If you aren't enjoying WWE, why are you watching???

you all waiting for one thing - Daniel Bryan winning the wwe whc championship.

You only like daniel bryan so you watch DB segment and turn off.

wwe is not only about DB. He is around wwe for past 3 years. Before that you guys like to see those hated bootista, cena sucks, borington. I dont think anything wrong with batista. He is their top star on past. So they put him mainevent picture.

They do this to rock and cena match. They give win over the face of wwe at wm. They fought for who is best in that scenario they give win to rock.

wwe is all about buisness. In recent times cena lost most of his important matches. So it happened to every wrestlers. I a wrestler winning means some is in lossing side.

I enjoyed to watching wwe.

At royal rumble you guys show your angry by booing rey meystrio. Its not fair. royal rumble winner mostly pick for storyline not for fans.

Giving DB a spot in rumble is not possible. wwe need the anger of fans. So they use it at future.
This is kinda my point, it is a TV SHOW... not a product, not one we have any real business describing as such... We don't talk about Marvel movies in terms of "the product is awesome but they should push Hawkeye more". We say "Avengers was cool but Hawkeye wasn't what I wanted"... if you like Hawkeye...

But this is why it's so easy to dismiss "our" views... We're talking like we know when it is entirely guesswork and we genuinely wouldn't realise if we're being worked or not... Phil could be home with a Pepsi reading this thread laughing his ass off... or the guy could be legit pissed off having just made a life changing call...

It's conjecture until someone opens their mouth officially and even then it's wrestling so there will be a large dose of salt involved... just watch the official news from WWE in the next weeks... if the TV deal goes over the number they want then it was likely planned... if it tanks then in their head Phil f***ed em.. when in reality they were found out as not giving their audience what they want...

My honest view, they will get a $750-900 deal... it won't hit the billion they want but it'll be close... Mania will get the million buys/subscriptions they want just... but a lot will be from lapsed viewers suddenly interested by the "turmoil".. then Punk can show up and ruin Bryan's moment, start a feud, a new NWO type deal or be at home counting his money and glad to not have to be there... but WWE won't REALLY care...

The one person I DO feel sorry for right now is AJ, cos she's in the middle either way.
Why do I still watch WWE despite thinking it is mostly terrible because of what it can be. WWE does a lot of things wrong but still shows some signs it has the potential to be as great as it once was. Also there is a big number of talents I enjoy watching and am hoping I get to see more of. There is only a few superstars who I actually want off WWE completely and they are Cena, Orton, HHH, Big Show, Christian, ADR and Kane and the biggest problem I have is that these were the top guys 5 years ago theres been no change in main event talent for years because when anyone gets close they have to go through Cena and he just buries them, the day Cena goes for good the ratings will shoot through the roof plus WWE has the replacements for them, If WWE built a roster around Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Big E, Wyatt's, Bryan, Sandow, Ziggler, Rhodes, Sheamus and the talent on the NXT roster the show would be very enjoyable but all WWE gives us is the same old shit but now dialled back to PG rating with the superstars we were bored of 5 years ago. For Example when Cena and Orton feuded before Orton punt kicked Cena's Dad now PG WWE made Orton hit is Dad with some terrible looking punches in order to stay PG, Same old Shit just done PG Style

The potential keeps me watching, the same old shit makes it unenjoyable at times
This is like asking a fan of a shitty team why they still watch their games.

"If you think the team sucks so much, and think they should get a new coach and a new quarterback, why don't you just stop watching them?". Nobody says that, because its dumb.

Wrestling fans are just that, wrestling fans. Even if they don't like what is happening at the moment, they will continue to watch in the hopes that it gets better. And when it does get better, they feel rewarded for sticking through the rough times.

It's that simple.
This is kinda my point, it is a TV SHOW... not a product, not one we have any real business describing as such... We don't talk about Marvel movies in terms of "the product is awesome but they should push Hawkeye more". We say "Avengers was cool but Hawkeye wasn't what I wanted"... if you like Hawkeye...

