old school, because,quite frankly, that's what I am. I can't say that what little I have seen of the current product is impressive to me. The athletes are bigger and tougher and stronger than they were in my glory days as a youth, but I sense a decided lack of passion. I'm not trying to flame, I have no axe to grind, but obvously money has definitely become a deciding factor, which is as it should be I suppose. I still like it though. I still find the emotion in the story lines intriguing. Maybe I'll check it out heavier again.

thanks for the opportunity to vent, good thread
What brought me to the dance? Good question. It was summer 1996, I was three years old and my mum sticks on the TV and flicks through the channels and suddenly, there's Shawn Michaels. HBK is WWF Champion, preparing for a match. Then suddenly, WHAM! In come Big Van Vader and Jim Cornette. I was scared. Scared to hell by Vader. This was a huge guy and he stared straight at HBK. I was hooked. I couldn't get rid of it. It was like a bug. It was those two who got me hooked and that's the way it's been ever since.

As to what keeps me? Firstly, force of habit other then that though, for all the current products faults, it has good things as well. Raw has some good segments and matches (as showcased since WM), SD! was the best wrestling show on TV last year and is continuing that into this year and TNA's interesting enough. Guys like, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, John Cena etc... It's those guys who keep me watching.
I enjoy wrestling so much , because it's my passion. I always watch wrestling since I was 5. And I love every moment of it. When I was at Unforgiven in 2002 I marked out for every match even if the match sucked , because that was my first time going. I remember Shane Mcmahon and Steve Blackman's match at Summer Slam in 2000 when Shane was knocked off 40 feet off of the side of the titantron and i thought he died. I was there for the worst times like when Owen , Benoit , and Eddie died I cried like a baby , because my favorite wrestlers were gone. I was there for the best times like when Mankind won the WWE title on Raw is War or when HBK won his championship at wrestlemania 12. I enjoy Pro Wrestling because I'm very passionate about it.
Your right in saying that this is a simple but complex question. There are indeed a variety of answers that people can have. As have already been shown in the few answers already people can be attracted to the characters, to the promos, to the emotion in wrestling. All of which can be magical when done right. For me, the thing that keeps me coming back to wrestling though, and the thing I love the most is the matches themselves. When a truly great match is happening, and you have that "I am on the edge of my seat" feeling, that to me is one of the best emotions a person can feel. While you can feel this with all sports it is with professional wrestling that you feel it the most, and there will be a lot of detractors to this saying "how can you be on the edge of your seat. all the matches are scripted! The winner is predetermined, blah, blah, blah." Yes, the performers know who is going to win, but the audience doesn't. Plain and simple. Yeah, so basically, I love wrestling for that "edge of your seat" feeling you get when watching a great match.
My mom and dad where die hard wrestling fans back in the day.My dad would always tell me about it, but we didn't have cable so I never actually saw it until the first episode of Smackdown aired on UPN. I remember The Corporate Ministry was together at the time and Ken Shamrock was still wrestling.I don't actually even remember what got me hooked,but unless there's an emergency, I haven't voluntarily missed Smackdown in ten years.I just started watching RAW last year,and now I'm more into wrestling than ever.

I guess for me it's all the fireworks and excitement that draw me in.I'm never able to just sit and watch.I always get excited for some reason or another.Even the new theme song for Smackdown gets me pumped for it.
I guess nostalgia brought me to wrestling. i used to watch religiously around the attitude era. i was like 10 years old. i dont remember why i watched it but i did. then one day, i stopped watching and completely forgot about it. However, last summer i was flicking through the channels on a monday night and i saw Jericho and HHH on USA. I was like "whoa those guys are still there". i kept on watching to see how things were going these days and i was just sucked in. they advertised something good for next week so i watched next week and i just kept going. now i love watching once again. what keeps me here is the excitement and athleticism. simple as that.
Well my first memory of wrestling was while at my uncles house my cousin started to watch a WWF show (1990 i think). Dunno what one it was, maybe Superstars. All i remember was Mean Gene in a studio surrounded my WWF memorobilia like big soft figures and many others. He wanted to watch it and i didn't. lol

I was 11 when i started secondary school here in the UK in 1990. I remember a number of my friends were into wrestling. I started to get interested as well. I remember buying an old WWF magazine off a friend. It was one with Hart Foundation on the front. It had an article about Brutus Beefcake going after Mr Perfect and the intercontinental title.

