Is there one moment that will end it for you?

I haven't stopped watching completely but after they released Kennedy, I said I wouldn't be giving them anymore money until they make serious changes and I've kept my word. Extreme Rules was the first WWE PPV I haven't ordered in years. And of course that's the one where things start to look up. If they keep the title off Orton and the writing improves, I may order PPV's again but until then I'm done.
I can't see me not watching wrestling, ever. I think the only way I'd stop watching would be something the company can't help, and that's if I went blind! I'm no longer a fan, a mark, or anything like that. I'm addicted to wrestling. Somebody mentioned earlier something about a Holocaust denier getting the strap, but, I disagree. I wouldn't stop watching altogether, I'd simply switch the channel during all his segments. Watch Scrubs or something.
So many Cena haters. So unoriginal. For every one of you, there's about 5,000 people who are his fans. Go ahead and quit watching, you won't be missed. As for the topic, it has semi started for me. I quit watching Raw. I only watch Smackdown and ECW. I just got fed up with all the mediocre humor and horrid writing on Raw, so I just quit watching. Shit, Impact is better than Raw now.
Originally posted by Andres_Cena
I don't think i would stop watching unless all the guys i care about are gone. The day when for example CM Punk and Cody rhodes are the only "big thing" on wwe i might not watch it anymore, once orton, cena and all the guys i started watched wrestling for are gone i might be gone as well but then again its a long road untill that happens.

You see, the day young guys like Rhodes and Punk are the big things in WWE will be the day I want to watch all the more. Don't get me wrong the Cenas and Ortons do their job well but we need new talent all the time, it's a cycle and yeh when the guys we personally like leave it will take getting used to but by then there will be others you care about most likely. As for me, like many have said the truth is I will probably never stop watching, it's just one of those things that you keep coming back to...
I'll only stop watching the WWE if they stop making the profuct. WWE is still amazing to me; I'm in the decreasing number of fans who still watches every show religiously and knows what's going on with everything. I don't understand everyone that complains and continues watching it. It's there for you to enjoy, if you don;t enjoy it why watch it?
well Batista just won the belt... so that being the case.

If they give him more mic time I'll change the channel but....

to stop watching it all together not at all I love pro wrestling.

Pro wrestling is a soap opera men can enjoy and not be gay.
It would take only one thing: The Undertaker's unbeaten streak at Wrestlemania being tarnished. I think that storyline is as close as you can come to holy ground in the world of professional wrestling, it's just a part of the Deadman character as "Rest in Peace" and the Tombstone Piledriver.

I think that it would be a great disservice to the long tenure and loyalty Mark Calloway has shown the WWE by allowing the character of the Undertaker to lose that special piece of history that should be his and his alone.
at the moment i can't really tell but last year during unforgiven with that scramble match where the brian kendrick, mvp and shelton benjamin were all over the ME scene for the world title, i was about to stop watching...good thing it was for one PPV only
Good thread.
What would make me stop watching? If Ric Flair came out of retirement, beat Undertaker into retirement for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania and ended his streak, had a year long title reign that included successful defences against Michael Cole, Hornswoggle, Vicki Guerrero, and Santina whilst Chris Jericho, Triple H and Shawn Michaels all compete week in week out for the Intercontinental title but always lose to Goldust. Todd Grisham and Josh Matthews win the unified Tag Team championships, Kane starts wearing a mask again only it's Mysterio's mask and Mysterio unmasks only to remask with Kane's mask, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes enter into a Billy and Chuck like angle except when they announce their wedding it's NOT a publicity stunt, Jeff Hardy acts as their stylist. Vicki Guerrero is named WWE President for Life and fires Vince McMahon and bans Stone Cold Steve Austin from ever appearing for the WWE again. Big Show and Cena have a never-ending feud over Show's new gangsta rap album outselling Cena's by thousands, always resulting in submission matches at every single PPV. AND if the Rock returns and is reduced to feuding with Batista and Randy Orton but isn't allowed to cut a single promo because of the new PG rating, if all of that happens THEN I will stop watching WWE.
So in short I won't ever stop watching WWE, just keep waiting for it to get better.
I’ve said this to myself a few times in the past. I brushed it off and let it go when Vince won the WWE Title. I called it a coincidence when Vince won the ECW Title. Now, if Vince becomes the second man in history to win the 3 major World Titles (WWE – WCW / World – ECW), by winning the World Heavyweight Title, I MIGHT stop watching…who am I kidding. I also said the same thing when Jericho beat Austin and the Rock in the same night and I sure as hell didn’t watch wrestling for about 22 hours. A few months after that, I became a Jerichoholic. #@#@!!
WWE has had their fair share of mayhem in the past several years. Some have been crazy, some more than others, some where complete shockers, others not so much. This is a very good post and I will try my best to answer it. I'm not sure if one single thing can make me stop watching wrestling forever. Some things have made me very upset over the past several years, but no matter what it is they do, I'm not sure if it can really force me to stop watching.