Be it a physical object or an idea, anything for sale is a product and more importantly a brand. As a society we hunger for and consume entertainment thus making it a product or a brand. In your own statement you reference Marvel and Hawkeye. In this case Marvel is the brand and Hawkeye is a product. Anheuser-Busch InBev is a brand while Budweiser and Bud Light are products of said brand. WWE is a brand with RAW and the characters performing under its umbrella the products. In turn a product of a larger brands can become their own brand creating spin offs. The bottom line everything you see on television, the internet or other forms of media is a brand or product.
This is kinda my point, it is a TV SHOW... not a product, not one we have any real business describing as such... We don't talk about Marvel movies in terms of "the product is awesome but they should push Hawkeye more". We say "Avengers was cool but Hawkeye wasn't what I wanted"... if you like Hawkeye...

It's a TV show that is filmed in front of 5,000 to 10,000 fans. Twice a week, 52 weeks a year. It's interactive. The fans have a say in whether or not the storylines are working or not.

It's very different from a Marvel comics movie. The differences are obvious, so your comparison fails.
I give it a chance, sometimes WWE can have their sparks of brilliance and do things I like, now their kind of in that awkwardly meh, period, but usually something starts up to spark some kind of interest again and even then, as long as the wrestling is good, it doesn't really matter to me.

I'm all for big storylines and all that, but as long as their are some quality matches, or decent matches, they'll have me watching, just the general wrestling fan in me, I've stuck with the company during it's worst times, I stuck with WCW until the day it died, I stuck with ECW until the day it died, and I'll stick with WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW, CZW etc. etc. etc. until they die.
I am going to throw out some food for thought in regard to the current product.

There was a time last year (around WM up through Summerslam) where there were a few guys seemingly getting huge pushes...Ryback, Ziggler, Swagger, Sandow, and probably a few others.

Then, somewhere around the third or fourth quarter of last year we had things start to crumble with the creative team. At least two top creative writers either were fired or left the company, and HHH eventually took reigns. It was around that time that there seemed to be a momentum shift...Ryback, Ziggler, Swagger, and Sandow all lost the huge pushes they were receiving. (Of course Swagger had the DUI incident). I am not suggesting any, or all of these guys deserve to be main event starts, so do not taking it that way. I bring up these names as an example to show why the WWE may still be in a sort of disarray, given the changes on the creative team.

Now, when I watched regularly from roughly 1994 through 2002, I was always of the opinion that guys with the IC belts and Tag Belts played just important role as some of the guys who were main eventing for the WWE belt. The same could be said for the Hardcore belt, when they had that. But, somewhere along the way these belts have lost the luster that they once had. Gone are the days when superstars like Honkey Tonk Man, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon walked around with the IC belt around there waste.

From roughly 1986 through 2002 I would say viewers always had a good idea where stars stood on the roster. I feel like there were set superstars who you knew would compete for the WWE championship, those who would compete for the IC belt, those who would compete for the Tag Titles, those who were there just for entertaining the crowd and giving a laugh, and those who were just straight jobbers.

In today's WWE, I feel like that is gone. Everything changes so rapidly. The WWE has shifted to a promotion which allows guys to come and go as they please, especially with big names. They allow for superstars to be part time roster additions. I believe this creates problems internally with the company, as well as the way things play out on TV.

I think what would help the WWE and the fan base is if there was a shift back to the old model, so to speak, where there was structure in the company. It should be very clear which names are in the WWE Championship picture (Orton, Cena, Batista, Lesnar, Sheamus, Roman Reigns, Big Show, Ryback, Daniel Bryan, Big E Langston, for example). Obviously I am not saying all these guys deserve to be the champ, but at least they could compete, even if they never had a realistic chance of winning. The same for the IC picture (Ziggler, Sandow, Swagger, Fandango, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Bad News Barrett, Antonio Cesao, even Daniel Bryan would be a legitimate IC champ...and would bring legitimacy back to the belt). A monster like Big E just does not work for that title. Same with WWE Tag Titles (NAO, Usos, Brotherhood, Wyatt Family, etc). Guys that entertain the crowd (Tons of Funk, Xavier Woods, R Truth, Khali). And straight jobbers (three man band, alexander rusev, and a host of others I cannot think of right now). I think if WWE can bring back that organizational structure where it is clear to fans, it will make for a better product.