I then remember around that time they release trading cards, which i started to buy. At the time i was a Hogan fan, like everyone else. lol But i also liked the Hart Foundation. Since WWF at the time was only shown on Sky in the UK, i had to keep up through friends and magazines. Occassionally i would have my uncle tape a PPV or i would borrow off a friend if they taped it.

I did watch WWF up until just after WM 10. Then for some reason i stopped. I then started to watch WCW Nitro in 1996 when it would be shown on TNT. I was able to watch this every Friday at my grans house. This was around the time the NWO was starting out. I was so hooked. I didn't get back in to WWF until just after WM 15. This was when i decided to subscribe to Sky and started to watch Raw and the PPV's. I thoroughly enjoyed it as the Attitude Era had begun and Austin was on FIRE!!! He made it entertaining and enjoyable to watch.
my uncle dave, me and my cousins used to spend alot of time together when we were kids(1970's) and whenever i was at their house on saturdays my uncle was watching wrestling ( nwa) i got interested in it and have watched ever since, im not crazy about the sports entertainment style nowadys but i still enjoy it ,i find myself at certain times not following as closely but ive never completely walked awawy from it.
Back in 1993 I was about 4 years old and that's my first memory of watching wrestling. It was an early episode of RAW that my dad was watching and the only thing I remember is Yokozuna beating Koko B Ware. From then on my dad would tape every episode of RAW and I'd watch it the next morning.

When I was a kid we used to go to blockbuster every couple weeks and every time we'd go I'd rent a new WWF pay per view. So even though I didn't really remember too much about my early watching as a kid until around '95 or '96, because of the the wonder that is video renting I saw every single WWF major pay per view from the mid 80's all the way to mid 90's and also some early WCW ppv's.

Basically I've been watching since age 3 or 4 without a break.
I remember growing up watching wrestling with my dad when I was little. I remember Junkyard Dog, and I'd grab our dog's leash and carry it around trying to be like him. Then I'd dress up like Bob Orton with my dad's cowboy hat. I even remember Hulk Hogan during the good ol days when I was younger. My dad would watch the Shotgun Saturday night when I was little. I was so into it, and he would get SOO into Piper's Pit. I remember seeing this dark mysterious scary looking man, which was Undertaker. He scared me at first, but my dad just went nuts for him, and Sgt slaughter. Then eventually I kinda grew out of it as I grew to be a preteen girl, in the "Eww sweaty gross boys!" phase. I still though remember my dad freaking out when Hogan turned heel.

He was flipping the F out at that time. :lol: I'd never seen my quiet dad so up in arms!! Then I started dating this dude at one time who was putting wrestling ahead of us. We broke up. Then I started dating this guy in July 2004, he would watch Spike tv at 8 pm after my CSI reruns. I couldn't see the appeal. But I slowly got into it. I started recognizing certain people, HBK. Then about a year into our relationship, we were watching a RAW, and this HOT man in a white suit with dark hair comes out. I was like "Who is that hunk?" HE was mad because he goes "That's batista, he's a jerk, he turned on HHH and is taking the title to SD. Good thing we don't get that channel here. The show airs at like 1 am on Saturday nights." I instantly had to start watching. Then I start seeing people I recognize, like Undertaker, and we started watching PPV's at his friend's house. I recognized names like Randy Orton, of the Orton dynasty. I was so hooked, and when I saw Flair, and Hogan at the WM21. I was just in hog heaven. Now I think I'm an even bigger fan than my husband. Hell, I even have the same tattoo on my arm that Lita has... :p Just because for the hell of it. I think even watching TNA one night when flipping channels, I saw someone and he was like "There's sting!!" and I was in heaven, and even became a Christian Peep in the meantime. I'm just a wrestling geek altogether. Even my friends who have their own wrestling promotion, I'm a big time geek for their shows as well, they've brought in peeps like Rosey (from 3 minute warning, aka Super Hero In Training) Chance Prophet (he's wrestled w/AJ Styles in TNA and on WWE) I'm sorry, but to me when you find a passion, its there. Even so much so, my friends at the promotion have started to train me. lol
My Story.