One thing I would be really mad about is if The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak ended. I've watched 13 of his 17 Wrestlemania matches and he really never ceases to impress me. I would find it to be just straight wrong to end it. Undertaker has busted his ass for almost two decades and for all his hard work and dedication to go straight down the toilet would be a slap in the face.

Another thing that would make me extremely mad would be for Triple H to surpass Ric Flair's World Title reign record. Ric Flair... 16 Time World Champion. Triple H... 13 time World Champion. For all the years I've been watching WWE, I still don't see what's so special about HHH for him to continue to get so many title reigns. He's a little above average in the ring and he's great on the mic and has unlimited power backstage, but what else? Ric Flair on the other hand, Wwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooo! He started out with the perfect gimmick, maintained the same gimmick for over 35 years, and has all the charisma in the world. For Flair to still be this good at 60 years old, and just have HHH break a record that he took so long to achieve just doesn't make any sense to me, especially to Triple H.

Those are two things that would enrage me if it happened. WWE has its ups and downs for me, but I can't say one single thing will force me to stop watching completely. I'm sure one day, I might lose interest and stop watching, but that will not be anytime soon.
I'll probably never completely STOP watching wrestling.. but the moment that'll make me absolutely lose faith in the WWE is if they don't turn Punk heel after Extreme Rules. There can't be a better set-up for his heel turn. He completely screws Jeff Hardy, the WWE's biggest draw out of his potentially monumental title win.. What better situation do you want? God I hope they don't drop the ball on this.
I've been a WWE fan for about ten years now. But...

If I see John Cena vs. Big Show one more time, I'm probably going to cancel recording the series of Monday Night Raw on my DVR.

Some other situations that could happen that would suck:
-Mike Adamle becomes GM again
-Another wrestler cashing in MITB and winning in like 10 seconds
-Triple H vs. Orton at The Bash '09
-Cena gets injured wrestling the "AWESOME" Miz
Nothing will ever change my mind about being a wrestling fan. Its the most entertaining thing I've ever seen in my entire life. From the nastyness The Big Show puts out, to Cena's five moves, to HHH's refusal to put anyone over (of course, I'm joking about those things bothering me). There will always be something in the sport that draws me. I've been a fan for 5 years now, and have been to the utmost of interested in every single aspect of the sport. Mic work, In ring action, storytelling, booking, WrestleMania, the draft. How I can go on and on about how good this thing we call wrestling is. Call me a mark all you want, but theres nothing better than this sport alone. Well, MAYBE sex/church. But thats the only things I can think of.
how many times did many of us say "if cena wins one more time i'll never watch again"? i said it. i'm not proud of it but i did. i love wrestling and the fact that i get so passionate that i'd say shit like that is kinda funny, but it is a passionate form of entertainment. i hope no one really stops watching for any silly reason. the only time you should stop is if you are no longer entertained by the product or don't care anymore. if a wrestler's win or loss upsets you then the wwe has done its job which is to get you to care about these characters. i think though instead of talking about what makes us want to not watch wrestling we should try to be more about what we like about this sport we all love so much we post stupid posts on the net around 130 am
Hmm I find it funny that so many people said ending Taker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak... I actually think they should end it before he retires, he shouldn't win his final Wrestlemania, he could go out like Flair, with full respect of his peers and fans but at the same time leaving an attainable number. If he never loses his streak can never be beaten, unlike undefeated streaks..but I guess that's what you want, to make him a wrestling god. I guess to each his own on that.