Just throwing some thoughts out there. I think the talent is the best it has been in 5 or more years, but the writing can be improved. Shit...there was a WM where Bobbie Lashley and Umaga were a main attraction...
Just throwing some thoughts out there. I think the talent is the best it has been in 5 or more years, but the writing can be improved.

Agreed. WWE right now is at an absolute peak when it comes to talent, both on the main roster and on development, but creative is just hindering these guys far to much for them to make any sort of impact or progress, and when they do make an impact it's like a few months later WWE suddenly resets itself and everyone on top suddenly finds themselves on the bottom for the new batch of stars that may make it to the top or be regulated to the bottom, then the process repeats, those stars drop down the card, new talent comes in, and then they follow the same formula. It's really exciting to see the amount of talent that WWE has right now, but it's saddening when you see what might inevitably happen to them.
Agreed. WWE right now is at an absolute peak when it comes to talent, both on the main roster and on development, but creative is just hindering these guys far to much for them to make any sort of impact or progress, and when they do make an impact it's like a few months later WWE suddenly resets itself and everyone on top suddenly finds themselves on the bottom for the new batch of stars that may make it to the top or be regulated to the bottom, then the process repeats, those stars drop down the card, new talent comes in, and then they follow the same formula. It's really exciting to see the amount of talent that WWE has right now, but it's saddening when you see what might inevitably happen to them.

But what stars are you talking about? Big E, The Wyatts, The Real Americans, Dolph, Kofi, Usos, Cody and Goldust? They are all having the pushes of their careers
But what stars are you talking about? Big E, The Wyatts, The Real Americans, Dolph, Kofi, Usos, Cody and Goldust? They are all having the pushes of their careers

But have they gone anywhere and when they do, where do they usually end up? Ziggler is a perfect example, rises to the top, then he's back down, rises to the top again, drops back down once more. Cody seemed about ready for a push around the time when him and Sandow were going for gold, Sandow got the push, then he dropped down. Swagger and Cesaro, have been doing decent, but Swagger has been pretty much regulated to 'that tag guy' when this guy suddenly got the massive push to the title against Del Rio (of course, that was more-so Swaggers fault). Cesaro just seems to be generally stuck, his booking in the beginning of his career was really odd, and it's odd now as well, he had moments where he seemed to be moving up, but then he was moved back down again. Kofi is just more "that spot guy" he does the cool spots, people "Oh" and "Ah" when he does stuff, most around the Royal Rumble, that's basically how he's treated. The Wyatt's are actually in a perfect position at the moment, a perfect position to get to where they'll be comfortable, the Shield is doing great as well, even though they're on a verge of a break up, but it doesn't seem like they know what to do with Ambrose, he's held that title for a while, but their hasn't been a big impact with him holding it, Seth, I love Seth personally, think he's the brightest star of the group, he's actually been getting booked pretty decently, he's usually the guy taking the big spots. The Uso's I think are finally getting their push forward, which I think is kind of nice, their work with the Shield I did enjoy. Reigns is pretty much one of the best examples of booking doing something great with him at the moment.

Right now, all looks good, but that could be said for most of these guys, they would get a massive push and then suddenly for some reason they get pushed aside or dropped, while some of it might be their fault, some of it might be based on their ability, it's also creative pulling and pushing them in only when they need them really.
to me, im really enjoying the last 5 to 8 month of wwe. of course it could have been better. but i kind of dig this whole authority thing, the build of db, the unification of the title (not so much the match itself, but having one big title was always my #1 wish).

as whiskeytango says,we got the wyatts, the americans, shield, bryan, kofi, cody, dolph, big e, lot of fresh guys that are already getting the fans support (either as heels or faces).

i can go as far as say that IMHO, this is probably the most exiting period in the last....8 years. new guys, no more brands, fewer titles.

there will be RAWs that wont be high grade...of course, its hard to keep delivering monday after monday.