I remember two of my friends watched wrestling religiously for years and the first match I ever saw was The Hardyz vs The Dudleys in either a steel cage or a tables match (one or the other). I didn't really take interest as my family didn't have cable tv so we couldn't watch it. In 2002 my Mum got us cable TV after she split up with my Dad. I had forgotten all about wrestling until the middle of 2003 when one of my friends kept telling me how awesome Goldberg was. The problem was Raw was on at 11pm on a Friday Night, I was able to watch Smackdown though due to it being on at around 7pm on Saturday Nights.

I remember the first episode of Smackdown I watched quite clearly, Paul Heyman was introduced as the new general manager of Smackdown and in the main event The Undertaker had to fight Brock Lesnar and The Big Show and kept getting screwed out of the win. I thought Taker was awesome. I watched Smackdown occasionally over the next few months then started watching Raw when it started to be replayed at midday on Saturdays.

The next part, I loved the whole Undertaker returning to face Kane. I loved all the incidents that happened to Kane (like the shaking ring) and it was enough to get me to order Wrestlemania 20 (I also was looknig forward to Goldberg vs Lesnar). After Goldberg vs Lesnar sucked royal ass, laughing at how Eddie beat Angle by removing his boot and a small package and being amazed at The Undertaker's entrance then came the Main Event. Benoit just blew my mind that night, I had no idea who he was (or who HHH and HBK were) and the New York crowd got me behind Benoit. After Benoit won and he and Eddie celebrated in the ring as Jim Ross went on about their 20 years on the road to get to that point I thought, this is something I want to watch. I ordered every single ppv after that until WM22 and got behind the likes of Benoit, Eddie, Booker (when he was facing JBL), Rey, RVD, Cena, Jericho, Batista, Orton (even when he was a heel), Edge (loved his heel work), Big Show, Kurt Angle (I just liked chanting You Suck), hell even Eugene and I despised HHH and JBL so much. I remember I went to a Raw live show here in Australia 4-5 days after Wrestlemania 21 and to see Benoit and Batista defeat HHH and Flair in a tag match was just great.

Then in 2006 I started looking up results online and lost allot of interest in Sports Entertainment. Eddie passed away, the product was going to shits, Benoit then passed away in 2007 and the two main reasons I got into it in the first place were gone. Near the end of 2007 I got back into it all mostly because of ECWWE. Loved watching Punk, Miz, Morrison and all the others go at it each week. I could go on all day but I'm going to stop here.
WM 20 brought me to wrestling.

Cena became my hero in few seconds.He came out and did his rap.Crowd was crazy for him and he did the impossible and beat Big Show to become US champion.After that I was just looking for channels who have Cena and I found out about SD.Each and every week I waited for Cena to come out and run his mouth.

What keeps me here?Wrestling keeps me here.

After i got familiar with WWE's World , I tried to find WWE shows and PPVs of attitude era , I watched all of 1999-2001 WWF PPVs at that summer.I just liked it.Austin and Rock were the main pionts of attraction.

I still enjoy it.I enjoy the in-ring action , Promos , Interviews and ... .There are also some certain people who make me follow wrestling shows without missing a single Episode.Cena , Jericho , Orton , MSMG and Kurt Angle are the most important ones.

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