I'd say if they ever brought back Chyna or put the Heavyweight title on a McMahon, another actor, or woman again I'd probably stop watching. Then again if I were to stop watching WWE would I stop watching TNA? It would take something pretty big to make me want to not watch wrestling at all anymore.
nothing could happen to make me stop watching. if something big did happen like takers wm streak coming to an end i wouldn't like it. but i would still keep watching.
To answer your question i have one thing to say 4 Life i will always be a wrestling fan my son is only 1 years old and he loves watching wrestling, he playes with my old wrestling buddy ultimate warrior and million dollar man, his favorite superstar i think would be cm punk and edge because when he comes out my son goes crazy, for raw he likes miz, don't ask em why but he also like mvp and jeff hardy, so i will always be a wrestling fan...
I've been watching wrestling for over 20 years now. I did stop watching wrestling when the invasion angle started. It would have to be something on that level that changes the face of the company for me to stop watching, or it would have to be something totally offensive or unethical.
Never. As much as we bitch and complain about the current state, we are all at Nothing will ever pull us away from this form of entertainment. The only thing that might get us to quit would be to have Vince go apeshit, fire the entire roster except for Hornswaggle and Khali, and then proceeds to tell the world how Khali and Hornswaggle are the future of the business. I myself would tune in a week after that just to watch said laughfest, but that's pretty extreme and we know would never happen. Anything short of that will still have us watching every Monday night. And when the Miz beats Cena this Sunday at the Bash, I'll dub the Bash the greatest PPV of all time, the Miz my saviour, and the Miz... the greatest superstar of all the times. One can dream can't he?
I'll probably never completely STOP watching wrestling.. but the moment that'll make me absolutely lose faith in the WWE is if they don't turn Punk heel after Extreme Rules. There can't be a better set-up for his heel turn. He completely screws Jeff Hardy, the WWE's biggest draw out of his potentially monumental title win.. What better situation do you want? God I hope they don't drop the ball on this.

Punk isn’t a Heel. Do you still have faith in McMahonism??

I've been a WWE fan for about ten years now. But...

If I see John Cena vs. Big Show one more time, I'm probably going to cancel recording the series of Monday Night Raw on my DVR.

Some other situations that could happen that would suck:
-Mike Adamle becomes GM again
-Another wrestler cashing in MITB and winning in like 10 seconds
-Triple H vs. Orton at The Bash '09
-Cena gets injured wrestling the "AWESOME" Miz

Cena and Show just had a match a few days ago and HHH and Orton will Main Event the Bash with at least two, at most three matches in one night. Cena getting injured could happen. Ask any wrestler who has ever gotten injured. Are you still watching Sports Entertainment??

My point is, we will never stop. We may take a break, but we’re obviously bigger fans for the simple fact that we all have user names and passwords on a Wrestling message board. Now that I think about it, I hope VKM somehow or another gets involved more on Smackdown and actually “wins” the World Title, just to p!$$ me off enough to make me want to see how he “loses” the Big Gold.
OH, PLEASE! LOL. We're all little marks and we might as well admit it.

Even when the writing isn't too good, even when the product gets stale, I still watch. There's always something there for me.

Okay, granted, I will not order a PPV if I don't think I'll enjoy it, but Raw, Smackdown, yeah, I'll keep watching no matter how shitty it gets.

I'm glad I got into TNA, as I'm enjoying it quite a bit. And, Vince will always bounce back. He's not the kind of guy to let things get to the point where he's going broke.

I'll always be a fan. If it's not WWE, it'll be TNA, or ROH, or youtube videos of backyard wrestling.

Everyone on this board has it in their blood. My uncle wrestled a tiny bit professionally, and my mom dated a wrestler for awhile before I was born.

My family's always been into it, and we always will be.

So, I say cheers to the often entertaining, sometimes disappointing, but always pure fun phenom known as pro wrestling! The cave men wrestled. Hell, the dinosaurs wrestled. Two people beating the shit out of each other and trying to dominate each other will always be in our blood.

Wrestling 4 LIFE
If Chris Benoit is inducted into the hall of fame and the Undertaker loses WM, I'll stop watching the wwe and become a full time tna fan.
Never really. Raw is shit at the moment but what makes me keep watching is the possibility of something decent happening. WWE is one of the most random companies in the world and can do anything in terms of entertainment/storylines. Hell sometimes it's worse than Days of our Lives I swear. But, they may bring something out of the blue that might make me mark out.

The only thing would be if it went for over a few years without one mark out, that may make me stop watching.
The only thing I could see ruining it for me is if booking on Smackdown - the only show I watch - got really ******ed.

Like, for example, if Punk - who has beaten Mysterio, Jericho and Edge in recent weeks - lost cleanly to John Morrison - who didn't even beat Edge last week - making Punk look really weak before he's meant to defend the belt against the brand's top face. That would be too ridiculous for words.

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