but overall i like what we are getting, and i like even more where they are heading.
oh and to anyone saying the new generation will be misused...um once again remember the first couple of years before the attitude era... undertaker couldn't wrestle...stone cold didn't talk...the rock was a face with no voice...and HHH was midcard at best ...give the wwe time...everything will fall into place...and maybe the reactions d-bry Is getting will translate to ratings...remember wrestlemania 13 did not sell out completely...and Shawn couldn't draw a dime

....but the second the new Gen got control things took off...so just wait...and ENJOY!

or attempt to

Are you kidding me? We've been waiting for 10 years, and we have 2 guys who are truly at the top. Over the last 4 years they have brought up talented guys to the top, didn't get the immediate Cena sized response, and burried said wrestler. Look at Punk. He was about to walk 3 years ago and then they finally listened...for a few months. Wrestlemania is no longer about rewarding guys for their hard work over the year, it's about getting big names from yesteryear into the ring again...and seeing the Undertaker win a match.

There is nothing to enjoy, the majority of the fans can agree with that. Just listen to the Rumble and Raw crowds. they chanted "We want Divas" and "This is awful" during the Championship match, because we've seen these two guys have the exact same match 300 times over the last 8 years. If you are REALLY enjoying this junk, more power to you, but I can't keep hoping something will be good on the show anymore, it's just going to keep the bad coming. That Batista Rumble win was real good, wasn't it? http://forums.wrestlezone.com/images/smilies/banghead.gif:banghead::banghead:
To answer you question so to why I still watch lets look at it as your favorite NFL team mines the Steelers and while they didn't have their best year I still watched them any time they were televised, I live in Ohio so I have to deal with the Browns gams mostly but you know I still watch those games also (big point here) BECAUSE I LOVE THE NFL.... so why do I still watch WWE even though its not quite as good as it could be... because I love wrestling, nothing will change that I'll always be a fan, and I'll always be that young kid who wanted to someday walk down that isle, even though I'm getting older I still think about that because I love it.

Two different things. The NFL can be unpredictable...more unpredictable then the current WWE. Also, a season only lasts 16-21 weeks, and then shake ups happen. like trades and draft picks, that make every year feel fresh. WWE has been doing the same garbage for years. Cena vs Orton has been done so many times that nobody gives a f**k any more.

Imagine if, instead of Broncos/Seahawks playing in the Super Bowl (because they earned it), the NFL put the Patriots vs. Giants simply because those teams were cool a few years ago. That would piss a whole bunch of people off.

WWE right now is at an absolute peak when it comes to talent, both on the main roster and on development, but creative is just hindering these guys far to much for them to make any sort of impact or progress....

But that's why it's frustrating, because there's so much talent being wasted. And I can't put all the blame on Creative, because Creative has to go through Steph, who in turn, has to go through Vince. The writing in general sucks.
But that's why it's frustrating, because there's so much talent being wasted. And I can't put all the blame on Creative, because Creative has to go through Steph, who in turn, has to go through Vince. The writing in general sucks.

I know how you feel, it can be rather frustrating for the fans, I'd imagine the guys are pretty frustrated about it as time as well, and I'm willing to bet that's something they think about when renewing their contract. "Am I really being used to the best of my ability? Can I do better elsewhere?" You always could, you could definitely find yourself going to NJPW and doing wonders for yourself from a wrestling career standpoint, but money-wise, not at all.

But yes, there is a lot of filtering going on, I'd imagine it gets run through by everyone, Creative writes it out, Steph looks it over, HHH looks it over and then Vince looks it over, during that process a ton of revisions are sure to take place and things could definitely be entirely different than the draft by creative. I think creative does something take the brunt of the heat when it comes to that, but there are certainly other facts to it and more people involved in it.
It's a TV show that is filmed in front of 5,000 to 10,000 fans. Twice a week, 52 weeks a year. It's interactive. The fans have a say in whether or not the storylines are working or not.

It's very different from a Marvel comics movie. The differences are obvious, so your comparison fails.

No.. it doesn't. WWE manipulate the crowd reaction to fit what they want to portray - as was shown when they lifted Batista's music and lowered the boos - the DVD will not reflect those issues and it will seem that Batista was loved in victory. Even back in the old WCW days where there was a "cheer now//boo now" sign for faces and heels this has been the case.

The illusion is that because the fans bought a ticket they have a direct input and that it is interactive... Take a sign WWE don't like, they will confiscate it before the show...get arsy about it and you're out of there... want proof, try showing up in a Punk T-shirt on Monday and see what happens...

WWE controls every aspect of their programme the same as a movie does - there are always geeks who will have knowledge of certain aspects of the movie making process but they don't generally think they can do better... those who do buy a camera and make a short film, or write a screenplay or go to film school...some end up famous, some just have an old Super 8 movie from when they were 17 they get out once in a while either way they paid their money for the ticket and were entertained or not... everything else is a discussion over beers after the movie.

IWC wrestling fans seem to think they can run WWE, book the shows, put out a better TV product, decide who is going to be "best for business", yet few of them actually put money into the business to begin with - they're often the same ones streaming the shows that their darlings are headlining so the buy rates suck... The same ones who DVR RAW or Pirate Bay it cos they're too cheap to buy cable... They book fantasy wrestling with characters others have created and built, in scenarios that are familiar...

The best show I ever worked when I was directly involve in wrestling was for a kid...an 18 year old kid who for his present that year got his dad to pony up enough cash to run a show - to see if it was what he wanted to do with his life and if it would work... I heard about it as a local news story I had stopped wrestling myself by then and had started the columns on the main site as well, so I offered to come and do a write up for the main page (which I did) and act as the commentator/Emcee.

It was a tiny show compared to WWE, about 100 people showed up, many his friends who would have gone out on the beer with him anyway they all chipped in and he just fell short of even... They had merch there, a lot of UK talent of the time was there - most notably Andy Boy Simmons and Tex Benedict who both had WWE shots on UK tours and Johnny Kidd who was a World of Sport "legend" and they all got paid their rate, there was no charity. This guy did his homework, had an idea of what he thought a show should be and did it... He never did another one as he realised it wasn't going to be sustainable but he tried, he put his balls on the block and had a unique 18th birthday to boot and it started me getting involved with other local promotions from time to time, even if it was my band playing. If someone asked my opinion cos they'd read my stuff on WZ then that was nice, but it was their show - I didn't wade in and tell them they "should" do x and y... that's not a consumers job and it's not the job of someone like Punk who is part of the show... it's the job of the guys who are financially invested and rewarded and taking the risk of putting that show on - or who are paid by them to decide those things... and this is where it all goes wrong with the IWC - we're neither there is no magic day where Vince calls you to solve it all, the nearest you will get is GM mode on a WWE game or the excellent TEW13 game if you're not too cheap to buy it... then you can run WWE till your hearts content and see if your ideas would make money.

This still doesn't make me better than others, I didn't put money in - I could have partnered up with the kid at the time as I had the cash, but I was not ready to risk it for that... but I got involved, I helped out and that means I at least did something to help the business I am interested in rather than just consume, bitch and slap those who do.

So if you are really unhappy with WWE but love wrestling, get together with your friends, find a local indy promotion and get involved... Volunteer (don't expect to be paid), not to book the shows but set up the ring, do the training, hell if you have a day job or degree (mine was Music/Entertainment Marketing, so was useful) then offer those skills be it web design, music, artwork or use your facebook to promote their shows even if it's putting up posters or handing out flyers on the day of a show... THEN bitch about WWE till your hearts content cos at least you have some idea of what goes into a wrestling show.... attend the show and watch how the guys bust their ass for the meagre payout they get but leave jubliant cos they put on a good show... watch the promoter generally thank people for their efforts knowing he's probably lost next months rent... but even then you're off the mark cos WWE are producing a TELEVISION SOAP set in the world of "wrestling", and the crowd are basically extras...
To me, it’s up and down. Honestly, I don’t believe I have ever enjoyed a full episode of Raw since the day before my 14th birthday. I continue to watch for the bright spots. By bright spots, I mean the way the lights bounce of the Championship Title Belts. By that, I mean the main events, storylines involving all the Championships and the few major storylines not involving Championships. I’m always going to be a fan, just like I’m a fan of the Eagles, Flyers, Phillies and Sixers. Just like Philadelphia sports teams, however, they just don’t always win.

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